Next page > FH: 00215103 Arcyria cinerea (Bulliard) Persoon Cameroon: Cameroon Mts. R. Thaxter
FH: 00079892 Chapsa kalbii Frisch Cameroon: Est Massea Village near Ngatto/ Yokaduma / East ... A. Frisch & T. Idi 99/Ka46 1999-3-31
FH: 00822474 Hemitrichia serpula (Scopoli) RostafÃnsky Cameroon: Littoral Sakbayeme, Cameroons, W. Africa C. Schwab 1921
FH: 00302820 Leptogium cameroonense C. W. Dodge Cameroon: Batake Village, 9 miles from Victoria on wes... C. A. Thorold 2338 1953-3-21
FH: 00302798 Leptogium verpiforme C. W. Dodge Cameroon: Tombel C. A. Thorold 128
FH: 00079893 Stegobolus korupensis Frisch Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Korup N.P. (Iriba Irene Camp) / Mundemba Sub... A. Frisch & T. Idi 99/Ka334 1999-2-9
Acanthaceae GH: 00549592 Brachystephanus mannii (Bentham) Champluvier Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1971 1862-11
GH: 00549593 Brachystephanus mannii (Bentham) Champluvier Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1971 1862-11
GH: 02527063 Duvernoia paniculata (Bentham) Lindau Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 252 1913-2-4
GH: 02527076 Dyschoriste perrottetii (Nees) Kuntze Cameroon: Mbiave G. A. Zenker 344 1913-2
A: 02527074 Dyschoriste perrottetii (Nees) Kuntze Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 459 1960-10-10
GH: 02527108 Eremomastax speciosa (Hochstetter) Cufodontis Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. SOUTHWEST: Path from Elumseh Mejelet v... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 462 1987-1-4
GH: 02527106 Eremomastax speciosa (Hochstetter) Cufodontis Cameroon: Cameroun W. A. M. Gocker 73 1918-4
GH: 02527110 Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. SOUTHWEST: Path N.W. Elumseh-Mejelet B... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 339 1986-10-6
A: 02527112 Graptophyllum pictum (Linnaeus) Griffith Cameroon: Nördliches Kamerun. Bangwa G. Conrau 52 1898
GH: 02527184 Hypoestes sp. Cameroon: Camer Mountain G. Mann 1951 1862-12
GH: 02527197 Isoglossa glandulifera Lindau Cameroon: Camer Mountain G. Mann 1972 1862-11
GH: 01547671 Justicia buchholzii (Lindau) I. Darbyshire Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe [Nkambé]; Bipindihof-Kamerun. G. A. Zenker 409 1913-10-4
GH: 01547672 Justicia buchholzii (Lindau) I. Darbyshire Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe [Nkambé]; Bipindihof-Kamerun. G. A. Zenker 409 1913-10-4
GH: 02527297 Justicia preussii (Lindau) C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: From the prison yard Buea f... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 434 1986-12-27
A: 02527310 Justicia robusta T. Anderson ex C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Bertoua, 16 km along road to Deng Deng F. J. Breteler 1839 1961
A: 02527359 Justicia sp. Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of "Station... F. J. Breteler 554 1960-10-22
GH: 02527346 Justicia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Mejelet-Ehumseh-Ntehoi Bako... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 314 1986-10-5
A: 02527315 Justicia tenella (Nees) T. Anderson Cameroon: Centre Near Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2491 1962-1-18
GH: 02527327 Justicia tristis T. Anderson Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 247 1913-3
GH: 02527329 Justicia unyorensis S. Moore Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mejelet-Ehumseh-Ntehoi Bako... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 298 1986-10-5
GH: 02527368 Lankesteria barteri Hooker f. Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 33
GH: 02527367 Lankesteria barteri Hooker f. Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 33
GH: 02527365 Lankesteria barteri Hooker f. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Path from Elumseh Mejelet v... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 472 1987-1-4
GH: 02527371 Lankesteria brevior C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Manfe road around the villa... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 423 1986-12-4
GH: 02527370 Lankesteria brevior C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Mundemba-Fabe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 333 1986-11-22
GH: 02527387 Lankesteria hispida T. Anderson Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 456 1913-12
A: 02527427 Mendoncia gilgiana (Lindau) Benoist Cameroon: Centre 7 km N. N. W. of Yaoundé, village Ngoya II F. J. Breteler 1953 1961
A: 02527428 Mendoncia gilgiana (Lindau) Benoist Cameroon: 14 km N.-E. of Doumé, near road to Bertoua ... F. J. Breteler 767 1960
GH: 02527430 Mendoncia lindaviana Benoist Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 194
GH: 00549592 Oreacanthus mannii Bentham Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1971 1862-11
GH: 00549593 Oreacanthus mannii Bentham Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1971 1862-11
GH: 02527579 Phaulopsis falcisepala C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Boa Bakandu reserve timber ... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 394 1986-11-12
A: 02527578 Phaulopsis falcisepala C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Centre Near Nkolbission, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2288 1961-12-27
GH: 02527586 Phaulopsis silvestris Lindau Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Boa Bakandu reserve timber ... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 389 1986-11-12
A: 02527604 Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afzelius) Milne-Redhead Cameroon: 14 km N of Bétaré Oya, near village TaparÃ... F. J. Breteler 1176 1961
A: 02527603 Pseuderanthemum tunicatum (Afzelius) Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Bertoua, 5 km along road to Batouri and Beta... F. J. Breteler 810 1960-12-14
GH: 02527613 Rhinacanthus parviflorus T. Anderson ex De Wild. & T. Durand Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 310 1913-3
GH: 02527674 Staurogyne kamerunensis Benoist Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 278 1913-3
A: 02527774 Whitfieldia longifolia T. Anderson Cameroon: Lukombe A. Sapin 1910-8
A: 02527776 Whitfieldia preussii (Lindau) C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Kamerun. Waldveg in. Erosong el Niasoso Buesgen 1908
A: 02527919 [None] Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1881 1899
A: [None] Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1881 1899
Agavaceae GH: 00032997 Dracaena camerooniana Baker Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains G. Mann 1204 1859
GH: 00032996 Dracaena camerooniana Baker Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains G. Mann 1204 1859
Anacardiaceae A: 00105725 Trichoscypha heterophylla Engler & Brehmer Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2147 1900
Annonaceae GH: 02542008 Annickia kummeriae (Engler & Diels) Setten & Maas Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 1913-11
GH: 02542038 Anonidium mannii (Oliver) Engler & Diels Cameroon: Southwest: Konye, Bakossi Mbambe Forest, Mam... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 435 1987-1-5
A: 02542043 Artabotrys aurantiacus Engler & Diels Cameroon: Jaunde - Station G. A. Zenker 690 1896
A: 02542048 Artabotrys insignis Engler & Diels Cameroon: Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 1913-12
A: 02542072 Artabotrys sp. Cameroon: Mont Fébé, 3 km N.W. of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler 2717 1962-3-30
GH: 02542064 Artabotrys stenopetalus Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipindi & [Lokmzeufer?] G. A. Zenker 231 1913-1
A: 02542063 Artabotrys stenopetalus Engler & Diels Cameroon: river Sanana near Goyoum, 20 km West of Deng... R. Letouzey 3309 1961-1-29
GH: 02542065 Artabotrys thomsonii Oliver Cameroon: Prov. Southwest. between Ekombe and Bekondo,... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 485 1987-1-16
GH: 02542078 Cleistopholis albida (Engler) Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 360 1913-5
A: 02542086 Cleistopholis patens (Bentham) Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bidundi-Pflanzung, westlich des Kamerunberge... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10640 1928-11
GH: 02542100 Cleistopholis sp. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 576 1914-4
GH: 02542089 Desmos elegans Elmer Cameroon: am Lokundje G. A. Zenker 199
GH: 02542100 Friesodielsia discostigma (Diels) Steenis Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 576 1914-4
A: 02542116 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engler) Verdcourt Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1278 1897
A: 02542114 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engler) Verdcourt Cameroon: Kamerun. Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 2062 1899
GH: 02542109 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engler) Verdcourt Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 32B 1913-3
GH: 02542106 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engler) Verdcourt Cameroon: Secondary forest near Ngombombeng village, n... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 30 1986-4
A: 02542134 Hexalobus crispiflorus A. Richard Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 106ii
GH: 00039444 Hexalobus crispiflorus strigulosus R. E. Fries Cameroon: H. Deistel 99
A: 02542140 Hexalobus monopetalus Engler & Diels Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung. 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10506 1928-10-7
GH: 02542159 Isolona pleurocarpa Diels Cameroon: Ubiave G. A. Zenker 267 1913-1
A: 02542170 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2521 1903
A: 02542169 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker
A: 02542168 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: 47 km N.-W. of Bertoua near road from Mbang ... F. J. Breteler 1398 1961-5-22
A: 02542167 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bertoua, 9 km along road to Deng Deng. F. J. Breteler 1817 1961-8-31
GH: 02542166 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde Kamerun. [no data available]
GH: 02542165 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: Pl. de Bipinde G. A. Zenker
A: 02542164 Meiocarpidium lepidotum Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2521 1903
A: 02542172 Monanthotaxis foliosa (Engler & Diels) Verdcourt Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 3001 1904
GH: 02542210 Monodora angolensis Welwitsch Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 64
A: 02542201 Monodora angolensis Welwitsch Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 1938 1899
A: 02542200 Monodora angolensis Welwitsch Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2257 1900
A: 00295524 Monodora brevipes Bentham Cameroon: Kamerun C. G. T. Preuss 1314
A: 02542203 Monodora myristica Dunal Cameroon: Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2267 1961-12-26
A: 00295524 Monodora preussii Engler & Diels Cameroon: Kamerun C. G. T. Preuss 1314
GH: 02542210 Monodora tenuifolia Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 64
A: 02542201 Monodora tenuifolia Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 1938 1899
A: 02542200 Monodora tenuifolia Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2257 1900
A: 00295524 Monodora unudulata (P. Beauvois) Couvreur Cameroon: Kamerun C. G. T. Preuss 1314
A: 00312787 Neostenanthera myristicifolia (Oliver) Exell Cameroon: Bertoua, 6 km along road to Batouri and Beta... F. J. Breteler 1220 1961-3-16
GH: 00312788 Neostenanthera neurosericea (Diels) Exell Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 440 1913-11
A: 02542217 Piptostigma multinervium Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2263 1900
GH: 02542219 Piptostigma preussii Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-1
A: 02542116 Polyalthia oliveri Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1278 1897
A: 02542114 Polyalthia oliveri Engler & Diels Cameroon: Kamerun. Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 2062 1899
GH: 02542109 Polyalthia oliveri Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 32B 1913-3
GH: 02542106 Polyalthia oliveri Engler & Diels Cameroon: Secondary forest near Ngombombeng village, n... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 30 1986-4
GH: 02542223 Polyceratocarpus microtrichus Ghesquiere ex Pellegrin Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 478 1913-12
GH: 02542230 Popowia filamentosa Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 357 1913-5
GH: 02542238 Popowia obovata (Bentham) Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 356 1913-1
GH: 00312788 Stenanthera aurosericea Diels Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 440 1913-11
A: 02542282 Thonnera sp. Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10845 1928-12
GH: 02542089 Unona elegans Thwaites Cameroon: am Lokundje G. A. Zenker 199
GH: 02542246 Uvaria bipindensis Engler Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 570 1914-1
GH: 02542247 Uvaria buchholzii Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 597 1914-4
A: 02542265 Uvaria mocoli De wild. & T. Durand Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker
A: 02542270 Uvaria sp. Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung. 15-35 km NE von Victoria. G. W. J. Mildbraed 10734 1928-11
A: 02542271 Uvariastrum insculptum Sprague & Hutchinson Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10795 1928-12
A: 00039713 Uvariastrum zenkeri Engler & Diels Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebeit G. A. Zenker 2438 1902
GH: 02542274 Uvariastrum zenkeri Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 481 1914-1
A: 02542277 Uvariodendron calophyllum R. E. Fries Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 1738 1898
A: 02542282 Uvariopsis sp. Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10845 1928-12
GH: 02542281 Uvariopsis zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 515 1914-3
A: 02542298 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Richard Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2112 1900
A: 02542293 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Richard Cameroon: Mamfia G. A. Zenker 499 1914-1
GH: 02542312 Xylopia africana (Bentham) Oliver Cameroon: [no additional data] H. Deistel 454
A: 02542311 Xylopia africana (Bentham) Oliver Cameroon: Kamerun, Urwaldgebiet. Buea. H. Deistel 151 1906
GH: 02542287 Xylopia aurantiiodora De wild. & T. Durand Cameroon: West bank of Sangha River opposite Ndakan ca... D. J. Harris & J. M. Fay 1846 1989-2-12
A: 02542292 Xylopia cupularis Mildbraed Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzang, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10629 1928-11
A: 02542334 Xylopia phloiodora Mildbraed Cameroon: Station [illegible], Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker & A. Staudt 3314 1904
A: 02542356 Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker
GH: 02542355 Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engler & Diels Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 580 1914-5
GH: 02542349 Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engler & Diels Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 408 1913-10
GH: 02542347 Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engler & Diels Cameroon: Southwest: Mile 12 Mamfe road between Kumba ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 293 1986-10-4
A: 02542341 Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engler & Diels Cameroon: 27 Km SE of Bertoua, near Toungrélo. F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2398 1962-1-5
GH: 02542336 Xylopia quintasii Pierre ex Engler & Diels Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 359 1913-6
A: 02542384 Xylopia sp. Cameroon: Near the Nyong R., 40 km S. E. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2018 1961
GH: 02542367 Xylopia staudtii Engler & Diels Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 246 1913-3
A: 02542375 Xylopia thomsonii Oliver Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Bank of the Doumé River, 40 km South-West o... F. J. Breteler 2797 1962-4-15
A: 02542371 Xylopia thomsonii Oliver Cameroon: Bétaré Oya, 5 km along road to Bertoua. F. J. Breteler 1063 1961-2-17
Apocynaceae A: 01977848 Alafia erythrophthalma (K. Schumann) Leeuwenberg Cameroon: Mont Fébé, 3 km N.W. of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler 2729 1962-3-30
A: 01977849 Alafia landolphioides (A. de Candolle) Bentham & Hooker f. ex K. Schumann Cameroon: Mont Fébé, 3 km N.W. of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler 2727 1962-3-30
A: 01977855 Alafia lucida Stapf Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 1913-11
GH: 01977851 Alafia lucida Stapf Cameroon: Prov Southwest: Bolo-Meboka, Mamfe road. Bet... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 238 1986-9-22
GH: 01977857 Alafia multiflora (Stapf) Stapf Cameroon: [illegible] G. A. Zenker 1913
A: 02182113 Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus Cameroon: Buea, [illegible]. H. Deistel 602 1909
GH: 02181195 Alstonia boonei De Wildeman Cameroon: Bipindi. [illegible] 1913-11
A: 02181194 Alstonia boonei De Wildeman Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15 - 35 km N E von Victor... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10708 1928-11
A: 02180820 Ancylobothrys scandens (Schumacher) Pichon Cameroon: Village Nkolbisson, 7 km W. of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler 2882 1962-5-4
A: 02178782 Baissea axillaris (Bentham) Hua Cameroon: Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2268 1961-12-26
A: 02178786 Baissea gracillima (Schumann) Hua Cameroon: Jaunde - Station G. A. Zenker 306
GH: 00078664 Baissea leonensis Bentham Cameroon: 1863-1
GH: 02178794 Baissea leonensis Bentham Cameroon: Nkuambe. G. A. Zenker 1913-12
A: 02178803 Baissea multiflora A. de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2881 1904
A: 02178800 Baissea multiflora A. de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 1902 1899
A: 00078662 Baissea odorata K. Schumann ex Stapf Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2072 1899
GH: 00078664 Baissea tenuiloba Stapf Cameroon: 1863-1
A: 02178807 Baissea welwitschii (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2278 1900
GH: 02178806 Baissea welwitschii (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Nkuambe. G. A. Zenker 214 1913-4
A: 02178805 Baissea welwitschii (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: 4 km S. of Nguélémendouka, near village Zi... F. J. Breteler 2058 1961-11-17
GH: 02178903 Callichilia inaequalis Stapf Cameroon: Bipindi. G. A. Zenker 419 1913-12
A: 02178902 Callichilia inaequalis Stapf Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2583 1903
A: 02178911 Callichilia sp. Cameroon: BIPINDI G. A. Zenker 1918-2
A: 00078670 Carpodinus flavidiflora K. Schumann Cameroon: Yaúnde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 804 1896
A: 00057398 Carpodinus umbellata K. Schumann Cameroon: A. Staudt 130 1896
A: 00078994 Clitandra landolphioides H. Hallier Cameroon: Urwaldgebiet, Buea H. Deistel 556 1905
A: 02115088 Clitandra leptantha (K. Schumann) H. Hallier Cameroon: 39 Km E of Douala. F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 1962-2-10
A: 02115089 Clitandra staudii Stapf Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe, Urwaldgebiet. A. Staudt 860
A: 02115090 Clitandra visciflua K. Schumann ex H. Hallier Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 550 1914-4
GH: 00003597 Cryptolepis R. Brown Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains, 4500 feet G. Mann 1273
A: 02115970 Funtumia africana (Bentham) Stapf Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 2534 1903
A: 02115961 Funtumia africana (Bentham) Stapf Cameroon: Kamerun. P. R. Preuss
A: 02115959 Funtumia africana (Bentham) Stapf Cameroon: Kamerun. P. R. Preuss
A: 00078783 Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf Cameroon: C. G. T. Preuss 1381
A: 02115982 Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf Cameroon: W. Africa: Kamerun. R. Schlechter 1900
GH: 02115981 Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf Cameroon: Bipinde. Flora von Kamerun. G. A. Zenker
A: 02116448 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz Cameroon: Est Near Nguélémendouka F. J. Breteler 2103 1961-11-21
A: 02116446 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10717 1928-11
GH: 02116441 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov SOUTHWEST: Bolo-Meboka, Mamfe road. Bet... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 256 1986-9-22
A: 00057399 Hunteria ambiens K. Schumann Cameroon: A. Staudt 93 1896
A: 02116520 Hunteria camerunensis K. Schumann ex H. Hallier Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10716 1928-11
GH: 02116519 Hunteria camerunensis K. Schumann ex H. Hallier Cameroon: Mimfia. G. A. Zenker
GH: 02116525 Hunteria umbellata (K. Schumann) H. Hallier Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 287 1913-3
A: 02116521 Hunteria umbellata (K. Schumann) H. Hallier Cameroon: Im Urwald bei Mandane H. J. P. Winkler 1035 1904-12
A: 02378792 Hunteria umbellata (K. Schumann) H. Hallier Cameroon: Station Lolodorf Urwaldgebiet. A. Staudt 130 1896
A: 02116963 Isonema buchholzii Engler Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 744a
A: 02116961 Isonema buchholzii Engler Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 744a
A: 00078783 Kixia elastica Preuss Cameroon: C. G. T. Preuss 1381
A: 02378496 Landolphia congolensis (Stapf) Pichon Cameroon: 9 km SW of Yaoundé, N of road to Ma-kak. F. J. Breteler 903 1961-1-21
GH: 02378498 Landolphia dulcis (Sabine) Pichon Cameroon: Fundort: Nkuambe. G. A. Zenker 1913-4
A: 00078670 Landolphia flavidiflora (K. Schumann) Persoon Cameroon: Yaúnde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 804 1896
A: 02378504 Landolphia flavidiflora (K. Schumann) Persoon Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1750 1898
A: 02378503 Landolphia flavidiflora (K. Schumann) Persoon Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker
GH: 02378508 Landolphia incerta (K. Schumann) J. G. M. Pers. Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 314 1913-3
GH: 02378520 Landolphia landolphioides (H. Hallier) A. Chevalier Cameroon: Sud-Ouest road Buea to Victoria. David Fairchild 1178 1927-2-11
A: 02378519 Landolphia landolphioides (H. Hallier) A. Chevalier Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Kamerun, Urwaldgebiet. Buea H. Deistel 144
A: 02378514 Landolphia landolphioides (H. Hallier) A. Chevalier Cameroon: Buea, Kamerun. W. Africa H. Deistel 556 1905
A: 02378534 Landolphia mannii Dyer ex Hooker f. Cameroon: Kulturpflanze aus dem Botanischen Garten Vic... [data not captured] 27
A: 02378531 Landolphia mannii Dyer ex Hooker f. Cameroon: Victoria, Bot. Garten. [Victoria was the for... H. J. P. Winkler 647 1905-1
GH: 02378563 Landolphia owariensis P. Beauvois Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtschöhe A. Staudt 883
GH: 02378562 Landolphia owariensis P. Beauvois Cameroon: Fundort: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 537 1914-3
A: 02378558 Landolphia owariensis P. Beauvois Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 537 1914-3
A: 02378552 Landolphia owariensis P. Beauvois Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Along road to Meiga... F. J. Breteler 586 1960-10-29
GH: 02378546 Landolphia robustior (K. Schumann) J. G. M. Pers. Cameroon: Nkuambe. G. A. Zenker 336 1913-2
A: 02378544 Landolphia robustior (K. Schumann) J. G. M. Pers. Cameroon: Lolodorf A. Staudt 108 1896
A: 02378548 Landolphia violacea (K. Schumann ex H. Hallier) Pichon Cameroon: Yaoundé, 9 km along road to Makak. F. J. Breteler 1961 1961-10-16
A: 02380584 Motandra guineensis (Thonning) A. de Candolle Cameroon: 15 km along road to Deng Deng, north of Bert... F. J. Breteler 1207 1961-3-15
A: 02380583 Motandra guineensis (Thonning) A. de Candolle Cameroon: Village Nkolbisson, 7 km W of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler 2628 1962-3-12
GH: 02380579 Motandra guineensis (Thonning) A. de Candolle Cameroon: Sud-Ouest south of Baro Village. D. W. Thomas, P. Mambo, & F. Namata 7462 1988-3-31
A: 02381444 Oncinotis glabrata (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2538 1903
A: 02381443 Oncinotis glabrata (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2208 1900
GH: 02381441 Oncinotis glabrata (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Bipindi. G. A. Zenker 1914-4
A: 02381439 Oncinotis glabrata (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Centre Village Nkolbisson, 8 km W. of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler 1989 1961-10-30
A: 02381438 Oncinotis glabrata (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3013 1904
A: 02381437 Oncinotis glabrata (Baillon) Stapf ex Hiern Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 554 1914-4
GH: 02381456 Orthopichonia seretii (De Wildeman) Vonk Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-4
GH: 02381461 Orthopichonia visciflua (K. Schumann ex H. Hallier) Vonk Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1913-3
GH: 02381460 Orthopichonia visciflua (K. Schumann ex H. Hallier) Vonk Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 860
A: 02381458 Orthopichonia visciflua (K. Schumann ex H. Hallier) Vonk Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 551 1914-4
A: 02381457 Orthopichonia visciflua (K. Schumann ex H. Hallier) Vonk Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-4
GH: 00057400 Picralima nitida (Stapf) T. Durand & H. Durand Cameroon: West Trop. Africa [Ambas Bay] G. Mann 710 1859
GH: 02382386 Picralima nitida (Stapf) T. Durand & H. Durand Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 283 1913-2
A: 02382385 Picralima nitida (Stapf) T. Durand & H. Durand Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Victoria [Limbe], Bot. Garten H. J. P. Winkler 660
A: 02382396 Pleiocarpa bicarpellata Stapf Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker
GH: 02382395 Pleiocarpa bicarpellata Stapf Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1913-3
A: 02382406 Pleiocarpa rostrata Bentham Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10692 1928-11
A: 02382413 Pleioceras zenkeri Stapf Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1954 1899
GH: 02382412 Pleioceras zenkeri Stapf Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 157
GH: 02383090 Pycnobotrya nitida Bentham Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 279 1913-2
GH: 02009240 Rauvolfia caffra Sonder Cameroon: Kamerun, Bipinde [no data available] 66
A: 02009234 Rauvolfia caffra Sonder Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2500
A: 02009233 Rauvolfia caffra Sonder Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10783 1928-12
GH: 02009250 Rauvolfia mannii Stapf Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Bolo-Meboka, Mamfe road, between ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 248 1986-9-22
GH: 02009249 Rauvolfia mannii Stapf Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Nndian-Dibonda-Ekumbako road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 353 1986-11-24
GH: 02009283 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzelius Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 212 1913-2
GH: 02009282 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzelius Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshohe A. Staudt 856
GH: 02009281 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzelius Cameroon: West Trop Africa G. Mann 750 1859
GH: 02009280 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzelius Cameroon: Bipinde am Lokundje [no data available]
A: 02009267 Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzelius Cameroon: Kameroon, Birea [?] H. Deistel 97 1905-12-25
GH: 02009521 Saba comorensis (Bojer ex A. de Candolle) Pichon Cameroon: bank of the Sangha River (international fron... D. W. Thomas & J. M. Fay 7287 1987-7-27
GH: 02375078 Strophanthus congoensis Franchet Cameroon: [no additional data] B. A. Krukoff & R. Letouzey 213 1950-1-28
GH: 02375089 Strophanthus gratus (Wallich & Hooker) Baillon Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 56 1918-4
AMES: 02375087 Strophanthus gratus (Wallich & Hooker) Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker
GH: 02375086 Strophanthus gratus (Wallich & Hooker) Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 77
A: 02375085 Strophanthus gratus (Wallich & Hooker) Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 2421 1902
A: 02375084 Strophanthus gratus (Wallich & Hooker) Baillon Cameroon: 17 km N. W. of Dumé along road to Nguélém... F. J. Breteler 2134 1961-11-24
A: 02375083 Strophanthus gratus (Wallich & Hooker) Baillon Cameroon: Yaunde [Yaoundé] [?] G. A. Zenker 1904
GH: 02375097 Strophanthus hispidus de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 72
GH: 02375096 Strophanthus hispidus de Candolle Cameroon: Bipindi B. A. Krukoff & R. Letouzey 118 1949-11-30
AMES: 02375093 Strophanthus hispidus de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 3728 1908-7-18
GH: 02375092 Strophanthus hispidus de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 72
A: 02375091 Strophanthus hispidus de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 4771 1904
A: 02375118 Strophanthus preussii Engler & Pax Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1114
A: 02375117 Strophanthus preussii Engler & Pax Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1114
GH: 02375115 Strophanthus preussii Engler & Pax Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 16 1918-3
GH: 02375112 Strophanthus preussii Engler & Pax Cameroon: Bipindi B. A. Krukoff & R. Letouzey 122 1949-12-1
AMES: 02375111 Strophanthus preussii Engler & Pax Cameroon: Yoham. Albrethshothe [illegible] 664 1896
GH: 02375125 Strophanthus thollonii Franchet Cameroon: River Cameroon G. Mann 2222 1963-1
GH: 02375123 Strophanthus thollonii Franchet Cameroon: Bipinde. [Bipindi] am Lokundje G. A. Zenker 55
GH: 02375122 Strophanthus thollonii Franchet Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Rocky bank of Ndian River. ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 314 1986-11-21
GH: 00057400 Tabernaemontana nitida Stapf Cameroon: West Trop. Africa [Ambas Bay] G. Mann 710 1859
GH: 00057400 [None] Cameroon: West Trop. Africa [Ambas Bay] G. Mann 710 1859
GH: [None] Cameroon: West Trop. Africa [Ambas Bay] G. Mann 710 1859
Araceae GH: 01635981 Anubias afzelii Schott Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 132
GH: 01635983 Anubias barteri Schott Cameroon: [data not captured] H. Deistel
GH: 00028687 Culcasia dinklagei Engler Cameroon: G. A. Zenker 266 1912-12
A: 01655752 Culcasia scandens P. Beauvois Cameroon: Urwaldgebiet. Bulli H. Deistel 148 1906
GH: 01655759 Culcasia tenuifolia Engler Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mile 15. Mamfe road, betwee... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 203 1986-9-12
GH: 01655826 Cyrtosperma senegalense (Schott) Engler Cameroon: Duala D. G. Fairchild 1156 1927
GH: 01655827 Cyrtosperma senegalense (Schott) Engler Cameroon: Duala D. G. Fairchild 1156 1927
GH: 01627602 Nephthytis poissonii (Engler) N. E. Brown Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Small Ekombe. Mbonge road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 277 1986-10-23
GH: 01630941 Stylochaeton zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Center-South Province. Yaounde. Mature fore... D. Thomas 2119 1983-5-20
GH: 01630942 Stylochaeton zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Center-South Province. Yaounde. Mature fore... D. Thomas 2119 1983-5-20
GH: 01630943 Stylochaeton zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Bipinde. Mimfia G. A. Zenker 110
Aristolochiaceae A: 02434777 Aristolochia albida Duchartre Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Around Lac Tison, 7... F. J. Breteler 362 1960-9-30
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00003597 Rhynchostigma racemosum Bentham Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains, 4500 feet G. Mann 1273
GH: 00003597 Secamone racemosa (Bentham) Klackenberg Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains, 4500 feet G. Mann 1273
GH: 00003597 Toxocarpus racemosus (Bentham) N. E. Brown Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains, 4500 feet G. Mann 1273
Asteraceae GH: 00549714 Anisopappus chinensis africanus (Hooker f.) S. Ortiz & Paiva Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1920 1862-11
GH: 00549714 Anisopappus sp. Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1920 1862-11
A: 02499046 Bidens barteri (Oliver & Hiern) T. G. J. Rayner Cameroon: Plateau of teh Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 277 1960-9-21
GH: 02499043 Bidens mannii T. G. J. Rayner Cameroon: Cameroon Mountain; Northeast side of the mou... R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6512 1963-10-30
GH: 02499044 Bidens mannii T. G. J. Rayner Cameroon: Kamerun: Buea [illegible] 689 1891
GH: 00008626 Gynura vitellina Bentham Cameroon: P. R. Preuss 687
GH: 00010106 Microglossa densiflora Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountains, 7000 feet] G. Mann 1915 1859
GH: 00549504 Senecio mannii Hooker f. Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1935 1862-12
GH: 00549504 Solanecio mannii (Hooker f.) C. Jeffrey Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1935 1862-12
GH: 00012587 Sonchus angustissimus Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountains, 7000-8000 feet] G. Mann 1919 1862-11
GH: 00012672 Stengelia insignis Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountains, 3000-7000 feet] G. Mann 1925 1862-12
GH: 00549714 Telekia africana Hooker f. Cameroon: Camer [Cameroon] Mountain G. Mann 1920 1862-11
GH: 00013538 Verbesina monticola Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountains, 5000-7000 feet] G. Mann 1922 1862-11
GH: 00013539 Verbesina monticola Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountains, 5000-7000 feet] G. Mann 1922 1862-11
GH: 00012672 Vernonia hymenolepis A. Richard Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountains, 3000-7000 feet] G. Mann 1925 1862-12
Balanophoraceae GH: 02434765 Thonningia sanguinea Vahl Cameroon: Mimfia [no data available] 124
GH: 02434765 Thonningia sp. Cameroon: Mimfia [no data available] 124
Begoniaceae GH: 00068351 Begonia scapigera Hooker f. Cameroon: West Tropical Africa [protologue: "Cameroons... G. Mann 1946 1859
Buddlejaceae GH: 00076684 Nuxia congesta R. Brown Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Mount Cameroon, 7500 feet G. Mann 1206 1862-1
GH: 00076684 Nuxia mannii Gilg Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Mount Cameroon, 7500 feet G. Mann 1206 1862-1
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 02504482 Afzelia africana Smith Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 224 1913-2
A: 02504500 Afzelia bella Harms Cameroon: Bipinje. G. A. Zenker 347 1913-7
GH: 02504489 Afzelia bella Harms Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mile 12 Mamfe road between ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 309 1986-10-4
GH: 02504506 Afzelia bipindensis Harms Cameroon: Bipindi Mimfia G. A. Zenker 277 1913-5
A: 02504505 Afzelia bipindensis Harms Cameroon: Region of Northern railroad about 9 Kil to t... B. A. Krukoff 145 1930-6-29
A: 02504504 Afzelia bipindensis Harms Cameroon: Region of Northern railroad about 9 Kil to t... B. A. Krukoff 147 1930-6-29
A: 02504502 Afzelia bipindensis Harms Cameroon: Bibundi-Pflanzung, westlich des Kamerunberge... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10646 1928-11
A: 02321981 Angylocalyx braunii Harms Cameroon: Dimako, 2,5 km on the road to Doumé F. J. Breteler 2214 1961-12-13
A: 02321984 Angylocalyx ramiflorus Taub. Cameroon: Kamerun H. Deistel 357 1905
GH: 02321983 Angylocalyx ramiflorus Taub. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 281 1913-3
GH: 02321985 Angylocalyx talbotii Baker f. ex Hutch. & Dalziel Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Nndian-Dibonda-Ekumbako roa... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 370 1986-11-24
A: 02323750 Baphiopsis parviflora Benth. ex Baker Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10561 1928-10-25
A: 02323749 Baphiopsis parviflora Benth. ex Baker Cameroon: Centre Mont Fébé, 3 km N. W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 1986 1961-10-26
A: 02323752 Baphiopsis sp. Cameroon: Centre Village Nkolbisson, 7 km W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2632 1962-3-13
A: 02323751 Baphiopsis sp. Cameroon: Centre Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmélima a... F. J. Breteler 2713 1962-3-24
A: 02504694 Brachystegia mildbraedii Harms Cameroon: French Kamerun; Region of Northern railroad ... B. A. Krukoff 146 1930-6-29
A: 02504828 Cassia javanica Blume Cameroon: Kamerun: Kulturpflanze aus dem Botanischen G... [no data available] 31
A: 02504832 Cassia mannii Oliver Cameroon: Victoria, Bot. Garten H. J. P. Winkler 602
GH: 02504905 Chamaecrista mimosoides (Linnaeus) Green Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 47
GH: 02504904 Chamaecrista mimosoides (Linnaeus) Green Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 47
GH: 02504946 Chamaecrista sp. Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 38 1918-3
A: 00368617 Crudia harmsiana De Wildeman Cameroon: Kamerun; Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 542 1914-4
A: 00353501 Crudia sp. Cameroon: westlich des Kamerunberges, bei Bibundi G. W. J. Mildbraed 10646 1928-11
GH: 00053527 Crudia zenkeri Harms Cameroon: Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 542 1914-4
A: 00368617 Crudia zenkeri Harms Cameroon: Kamerun; Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 542 1914-4
A: 00053529 Cryptosepalum curtisiorum I. M. Johnston Cameroon: A. Staudt 907
A: 00053529 Cryptosepalum staudtii Harms Cameroon: A. Staudt 907
GH: 02568356 Cynometra leptantha Harms Cameroon: Bipindihof-Kamerun; Fundort: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 574 1914-4
A: 02568362 Cynometra mannii Oliver Cameroon: Forest along the river Sanaga near Goyoun [?... F. J. Breteler 1961-1-27
GH: 02568360 Cynometra mannii Oliver Cameroon: Southwest Mangrove forests in the Rio del Re... C. Doumenge 309 1987-2-27
A: 02568359 Cynometra mannii Oliver Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1375
A: 02568378 Cynometra sp. Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 Km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10615 1928-11
A: 02450570 Daniellia oblonga Oliv. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10759 1928-12
GH: 02450604 Delonix regia (Bojer) Rafinesque Cameroon: Kamerun H. Deistel 52
A: 00053844 Detarium macrocarpum Harms Cameroon: Centre Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2286 1900
GH: 02450606 Detarium macrocarpum Harms Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 452 1913-12
A: 00053848 Dialium bipindense Harms Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldebiet G. A. Zenker 2695 1904
GH: 02450623 Dialium bipindense Harms Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 333 1913-6
A: 00053849 Dialium connaroides Harms ex De Wildeman Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldebiet G. A. Zenker 1922 1889
GH: 02450626 Dialium connaroides Harms ex De Wildeman Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 575 1914-3
A: 02450635 Dialium dinklagei Harms Cameroon: Centre Bank of the Nyong R., 40 km S. E. of YaoundÃ... F. J. Breteler 2006
A: 02450656 Dialium guineense Willdenow Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2360 1901
A: 02450655 Dialium guineense Willdenow Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2388 1901
A: 02450654 Dialium guineense Willdenow Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2360 1901
GH: 02450645 Dialium guineense Willdenow Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 576 1914-3
GH: 02450642 Dialium guineense Willdenow Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 21
A: 00053851 Dialium staudtii Harms Cameroon: Johann-Albrechtshohe, Urwaldgebiet A. Staudt 492 1896
A: 02450674 Dialium staudtii Harms Cameroon: Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 492 1896
A: 00053852 Dialium zenkeri Harms Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 1913 1899
A: 02450699 Distemonanthus benthamianus Baill. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10738 1928-11
A: 02450697 Distemonanthus benthamianus Baill. Cameroon: Kamerun: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2343 1901
GH: 02450691 Distemonanthus benthamianus Baill. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 284 1913-3
GH: 00064527 Duparquetia orchidacea Baillon Cameroon: River Cameroon, West Trop Africa. 1859-63. G. Mann 2210 1863-1
GH: 00518822 Duparquetia orchidacea Baillon Cameroon: [River Cameroon] West Trop. Africa. 1859-63 G. Mann 751 1861-1
A: 02450709 Duparquetia orchidacea Baillon Cameroon: Kamerun, Bipindi G. A. Zenker 3459
GH: 02450708 Duparquetia orchidacea Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 96
GH: 02450707 Duparquetia orchidacea Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 96
A: 02450744 Erythrophleum guineense G. Don Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10696 1928-11
GH: 02450727 Erythrophleum guineense G. Don Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 530 1914-3
A: 02450723 Erythrophleum guineense G. Don Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipindi G. A. Zenker 530 1914-3
A: 02450744 Erythrophleum lasianthum Corbishley Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10696 1928-11
A: 02450747 Erythrophleum micranthum Holland Cameroon: Centre Reserve d'Ototomo prés Yaounde Service Forestier du Cameroon 31
GH: 02450753 Eurypetalum unijugum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-3
GH: 02450771 Griffonia speciosa (Welw. ex Benth.) Taub. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 331 1913-7
GH: 02450770 Griffonia speciosa (Welw. ex Benth.) Taub. Cameroon: Cameroon W. A. M. Gocker 72 1918-4
A: 02450796 Guibourtia demeusei (Harms) J. Léonard Cameroon: O. W. Afr. Kamerun, E'bana [illegible] 1909-12
A: 02450795 Guibourtia demeusei (Harms) J. Léonard Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10755 1928-12
A: 02450794 Guibourtia demeusei (Harms) J. Léonard Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10768 1928-12
A: 02450798 Guibourtia tessmannii (Harms) J. Léonard Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10771 1928-12
GH: 02450803 Humboldtia africana Baillon Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest. near Mbu-Bakundu village, along t... P. Mambo & D. W. Thomas 297 1987-1-30
GH: 02450808 Hylodendron gabunense Taub. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-4
A: 02450805 Hylodendron gabunense Taub. Cameroon: 17 km North of Bertoua along road to Deng De... F. J. Breteler 2763 1962
A: 02450804 Hylodendron gabunense Taub. Cameroon: Victoria H. J. P. Winkler 1164
A: 02450824 Hymenostegia afzelii (Oliver) Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2784 1904
A: 02450823 Hymenostegia afzelii (Oliver) Harms Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10537 1928-10
GH: 02450818 Hymenostegia afzelii (Oliver) Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 43
A: 02450814 Hymenostegia afzelii (Oliver) Harms Cameroon: Centre Mont Fébé, 3 km N. W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2637 1962-3-15
A: 02450829 Hymenostegia neoaubrevillei J.Léonard Cameroon: Littoral Ebo Proposed National Park. Along the road f... X. M. van der Burgt 1889 2015-10-10
A: 02450833 Hymenostegia sp. Cameroon: Centre Mt. Fébé, 3 Km NW of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2232 1961-12-21
GH: 02450832 Hymenostegia sp. Cameroon: in the Korup National Park, collected betwee... D. W. Thomas 4739 1985-4-12
A: 02450953 Microberlinia bisulcata A.Chev. Cameroon: Littoral Region of Northern railroad about 9 Kil to t... B. A. Krukoff 144 1930-6-29
GH: 00064527 Oligostemon pictus Bentham Cameroon: River Cameroon, West Trop Africa. 1859-63. G. Mann 2210 1863-1
GH: 00518822 Oligostemon pictus Bentham Cameroon: [River Cameroon] West Trop. Africa. 1859-63 G. Mann 751 1861-1
GH: 02450962 Oxystigma mannii (Baill.) Harms Cameroon: West Trop. Africa. Cameroon River. W. Africa G. Mann 754 1861
GH: 02450963 Oxystigma mannii (Baill.) Harms Cameroon: River Cameroon G. Mann N2194 1963-1
A: 02450970 Oxystigma sp. Cameroon: Vicotoria H. J. P. Winkler 669 1905-1
A: 02321011 Pellegriniodendron diphyllum (Harms) J.Léonard Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-7
A: 02321052 Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. along road to Meiga... F. J. Breteler 310 1960-9-24
A: 02321058 Plagiosiphon sp. Cameroon: South Region, near village Ebianemeyong, sit... X. M. van der Burgt 1955 2016-3-9
A: 02321056 Plagiosiphon sp. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 368 1913-3
GH: 02321071 Schotia africana (Baill.) Keay Cameroon: Bipinde Mimfia [no data available] 37
A: 02321070 Schotia africana (Baill.) Keay Cameroon: Littoral 24 Km E of Douala F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2580 1961-12
GH: 02321085 Schotia humboldtioides Oliv. Cameroon: Bipinde. Mimfia [no data available] 52
GH: 02321125 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 57
GH: 02321124 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-4
GH: 02321123 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 599 1914-4
GH: 02321122 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 480 1913-12
A: 02321121 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2330 1901
A: 02321120 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2679 1904
A: 02321119 Stachyothyrsus staudtii Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2689 1904
A: 00242458 Stemonocoleus micranthus Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2611 1903-9
GH: 02321144 Tetraberlinia bifoliolata (Harms) Hauman Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 577 1914-3
GH: 00059801 Westia auriculata J. F. Macbride Cameroon: West Trop. Africa G. Mann 2185 1859
Campanulaceae GH: 02450165 Wahlenbergia arguta Hook.f. Cameroon: Kamerun-Berg, oberhalb Buea G. W. J. Mildbraed 10864 1928-12-22
Celastraceae A: 02452290 Campylostemon angolensis Welwitsch ex Oliver Cameroon: 35 km West of Bertoua, near road to Nanga Eb... F. J. Breteler 2978 1962-5-17
A: 00050058 Campylostemon mitophorum Loesener Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 3234 1904
GH: 02452292 Campylostemon mitophorum Loesener Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 437 1913-11
A: 02452423 Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lamarck) Loesener Cameroon: 13 km NW of Bétaré Oya, West of the Lom ri... F. J. Breteler 1086 1961-2-21
A: 02452423 Maytenus senegalensis (Lamarck) Exell Cameroon: 13 km NW of Bétaré Oya, West of the Lom ri... F. J. Breteler 1086 1961-2-21
GH: 02452667 Maytenus serrata gracilipes (Welwitsch ex Oliver) Wilczek Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mbu Bakundu Mamfe Road J. Nemba & P. Mambo 715 1988-1-30
Chrysobalanaceae A: 00046165 Acioa cinerea Engler ex De Wildeman Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2903 1904
A: 00046167 Acioa staudtii Engler Cameroon: Urwaldgebiet, Lolodorf A. Staudt 263 1896
A: 00046326 Magnistipula zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2469 1902
Clathraceae FH: 00373621 Kalchbrennera corallocephala (F. M. J. Welwitsch & F. Currey) Kalchbrenner Cameroon: Melet, Kamerun, West Africa G. Schwab
Clusiaceae GH: 00067226 Allanblackia floribunda Oliver Cameroon: Cameroon River G. Mann 2193 1863-1
GH: 00067225 Allanblackia floribunda Oliver Cameroon: Cameroon River G. Mann 2193 1863-1
A: 00067564 Garcinia conrauana Engler Cameroon: [Bangana], 900 m G. Conrau 541 1898
A: 00067565 Garcinia conrauana Engler Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2552 1903
A: 00067567 Garcinia mimfiensis Engler Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2331 1901
Commelinaceae A: 00062706 Amischotolype tenuis (C. B. Clarke) R. S. Rao Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1319
A: 00062706 Forrestia africana K. Schumann ex C. B. Clarke Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1319
Connaraceae A: 00043519 Agelaea fragrans Gilg Cameroon: Lolodorf, Urwaldgebiet A. Staudt 378 1896
A: 02410019 Agelaea fragrans Gilg Cameroon: Bipinidi G. A. Zenker 545 1914-4
A: 00043516 Agelaea grisea Schellenberg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 3022 1904
A: 02453392 Agelaea hirsuta De Wildeman Cameroon: Bertoua, 3 km along road to Nanga-Eboko F. J. Breteler 2769 1962
GH: 02453403 Agelaea obovata G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 544 1914-4
A: 02410019 Agelaea paradoxa microcarpa Jongkind Cameroon: Bipinidi G. A. Zenker 545 1914-4
GH: 02453416 Agelaea phaseolifolia Gilg ex G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 237 1913-2
GH: 02453415 Agelaea phaseolifolia Gilg ex G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 578 1914-5
A: 02453417 Agelaea preussii Gilg Cameroon: Kameron; Mimfia G. A. Zenker 544 1914-4
GH: 02453419 Agelaea rubiginosa Gilg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 545 1914-4
A: 00043517 Agelaea zenkeri Schellenberg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2271 1900
A: 02453437 Byrsocarpus coccineus Schumacher & Thonning Cameroon: along road from Ebaka, 1-10 km S. W. to Ndem... F. J. Breteler 2931 1962-5-13
A: 02453442 Byrsocarpus dinklagei (Gilg) G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Roadside between Ndjangané and Ndemba I, c.... F. J. Breteler 2935 1962-5-14
GH: 02453448 Byrsocarpus viridis (Gilg) G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 248 1913-3
A: 02453446 Byrsocarpus viridis (Gilg) G. Schellenberg Cameroon: 27 km S. W. of Bertoua F. J. Breteler 2961 1962-5-16
GH: 02453454 Cnestis congolana De Wildeman Cameroon: Bipinde. am Kiango [no data available] 22
GH: 02453470 Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex de Candolle Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 189
GH: 02453468 Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex de Candolle Cameroon: Cameroun W. A. M. Gocker 23 1918-3
A: 02453465 Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex de Candolle Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 868 1960-12-19
GH: 02453482 Cnestis grisea Baker Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 318 1913-2
A: 02453484 Cnestis leucantha Gilg ex G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2157 1900
GH: 02453506 Connarus griffonianus Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available]
A: 02453511 Connarus odoratissimus Gilg ex Hutch. & Dalziel Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 541 1914-4
GH: 02453514 Connarus staudtii Gilg Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-4
GH: 02453517 Hemandradenia mannii Stapf Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Takamanda Forest Reserve. a... D. W. Thomas, P. Mezili, C. Doumen... 7394 1987-5-1
GH: 02453520 Jaundea pubescens (G. Schellenberg) G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 383 1913-3
GH: 02453519 Jaundea pubescens (G. Schellenberg) G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-4
GH: 02453518 Jaundea pubescens (G. Schellenberg) G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 560 1914-4
GH: 02453524 Jollydora duparquetiana (Baillon) Pierre Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Mile 15. Mamfe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 206 1986-9-12
A: 02453525 Jollydora glandulosa G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10613 1928-11
GH: 02453523 Jollydora sp. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker
GH: 02453535 Manotes griffoniana Baillon Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Mamfe town D. W. Thomas 7308 1987-4-22
A: 00043558 Manotes zenkeri Gilg ex Schellenberg & G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2996 1904
GH: 02453553 Manotes zenkeri Gilg ex Schellenberg & G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 235 1913-4
A: 02453551 Manotes zenkeri Gilg ex Schellenberg & G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bertoua, 3 km along road to Nanga Eboko F. J. Breteler 2768 1962
A: 02453550 Manotes zenkeri Gilg ex Schellenberg & G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bertoua, 6 km along road to Batouri and Bét... F. J. Breteler 1190 1961-3-14
A: 01154493 Paxia calophylla Gilg ex G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipinde [protologue: "bei Lokundje"] G. A. Zenker 1963 1899
A: 02453558 Rourea bipindensis Gilg ex G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 540 1914-4
A: 02453557 Rourea bipindensis Gilg ex G. Schellenberg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-4
A: 01154493 Rourea calophylla (Gilg ex G. Schellenberg) Jongkind Cameroon: Bipinde [protologue: "bei Lokundje"] G. A. Zenker 1963 1899
A: 02453561 Rourea chiliantha Gilg Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 546 1914-4
GH: 02453560 Rourea chiliantha Gilg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-4
GH: 02453570 Rourea minor (Gaertner) Leenhouts Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-3
A: 02453568 Rourea minor (Gaertner) Leenhouts Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Along road to Meiga... F. J. Breteler 585 1960-10-29
GH: 02453572 Rourea myriantha Baillon Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-4
A: 02453576 Rourea solanderi Baker Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2540 1903
A: 02453578 Rourea thomsonii (Baker) Jongkind Cameroon: Bertoua, 6 km along road to Batouri and Bét... F. J. Breteler 1217 1961-3-16
A: 02453567 Rourea thomsonii (Baker) Jongkind Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 2503 1902
A: 02453566 Rourea thomsonii (Baker) Jongkind Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 2503 1902
A: 02453602 [None] Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10584 1928-10
A: [None] Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10584 1928-10
Convolvulaceae A: 00054372 Dipteropeltis poranoides H. Hallier Cameroon: Urwaldgebiet, Lolodorf am Bengi A. Staudt 287 1895-4
Crassulaceae GH: 01987092 Crassula alata pharnaceoides (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Bywater & Wickens Cameroon: Cameroon Mts. G. Mann
GH: 00283229 Crassula mannii Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountain] G. Mann 2036 1862-11
GH: 00046849 Crassula mannii Hooker f. Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountain] G. Mann 2036 1862-11
GH: 00046849 Crassula vaginata Ecklon & Zeyher Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountain] G. Mann 2036 1862-11
GH: 00283229 Crassula vaginata Ecklon & Zeyher Cameroon: [Cameroon Mountain] G. Mann 2036 1862-11
GH: 01987245 Crassula vaginata Ecklon & Zeyher Cameroon: Kamerun-Berg. oberhalb Buea G. W. J. Mildbraed 10861 1928-12-22
GH: 01987987 Kalanchoe crenata (Andrews) Haworth Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mejelet Elumseh Village und... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 496 1987-2-12
A: 01987988 Kalanchoe crenata (Andrews) Haworth Cameroon: Hill N of Nkolbisson, 7 km W of Yaounde G. J. H. Amshoff 2263 1963-12-22
Cyatheaceae GH: 00020817 Cyathea camerooniana Hooker Cameroon:
GH: 00020870 Cyathea manniana Hooker Cameroon:
Cyperaceae GH: 00246054 Carex aethiopica Schkurenko Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains G. Mann 2099 1859
GH: 00246054 Carex preussii camerunensis Nelmes Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains G. Mann 2099 1859
GH: 02412932 Cyperus cyperoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze Cameroon: G. W. J. Mildbraed 10787 1928-12
GH: 02482932 Cyperus cyperoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15 - 35 km N E von Victor... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10787 1928-12
Ebenaceae A: 02504021 Diospyros aggregata Gürke Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 533 1914-2
GH: 02504020 Diospyros aggregata Gürke Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 1914-2
GH: 02504026 Diospyros alboflavescens (Gürke) F. White Cameroon: Sud Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-3
A: 02504001 Diospyros atropurpurea Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 1904 1899
GH: 02504000 Diospyros atropurpurea Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 1913-1
A: 00112797 Diospyros bipindensis Gürke Cameroon: Centre Bipindi G. A. Zenker 746
A: 02504035 Diospyros bipindensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 1779b 1898
A: 02504033 Diospyros bipindensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. [no data available]
GH: 02504032 Diospyros bipindensis Gürke Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Mile 15, Mamfe road between Kumba and Baduma... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 126 1986-7-14
A: 02504038 Diospyros canaliculata De Wildeman Cameroon: Mount Eloumden, 5 km S.W. of Yaoundé. F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2329 1961-12-29
GH: 02504253 Diospyros cinnabarina (Gürke) F. White Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 40
GH: 02504049 Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K. Schum. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mile 15, Mamfe road between... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 151 1986-7-14
A: 01126638 Diospyros crassiflora Hiern Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2340 1901
GH: 02504065 Diospyros flavescens Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. [no data available] 42
A: 02504066 Diospyros fragrans Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1440 1898
A: 02504067 Diospyros gilgiana Gürke Cameroon: St. Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 958
A: 02504068 Diospyros gilletii De Wildeman Cameroon: Riverain forest of the Nyong R., 40 km S.E. ... F. J. Breteler 2003 1961
A: 02504084 Diospyros gracilescens Gürke Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15 - 35 km NE von Victori... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10595 1928-11-19
A: 02504083 Diospyros gracilescens Gürke Cameroon: Likomba-Plfanzung, 15 - 35 km NE von Victori... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10715 1928-11
A: 01126638 Diospyros incarnata Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2340 1901
A: 02504127 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3069 1904
A: 02504126 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1806 1898
A: 02504125 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1862 1898
GH: 02504121 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. [no data available] 74
A: 02504119 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Urwaldgebiet. G. A. Zenker 1745 1898
A: 02504118 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10627 1928-11
GH: 02504117 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 329 1913-3
A: 02504137 Diospyros longicaudata Gürke ex Hutch. & Dalziel Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 943
A: 00242460 Diospyros mamiacensis Gürke Cameroon: In der Nähe von Mamiaca's Dorf bei Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2954 1904-4
GH: 02504153 Diospyros mamiacensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 187
GH: 02504156 Diospyros mannii Hiern Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Baduma, Mamfe road. J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 231 1986-9-19
A: 01126637 Diospyros mimfiensis Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2350 1901
A: 02504178 Diospyros monbuttensis Gürke Cameroon: Yokadouma, 6 m along road to Moloundou, near... F. J. Breteler 1504 1961-6-19
A: 02504211 Diospyros polystemon Gürke Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 1928-12
A: 02504210 Diospyros polystemon Gürke Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipindi G. A. Zenker 532 1914-3
GH: 02504209 Diospyros polystemon Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-3
GH: 02504212 Diospyros preussii Gürke Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1316
A: 02504221 Diospyros rubicunda Gürke Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1909-2
GH: 02504220 Diospyros rubicunda Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. Mimfia. G. A. Zenker 49
A: 01126636 Diospyros rubicunda Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 1798 1898
A: 02504226 Diospyros sanza-minika A. Chevalier Cameroon: 39 km of Douala along road to Edea. F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2603 1962
GH: 02504297 Diospyros sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Konye Mamfe road and toward... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 260 1986-9-12
A: 02504325 Diospyros sp. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2454
GH: 02504324 Diospyros sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Baduma, Mamfe road. J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 220 1986-9-19
GH: 02504323 Diospyros sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Mile 15, Mamfe road between... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 143 1986-7-14
GH: 02504246 Diospyros staudtii Gürke Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 1914-5
A: 02504245 Diospyros staudtii Gürke Cameroon: Lolodorf A. Staudt 273 1896
A: 02504252 Diospyros suaveolens Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2274 1900
A: 02504251 Diospyros suaveolens Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 169
A: 02504261 Diospyros thomasii Hutchinson & Dalziel Cameroon: Likomba-Planzung, 15 - 35 km N E von Victori... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10531 1928-10-20
A: 02504260 Diospyros thomasii Hutchinson & Dalziel Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10522 1928-10-19
A: 02504259 Diospyros thomasii Hutchinson & Dalziel Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10719 1928-11
GH: 02504277 Diospyros xanthochlamys Gürke Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 571 1914-4
GH: 02504279 Diospyros zenkeri (Gürke) F. White Cameroon: Nknambe. G. A. Zenker 240 1913-3
Euphorbiaceae A: 02588759 Bridelia atroviridis Müller Argoviensis Cameroon: Centre Village Nkolbisson, 7 km W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2866 1962
A: 02588760 Bridelia atroviridis Müller Argoviensis Cameroon: Lomié, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 1266 1961-4-21
GH: 02588748 Bridelia ferruginea Bentham Cameroon: Southwest: Mile 15, Mamfe road between Kumba... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 170 1986-7-14
A: 02588749 Bridelia ferruginea Bentham Cameroon: Bertoua. around the Catholic Mission F. J. Breteler 216 1960
A: 02588793 Bridelia micrantha Baillon Cameroon: Centre Jaunde Station G. A. Zenker 404
A: 02588809 Bridelia micrantha Baillon Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 627 1960
A: 02588808 Bridelia micrantha Baillon Cameroon: Yokadouma, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 1528 1961-6-20
A: 02588807 Bridelia micrantha Baillon Cameroon: Centre 98 Km E. of Yaoundé along road to Ayos F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2463 1961-12
A: 02588782 Bridelia scleroneura Müller Argoviensis Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the elev... F. J. Breteler 262 1960-9-19
A: 02588832 Bridelia zenkeri Pax Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 948
A: 02588830 Bridelia zenkeri Pax Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Buea - Kamerun H. Deistel 615 1905
A: 02588829 Bridelia zenkeri Pax Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1919 1899
GH: 02588828 Bridelia zenkeri Pax Cameroon: Bipinde - Mimfia [no data available] 10
GH: 02588827 Bridelia zenkeri Pax Cameroon: Bipinde. Mimfia. [no data available] 10
A: 00444233 Croton macrostachyus Hochstetter ex Delile Cameroon: Plateau of the Adamaoua. Cattle breeding cen... F. J. Breteler 485 1960-10-13
A: 00444241 Croton sylvaticus Schlechtendal Cameroon: Pandi Mountain R. Letouzey 4742 1962-4-14
GH: 02452115 Cyclostemon dinklagei Pax Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 579 1914-4
A: 00055914 Cyclostemon gilgiana Pax Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2349 1901
GH: 02452148 Cyclostemon principum Müller Arg. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 483 1913-12
GH: 02451206 Cyclostemon sp. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker
A: 02452157 Cyclostemon stipularis Müller Arg. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1796 1893
GH: 02452115 Drypetes dinklagei (Pax) Hutchinson Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 579 1914-4
A: 02452117 Drypetes gabonensis Hutchinson Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 829 1960-12-15
A: 00055914 Drypetes gilgiana (Pax) Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2349 1901
A: 02452120 Drypetes gilgiana (Pax) Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10758 1928-12
GH: 02452119 Drypetes gilgiana (Pax) Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 488 1913-12
GH: 02452129 Drypetes laciniata (Pax) Hutchinson Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe [no data available] 89
GH: 02452128 Drypetes laciniata (Pax) Hutchinson Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 397 1913-3
A: 02452144 Drypetes paxii Hutchinson Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10735 1928-11
A: 02452143 Drypetes paxii Hutchinson Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10545 1928-10-24
GH: 02452156 Drypetes principum (Müller Arg.) Hutchinson Cameroon: Centre Center-South Province. Yaounde. on Kala Mt, ... D. W. Thomas 2092 1983-5-12
GH: 02452149 Drypetes principum (Müller Arg.) Hutchinson Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 483 1913-12
GH: 02452148 Drypetes principum (Müller Arg.) Hutchinson Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 483 1913-12
GH: 00403881 Drypetes sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Forest around under Tombel M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 181A 1986-7-10
GH: 00403883 Drypetes sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Small Ekombe secondary fore... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 271 1986-10-23
GH: 00403884 Drypetes sp. Cameroon: Secondary forest near Nlog village, north of... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 2 1986-4-10
GH: 00403885 Drypetes sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Small Ekombe secondary fore... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 271 1986-10-23
A: 02452157 Drypetes stipularis (Müller Arg.) Hutchinson Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1796 1893
A: 02452158 Drypetes tessmanniana (Pax) Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10600 1928-11
A: 00047974 Euphorbia garuana N. E. Brown Cameroon: Garna C. L. Ledermann 185
A: 00047976 Euphorbia kamerunica Pax Cameroon: P. R. Preuss 511
A: 00312599 Grossera major Pax Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1805 1898
GH: 00312602 Grossera paniculata Pax Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 73
GH: 00312603 Grossera paniculata Pax Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 469 1913-10
GH: 00098667 Gymnanthes inopinata (Prain) Esser Cameroon: River Cameroon G. Mann 2225 1863-1
GH: 00377591 Macaranga sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Path from Elumseh Mejelet v... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 456 1987-1-4
GH: 00048335 Macaranga zenkeri Pax Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 962 1896
A: 00098672 Maprounea africana Müller Argoviensis Cameroon: Centre Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2412
A: 00098672 Maprounea membranacea Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Centre Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2412
A: 00098673 Maprounea membranacea Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Centre Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2412
GH: 00098671 Maprounea membranacea Pax & K. Hoffmann Cameroon: Centre Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2412
GH: 02553274 Megabaria trillesii Pierre ex Hutchinson Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2603 1903
GH: 02452186 Microdesmis haumaniana J. Léonard Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Baduma, Mamfe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 234 1986-9-19
GH: 02452186 Microdesmis keayana J. Léonard Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Baduma, Mamfe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 234 1986-9-19
A: 02452189 Microdesmis paniculata Pax Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1761 1898
A: 02452190 Microdesmis paniculata Pax Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1775 1898
A: 02452191 Microdesmis paniculata Pax Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2030 1899
GH: 02452195 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Baduma Secondary Forest. Ma... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 195 1986-8-25
GH: 02452240 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 71
GH: 02452239 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 71
GH: 02452238 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 289 1913-2
A: 02452230 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10588 1928-10-30
A: 02452229 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: Victoria H. J. P. Winkler 501 1904-10
A: 02452228 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Cameroon: D. W. Afr., Kameroon, Ossidinge A. G. H. Rudatis 72 1903-9
GH: 02452256 Microdesmis sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Forest around under Tombel M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 190 1986-7-10
A: 02452249 Microdesmis sp. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 566 1914-4
A: 02452248 Microdesmis sp. Cameroon: Nördliches Kamerun. Kuemeye, Kibolands G. Conrau 233 1899-7
GH: 00098667 Sapium mannianum Hiern Cameroon: River Cameroon G. Mann 2225 1863-1
GH: 00098667 Sebastiania inopinata Prain Cameroon: River Cameroon G. Mann 2225 1863-1
Fabaceae A: 02321719 Abrus canescens Welw. ex Baker Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 630 1960
A: 02321767 Adenocarpus mannii (Hook.f.) Hook.f. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Kamerun. Buea H. Deistel 77 1905-12-24
GH: 02321765 Adenocarpus mannii (Hook.f.) Hook.f. Cameroon: Cameroon Mts. G. Mann 1862
A: 02321789 Aeschynomene abyssinica (A.Rich.) Vatke Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler
GH: 00245338 Airyantha schweinfurthii confusa (Hutchinson & Dalziel) Brummitt Cameroon: West Tropical Africa G. Mann 746 1859
GH: 02321867 Airyantha schweinfurthii confusa (Hutchinson & Dalziel) Brummitt Cameroon: West Trop Africa. River Cameroon G. Mann 2219 1863-1
A: 02321892 Alysicarpus rugosus de Candolle Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 453 1960
A: 02321891 Alysicarpus rugosus de Candolle Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Grounds of the catt... F. J. Breteler 501 1960-10-15
A: 00589751 Andira inermis (W. Wright) de Candolle Cameroon: [protologue: "Johann-Albrechtshöhe" A. Staudt 912
A: 02323648 Astragalus crassifolius Ulbrich Cameroon: Sud Lolodorf A. Staudt 160 1896
GH: 02323647 Astragalus crassifolius Ulbrich Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 34
GH: 02323642 Astragalus sp. Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 108
A: 02323641 Baphia barombiensis Taub. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10533 1928-10
A: 02323640 Baphia barombiensis Taub. Cameroon: Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 635 1896
A: 02323639 Baphia barombiensis Taub. Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 381 1913-2
GH: 02323642 Baphia bipindensis Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 108
GH: 00245338 Baphia confusa Hutchinson & Dalziel Cameroon: West Tropical Africa G. Mann 746 1859
A: 02323648 Baphia crassifolia Harms Cameroon: Sud Lolodorf A. Staudt 160 1896
GH: 02323647 Baphia crassifolia Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 34
A: 02323658 Baphia eriocalyx Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3159 1904
A: 02323657 Baphia eriocalyx Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2380 1901
GH: 02323655 Baphia eriocalyx Harms Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 593 1914-5
A: 02323659 Baphia gracilipes Keay et al. Cameroon: Sud Lolodorf A. Staudt 209 1896
A: 02323677 Baphia leptobotrys Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2233 1900
A: 02323676 Baphia leptobotrys Harms Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10857 1928-12
GH: 02323674 Baphia leptobotrys Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 80
GH: 02323673 Baphia leptobotrys Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 80
A: 02323703 Baphia polyantha Harms Cameroon: Kamerun; Bipinde G. A. Zenker 538 1914-3
GH: 02323702 Baphia polyantha Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 538 1914-3
A: 02323711 Baphia polygalacea L.Touss. Cameroon: Centre Kamerun, Jaunde-Station G. A. Zenker
GH: 02323705 Baphia polygalacea L.Touss. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Bolo forest, 3 km west of Kumba - Mamfe road... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 46 1986-3-10
A: 02323751 Baphia polygalacea L.Touss. Cameroon: Centre Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmélima a... F. J. Breteler 2713 1962-3-24
GH: 00245338 Baphia sp. Cameroon: West Tropical Africa G. Mann 746 1859
GH: 02323737 Baphia sp. Cameroon: River Cameroon [no data available] 2224
A: 02323752 Baphia zenkeri Taub. Cameroon: Centre Village Nkolbisson, 7 km W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2632 1962-3-13
A: 02323751 Baphia zenkeri Taub. Cameroon: Centre Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmélima a... F. J. Breteler 2713 1962-3-24
A: 02323743 Baphiastrum boonei (DeWild.) Vermoesen Cameroon: Near Toungrélo, 27 Km SW of Bertoua F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2457 1962-1-9
GH: 02323746 Baphiastrum calophylla (Harms) DeWild. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 573 1914-4
GH: 00059801 Berlinia auriculata Bentham Cameroon: West Trop. Africa G. Mann 2185 1859
A: 02504619 Berlinia auriculata Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2332 1901
A: 02504622 Berlinia bracteosa Bentham Cameroon: Victoria, Urwald am Kirchkof. H. J. P. Winkler 1087 1905-2
A: 02504621 Berlinia bracteosa Bentham Cameroon: Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10729 1928-11
GH: 02504620 Berlinia bracteosa Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 167
A: 02323925 Cajanus cajan (Linnaeus) Huth Cameroon: Bebeketti, Bamenda Dist. A. T. Johnstone J 133/31 1931-5
A: 00589749 Leptoderris macrothyrsa (Harms) Dunn Cameroon: Yaúnde G. A. Zenker 573
A: 00589750 Leptoderris macrothyrsa (Harms) Dunn Cameroon: Yaúnde G. A. Zenker 573
A: 00589749 Lonchocarpus macrothyrsus Harms Cameroon: Yaúnde G. A. Zenker 573
A: 00589750 Lonchocarpus macrothyrsus Harms Cameroon: Yaúnde G. A. Zenker 573
A: 00244478 Lonchocarpus sericeus (Poiret) Kunth ex de Candolle Cameroon: Kamerun, Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2392
A: 00589751 Lonchocarpus staudtii Harms Cameroon: [protologue: "Johann-Albrechtshöhe" A. Staudt 912
A: 01689253 Macrolobium benthamii Baker f. Cameroon: Pl. de Bipinde G. A. Zenker 99
GH: 00286236 Macrolobium diphyllum Harms Cameroon: Fundort: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-3
A: 00286237 Macrolobium diphyllum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2531 1903
GH: 02450896 Macrolobium isopetalum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 455 1913-12
A: 02450902 Macrolobium lamprophyllum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3113 1904
A: 02450901 Macrolobium lamprophyllum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2385 1901
GH: 02450900 Macrolobium lamprophyllum Harms Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 398 1913-4
GH: 02450899 Macrolobium lamprophyllum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 25
GH: 02450898 Macrolobium lamprophyllum Harms Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 25
A: 02450918 Macrolobium macrophyllum (P. Beauvois) J. F. Macbride Cameroon: 2 km N. E. of Nguélémendouka, along Bamo R... F. J. Breteler 2109 1961-11-22
A: 02450917 Macrolobium macrophyllum (P. Beauvois) J. F. Macbride Cameroon: Bertoua, 6 km along road to Batouri and Bét... F. J. Breteler 1191 1961-3-14
A: 02450881 Macrolobium sp. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3020 1904
A: 02450950 Macrolobium sp. Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker
A: 02450947 Macrolobium sp. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2965 1904
A: 02450945 Macrolobium zenkeri Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2989 1904
GH: 02450944 Macrolobium zenkeri Harms Cameroon: Mimfia [no data available] 112
GH: 00977686 Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumacher & Thonning) Taubert Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Konye, Bakossi Mbambe Fores... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 442 1987-1-5
A: 00977685 Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumacher & Thonning) Taubert Cameroon: Bétaré Oya, 2.5 km along road to Bertoua F. J. Breteler 1050 1961-2-16
A: 02321709 Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumacher & Thonning) Taubert Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10697 1938-11
GH: 02321704 Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumacher & Thonning) Taubert Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 198
A: 02321716 Tetrapleura thonningii Benth. Cameroon: Kamerun G. A. Zenker & A. Staudt 508a
A: 00368617 [None] Cameroon: Kamerun; Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 542 1914-4
A: [None] Cameroon: Kamerun; Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 542 1914-4
Flacourtiaceae A: 00066647 Casearia bule Gilg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2201 1900
GH: 00066806 Homalium zenkeri Gilg ex Mildbraed Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 472 1913-12
A: 00066903 Ophiobotrys zenkeri Gilg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2387 1901
A: 00066902 Ophiobotrys zenkeri Gilg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2124 1900
GH: 00066909 Paropsiopsis decandra (Baillon) Sleumer Cameroon: [Mimfia] G. A. Zenker 262 1913-3
GH: 00066909 Paropsiopsis zenkeri Gilg Cameroon: [Mimfia] G. A. Zenker 262 1913-3
Gentianaceae GH: 00075515 Swertia mannii Hooker f. Cameroon: Cameroon Mountain, 7000-8000 feet G. Mann 2000 1862-11
Geraniaceae GH: 00934913 Geranium arabicum Forsskål Cameroon: Cameroon Mountain, Northeast side of the mou... R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6508 1963-10-30
GH: 00934914 Geranium arabicum Forsskål Cameroon: Kamerun-Berg, oberhalb Buea; Grasland-REgion... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10873 1928-12-22
Hernandiaceae GH: 02454446 Illigera vespertilio (Bentham) E. G. Baker Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 1913-8
Hippocrateaceae GH: 02452487 Hippocratea bipindensis Loesener ex Fritsch Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1913-12
GH: 02452491 Hippocratea camerunica Loesener Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 1913-8
A: 02452492 Hippocratea camerunica Loesener Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2758 1904
GH: 02452493 Hippocratea cinerascens Loes. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1913-12
A: 02452499 Hippocratea holtzii Loesener ex Harms Cameroon: Centre Mont Fébé, 3 km N. W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2857 1962-4-27
A: 02452501 Hippocratea indica Willdenow Cameroon: Bertoua F. J. Breteler 2168 1961
GH: 02452508 Hippocratea iotricha Loesener ex Fritsch Cameroon: Kiango G. A. Zenker 1913-8
GH: 02452520 Hippocratea macrophylla Vahl Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 1913-1
A: 02452535 Hippocratea myriantha Oliver Cameroon: Kamerun: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2305 1901
A: 02452533 Hippocratea myriantha Oliver Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2548 1903
A: 02452524 Hippocratea preussii Loesener Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1306
A: 02452546 Hippocratea rowlandii Loesener Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 885
A: 02452576 Hippocratea sp. Cameroon: Est 2 km N. E. of Nguélemendouka F. J. Breteler 2115 1961-11-22
A: 02452575 Hippocratea sp. Cameroon: Bertoua, 25 km along road to Deng Deng F. J. Breteler 2894 1962
A: 02452574 Hippocratea sp. Cameroon: between Ndjangané and Ndemba I, c. 40 km N.... F. J. Breteler 2936 1962-5-14
A: 02452573 Hippocratea sp. Cameroon: Centre Top of hill behind "Centre Agronomique" at N... F. J. Breteler 2743 1962-4-4
A: 02452553 Hippocratea sp. Cameroon: Near Toungrélo, 27 Km SW of Bertoua F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2450 1961-12
A: 02452551 Hippocratea sp. Cameroon: Top of hill behind "Centre Agronomique" at N... F. J. Breteler 2739 1962-4-4
GH: 02452561 Hippocratea velutina Afzelius Cameroon: Kiango G. A. Zenker 351 1913-7
A: 02452569 Hippocratea welwitschii Oliver Cameroon: Road from Ebaka to Mbang. 45 km N. W. of Ber... F. J. Breteler 1448 1961-5-25
A: 02452591 Loeseneriella clematoides (Loesener) R. Wilczek Cameroon: Kamerun; Mimfia G. A. Zenker 548 1914-4
GH: 02452589 Loeseneriella clematoides (Loesener) R. Wilczek Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 548 1914-4
GH: 02452588 Loeseneriella clematoides (Loesener) R. Wilczek Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 458 1913-12
A: 02452587 Loeseneriella clematoides (Loesener) R. Wilczek Cameroon: Near Toungrélo, 27 Km SW of Bertoua F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2451 1962-1-9
A: 02452586 Loeseneriella clematoides (Loesener) R. Wilczek Cameroon: 17 Km N of Bertoua, along road to Deng Deng F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2415 1962-1-6
GH: 02450981 Salacia bipindensis Loesener Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 128
GH: 02452857 Salacia debilis (G. Don) Walpers Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 547 1914-4
A: 02452854 Salacia debilis (G. Don) Walpers Cameroon: 25 Km NE of Bertoua along road to Betaré Oy... F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2443 1962-1-8
A: 02452862 Salacia dusenii Loesener Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2282 1900
A: 02452862 Salacia dusenii Loesener Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2282 1900
A: 02452860 Salacia dusenii Loesener Cameroon: Kamerun; Mimfia G. A. Zenker 547 1914-4
GH: 02452857 Salacia dusenii Loesener Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 547 1914-4
A: 02452869 Salacia erecta (G. Don) Walpers Cameroon: Sud-Ouest D. W. Afr. Kamerun, Buea H. Lehmbach 91 1897
A: 02452868 Salacia erecta (G. Don) Walpers Cameroon: between hut 1 and Buea F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... MC 288 1962
GH: 02452867 Salacia erecta (G. Don) Walpers Cameroon: Sud-Ouest in the Bakossi Mountains around Ehumseh, Nte... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 168 1986-6-24
A: 02452871 Salacia gabunensis Loesener Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 558 1914-4
GH: 02452870 Salacia gabunensis Loesener Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1914-4
A: 02452904 Salacia leonensis J. Hutchinson & M. B. Moss Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1254
A: 02452882 Salacia mildbraediana Loesener Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 1042 1961-2-15
A: 02452881 Salacia mildbraediana Loesener Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 866 1960-12-19
GH: 02452890 Salacia preussii Loesener Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 563 1914-4
GH: 02452889 Salacia preussii Loesener Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 1914-4
A: 02452887 Salacia preussii Loesener Cameroon: Sud Lolodorf A. Staudt 236 1896
A: 02452885 Salacia preussii Loesener Cameroon: 17 km North of Bertoua along road to DEng De... F. J. Breteler 2762 1962
A: 02452884 Salacia preussii Loesener Cameroon: Centre Mont Féné, 3 km N. W. of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2723 1962-3-30
GH: 02452890 Salacia prinoides (Willdenow) de Candolle Cameroon: Nord-Ouest Nkuambe G. A. Zenker 563 1914-4
A: 02452913 Salacia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10709 1928-11
A: 02452941 Salacia sp. Cameroon: Near Toungrélo, 27 Km SW of Bertoua F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2449 1962-1-9
GH: 02452939 Salacia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Manfe road around the villa... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 410 1986-12-4
GH: 02452938 Salacia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest Province. near Etam village, betwe... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 85 1986-3-22
GH: 02452937 Salacia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Prov. Southwest: Small Ekombe. Mbonge road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 276 1986-10-23
GH: 02452936 Salacia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest Province. near Ngusi village, nort... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 44 1986-4-26
A: 02452900 Salacia staudtiana Loesener Cameroon: Johann-Albrechtshöhe A. Staudt 631 1896
A: 02452904 Salacia zenkeri Loesener Cameroon: Kamerun P. R. Preuss 1254
Hypericaceae A: 00067753 Hypericum conrauanum Engler Cameroon: [Baberang], 1470 m G. Conrau 28 1898
A: 00067753 Hypericum roeperianum Schimper ex A. Richard Cameroon: [Baberang], 1470 m G. Conrau 28 1898
GH: 00067940 Vismia guineensis (Linnaeus) Choisy Cameroon: Kiango G. A. Zenker 315 1913-4
GH: 00067940 Vismia laurentii polyandra Hochreutiner Cameroon: Kiango G. A. Zenker 315 1913-4
Icacinaceae GH: 00219425 Lasianthera africana P. Beauvois Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Nndian-Dibonda-Ekumbako roa... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 363 1986-11-24
GH: 00219423 Leptaulus daphnoides Bentham Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Big Ekombe Forest, Mbonge r... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 451 1987-1-9
Laboulbeniaceae FH: 00081074 Laboulbenia Montagne & C. P. Robin Cameroon:
FH: 00081075 Laboulbenia Montagne & C. P. Robin Cameroon:
FH: 00081076 Laboulbenia Montagne & C. P. Robin Cameroon:
FH: 00081077 Laboulbenia Montagne & C. P. Robin Cameroon:
FH: 00313334 Laboulbenia longipilis Haelewaters & W. Rossi Cameroon: Littoral Sakbayeme in der Kamerun W. Afr. 1925
Lamiaceae GH: 00549042 Plectranthus decumbens Hooker f. Cameroon: Cameroon Mountain G. Mann 2002 1862-11
Lauraceae A: 00041212 Tylostemon crassifolius Engler Cameroon: Urwaldgebeit A. Staudt 505 1895-12
Lejeuneaceae FH: 00220900 Prionolejeunea grata (Gottsche) Schiffner Cameroon: N'dian emporium P. K. H. Dusén 1892-4
FH: 00220900 Prionolejeunea kindbergii Stephani Cameroon: N'dian emporium P. K. H. Dusén 1892-4
Lepidobotryaceae A: 00043711 Lepidobotrys staudtii Engler Cameroon: Urwaldgebiet A. Staudt 911
Lobeliaceae A: 02451825 Lobelia columnaris Hooker f. Cameroon: Kamerun-Berg, oberhalb Buea G. W. J. Mildbraed 10836 1928-12-21
Loganiaceae A: 00242459 Anthocleista vogelii Planchon Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1965 1899
A: 00242459 Anthocleista zenkeri Gilg Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1965 1899
A: 00112709 Strychnos campicola Gilg ex Leeuwenberg Cameroon: Knolbisson, 7 km. west of Yaoundé, 750 m A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 5447 1965-4-15
A: 00112710 Strychnos camptoneura Gilg & Busse Cameroon: 39 km. east of Douala, secondary regrowth am... A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 2572 1962-2-12
A: 00076795 Strychnos canthioides Leeuwenberg Cameroon: 3 km. east of km 58 of road Edéa-Kribi, old... A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 7008 1965-12-16
A: 00112711 Strychnos elaeocarpa Gilg ex Leeuwenberg Cameroon: 4 km. east of km. 65 of road Edea-Kribi, par... A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 7005 1965-10-22
A: 00076802 Strychnos mimfiensis Gilg ex Leeuwenberg Cameroon: Littoral 24 km northeast of Douala, along road to EdÃ... A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 6821 1965-10-6
A: 00076810 Strychnos ternata Gilg ex Leeuwenberg Cameroon: Est Mopwo, km 22 of Yokadouma-Batouri road, en f... R. Letouzey 5271 1963-6-13
A: 00076807 Strychnos ternata Gilg ex Leeuwenberg Cameroon: Est Mopwo, km 22 of Yokadouma-Batouri road, en f... R. Letouzey 5271 1963-6-13
A: 00076808 Strychnos tricalysioides Hutchinson & M. B. Moss Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba, 15-35 km northeast of Victoria, 50-... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10576 1928-10
A: 00076812 Strychnos urceolata Leeuwenberg Cameroon: Est 40 km southwest of Batouri, bank of the Doum... F. J. Breteler 2803 1962-4-14
A: 00076813 Strychnos zenkeri Gilg ex Baker Cameroon: Centre Bipindi, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2436 1902
Loranthaceae GH: 02453829 Globimetula braunii (Engler) Danser Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 142
GH: 02453831 Globimetula braunii (Engler) Danser Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 142
GH: 02453830 Globimetula braunii (Engler) Danser Cameroon: [illegible]infer G. A. Zenker 270 1913-1
GH: 02453833 Globimetula dinklagei (Engler) Danser Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 116
GH: 02453832 Globimetula dinklagei (Engler) Danser Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 439 1913-11
GH: 00218117 Globimetula oreophila (Oliver) Danser Cameroon: Cameroon Mountain, 6000-8000 feet G. Mann 2163 1862-12
A: 02453836 Globimetula sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10596 1928-11
GH: 02453839 Helixanthera rosacea (Engler) Danser Cameroon: [illegible] G. A. Zenker 225 1913-3
A: 02453840 Loranthus capitatus Engler Cameroon: Nördliches Kamerun. Bangwe station G. Conrau 44 1898
GH: 00218117 Loranthus oreophilus Oliver Cameroon: Cameroon Mountain, 6000-8000 feet G. Mann 2163 1862-12
A: 02453980 Viscum congolense De Wild. & T. Durand Cameroon: near Dimako, 28 km S. W. of Bertoua F. J. Breteler 1711 1961-7-31
GH: 02452010 Viscum decurrens (Engler) Baker & Sprague Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest. Road from Douala to Tiko, S side D. W. Thomas 6329 1986-7-8
GH: 02452019 Viscum grandifolium Engler Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 265 1913-3
Lycoperdaceae FH: 00373676 Lycoperdon Persoon Cameroon: Sakbayeme, Cameroons, W. Africa C. Schwab 1925
FH: 00373676 Lycoperdon sp. Cameroon: Sakbayeme, Cameroons, W. Africa C. Schwab 1925
Marantaceae GH: 02516654 Ataenidia conferta Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Sation Johann-Albrechtshohe A. Staudt 215 1895-4-14
A: 00030735 Clinogyne cordifolia K. Schumann Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 1206 1897
A: 02516660 Haumania danckelmaniana Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Village Djang, 40 km west of Bertoua. F. J. Breteler 1962-5-15
GH: 02516665 Hypselodelphys zenkeriana Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 274 1913-2
A: 02516666 Hypselodelphys zenkeriana Milne-Redhead Cameroon: Bertoua, near catholic mission F. J. Breteler 1961-2-15
GH: 02516669 Marantochloa congensis J. J. G. Leonard & W. Mullenders Cameroon: River Cameroon [data not captured] 2142
GH: 02516691 Marantochloa ramosissima Hutchinson Cameroon: Fundort: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 218 1913-3
GH: 02516692 Marantochloa ramosissima Hutchinson Cameroon: River Cameroon [data not captured] 2141
GH: 02516702 Marantochloa sp. Cameroon: Southwest: Approx. 4 km NW of Kumba, SE side... S. D. Manning 881 1986-11-17
GH: 02516694 Marantochloa sp. Cameroon: Southwest Province. In the Bakossi Mountains... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 170 1986-6-24
GH: 02516710 Megaphrynium sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Monye Mamfe road and toward... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 290 1986-9-12
GH: 02324053 Sarcophrynium sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Forest around Kupe Mountain... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 248 1986-8-20
GH: 02516716 Thaumatococcus daniellii Bentham Cameroon: Ambas Bay. West Trop. Africa G. Mann 2145 1859
GH: 02516715 Thaumatococcus daniellii Bentham Cameroon: Ambas Bay. West Trop. Africa G. Mann 2145 1859
GH: 02516713 Thaumatococcus daniellii Bentham Cameroon: Ambas Bay. West Trop. Africa. G. Mann 2145 1862-12
GH: 02516717 Thaumatococcus sp. Cameroon: Prov. Southwest: Baduma, Mamfe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 227 1986-9-19
GH: 02516719 Trachyphrynium braunianum Baker Cameroon: Fundort: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 206 1913-2
Menispermaceae A: 00038937 Syntriandrum edentatum Engler Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 3136 1904
Meteoriaceae FH: 00213929 Orthostichella dusenii Müller Halle Cameroon: Busa J. K. A. Müller 1891-7-13
FH: 00213990 Papillaria cameruniae Müller Halle ex Dusén Cameroon: 330 m. P. K. H. Dusén 81 1892-1-17
FH: 00220118 Pilotrichella sordido-viridis Müller Halle ex Dusén Cameroon: Ribundi P. K. H. Dusén 1892-7
Mimosaceae A: 02321174 Adenopodia scelerata (A.Chev.) Brenan Cameroon: between Ebaka and Ndemba I, 46 km N. W. of B... F. J. Breteler 2905 1962
A: 02321183 Albizia angolensis Welw. Cameroon: Littoral D. W. Africa, Kameroon, Edea F. Hanke 6 1908-12
A: 02321219 Albizia brownei (Walp.) Oliv. Cameroon: Kamerun. Bipindi G. A. Zenker 2501 1902
A: 02321218 Albizia brownei (Walp.) Oliv. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 250 1902
A: 02321215 Albizia brownei (Walp.) Oliv. Cameroon: Littoral D. W. Afr., Kameroon, Edea F. Hanke 6 1908-12
A: 02321248 Albizia gummifera C. A. Smith Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 827 1960-12-15
GH: 02321334 Albizia zygia (de Candolle) J. F. Macbride Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 15
A: 02321380 Calpocalyx dinklagei Harms Cameroon: Kamerun G. A. Zenker 1095 1895
A: 02321379 Calpocalyx dinklagei Harms Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1753 1898
GH: 02321378 Calpocalyx dinklagei Harms Cameroon: Bipinde Nkuambe [no data available] 24
GH: 02321377 Calpocalyx dinklagei Harms Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest Province. Bolo forest, 5 kms west ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 61 1986-3-25
A: 02321387 Calpocalyx winkleri (Harms) Harms Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10721 1928-11
A: 02321386 Calpocalyx winkleri (Harms) Harms Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10747 1928-12
A: 02321389 Cathormion altissimum Hutchinson & Dalziel Cameroon: Centre Bank of the Nyong R., 40 km S. E. of YaoundÃ... F. J. Breteler 2009 1961
A: 02321522 Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A.Rich. Cameroon: Betaré Oya, 2 km along road to Bertoua F. J. Breteler 1052 1961-2-16
A: 02321521 Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A.Rich. Cameroon: Adamaoua Ngaoundéré, Adamaoua plateau, between Wakw... F. J. Breteler 247 1960-9-17
A: 02321498 Entada gigas (L.) Fawc. & Rendle Cameroon: Border of the Sanaga river near Ebaka, 58 km... F. J. Breteler 1427 1961-5-24
A: 02321544 Fillaeopsis sp. Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2498 1902
A: 02321548 Leucaena leucocephala (Lamarck) de Wit Cameroon: Kamerun. aus dem Botanischen Garten Victoria [no data available] 44
A: 02321560 Mimosa pudica Linnaeus Cameroon: Centre Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2360 1961-12-30
GH: 02321597 Newtonia zenkeri Harms Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 205 1912-12
A: 02321636 Pentaclethra macrophylla Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2560 1903
A: 02321635 Pentaclethra macrophylla Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2160 1900
GH: 02321633 Pentaclethra macrophylla Bentham Cameroon: Mimfia. Suni G. A. Zenker 305 1913
A: 02321631 Pentaclethra macrophylla Bentham Cameroon: Centre Service forestier du Cameroun (Yaoundè) Foury 104 1935
A: 02321651 Piptadenia winkleri Harms Cameroon: D. W. Afr., Kamerun, Ossidinge A. G. H. Rudatis 89 1903-11
A: 02321677 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Cameroon: Kamerun. Yaounde G. A. Zenker 605
A: 02321676 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2116 1900
A: 02321675 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Cameroon: Kamerun. W. Afr Buesgen 1908-11
A: 02321663 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km NE von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10628 1928-11
GH: 02321661 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 300 1913-6
A: 02321692 Pithecellobium sp. Cameroon: Adamaoua Plateau of the Adamaoua. Ngaoundéré and Me... F. J. Breteler 507 1960-10-16
Monimiaceae GH: 00056233 Glossocalyx brevipes Bentham Cameroon: Cameroon River G. Mann 2196 1863-1
GH: 00039918 Glossocalyx brevipes Bentham Cameroon: [Cameroon River] G. Mann 722 1859
A: 00039920 Glossocalyx staudtii Engler Cameroon: Station Johann-Albrechtshohe, Urwaldgebeit A. Staudt 808
Moraceae A: 00046685 Treculia staudtii Engler Cameroon: Johann Albrechtshoehe, Urwaldgebeit A. Staudt 685 1896
A: 00034998 Treculia staudtii angustifolia Engler Cameroon: Lolodorf, Urwaldgebeit A. Staudt 270 1896
Neckeraceae FH: 00284395 Neckeropsis sp. Cameroon: Kamerun G. A. Zenker 1302 1900
FH: 00284395 Neckeropsis spurio-truncata (Müller Halle ex Dusén) M. Fleischer Cameroon: Kamerun G. A. Zenker 1302 1900
FH: 00220222 Porotrichum lopidioides Müller Halle ex A. Gepp Cameroon: P. K. H. Dusén 469 1892-1-18
Nectrioidaceae FH: 00220633 Aschersonia zenkeri Hennings Cameroon: G. A. Zenker K 43
Nidulariaceae FH: 00416697 Cyathus striatus (Hudson) Willdenow: Persoon Cameroon: Sakbayeme, Cameroons, W. Africa C. Schwab 1927
Ochnaceae A: 00898754 Campylospermum flavum Farron Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-3
A: 00898754 Campylospermum reticulatum (P. Beauvois) Farron Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-3
A: 00242356 Lophira alata Banks ex C. F. Gaertner Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2648 1903
A: 00062715 Ochna gilgiana Engler ex Gilg Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2336 1901
A: 00354037 Ouratea affinis (Hooker f.) Engler Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-2
A: 00339968 Ouratea affinis acuminata Engler Cameroon: Lolodorf A. Staudt 274 1896
A: 00898754 Ouratea brunneopurpurea Gilg Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-3
A: 00354037 Ouratea buchholzii Gilg Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-2
A: 00898754 Ouratea reticulata (P. Beauvois) Engler Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-3
A: 00354037 Rhabdophyllum affine (Hooker f.) Tieghem Cameroon: Abo R. W. Buchholz 1874-2
A: 00339968 Rhabdophyllum arnoldianum (De Wildeman & T. Durand) Tieghem Cameroon: Lolodorf A. Staudt 274 1896
A: 00339968 Rhabdophyllum staudtii Tieghem Cameroon: Lolodorf A. Staudt 274 1896
Octoknemaceae A: 02437089 Octoknema borealis Hutchinson & Dalziel Cameroon: 20 km south of Garoua Boulai, along road to ... R. Letouzey 1147 1961-2-27
Olacaceae GH: 02437024 Aptandra zenkeri Engler Cameroon: am Lokundje G. A. Zenker 332 1913-2
A: 02437023 Aptandra zenkeri Engler Cameroon: 5 km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Betar... F. J. Breteler 838 1960-12-16
A: 02437040 Coula edulis Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2756
A: 02437039 Coula edulis Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1602
GH: 02437029 Coula edulis Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 9
GH: 02437028 Coula edulis Baillon Cameroon: Bipinde [no data available] 9
A: 02437066 Heisteria parvifolia Smith Cameroon: Centre bei Yaunde, Kamerun G. A. Zenker 695
GH: 02437083 Heisteria parvifolia grandifolia Engler ex De Wildeman Cameroon: Mimfia [no data available] 83
A: 02437082 Heisteria parvifolia grandifolia Engler ex De Wildeman Cameroon: Centre Kamerun. Yaounde G. A. Zenker 705 1895-2-13
A: 02437081 Heisteria parvifolia grandifolia Engler ex De Wildeman Cameroon: Victoria H. J. P. Winkler 502
A: 02437080 Heisteria parvifolia grandifolia Engler ex De Wildeman Cameroon: D. W. Afr., Kamerun, Ossidinge A. G. H. Rudatis 88 1903-11
A: 02437060 Heisteria sp. Cameroon: Kamerun [no data available]
A: 02437056 Heisteria sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10525 1928-10-19
A: 02437055 Heisteria sp. Cameroon: Centre Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmélima a... F. J. Breteler 2679 1962-3-21
GH: 02437054 Heisteria zimmereri Engler Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 401 1913-9
A: 02437172 Lavalleopsis densivenia Engler Cameroon: [?]oha[?]_Ubrechtshoke[?] A. Staudt 548 1896
A: 02437171 Lavalleopsis densivenia Engler Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3051 1904
GH: 02437170 Lavalleopsis densivenia Engler Cameroon: Bipindihof-Kamerun. Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 400 1913-3
GH: 02437119 Olax latifolia Engler Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 385 1913-7
GH: 02437143 Olax sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Path from Elumseh Mejelet village... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 471 1987-1-4
GH: 02437142 Olax sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest around Kupe Mountain, Tombel, Etam reserve f... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 224 1986-8-20
GH: 02437141 Olax sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Mile 15, Mamfe road between Kumba... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 136 1986-7-14
GH: 02437140 Olax sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Manfe road around the village of ... M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 426 1986-12-4
GH: 02437139 Olax sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Mile 12 Mamfe road between Kumba ... J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 302 1986-10-4
A: 02437132 Olax subscorpioidea Oliver Cameroon: Centre Near Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2291 1961-12
GH: 02437138 Olax zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Mimfia [data not captured] 127
GH: 02437137 Olax zenkeri Engler Cameroon: Mimfia [no data available] 127
A: 02437150 Ongokea klaineana Pierre Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10703 1928-11
A: 02437168 Ptychopetalum petiolatum Oliver Cameroon: Kamerun: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 3373
A: 02437167 Ptychopetalum petiolatum Oliver Cameroon: Bipinde. bei Mimfia G. A. Zenker 3848 1909-2
A: 02437166 Ptychopetalum petiolatum Oliver Cameroon: Sud Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmélima a... F. J. Breteler 2682 1962-3-21
A: 02437165 Ptychopetalum petiolatum Oliver Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3900 1909-5
GH: 02437164 Ptychopetalum petiolatum Oliver Cameroon: Cameroun, WA M. Gocker 52 1918-4
A: 02437169 Ptychopetalum petiolatum paniculatum Engler Cameroon: [no additional data] G. A. Zenker 2529
A: 02437179 Strombosia glaucescens Engler Cameroon: near Gounté, 27 km from Bertoua, along road... F. J. Breteler 2616 1962-2-21
A: 02437178 Strombosia glaucescens Engler Cameroon: Dimako, 2,5 km on the road to Doumé F. J. Breteler 2213 1961-12-13
A: 02437177 Strombosia glaucescens Engler Cameroon: Kamerun: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2542 1902
GH: 02437176 Strombosia glaucescens Engler Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 465 1913-12
A: 02437175 Strombosia glaucescens Engler Cameroon: Bibundi-Pflanzung, westlich des Kamerunberge... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10633 1928-11
A: 02437172 Strombosia grandifolia Hooker f. ex Bentham Cameroon: [?]oha[?]_Ubrechtshoke[?] A. Staudt 548 1896
A: 02437171 Strombosia grandifolia Hooker f. ex Bentham Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 3051 1904
GH: 02437170 Strombosia grandifolia Hooker f. ex Bentham Cameroon: Bipindihof-Kamerun. Bipinde. G. A. Zenker 400 1913-3
GH: 02437185 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: Bipindi G. A. Zenker 220 1913-3
A: 02437183 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10504 1928-10-17
A: 02437179 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: near Gounté, 27 km from Bertoua, along road... F. J. Breteler 2616 1962-2-21
A: 02437178 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: Dimako, 2,5 km on the road to Doumé F. J. Breteler 2213 1961-12-13
A: 02437177 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: Kamerun: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2542 1902
GH: 02437176 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: Mimfia G. A. Zenker 465 1913-12
A: 02437175 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Cameroon: Bibundi-Pflanzung, westlich des Kamerunberge... G. W. J. Mildbraed 10633 1928-11
A: 02437187 Strombosia scheffleri Engler Cameroon: Island of primary forest near Gounté, ± 27... F. J. Breteler 2199 1961
GH: 02437188 Strombosia sp. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Mile 12 and mile 14. Mamfe road J. Nemba & D. W. Thomas 454 1987-1-16
A: 02437193 Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engler Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Likomba-Pflanzung, 15-35 km N E von Victoria G. W. J. Mildbraed 10541 1928-10
GH: 02437192 Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engler Cameroon: Bipindihof-Kamerun. Mimfia G. A. Zenker 422 1913-10
A: 02437191 Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engler Cameroon: Centre Near Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2277 1961-12
A: 02437190 Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engler Cameroon: Kamerun: Bipind G. A. Zenker 3296 1905-6
GH: 02437189 Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engler Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Southwest: Forest around under Tombel M. Etuge & D. W. Thomas 204 1986-7-10
A: 02437229 [None] Cameroon: River Cameroon [data not captured] N2201
A: 02437228 [None] Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2493
A: [None] Cameroon: River Cameroon [data not captured] N2201
A: [None] Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 2493
Oleaceae A: 00075066 Chionanthus africana (Welwitsch ex Knoblauch) Stearn Cameroon: H. Deistel 891 1905-12-24
A: 00075066 Linociera oreophila Gilg & Schellenberg Cameroon: H. Deistel 891 1905-12-24
Oliniaceae A: 01154764 Plectronia flaviflora K. Schumann & K. Krause Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2240 1900
Opiliaceae A: 02437010 Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endlicher ex Walpers Cameroon: Centre N of Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2261 1962-12-22
A: 02437009 Opilia celtidifolia (Guill. & Perr.) Endlicher ex Walpers Cameroon: Centre Village Nkolbisson, 7 km West of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2986
A: 02437010 Opilia sp. Cameroon: Centre N of Nkolbisson, 7 Km W of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler, J. J. F. E. de Wil... 2261 1962-12-22
A: 02437009 Opilia sp. Cameroon: Centre Village Nkolbisson, 7 km West of Yaoundé F. J. Breteler 2986
Orchidaceae GH: 01985869 Angraecum birrimense Rolfe Cameroon: Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1243 1995-3-25
GH: 01985870 Angraecum birrimense Rolfe Cameroon: Center Province, Dja et Lobo Dept. Meka'a; 6... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1497
AMES: 00098840 Angraecum kamerunense Schlechter Cameroon: H. Deistel
GH: 00000181 Angraecum zenkeri (Kraenzlin) Engler Cameroon: G. A. Zenker 216 1913-1
AMES: 00000182 Angraecum zenkeri (Kraenzlin) Engler Cameroon: G. A. Zenker 216 1913-1
AMES: 02127671 Ansellia africana Lindley Cameroon: Nloubessa Boulou, 60 km ESE d'Ebolowa wur ro... R. Letouzey 9926 1970-1-24
AMES: 02127670 Ansellia africana Lindley Cameroon: Nloubessa Boulou, 60km ESE d'Ebolowa, sur ro... R. Letouzey 9926 1970-1-24
A: 01949390 Brachycorythis macrantha (Lindley) Summerhayes Cameroon: Buar. G. W. J. Mildbraed 9472 1914-5
AMES: 01949396 Brachycorythis ovata schweinfurthii (H. G. Reichenbach) Summerhayes Cameroon: [illegible] T. D. Maitland 1787 1931-5
AMES: 01949423 Brachycorythis pubescens Harvey Cameroon: College of Arts, Bambili, Bamenda. P. J. Bauer 188 1971-5-5
AMES: 01949431 Brachycorythis pubescens Harvey Cameroon: Bawenda T. D. Maitland 1625 1931-5
AMES: 02384446 Bulbophyllum bequaertii De Wildeman Cameroon: E. Cameroon, Dschang, Bafoussan to Dschang W. Sanford 5576 1968-11-23
AMES: 00084999 Bulbophyllum blepharochilun Garay Cameroon: Without precise location A. Sieder 098B07-1 1998-5-27
AMES: 02384469 Bulbophyllum calamarium Lindley Cameroon: Centre Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2690 1903
GH: 02384467 Bulbophyllum calamarium Lindley Cameroon: Centre Center Province, Dja et Lobo Dept., Nlobesse... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1554 1996-2-27
GH: 02384466 Bulbophyllum calamarium Lindley Cameroon: Centre Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1257 1995-3-25
GH: 02384465 Bulbophyllum calamarium Lindley Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 56
AMES: 02384453 Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzlin Cameroon: Sud-Ouest British Cameroon, Tombel C. A. Thorold CM18 1953-3-28
AMES: 02384451 Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzlin Cameroon: Centre Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1272 1995-3-26
AMES: 02384451 Bulbophyllum calyptratum graminifolium (Summerhayes) J. J. Vermeulen Cameroon: Centre Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1272 1995-3-26
GH: 02384454 Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindley Cameroon: Ouest Menoua, Tchouagoua, 5 km SE of Dschang B. A. Nkongmeneck 1659 1996-3-23
GH: 02384470 Bulbophyllum encephalodes Summerhayes Cameroon: Ouest Menoua Dept., Tchouagoua, 5 km SE of Dschang B. A. Nkongmeneck 1577 1996-3-10
AMES: 02384481 Bulbophyllum falcatum (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Victoria (Kamerun) R. Schlechter 12373 1899-4
AMES: 02384481 Bulbophyllum falcatum velutinum (Lindley) J. J. Vermeulen Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Victoria (Kamerun) R. Schlechter 12373 1899-4
AMES: 02384490 Bulbophyllum fuerstenbergianum (De Wildeman) De Wildeman Cameroon: Littoral E. Cameroon: Edea Districts, Douala area, 20... W. Sanford 5354 1968-11-13
GH: 02384491 Bulbophyllum fuscum Lindley Cameroon: Centre Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1266 1995-3-26
GH: 02384491 Bulbophyllum fuscum melinostachyum (Schlechter) J. J. Vermeulen Cameroon: Centre Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1266 1995-3-26
GH: 02384497 Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindley Cameroon: Centre Mfoundi Dept., Mount Kala, 20 km WSW of Yaou... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1397 1996-2-12
GH: 02384496 Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindley Cameroon: Centre Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1262 1995-3-25
GH: 02384509 Bulbophyllum leucorhachis (Rolfe) Schlechter Cameroon: Centre Center, Mfoundi Dept.: Kala, 20 km WSW of Ya... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1442 1996-2-14
AMES: 02384513 Bulbophyllum lupulinum Lindley Cameroon: Adamaoua British Cameroon: Adamawa, Karamti M. G. Latilo & B. O. Daramola F. H. I. 28943 1954-12-23
GH: 00000530 Bulbophyllum mannii Hooker f. Cameroon: Cameroon. Mts. G. Mann 2111 1862-12
AMES: 02384523 Bulbophyllum oreonastes Reichenbach f. Cameroon: [illegible] (Kamerun) [Cameroon] F. R. R. Schlechter 12377 1899-4
GH: 02384531 Bulbophyllum phaeopogon Schlechter Cameroon: Center Province: Dja et Lobo Dept.; Nlobesse... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1556 1996-2-27
GH: 02384543 Bulbophyllum sandersonii Reichenbach f. Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 524 1914-3
GH: 02384541 Bulbophyllum sandersonii Reichenbach f. Cameroon: Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1256 1995-3-25
GH: 02384543 Bulbophyllum sandersonii stenopetalum J. J. Vermeulen Cameroon: Bipinde [Bipindi] G. A. Zenker 524 1914-3
GH: 02384541 Bulbophyllum sandersonii stenopetalum J. J. Vermeulen Cameroon: Ndoupé B. A. Nkongmeneck 1256 1995-3-25
AMES: 02384552 Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzlin Cameroon: Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet G. A. Zenker 2690 1903
AMES: 02384551 Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzlin Cameroon: Kamerun [Cameroon]: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1886-3
AMES: 02384554 Bulbophyllum tentaculigerum Reichenbach f. Cameroon: Sud-Ouest Tombel C. A. Thorold CM16 1953-3-28
AMES: 02090259 Cheirostylis lepida (H. G. Reichenbach) Rolfe Cameroon: [data not captured] F. R. R. Schlechter 12845
AMES: 02090258 Cheirostylis lepida (H. G. Reichenbach) Rolfe Cameroon: [data not captured] M. Schlechter 12845
GH: 02089016 Corymborkis welwitchii (H. G. Reichenbach) Kuntze Cameroon: Bipinde G. A. Zenker 1913-7
GH: 02090168 Cyrtorchis monteiroae (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Cameroon: Dja et Lobo Dept., Koungoulou, 72 Km. SW of ... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1484 1996-2-22
AMES: 01949297 Deroemera ledermannii (Kraenzlin) Schlechter Cameroon: British Cameroons (Southern Cameroons): Bame... F. N. Hepper 2159 1958-2-24
AMES: 00098840 Diaphananthe kamerunensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Cameroon: H. Deistel
AMES: 01945959 Disa ochrostachya H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: British Cameroons: [Bamenda, Uchan.] T. D. Maitland 1779 1931-4
AMES: 02341675 Eulophia alta Fawcett & Rendle Cameroon: Yaorenda District, Edea-Yaounde, ca. 10 mile... W. Sanford 5177 1968-10-11
AMES: 02341768 Eulophia horsfallii (Bateman) Summerhayes Cameroon: Adamaoua Mambila Plateau J. W. F. Chapman 6 1958-6-6
AMES: 02341836 Eulophia shupangae Kraenzlin Cameroon: Adamawa Prov., Mambila Plateau, Nguroje to L... J. W. F. Chapman 15 1958-6-16
AMES: 02341887 Eulophia sp. Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 48 1913-3
AMES: 02341916 Eulophia stachyodes Reichenbach f. Cameroon: British Cameroons: Bamenda, Bum-Uchan area T. D. Maitland 1753 1931
AMES: 02341112 Genyorchis pumila (Swartz) Schlechter Cameroon: [no additional data] [no data available]
AMES: 01945093 Habenaria bracteosa Hochstetter ex A. Richard Cameroon: Northeast side of the mountain, along road t... R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6499 1963-10-30
AMES: 01945092 Habenaria bracteosa Hochstetter ex A. Richard Cameroon: Northeast side of the mountain, along road t... R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6499 1963-10-30
AMES: 01945256 Habenaria parva Summerhayes Cameroon: British Cameroons: [Bamarda] [illegible] T. D. Maitland 1669 1931-5
GH: 01945341 Habenaria weileriana Schlechter Cameroon: Auf [Lavafelsea] in [illegible] G. W. J. Mildbraed 10660 1928-11
AMES: 01945344 Habenaria zambesina H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: [Bamenda] T. D. Maitland 1387 1930-5
GH: 02341295 Lissochilus sp. Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 8 1918-2
GH: 02341294 Lissochilus sp. Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 8 1918-3
GH: 02341295 Lissochilus streptopetalus (Lindley) Lindley Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 8 1918-2
GH: 02341294 Lissochilus streptopetalus (Lindley) Lindley Cameroon: [no additional data] M. Gocker 8 1918-3
ECON: 02175526 Malaxis weberbaueriana (Kraenzlin) Summerhayes Cameroon: Bamenda, Bali-Ngemba E. Ujov FH 30424 1951-6-6
AMES: 00101198 Manniella gustavi H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains Mann 1336 1862-1
AMES: 00082863 Manniella gustavi H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: Cameroon Mountains Mann 1336 1862-1
AMES: 01943740 Manniella gustavi H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: Buea. R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6485 1963-10-28
AMES: 01943741 Manniella gustavi H. G. Reichenbach Cameroon: Buea. R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6485 1963-10-28
AMES: 02389000 Polystachya adansoniae Reichenbach f. Cameroon: Dschang District, Massif Marengouba, near Nk... W. Sanford 5463 1968-11-16
AMES: 02127999 Polystachya adansoniae Reichenbach f. Cameroon: Dschang District, Massif Marengouba, near Nk... W. Sanford 5463 1968-11-16
GH: 02127984 Polystachya affinis Lindley Cameroon: Center Province: Dja et Lobo Dept.; Meka'a, ... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1492 1996-2-23
A: 00273462 Polystachya alpina Lindley Cameroon: Bamenda Distr., Bafut Ngemba Forest Reserve B. O. Daramola 41566 1959-7-2
AMES: 02389000 Polystachya bifida Lindley Cameroon: Dschang District, Massif Marengouba, near Nk... W. Sanford 5463 1968-11-16
AMES: 02127999 Polystachya bifida Lindley Cameroon: Dschang District, Massif Marengouba, near Nk... W. Sanford 5463 1968-11-16
GH: 02389018 Polystachya elegans Reichenbach f. Cameroon: East Province: Djaposten, 43km from Lomie Z. L. Nzooh Dongmo & B. A. Nkongme... 574 1996-4-14
GH: 02389023 Polystachya fulvilabia Schlechter Cameroon: Center Province: Mfoundi Dept.; Kala, 20km W... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1449 1996-2-14
GH: 02389022 Polystachya fulvilabia Schlechter Cameroon: West Province: Menoua Dept.; Tchouagoua, 5km... B. A. Nkongmeneck 1778 1996-4-21