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Next page > GH: 00045762 cremnophila (I. M. Johnston) J. W. Ingram Chile: Vicinity of Aguada Grande ("Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 5779 1925-12-16
GH: 00045762 cremnophilum I. M. Johnston Chile: Vicinity of Aguada Grande ("Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 5779 1925-12-16
GH: 00043809 cremnophilum I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Region about Aguada Cachina (waterhole in Qu... I. M. Johnston 5707 1925-12-15
GH: 01248600 cremnophilum I. M. Johnston Chile: Vicinity of Aguada Grande ("Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 5781 1925-12-16
FH: 00258575 crinitum (Schultz) R. H. Zander Chile: Los Peralis V. Costes 1915
FH: 00258576 crinitum (Schultz) R. H. Zander Chile: Los Peralis de Marga. Marga M. Bertho 1914-2
AMES: 01940821 crispa Lindley Chile: Temuco Claude-Joseph 6004 1928-12
AMES: 01940820 crispa Lindley Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3746 1925-10
GH: 00053303 cruckshanksii (Hooker) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Chile: ValparaÃso Region Quillota C. G. Bertero 895 1829-9
GH: 00312586 cumingianum Fischer & C. A. Meyer Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00312588 cumingianum Fischer & C. A. Meyer Chile: C. G. Bertero
GH: 00312589 cumingianum Fischer & C. A. Meyer Chile: San Felipe de Aconcagua C. G. Bertero 1315 1829-9
GH: 00312590 cumingianum Fischer & C. A. Meyer Chile: Coquimbo [Cord. de Tilito, Prov. Coquimbo. ca. 3500 m... C. Gay
GH: 00969836 cumingianum Fischer & C. A. Meyer Chile: Region V, Valparaiso. loc. dict. Concon C. G. Bertero 1082 1829
GH: 00066179 cumingii Hooker & Arnott Chile: Cordilleras H. Cuming 228
GH: 00066179 cumingii (Hooker & Arnott) F. Philippi Chile: Cordilleras H. Cuming 228
GH: 00589853 cumingii Nees Chile: ValparaÃso Region Valparaiso H. Cuming
GH: 00097607 curassavicum Linnaeus Chile: D. Bertero 320 1828
GH: 00097606 curassavicum Linnaeus Chile: in arenosis prope lacum Aculeo (Chili) D. Bertero 320 1828
GH: 00589577 curvicaulis Clos Chile: Chili ["Prov. Central" written on label by I... C. Gay
GH: 00589577 curvicaulis (Clos) Reiche Chile: Chili ["Prov. Central" written on label by I... C. Gay
GH: 00061760 curvifolia Bertero Chile: D. Bertero 62
FH: 00301246 curviseta Mitten Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de. Ñuble, Racinto, Las Francas H. Roivainen 1680 1929-4-12
FH: 00301247 curviseta Mitten Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 1988 1929-3-7
FH: 00301248 curviseta Mitten Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 1348 1929-2-13
FH: 00301249 curviseta Mitten Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 2426 1929-2-12
FH: 00301250 curviseta Mitten Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 124 1929-1-19
FH: 00301251 curviseta Mitten Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 1044 1929-4-15
GH: 01875517 curvispina (Bertero ex Colla) Donald & G. D. Rowley Chile: Atacama 40 km. south of Copiapo on the Pan American ... P. C. Hutchison 387 1952-1-29
GH: 01678174 curvispina (Bertero ex Colla) Katterman Chile: Antofagasta Between Cascabelles and Agua Dulce I. M. Johnston 5169 1925-11-28
GH: 01874986 curvispinus (Bertero ex Colla) Gay Chile: [illegible] Mont. La Leona D. Bertero 126 1828
GH: 01874987 curvispinus (Bertero ex Colla) Gay Chile: Santiago San Gabriel G. Montero O. 543 1927-12-17
GH: 01874988 curvispinus (Bertero ex Colla) Gay Chile: [no additional data] D. Bertero 126
GH: 01874986 curvispinus (Bertero ex Colla) A. Berger Chile: [illegible] Mont. La Leona D. Bertero 126 1828
GH: 01874987 curvispinus (Bertero ex Colla) A. Berger Chile: Santiago San Gabriel G. Montero O. 543 1927-12-17
GH: 01874988 curvispinus (Bertero ex Colla) A. Berger Chile: [no additional data] D. Bertero 126
FH: 00286216 cuspidarioides Dusén Chile: Patagonia occ. in valle fluminis Aysen in te... P. K. H. Dusén 389 1897-1-5
FH: 01179495 cutleriae Kützing Chile: Valapariso [no data available]
FH: 01170495 cutleriae Kützing Chile: Valparaiso [no data available]
AMES: 01940825 cygnaea Philippi Chile: Concepción Chiguayante, Sandebene sudlich des Ortes, [i... C. Junge 2618 1944-12-6
AMES: 01940824 cygnaea Philippi Chile: Temuco Claude-Joseph 6003 1928-12
AMES: 01940823 cygnaea Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3756 1925-10
AMES: 01940822 cygnaea Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3753 1925-10
FH: 00980049 cylichnium (Tulasne) Korf Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. La Pacienc... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-233 2019-4-10
FH: 00081228 cylindrosporum Lichtwardt & Arenas Chile: unnamed stream (site 16) R. W. Lichtwardt & J. Arenas M. CHI-16-5 1993-12-15
GH: 00030385 cylindrostachya I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta base of hills just southeast of La Chimba I. M. Johnston 3645 1925-10-19
AMES: 01940816 cylindrostachya Poeppig Chile: ValparaÃso Region On the Cerro and near the summit of La Campa... W. J. Eyerdam 10113 1957-12-31
AMES: 01940815 cylindrostachya Poeppig Chile: ValparaÃso Region Four km. southwest of Valparaiso. P. C. Hutchison 19 1951-11-15
GH: 02406200 cynoglossoides I. M. Johnston Chile: Aconcagua G. O. A. Malme 1903-1-29
GH: 02406204 cynoglossoides I. M. Johnston Chile: Aconcagua G. O. A. Malme 17292 1938-2-12
GH: 02406203 cynoglossoides I. M. Johnston Chile: Aconcagua J. L. Morrison & R. Wagenknecht 17194 1939-2-6
GH: 02412992 cyperinus (Retzius) Valck. Suringar Chile: ValparaÃso Region outer slopes of Rano Kao C. J. F. Skottsberg & I. Skottsberg 675 1917-6-23
GH: 00139309 darumbium (Bertero ex Colla) Clos Chile: Cortillera Santiago. Las Aranas R. A. Philippi 1853-10
GH: 00589576 darumbium (Bertero ex Colla) Clos Chile: Atacama Rio de Valeriano near La Cueva I. M. Johnston 6033 1926-1-8
GH: 00038706 darwinii Hooker Chile: T. C. Bridges 582 1833
FH: 00432786 darwinii Berkeley Chile: BÃo-BÃo [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1935-4
FH: 00432788 darwinii Berkeley Chile: BÃo-BÃo [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1935-4
FH: 00432789 darwinii Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 5163
FH: 00980027 darwinii Berkeley Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Lote 10, F... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-207 2019-4-10
GH: 02263022 darwinii Boott Chile: [data not captured] O. Dollenz-Alvarez 1090 1982-4-8
FH: 00416563 dasypus Nees Chile: Santiago [no additional data] [no data available] 46 1928-6
FH: 00250380 debaryanum A. Blytt Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00250381 debaryanum A. Blytt Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00250382 debaryanum A. Blytt Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00293218 debilis d'Urville Chile: Isla Grevy E. E. Pisano-Valdés 5351 1982-1-15
GH: 00293217 debilis d'Urville Chile: Isla Bayly E. E. Pisano-Valdés 5158 1980-3-1
GH: 00101834 decidua Boott Chile: Terra del Fuego J. Banks & D. C. Solander 1769
FH: 00276442 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00276443 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-7
FH: 00276444 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00276445 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2-22
FH: 00276446 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00276447 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-5
FH: 00276448 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00276449 decipiens (Persoon) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00965684 decora Gottsche ex Stephani Chile: Chile australis prope Puerto Varas P. K. H. Dusén 1897-6
FH: 00965689 decora Gottsche ex Stephani Chile: Valdivia [no additional data] H. Hahn 1887
FH: 00258898 decurvifolia Sullivant Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Orange Harbor: Orange Harbor, Tierra del Fue... Wilkes Expedition
FH: 00258898 decurvifolium (Sullivant) Stephani Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Orange Harbor: Orange Harbor, Tierra del Fue... Wilkes Expedition
FH: 00197476 decussata C. W. Dodge Chile: Prov. Aconcagua, Zapallar G. Follmann 14476-D 1964
GH: 00282355 deflexa (I. M. Johnston) I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Carrizalillo ca. 50 km. NE of Chañaral J. E. Harding 2 1921
GH: 00282355 deflexa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Carrizalillo ca. 50 km. NE of Chañaral J. E. Harding 2 1921
GH: 00097035 delicatulum Philippi Chile: Chillan M. A. de Solis Obando 1869
GH: 01990920 dendroideum Moc. & Sessé ex de Candolle Chile: [illegible] C. Junge 1938-12-15
GH: 00019501 dentata Barnéoud Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00066400 dentata Ruiz & Pavon Chile: In fruticetis prope Machaly, Rancagua C. G. Bertero 69 1828-5
GH: 00066399 dentata Ruiz & Pavon Chile: C. G. Bertero 69
GH: 00066398 dentata Ruiz & Pavon Chile: In sylvaticis montosis Rancagua C. G. Bertero 69 1828-10
GH: 00013911 denticulata Philippi Chile: Atacama [Cachinal de la Costa, 24° 4'. ann. R. P. R... R. A. Philippi 1853-12
FH: 00215296 denudata (Linnaeus) Wettstein Chile: Los Lagos Corral R. Thaxter 5654 1905-12
FH: 00215297 denudata (Linnaeus) Wettstein Chile: Los Lagos Corral R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00013914 depauperata Gay Chile: Concepción [protologue: "En los llanos de la provincia ... C. Gay
GH: 00013914 depauperata (Gay) Rohrbach Chile: Concepción [protologue: "En los llanos de la provincia ... C. Gay
GH: 00013927 depauperata (Gay) Rohrbach Chile: Santiago In monte S. Pedro Nolasco C. Rengifo
GH: 00013931 depauperata (Gay) Rohrbach Chile: [Prov. de Biobio, Antuco, "El Ollo" (d'El Ho... H. Volckmann
FH: 00258575 depressa Sullivant Chile: Los Peralis V. Costes 1915
FH: 00258576 depressa Sullivant Chile: Los Peralis de Marga. Marga M. Bertho 1914-2
FH: 00258573 depressa Sullivant Chile: ValparaÃso Region Wilkes Expedition 35 1838
A: 00813721 deserti Philippi Chile: Atacama Cord. Rio Figueroa, Co. Paredones E. Werdermann 980 1926-1
FH: 00980061 dextrinospora Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Cerro Piet... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-245 2019-4-14
GH: 02315570 dianae M. O. Dillon Chile: Antofagasta Quebrada above Playa de los Hornos, just N o... M. O. Dillon & D. Dillon 5725 1988-10-20
GH: 02547706 dianthoidea G. Rossi Chile: Santiago Limanche, Prov. de Marga-Marga G. Looser 2095 1926-2-6
GH: 00058405 diaziana I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Rocky slopes above Aguada de Miguel Diaz, 24... I. M. Johnston 5352 1925-12-2
GH: 00052741 diaziana I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, dryish ro... I. M. Johnston 5365 1925-12-2
GH: 00052742 diaziana I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, dryish ro... I. M. Johnston 5365 1925-12-2
FH: 00458100 dicarpum E. B. Bartram Chile: Fuegia bor. , Hotel Boquerón H. Roivainen 317 1929-2-2
FH: 00458101 dicarpum E. B. Bartram Chile: Fuegia bor., Hotel Boquerón H. Roivainen 317 1929-2-2
GH: 00096381 dichita Philippi Chile: Deserto de Atacama Villanueva 1877
GH: 02406603 dichita I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Near Los Alamos I. M. Johnston 3695 1925-10-22
FH: 01012873 dichondrae Hariot Chile: Concepción [no additional data] F. W. Neger 11 1895-4
GH: 01166070 dichotoma (Ruiz & Pavon) Choisy Chile: Paposo R. A. Philippi
FH: 00270418 dictyospermum Lister & G. Lister Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
GH: 00094271 dictyota Suksdorf Chile: Antofagasta Steep hillside ca. 6 km. north of port and a... I. M. Johnston 3576 1925-10-18
FH: 00781458 didymium (Montagne) Lorentz Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn J. D. Hooker 138 1839
FH: 00781459 didymium (Montagne) Lorentz Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn J. D. Hooker 138b 1839
FH: 00781470 didymium (Montagne) Lorentz Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Hermite Island, C. Horn [Cape Horn] J. D. Hooker 135 1839
FH: 00781453 didymium (Montagne) Lorentz Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn. 18. J. D. Hooker 135 1839
FH: 00781471 didymium (Montagne) Lorentz Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn [Cape Horn] J. D. Hooker 136 1839
FH: 00301935 difformis (Nees) Grolle Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
GH: 00282372 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz I. M. Johnston 5384 1925-12-1
GH: 02406505 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4949 1925-11-9
GH: 02406506 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4728 1925-10-24
GH: 02406295 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4951 1925-11-9
GH: 02406306 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Aconcagua J. L. Morrison 16895 1938-12-14
GH: 02406304 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Santiago [no data available] 42 1883-2-10
GH: 02406301 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Santiago [no data available] 62
GH: 02406302 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 6224 1926-1-16
GH: 02406299 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4918 1925-11-7
GH: 02406300 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 6282 1925-11-7
GH: 02406298 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 5924 1926-1-5
GH: 02406296 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 3697 1925-10-22
GH: 02406294 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Fr. Gay s. n. 1925-10-22
GH: 02406293 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Santiago F. Philippi 1861-11
GH: 02406292 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4933 1925-11-8
GH: 02406291 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 493 1925-11-8
GH: 02406285 diffusa I. M. Johnston Chile: Coquimbo E. Werdermann 220 1923-12
GH: 00096380 diffusum Philippi Chile: Coquimbo Huanta, Banosde Toro H. Volckmann 1860
GH: 00092853 diffusum Clos Chile: C. Gay
FH: 00980052 diminuens (P. Karsten) Nannfeldt Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Lago Desea... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-236 2019-4-13
FH: 00980053 diminuens (P. Karsten) Nannfeldt Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Lago Desea... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-237 2019-4-13
GH: 00097352 dimorpha (I. M. Johnston) I. M. Johnston Chile: T. Morong 1282 1888
GH: 00096384 dimorphum Philippi Chile: Santiago 1857-2
GH: 02406597 dimorphum Philippi Chile: Arañas [no data available] 1861-1
GH: 02406599 dimorphum Philippi Chile: Santiago Cord. de Santiago, Las Arañas [no data available] 1861-11
GH: 02406598 dimorphum Philippi Chile: Las Condes [no data available] 1880-1
GH: 00035337 diplotricha Philippi Chile: Concumen C. L. Landbeck 1863-1
GH: 02406445 diplotricha (Philippi) Hasenstab & M.G. Simpson Chile: Antofagasta H. F. A. Eggers 42 1927-9
AMES: 01940828 disoides Lindley Chile: ValparaÃso Region Cerro Roblé above Calco ca. 2 km. by trail. P. C. Hutchison 69 1951-12-2
GH: 00052743 dissecta Hooker & Arnott Chile: ValparaÃso Region Sides of quebradas and cliffs near the sea A. Mathews 182
GH: 00102355 diuretica (H. B. Willd) Lindley Chile: Chiloé Cucao E. Werdermann 303 1924-3
FH: 00301975 divariacata J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker
FH: 00301977 divariacata J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn Lowell
GH: 00282371 divaricata (Lindley) I. M. Johnston Chile: Coquimbo H. Cuming 862
GH: 00282371 divaricata Lindley Chile: Coquimbo H. Cuming 862
GH: 00096373 divaricatum Philippi Chile: Caldera Frederico Philippi 1885-9
GH: 00589573 dodtii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, just back... I. M. Johnston 5353 1925-12-2
GH: 01982041 doellii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta opposite Agua Perales; Vicinity of Paposo; Q... I. M. Johnston 5591 1925-12-8
GH: 01982042 doellii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Agua de Cardon I. M. Johnston 5277 1925-11-30
GH: 01982043 doellii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Agua de Cardon I. M. Johnston 5393 1925-12-1
GH: 01982044 doellii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Cerro de la Cachina, peak near sea ca. 14 km... I. M. Johnston 5704 1925-12-14
GH: 01982045 doellii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Cechinalcito G. Montero O. 2975 1936-9-11
GH: 01117846 dolichophylla J. Presl Chile: Antofagasta Prov. Antofagasta, Dept. Taltal; Region abou... I. M. Johnston 5728 1925-12-14
GH: 02406110 dolichophylla Reiche Chile: Santiago G. Looser 4298 1940-10-14
A: 02406108 dolichophylla Reiche Chile: Santiago R. Wagenknecht 5781 1941-2-6
GH: 02406109 dolichophylla Reiche Chile: Santiago G. Looser 4260 1940-10-14
GH: 02406113 dolichophylla Reiche Chile: C. J. F. Skottsberg 1917-8-13
GH: 00096385 dolichophylla Reiche Chile: Paihuano F. Peralta 1884
GH: 00096385 dolichophyllum Philippi Chile: Paihuano F. Peralta 1884
GH: 00059459 dolichostachya Philippi Chile: Aconcagua Dunes at Concon Frederico Philippi 4 1884-10-12
A: 00047044 dombeyana A. Jussieu Chile: J. Dombey 913
A: 00047045 dombeyana A. Jussieu Chile: J. Dombey 913
FH: 00301981 duricaulis J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 141 1843
FH: 00301980 duricaulis (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn. W. Dacis
FH: 00301981 duricaulis (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 141 1843
FH: 00301586 dusenii Paris Chile: Chile australis ad lac P. K. H. Dusén 742 1897-6-24
FH: 00965684 dusenii Stephani Chile: Chile australis prope Puerto Varas P. K. H. Dusén 1897-6
GH: 00097699 echinata Gilibert Chile: About Concepcion, sandy places H. Hahn 19
FH: 00284814 echinata (Gamundi) Korf & W.Y. Zhuang Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Rio Las Minas, at the overlook D. H. Pfister & M. E. Smith DHP Ch-21 2008-3-19
FH: 00434674 echinatus Gamundi Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s.n. 1906-2
FH: 00284848 echinatus Gamundi Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Rio Las Minas above Punta Arenas, above picn... D. H. Pfister & M. E. Smith DHP Ch-60 2008-3-24
FH: 00284850 echinatus Gamundi Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Rio Las Minas above Punta Arenas, above picn... D. H. Pfister & M. E. Smith DHP Ch-62 2008-3-24
FH: 00284856 echinatus Gamundi Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Rio Las Minas near park entrance on trail to... D. H. Pfister & M. E. Smith DHP Ch-68 2008-3-21
GH: 00549393 edmonstonei Hooker f. Chile: [Galapagos Islds.] T. Edmondston
GH: 00549393 edmonstonei (Hooker f.) B. L. Robinson Chile: [Galapagos Islds.] T. Edmondston
GH: 02433008 egmontiana (Roemer & Schultes) M. Lyle ex L. M. Giussani, R. J. Soreng & A. M. Anton Chile: Laguna Parrillar, Costa S. E. E. Pisano-Valdés 3.897 1973-1-31
FH: 00301983 elata Taylor Chile: Chiloé Chiloe, Cumming J. D. Hooker 1844-6
FH: 00301984 elata Taylor Chile: Chiloé Chiloe, Cumming J. D. Hooker 1449 1844-6
FH: 00781168 elata (R. S. Williams) J. A. Jimenez & M. J. Cano Chile: Antofagasta Aguada Panulcito; along trail to the old And... I. M. Johnston 16 1925-12-5
GH: 00549392 elatus (Hooker & Arnott) Reiche Chile: Santiago Fierro Carrera (Las Condes) G. Looser 1132 1930-1-25
GH: 00022178 elegans Kunze Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1537 1830-4
GH: 00022180 elegans Kunze Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1537 1830-4
GH: 00022181 elegans Colla Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1537 1830-4
GH: 00022179 elegans Colla Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1537 1830-4
FH: 00215903 elegans Bowman Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2-22
GH: 02014612 elegans Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region Juan Fernández (Chile) Ch. Bock 48 1934-11
GH: 02014611 elegans Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra: Pangal O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3828 1965-12-11
GH: 00035295 elliptica Hooker f. Chile: Puerto Montl R. A. Philippi 1856
GH: 01940829 elwesii Rolfe Chile: below Baños de Chillan. H. J. Elwes 1901-12-22
GH: 00135271 emarginata Clos Chile: C. Gay
FH: 00302831 enteroleuca Acharius Chile: Ins. Chiloe T. Hill 1872
FH: 00265971 epidendrum (J. C. Buxbaum ex Linnaeus) Fries Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-11
FH: 00265974 epidendrum (J. C. Buxbaum ex Linnaeus) Fries Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00980069 epiphyllum (Persoon) Hengstmengel Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Lago Desea... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-253 2019-4-13
GH: 02263108 eragrostis Lamarck Chile: ValparaÃso Region [data not captured] C. J. F. Skottsberg 54 1904-12-19
GH: 00035105 erecta Philippi Chile: Paposo R. A. Philippi
GH: 00002072 eremicola Epling Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Puerto de Chañaral; hills back ... I. M. Johnston 4810 1925-10-28
GH: 00097617 eremogenum I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Félix Jaffuel 1120 1930-10-29
GH: 00097620 ericoidea Miers Chile: Coquimbo T. C. Bridges 1339
GH: 00100521 ericoides R. Knuth Chile: Antofagasta Aguada Panulcito, along trail to the old And... I. M. Johnston 5466 1925-12-5
GH: 00021835 espinosa Weatherby Chile: Antofagasta El Rincon, just north of Paposa, along trail... I. M. Johnston 5492 1925-12-7
GH: 00037499 espinosae Muñoz Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge, Desembocadura del rio LimarÃ, 3... C. Muñoz B-212 1935-9-26
FH: 00432790 espinosae Lloyd Chile: BÃo-BÃo [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1922-9
FH: 00197475 eulychnia C. W. Dodge Chile: Prov. Atacama, Oasis de Paposo G. Follmann 14209-D 1961
FH: 00197474 euphorbiae C. W. Dodge Chile: Prov. Atacama, Chanarae G. Follmann 14761-D 1965
FH: 00259834 exasperatula (Nylander) Esslinger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: around Las Casa Escandada, nea... D. H. Pfister ch-71 2008-3-22
GH: 00035319 excelsa (Bertero ex Steudel) Weddell Chile: In sylvis umbrosis et secus rivulos in colli... C. G. Bertero 1521 1830-4
GH: 00035318 excelsa (Bertero ex Steudel) Weddell Chile: In sylvis umbrosis et secus rivulos in colli... C. G. Bertero 1521 1830-4
GH: 00035317 excelsa (Bertero ex Steudel) Weddell Chile: In sylvis umbrosis et secus rivulos in colli... C. G. Bertero 1521 1830-4
GH: 00035319 excelsa Bertero ex Steudel Chile: In sylvis umbrosis et secus rivulos in colli... C. G. Bertero 1521 1830-4
GH: 00035318 excelsa Bertero ex Steudel Chile: In sylvis umbrosis et secus rivulos in colli... C. G. Bertero 1521 1830-4
GH: 00035317 excelsa Bertero ex Steudel Chile: In sylvis umbrosis et secus rivulos in colli... C. G. Bertero 1521 1830-4
GH: 00100513 exigua Philippi Chile: Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins Near Coya above El Terniente, rock-slide, 27... F. W. Pennell 12351 1925-1-26
FH: 00302827 exigua (Chaubard) Fries Chile: Ins. Juan Fernandez T. Hill 1872
FH: 00941479 eximia Boudier Chile: Empedrado, Maule Region, northwest of the Na... D. Torres Acuña 2017-9
FH: 00301937 expansus (Lehmann) Grolle Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1943
GH: 00061277 exscapa de Candolle Chile: Valparaiso C. G. Bertero 1771 1830-8
GH: 00061278 exscapa de Candolle Chile: Valparaiso C. G. Bertero 1771 1830-8
A: 00071044 exsucca (de Candolle) O. Berg Chile: [Prope urbem Valdivia] W. Lechler 563 1853-11
GH: 00071045 exsucca (de Candolle) O. Berg Chile: Prope urbem Valdivia W. Lechler 563 1853-11
FH: 00624903 falklandica W. R. Taylor Chile: [data not captured] [no data available] 2775 1888-1-18
GH: 00077406 fallax I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Tocopilla, ca. 6 km. north of port and about... I. M. Johnston 3626 1925-10-18
FH: 00302219 fallax (Hepp ex Arnold) Arnold Chile: Isla Navarino (Tierra del Fuego) G. Follmann 13975-D 1963
FH: 00259832 farinacea (Vainio) A. W. Evans Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: La Casa Escandida 53°02.959' ... D. H. Pfister ch-6 2008-3-18
GH: 00091911 farnesiana Gleisner & Ricardi Chile: Coquimbo Departamento Serena, Cuesta Pajonales M. Ricardi Salinas, C. Marticorena... 1121 1964-10-26
FH: 00781458 fasciculare (Hedwig) Bridel Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn J. D. Hooker 138 1839
FH: 00781459 fasciculare (Hedwig) Bridel Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn J. D. Hooker 138b 1839
FH: 00313595 fastigatus Thaxter Chile: Concepción Plaza fountain, Concepción, Chile 1906-11
GH: 00030385 fastigiata Gay Chile: Antofagasta base of hills just southeast of La Chimba I. M. Johnston 3645 1925-10-19
FH: 00776533 fastigiata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00788334 fastigiatum (Bory) J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] [no data available] 51
FH: 00788335 fastigiatum (Bory) J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1905-11-18
FH: 00788337 fastigiatum (Bory) J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] [no data available]
FH: 00788338 fastigiatum (Bory) J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1905-11-18
FH: 00276611 favoginea (Batsch) Persoon Chile: Concepción R. Thaxter 1905
FH: 00276613 favoginea (Batsch) Persoon Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00276615 favoginea (Batsch) Persoon Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1905-2
FH: 00276616 favoginea (Batsch) Persoon Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00035209 feliciana Philippi Chile: Isla San Felix E. Simpson 1869
GH: 00066392 fernandesiana Gay Chile: Ins. Juan Fernandez C. G. Bertero [1436] 1830-4
GH: 00066391 fernandesiana Gay Chile: Ins. Juan Fernandez C. G. Bertero [1436] 1830-4
GH: 00257740 fernandeziana A. de Candolle Chile: Juan Fernandez Island D. Bertero 1443 1830-2
GH: 00257741 fernandeziana A. de Candolle Chile: Juan Fernandez Island D. Bertero 1443
GH: 00005158 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1491
GH: 00005159 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1491
GH: 01982103 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Cord de [illegible] [illegible] 3020 1854-12
GH: 01982104 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Llanquihue Side roads between Hotel Ensenada and Volcan... J. L. Morrison 17555 1939-3-20
GH: 01982105 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands. Masafuera: Los Inoce... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3736 1965-12-2
GH: 01982106 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands. Masafuera: Middle Ca... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3663 1965-11-27
GH: 01982107 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands. Masafuera: Headwater... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3767 1965-12-4
GH: 01982108 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands. Masatierra: From Cum... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3879 1965-12-16
GH: 01982109 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands. Masafuera: End of Ca... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3654 1965-11-27
GH: 01982110 fernandeziana Miquel Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge C. Muñoz P. B-70 1935-9-25
GH: 00299055 fernandeziana Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region Ins. Juan Fernandez C. G. Bertero 1429
GH: 00299056 fernandeziana Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra, Portezue... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3908 1965-12-23
GH: 00299057 fernandeziana Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra, on Cumbe... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3887 1965-12-20
GH: 00299058 fernandeziana Philippi Chile: ValparaÃso Region Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra, on Cumbe... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3911 1965-12-25
FH: 00302243 fernandeziana (Zahlbruckner) Follmann & Redón Figueroa Chile: ValparaÃso Region Balneario El Quisco M. Mahu 858 1965-1-17
FH: 00290551 fernandezianum Brotherus Chile: ValparaÃso Region Juan Fernandez: Masafuera ad Correspondencia C. J. F. Skottsberg & I. Skottsberg 105 1917-2-14
FH: 00276166 ferruginea Ehrenberg Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00276167 ferruginea Ehrenberg Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00276168 ferruginea Ehrenberg Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00276169 ferruginea Ehrenberg Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00276170 ferruginea Ehrenberg Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00276171 ferruginea Ehrenberg Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00057391 ferruginea Barnéoud Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00021351 ferrugineum Colla Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1540 1830-4
GH: 00139318 ferrugineus Clos Chile: Cautin Puerto Saavedra G. Montero O. 1161 1932-12-30
FH: 00276760 ferruginosa (Batsch) J. G. Gmelin Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00276761 ferruginosa (Batsch) J. G. Gmelin Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
GH: 02268420 feuillei (Bertero) Copeland Chile: Valdivia S. José de la Mariquina Padre A. Hollermayer 1182 1925-5
GH: 02268420 feuillei Bertero Chile: Valdivia S. José de la Mariquina Padre A. Hollermayer 1182 1925-5
GH: 02406519 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta O. T. Solbrig 3060 1959-10-15
GH: 02406146 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5547 1925-12-8
GH: 02406144 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5244 1925-12-5
GH: 02406145 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5204 1925-11-28
GH: 02406142 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5179 1925-11-28
GH: 02406143 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5636 1925-12-11
GH: 02406141 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5157 1925-12-11
GH: 02406140 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5546 1925-12-7
GH: 02406138 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5479 1925-12-5
GH: 02406139 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4808 1925-10-28
GH: 02406137 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 3659 1925-10-19
GH: 02406136 filaginea Reiche Chile: I. M. Johnston 5812 1925-12-16
GH: 02406135 filaginea Reiche Chile: Santiago E. Werdermann 25 1925-10
GH: 02406134 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta E. Werdermann 809 1925-10
GH: 02406133 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 15792 1938-10-12
GH: 02406131 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5682 1925-12-14
GH: 02406132 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5295 1925-11-30
GH: 02406171 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5601 1925-12-8
GH: 02406166 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5122 1925-11-25
GH: 02406164 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 6285 1925-12-7
GH: 02406163 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 5831 1925-12-18
GH: 02406170 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 15828 1938-10-13
GH: 02406168 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta E. Barros 6322 1940-9-20
GH: 02406167 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta E. Barros 6297 1940-9-20
GH: 02406169 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta E. Barros 6319 1941-9-26
GH: 02406165 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta E. Barros 6291 1940-9-24
GH: 02406162 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama E. Barros 6320 1941-9-20
GH: 02406413 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama T. Morong 1238 1890-9
GH: 02406414 filaginea Reiche Chile: Santiago A. Borchers 24 1887-10
GH: 02406161 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama E. E. Gigoux 1922
GH: 02406160 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama T. Morong 1263 1890-9
GH: 02406154 filaginea Reiche Chile: I. M. Johnston 5813 1925-12-16
GH: 02406159 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 5064 1925-11-22
GH: 02406157 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5418 1925-12-1
GH: 02406158 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 5844 1925-12-18
GH: 02406156 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5736 1925-12-14
GH: 02406155 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5744 1925-12-14
GH: 02406153 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5158 1925-11-26
GH: 02406152 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5123 1925-11-25
GH: 02406147 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5412 1925-12-1
GH: 02406148 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 5745 1925-12-14
GH: 02406150 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta E. Barros 6277 1940-9-26
GH: 02406151 filaginea Reiche Chile: Atacama C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16194 1938-11-21
GH: 02406149 filaginea Reiche Chile: Antofagasta C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 15828 1938-10-13
GH: 00096386 filagineum Philippi Chile: Monte Amargo Frederico Philippi 1885-9
A: 00094676 filifolia Miers Chile: Coquimbo T. C. Bridges 1343 1842-3
GH: 00094675 filifolia Miers Chile: Coquimbo T. C. Bridges 1343 1842-3
GH: 00282331 filifolia (Hooker & Arnott) I. M. Johnston Chile: C. Gay
A: 00094676 filifolium (Miers) I. M. Johnston Chile: Coquimbo T. C. Bridges 1343 1842-3
GH: 00094675 filifolium (Miers) I. M. Johnston Chile: Coquimbo T. C. Bridges 1343 1842-3
GH: 00097632 filifolium (Miers) I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Vallie Carrizal? Thomas King 1885-9
GH: 00059460 filifolius Clos Chile: Coquimbo Between La Serena and Arqueros C. Gay [141] 1833-10
GH: 00096387 filiforme Philippi Chile: Hueso parado 1853
GH: 00368636 filiformis (Philippi) Reiche Chile: Tocopilla M. Vidal Gormaz 1889-9
GH: 02406507 filiformis (Philippi) Reiche Chile: Tarapacá E. Werdermann 764 1925-9
GH: 02406129 filiformis (Philippi) Reiche Chile: Antofagasta I. M. Johnston 3578 1925-10-18
GH: 02406130 filiformis (Philippi) Reiche Chile: Félix Jaffuel 1044 1930-10-27
GH: 02406128 filiformis (Philippi) Reiche Chile: Félix Jaffuel 2531A 1932-10
GH: 02406127 filiformis (Philippi) Reiche Chile: E. Barros 6275 1940-9-22
FH: 00284329 filirepens Dusén Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia media, Rio Bueno H. Roivainen 2018 1928-12-9
GH: 00078056 flabellifolia Kraenzlin Chile: Curicó Cord. Volcán Peteroa, ca. 2500 m E. Werdermann 587 1925-1
FH: 00783840 flaccescens (Nylander) Rundel & Bowler Chile: Papudo prov., Acancagua G. Looser 812-b 1928-2-12
FH: 00783841 flaccescens (Nylander) Rundel & Bowler Chile: Antofagasta Dept. Taltal; Aguada Cachinalcito I. M. Johnston 1925-11-29
FH: 00783842 flaccescens (Nylander) Rundel & Bowler Chile: Papudo, prov. Acancagua G. Looser 1928-2-12
FH: 00464897 flammea (Albertini & Schweinitz) Boudier Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s.n. 1906-3
GH: 00021990 flavescens Colla Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1556 1830-4
FH: 00302179 flavicans (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Vainio Chile: X Region De Los Lagos, Osorno Province, vici... J. C. Lendemer 16335 2009-4-21
FH: 00965760 flavifolia Hooker f. & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
FH: 00965723 flavifolia (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Grappler Bay, the Magellan A. E. Douglass 1893
FH: 00965760 flavifolia (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
FH: 00965989 flavifolia (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: [no additional data] H. Hahn
FH: 00965691 flavifolia (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Magallanstrasse, Tuesday Bay [Straight of Ma... F. C. Naumann 1876-2-2
FH: 00876223 flexilis (Linnaeus) C. Agardh Chile: Valdivia [data not captured] W. Lechler
GH: 00057308 flexuosa Philippi Chile: Santiago Valle del Yeso R. A. Philippi 1866-1
GH: 00013917 floribunda Gay Chile: Coquimbo ["vicinity of La Serena" ann. R. P. Rossbach... C. Gay
GH: 00054352 floribunda Philippi Chile: Atacama Chañaral bajo Frederico Philippi 1854-2
GH: 00076021 floribunda Hooker & Arnott Chile: ValparaÃso Region ValparaÃso H. Cuming 670 1832
GH: 00013917 floribunda (Gay) Rohrbach Chile: Coquimbo ["vicinity of La Serena" ann. R. P. Rossbach... C. Gay
GH: 00013902 floribunda (Gay) Rohrbach Chile: Coquimbo Coquimbo R. A. Philippi 1885-9
GH: 00013926 floribunda (Gay) Rohrbach Chile: Atacama Huasco Félix Jaffuel 1164 1930-11-2
GH: 01011793 floribunda Philippi Chile: Atacama R. A. Philippi 1866-10
GH: 00096388 floribundum Philippi Chile: San Felipe R. A. Philippi 1861-9
GH: 00097622 floridum A. de Candolle Chile: C. Gay 1182
GH: 00097622 floridum (A. de Candolle) Clos Chile: C. Gay 1182
GH: 00097413 floridum (A. de Candolle) Clos Chile: Coquimbo T. C. Bridges 1340
GH: 00063347 fodinarum Philippi Chile: Mina Cristo [valle de Maipo, scripsit I. M. ... 1869-12
GH: 00300912 foliosa Hooker & Arnott Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00300913 foliosa Hooker & Arnott Chile: ValparaÃso Region Quintero E. Werdermann 27 1923-9
GH: 00300914 foliosa Hooker & Arnott Chile: ValparaÃso Region C. Junge 2803
GH: 00300915 foliosa Hooker & Arnott Chile: ValparaÃso Region D. Bertero 1296 1830
GH: 00019378 foliosa Hooker & Arnott Chile: Cliffs at Playa Ancha, Valparaiso T. C. Bridges 479
AMES: 00083237 foliosa Brongniart Chile: D'Urville s.n.
GH: 00096389 foliosum Philippi Chile: Constilucion R. Azocart
GH: 00057403 foliosus I. M. Johnston Chile: Dept. Nuble, Yungay C. Stuardo 1916-2-20
FH: 00302767 follmannii C. W. Dodge Chile: Isla Greenwich (Bahia Soberania) G. Follmann 11843-D 1963
FH: 00302903 follmannii (C. W. Dodge) Sparrius Chile: Aconcagua Los Molles, costa G. Follmann 14660-D 1960
FH: 00302903 follmannii C. W. Dodge Chile: Aconcagua Los Molles, costa G. Follmann 14660-D 1960
GH: 01126238 fonkii Philippi Chile: Cautin West slopes of Volcan Llaima James West 4908 1935-12-28
GH: 00052744 formosula I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada Grande, dry gravelly floo... I. M. Johnston 5819 1925-12-18
FH: 00416974 fornicatum (Hudson) Hooker Chile: Southern Chile S. Arentsen
FH: 00215967 fragilis (Dickson) RostafÃnsky Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: woods above inn R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00215968 fragilis (Dickson) RostafÃnsky Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Woods above inn R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00215969 fragilis (Dickson) RostafÃnsky Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3
FH: 00488367 fragilis (Zeller & C. W. Dodge) A. H. Smith Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s.n. 1906-2
FH: 00488368 fragilis (Zeller & C. W. Dodge) A. H. Smith Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s.n. 1906-3
GH: 00813729 fragosum Miers Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, ca. 24 35... I. M. Johnston 5382 1925-12-1
GH: 00813730 fragosum Miers Chile: Atacama Totoral E. Werdermann 472 1924-2
GH: 00095258 fragrans Turczaninow Chile: Coquimbo Mountains near Arquieros mines T. C. Bridges 1347 1842-3
GH: 00036111 frankenioides J. Rémy Chile: C. Gay
GH: 02549732 friburgensis Mez Chile: Villarrica Peter (Pedro) Jörgensen 4489 1932-1
FH: 00434621 frondosa (Kobayasi) Kobayasi & Korf Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s.n. 1906-1
GH: 00013921 fruticosa Philippi Chile: Atacama Huasco, ann. r. P. Rossbach, Jan 1938] R. A. Philippi 1868-10
GH: 00096390 fruticosum Philippi Chile: Coquimbo C. Gay 1077 1836-9
FH: 00250349 fruticulosa (O. F. Müller) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00290428 fuegiana (Mitten) Mitten Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cabo Negro, fret. Magell. W. Lechler 1088
FH: 00290428 fuegiana Mitten Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cabo Negro, fret. Magell. W. Lechler 1088
FH: 00995013 fuegiana (Spegazzini) Gamundi Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Tierra del Fuego, Parque Karukinka, Chile G. Furci 2012-3
FH: 00060212 fuegianum E. B. Bartram Chile: Fuegia media, Puerto Medio de la Estancia Ca... H. Roivainen 8 1928-12-14
FH: 00781184 fuegianum E. B. Bartram Chile: Fuegia media, Puerto Medio de la Estancia Ca... H. Roivainen 8 1928-12-14
FH: 00258903 fuegianum Sullivant Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Orange Harbor: Orange Harbor, Tierra del Fue... Wilkes Expedition
FH: 00964586 fuegianum Spegazzini Chile: Magallanes Forest Reserve, on Sendero de Chi... M. E. Smith MES-2420 2017-4-4
FH: 00964587 fuegianum Spegazzini Chile: Magallanes Forest Reserve, near the guardapa... M. E. Smith MES-2510 2017-4-6
FH: 00964588 fuegianum Spegazzini Chile: Villa Ortega, camino al Cerro Rosado C. Truong CT-4392 2016-4-29
FH: 00995013 fuegianum Spegazzini Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Tierra del Fuego, Parque Karukinka, Chile G. Furci 2012-3
FH: 00259589 fuegiensis C. W. Dodge Chile: Terra del Fuego, between Estlandica Castilla... P. A. Siple & R. G. Frazier 396a 1941-3-28
GH: 00052745 fuentesiana I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Cerro de la Cachina, peak near sea ca. 14 km... I. M. Johnston 5686 1925-12-15
GH: 00052746 fuentesiana I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Cerro de la Cachina, peak neas sea, ca. 14 k... I. M. Johnston 5686 1925-12-15
GH: 02465363 fuentesii G. F. Grandjot Chile: Santiago Am Cerro Ramón Cordillera de Santiago K. Grandjot & G. F. Grandjot 1932-12
GH: 02465364 fuentesii G. F. Grandjot Chile: Santiago Am Cerro Ramón Cordillera de Santiago K. Grandjot & G. F. Grandjot 1934-1
FH: 00250184 fusca Roth Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00276193 fusca Roth Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00276194 fusca Roth Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
FH: 00301937 fusco-virens (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1943
FH: 00302215 fuscoferruginea (Krempelhuber) Zahlbruckner Chile: Atacama Taltal G. Follmann 14685-D 1965
GH: 02409246 fuscopurpurea (Steudel) H. Pfeiffer Chile:
FH: 00302227 gainii (Hue) C. W. Dodge & G. E. Baker Chile: (Antartida) Isla Adelaida G. Follmann 13955-D 1963
AMES: 01940836 galeata Lindley Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3752 1925-10
GH: 01940835 galeata Lindley Chile: Santiago Cerro del Roble, por Cabu G. Looser 771 1927-11-6
GH: 01940834 galeata Lindley Chile: ValparaÃso Region Cerro Campana O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3631 1965-11-21
AMES: 01940833 galeata Lindley Chile: Ñnuble General Cruz, Cowpos del Stata G. Montero O. 2004 1934-11-10
AMES: 01940832 galeata Lindley Chile: Aconcagua Valle de Marga-Marga (coast ranges southeast... F. Jaffuel & P. A. Pirión 3012 1932-9
FH: 00965556 gamundiae Pfister, Caiafa & M. E. Smith Chile: Auracania: Parque Nacional Villarica, sector... M. V. Caiafa, M. E. Smith, E. Nouh... MES-3587 2019-10-15
FH: 00965560 gamundiae Pfister, Caiafa & M. E. Smith Chile: Auracania: Rukarelmu (Raimundo y Manana's ho... M. V. Caiafa & M. E. Smith MES-3507 2019-10-4
GH: 01940841 gaudichaudii Brongniart Chile: Aisén Región del Lago Buenos Aires Valle León I. v. Rentzell 6302 1939-2-7
GH: 01940840 gaudichaudii Brongniart Chile: Cautin Volcan Llaima E. Werdermann 1233 1927-2
GH: 01940837 gaudichaudii Brongniart Chile: PenÃnsula Muñoz Gamero, BahÃa Tranquila. E. Pisano V. & O. Dollenz-Alvarez 5833 1983-11-21
AMES: 01940844 gavilu Lindley Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3747 1925-10
AMES: 01940845 gavilu Lindley Chile: Cautin Temuco. Cerro Nielol G. Montero O. 2482 1935-12-29
GH: 01940843 gavilu Lindley Chile: Concepción [no additional data] Félix Jaffuel 1378 1930-12
GH: 01940842 gavilu Lindley Chile: Colchagua Cerro Echaurrina (San Fernando) G. Montero O. 12 1925-10
A: 00069361 gayana Barnéoud Chile: Valdivia C. Gay 94
GH: 00069360 gayana Barnéoud Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00075694 gayana Bentham Chile: Coquimbo Flanos de Guanta, 4000-9000 feet. C. Gay
GH: 00300903 gayanum Barnéoud Chile: Coquimbo R. Wagenknecht 5571
GH: 00312583 gayanum Barnéoud Chile: Uspallata-Pass der chilenischen Hochcordille... O. Buchtien 1903
GH: 00057307 gayi Philippi Chile: Arqueros C. Gay 1836
GH: 00019380 gayi Philippi Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Copiapo, Quebrada de Chanchaquin E. E. Gigoux 1885-9
GH: 00022097 gayi Grisebach Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00368638 gayi I. M. Johnston Chile: in collibus, Arqueros C. Gay 1621 1836-10
GH: 00046911 geisseana Philippi Chile: Bandurrias Dept. Copiapo G. Geisse
GH: 00097634 geissei F. Philippi Chile: Santiago El Alba prope Colina Frederico Philippi 1891-12
GH: 02548409 geissei R. A. Philippi Chile: Antofagasta vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz I. M. Johnston 5320 1925-12-1
GH: 00057404 germaini Philippi Chile: San Ignacio de Pemehue, Cordillera frente a ... P. Germain 1894
AMES: 00082651 germainii Philippi Chile: Quillota R. A. Philippi sn
FH: 00781461 geronticum Müller Halle Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn J. D. Hooker 139 1839
GH: 02182428 gibba Linnaeus Chile: Valdivia Amargos L. H. Gunckel 1991 1931-2-15
GH: 02182427 gibba Linnaeus Chile: Coquimbo El Palqui, La Paloma E. Werdermann 930 1926-1
GH: 02182423 gibba Linnaeus Chile: [no additional data] C. Gay
GH: 02182422 gibba Linnaeus Chile: Coquimbo Punta negra (Huasco) [no data available]
GH: 02182421 gibba Linnaeus Chile: [no additional data] C. Gay
GH: 00098201 gigantea Poeppig & Endlicher Chile: E. F. Poeppig
GH: 00096391 gilliesi Philippi Chile: Valle del Yeso 1866-1
GH: 00029422 gilliesii Baker Chile: Foot of the Cordillera near Mendoza J. Gillies
GH: 00057392 gilliesii Hooker & Arnott Chile: Andes Chilensis H. Cuming 218 1831
GH: 00057392 gilliesii (Hooker & Arnott) D. I. Ford Chile: Andes Chilensis H. Cuming 218 1831
GH: 00092856 gilliesii Hooker & Arnott Chile: H. Cuming 234
GH: 00061459 gilmartiniae G. S. Varadarajan & A. Flores Chile: Coquimbo Provence Elqui, 60 km. north of La Serena, o... G. S. Varadarajan, U. Varadarajan,... 1481 1987-5-22
GH: 00061460 gilmartiniae G. S. Varadarajan & A. Flores Chile: Coquimbo Provence Elqui, 60 km. north of La Serena, o... G. S. Varadarajan, U. Varadarajan,... 1481 1987-5-22
FH: 00259836 gilva (Acharius) Malme Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Reserva Nacional Laguna Parril... D. H. Pfister ch-52 2008-3-20
FH: 00259839 gilva (Acharius) Malme Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: La Casa Escandida 53°02.959' ... D. H. Pfister ch-9 2008-3-18
GH: 00000269 glandulifera (Poeppig) Correa Chile: Quillota D. Bertero 915 1829
AMES: 01940739 glandulifera (Poeppig) Correa Chile: Colchagua Cajon de Los Helados M. Ricardi 1132 1951-1-7
AMES: 01940733 glandulifera (Poeppig) Correa Chile: Santiago Depto. Melipilla. Las Vizcachas, ca. 10km fr... J. L. Morrison 16790 1938-12-8
AMES: 01940732 glandulifera (Poeppig) Correa Chile: ValparaÃso Region Cerro Campana, 15km northeast of Granizos J. L. Morrison & R. Wagenknecht 17141 1939-1-17
GH: 00106990 glandulifera Werdermann Chile: Atacama Sierra San Miguel, between Augada San Pedrit... I. M. Johnston 4883 1925-11-6
A: 02579437 glanduliferum Link Chile: Aconcagua Zapallar, cerros poco al N. del pueblo en el... G. Looser 5670 1948-10-10
GH: 02579435 glanduliferum Link Chile: Chili. 1838
GH: 02579434 glanduliferum Link Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge, depto. de Ovalle C. Muñoz P. B-126 1935-9-26
GH: 02579433 glanduliferum Link Chile: Atacama Depto. Huasco, ca. 4km due south of Huasco C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16254 1938-10-27
GH: 02579432 glanduliferum Link Chile: ValparaÃso Region Zapallar 1962-4-19
GH: 02579431 glanduliferum Link Chile: Antofagasta Dept. Tocopilla; ca. 6 km. north of port and... I. M. Johnston 3580 1925-10-18
GH: 00282331 glandulosa Lindley Chile: C. Gay
A: 01126232 glandulosum (Linnaeus) J. W. Grimes Chile: AraucanÃa Region: 4 km north of Melipeuco, ... H. N. Qin 47238 1996-1-30
GH: 00096392 glareosum Philippi Chile: in alveo fluminis Aconcagua prope San Felipe 1860-9
GH: 00282374 glauca (I. M. Johnston) I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Puerto de Chañaral, hills back ... I. M. Johnston 4770 1925-10-29
GH: 00282374 glauca I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Puerto de Chañaral, hills back ... I. M. Johnston 4770 1925-10-29
GH: 00815606 glauca Graham Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge; 30° 40' lat C. Muñoz B-130 1935-9-26
GH: 00815604 glauca Graham Chile: Santiago Tiltil, circa de Santiago G. Looser 1928-9-12
GH: 00815593 glauca Graham Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] O. Buchtien 1895
GH: 00815575 glauca Graham Chile: Atacama [no additional data] E. Werdermann 131 1923-11
FH: 00301586 glauco-viride Dusén Chile: Chile australis ad lac P. K. H. Dusén 742 1897-6-24
FH: 00302837 glaucopa J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1844
FH: 00302837 glaucopa (Hooker f. & Taylor) Rodr. Flakus & Printzen Chile: Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1844
FH: 00302847 glaucopa J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Valdivia en bosque nativo, Alaucacusa; Dept. La Union M. Mahu 1686 1969-1-22
FH: 00301258 globularis Dusén Chile: Chile australis, sine loco designatus P. K. H. Dusén 553 1896
FH: 00301262 globularis Dusén Chile: Chile australis: sine loco designatus P. K. H. Dusén 553 1896
FH: 00301263 globularis Dusén Chile: Aysén Patagonia occ., Rio Aysen in suhoibus [spell... P. K. H. Dusén 553
GH: 02406513 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Atacama E. Barros 6351 1927-9-9
GH: 02406336 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Aconcagua J. L. Morrison 17063 1938-12-30
GH: 02406337 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16379 1938-11-4
GH: 02406338 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: E. Barros 6271 1940-9-30
GH: 02406339 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo R. Wagenknecht 18425 1939-8-26
GH: 02406340 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Atacama R. Godoi de Collao 20 1885
GH: 02406335 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo I. M. Johnston 6246 1929-1-17
GH: 02406333 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo G. Looser 4252 1940-10-12
GH: 02406334 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo A. L. Cabrera 4827 1939-12-7
GH: 02406332 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Santiago P. Germain 58 1894-10
GH: 02406326 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16603 1938-11-18
GH: 02406318 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Santiago [no data available] 21
GH: 02406314 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Santiago P. Germain 67 1894-10
GH: 02406315 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Santiago R. A. Perez-Moreau 12702 1934-2-17
GH: 02406312 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Santiago G. Looser 2175 1932-1-9
GH: 02406410 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: C. Gay 302
GH: 02406412 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Coquimbo I. M. Johnston 6247 1926-1-17
GH: 02406342 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Patagonia [no data available] 6247 1900-3-5
GH: 00096388 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: San Felipe R. A. Philippi 1861-9
GH: 02406602 globulifera (Clos) Reiche Chile: Aconcagua Los Andes, hills near town E. Barros 6348 1923-9-22
GH: 00096393 globuliferum Clos Chile: Coquimbo La Serena C. Gay 47 1836
FH: 00270556 globuliferum (Bulliard) Persoon Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00052747 glomerulata I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Potrerillos, in shallow gulch ne... I. M. Johnston 4744 1925-10-24
GH: 02406308 glomerulifera I. M. Johnston Chile: O. Buchtien 1903-2
GH: 02406307 glomerulifera I. M. Johnston Chile: Aconcagua J. L. Morrison 17070 1938-12-30
GH: 02406310 glomerulifera I. M. Johnston Chile: Aconcagua Félix Jaffuel 3548 1936-2
GH: 01690723 glomerulifera I. M. Johnston Chile: Cordilleras [no data available] 236
GH: 00096394 glomeruliferum Philippi Chile: Las Mollaca, Cord. de Illapel 1888-1
GH: 00097635 glutinosum Philippi Chile: Deserto Atacama, Agua dulce R. A. Philippi 1854-2
GH: 02406346 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4919 1925-11-7
GH: 02406344 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 4892 1925-11-6
GH: 02406347 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Atacama M. O. Greninger 15 1933-3-22
GH: 02406350 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 3996 1925-10-22
GH: 02406354 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 5895 1926-1-1
GH: 02406355 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: [no data available] 1871-10
A: 02406356 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: C. Gay
GH: 02406353 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Coquimbo C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16373 1938-11-4
GH: 02406349 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Santiago R. Wagenknecht 9 1949-12-8
GH: 02406348 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: E. E. Gigoux 1886-1
GH: 02406345 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Santiago F. Philippi 26 1885-1-3
GH: 02406351 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Coquimbo R. Wagenknecht 18493 1939-11-30
GH: 02406357 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: C. Gay
GH: 02406352 gnaphalioides Reiche Chile: Atacama E. Werdermann 238 1924-1
FH: 00940172 goniophora Spegazzini Chile: Los Lagos Corral: Corral, Chile R. Thaxter
FH: 00220389 gracile Dusén Chile: Near Punta Arenas J. B. Hatcher 1897-12-31
FH: 00079735 gracilis Mitten Chile: Valdivia Ant. Krause
GH: 00058409 gracillima I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Over rocks on the floor of the steep gulch d... I. M. Johnston 5428 1925-12-4
GH: 00077407 grahami Gillies ex Hooker Chile: J. Gillies 1830-8-26
GH: 00097244 graminifolium Philippi Chile: Ñuble?, Puga?
GH: 00027693 grammicus Kunze Chile: E. F. Poeppig 18
FH: grande Lichtwardt & Arenas Chile: Puente Lefun R. W. Lichtwardt & J. Arenas M. CHI-7-1 1993-12-10
FH: 00081195 grande Lichtwardt & Arenas Chile: Puente Lefun R. W. Lichtwardt & J. Arenas M. CHI-7-1 1993-12-10
GH: 00094696 grandiflora Philippi Chile: Médanos de Pica 1885-3
GH: 00282331 grandiflora Dunal Chile: C. Gay
GH: 01940847 grandiflora Poeppig Chile: Curicó Hacienda Monte Grande E. Werdermann 567 1924-12
AMES: 01940846 grandiflora Poeppig Chile: Malleco Near southern boundary, Fundo Solano, Los Al... W. J. Eyerdam 10171 1958-1-14
FH: 00059251 grandifolium Matteri Chile: Peulla, Cascada de los Novios C. M. Matteri 366 1969-1-27
FH: 00822755 granulata (Bulliard) J. Moravec Chile: [no additional data] G. Furci 2011-12
FH: 00302848 grassiana H. Magnusson Chile: ValparaÃso Region El Quisco El Explandor M. Mahu & H. Mahu 3571 1975-2-26
FH: 00302849 grassiana H. Magnusson Chile: ValparaÃso Region La Campana P. J. Weisser 3206.a 1972-6-16
GH: 00100527 gyrrhiza Bertero Chile: Raneagua C. G. Bertero 490 1828
FH: 00302903 halophilum Follmann Chile: Aconcagua Los Molles, costa G. Follmann 14660-D 1960
GH: 00096395 haplostachyum Philippi Chile: Piedra colgada 1885-9
FH: 00432793 hariotii E. Fischer Chile: Chiloé [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1917-1
FH: 00432795 hariotii E. Fischer Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s. n. 1906-2-20
FH: 00432796 hariotii E. Fischer Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 2436 1906-1
FH: 00432797 hariotii E. Fischer Chile: [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1935-1
A: 01126233 hastulata (Smith) I. M. Johnston Chile: AraucanÃa Region: on the Truful-Truful rive... H. N. Qin 47290c 1996-1-30
FH: 00290545 helix Hooker f. & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 137 1843
FH: 00290545 helix (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 137 1843
FH: 00965982 helix (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Cape Hoorn C. L. Spegazzini
FH: 00290546 helix (Hooker f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Magalhães-Strasse, Tüesday Bay [Straight o... F. C. Naumann 1876-2-2
FH: 00783551 hepaticarum (Cooke) Petrak & Sydow Chile: Los Lagos Corral: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1905-11
AMES: 01940849 heteroglossa H. G. Reichenbach Chile: ValparaÃso Region Curauma, 35 Km. south of Valparaiso James West 4000 1935-11-29
AMES: 01940848 heteroglossa H. G. Reichenbach Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3748 1925-10
FH: 00059086 hexastichus Montagne Chile:
GH: 00062477 hippiatricus J. Rémy Chile: Valdivia C. Gay
GH: 02406596 hispida K. F. Reiche Chile: Atacama Quebrada de Doña Ines Chica Desierto de Ata... E. E. Gigoux 1886-1
GH: 00097633 hispidulum Philippi Chile: Atacama Vallie de Carrizal Frederico Philippi 1885-9
GH: 00096396 hispidum Philippi Chile: Alto de Veras
GH: 00052961 holoserica A. W. Hill Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Laguna Valeriano, 29°3'S, 69°5... I. M. Johnston 6046 1926-1-8
GH: 00019384 hookeri Rollins Chile: T. C. Bridges 1118 1841
FH: 00432799 hookeri Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 5124 1905
FH: 00432800 hookeri Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 3764 1906-2
FH: 00432801 hookeri Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 3638 1906-3
FH: 00432802 hookeri Berkeley Chile: BÃo-BÃo [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1933-10
FH: 00432803 hookeri Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s. n. 1906-2
FH: 00432804 hookeri Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s. n. 1906-3
FH: 00432805 hookeri Berkeley Chile: BÃo-BÃo [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1949-9
FH: 00778286 hookeri Harvey Chile: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00781188 hookeri (Müller Halle) Hampe Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Prov. de Magallanes, Isla Clarence, Puerto B... H. Roivainen 2297 1929-2-16
GH: 00043719 hookerianum Barnéoud Chile: C. Gay
FH: 00980013 horakii Gamundi Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Lote 10, F... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-187 2019-4-9
FH: 00980048 horakii Gamundi Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. La Pacienc... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-232 2019-4-10
FH: 00980055 horakii Gamundi Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Timaukel, Karukinka Natural Park. Lago Desea... L. Quijada & D. H. Pfister ch-239 2019-4-13
GH: 02268422 hordeaceus Linnaeus Chile: Laraquete (Prov. Concepción) E. Junge 2755 1948-11-18
GH: 02268421 hordeaceus Linnaeus Chile: Masafuera [Más Afuera/Isla Alejandro Selkir... O. T. Solbrig H. E. Moore, Jr. and... 3723 1965-12-1
GH: 00024486 horridula Pilger Chile: Isla de Pascua [Easter Island]: slope of Mt.... C. J. F. Skottsberg & I. Skottsberg 660 1917-6-16
GH: 00097626 huascoense I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Huasco R. E. Lopez 1920
GH: 00067173 huidobrii Gay Chile: [Se cria en los prados naturales de la prov.... C. Gay
FH: 00301969 humectata (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Stephani Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
FH: 00301970 humectata (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Stephani Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 135 1843
GH: 00035106 humifusa Richard ex Gay Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00030437 humile (Bertero) Philippi Chile: C. G. Bertero 1119
GH: 00813773 humile Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Salar Punta Negra E. Werdermann 1002 1926-2
GH: 00813774 humile Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Salar Punta Negra E. Werdermann 1002 1926-2
GH: 00813775 humile Philippi Chile: Atacama San Andres I. M. Johnston 1925-11-2
GH: 00030437 humilis Bertero ex Colla Chile: C. G. Bertero 1119
GH: 00030438 humilis Bertero ex Colla Chile: Cancagua C. G. Bertero 394
GH: 00106982 humilis D. Don Chile: Cordillera of Chili H. Cuming 260 1832
GH: 00106983 humilis D. Don Chile: Inter Puenta de las Vizcachas et Rio Colorad... E. F. Poeppig
GH: 00058150 humilis Gillies ex Hooker & Arnott Chile: J. Gillies 106
FH: 00301972 humilis (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Grolle Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
FH: 01171837 hydra S. A. Earle Chile: [data not captured] S. A. Earle SE65247 1965-12-13
FH: 01012985 hydrangeae Patouillard Chile: Cautin Temuco E. W. D. Holway & M. M. Holway 154 1919-11-1
GH: 00046963 hydrocotylaefolia de Candolle Chile: Mont la Leona D. Bertero 223 1828
GH: 00046964 hydrocotylaefolia de Candolle Chile: Mont la Leona D. Bertero 223 1828
FH: 00276186 hyperopta Meylan Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00276187 hyperopta Meylan Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00276188 hyperopta Meylan Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00276189 hyperopta Meylan Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00274521 hypertropha Sherwood Chile: On Puya (Bromeliaceae), Concepcion R. Thaxter 1905-11
GH: 00092857 hypnoides Clos Chile: C. Gay
FH: 00302767 hypnorum (Vahl) Gray Chile: Isla Greenwich (Bahia Soberania) G. Follmann 11843-D 1963
GH: 00066376 ilicifolia Philippi Chile: C. Gay [208]
GH: 00066375 ilicifolia Philippi Chile: C. Gay [208]
GH: 00097033 illapelinum Philippi Chile: Dept. of Illapel 1884-10
GH: 00312555 imbricatifolia Barnéoud Chile: [Cordilleras de Coquimbo] J. E. Gay
GH: 00312555 imbricatifolia (Barnéoud) A. Gray Chile: [Cordilleras de Coquimbo] J. E. Gay
GH: 00312555 imbricatifolia (Barnéoud) O. E. Schulz Chile: [Cordilleras de Coquimbo] J. E. Gay
GH: 00312555 imbrictifolia (Barnéoud) Al-Shehbaz Chile: [Cordilleras de Coquimbo] J. E. Gay
FH: 00081229 imitatum Lichtwardt & Arenas Chile: Puente Correntoso (site 9) R. W. Lichtwardt & J. Arenas M. CHI-9-3 1993-12-10
GH: 00351294 inaequalifolia (Colla) Ching Chile: Masafuera, Quebrada Vacas, On slopes of cany... O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 3676 1965-11-28
GH: 00300886 incana Philippi Chile: Vicinity of Aguada Grande ["Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 5774 1925-12-16
GH: 00300887 incana Philippi Chile: Antofagasta El Rincon, just north of Paposo, along trail... I. M. Johnston 5516 1925-12-7
GH: 00300888 incana Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Region about Aguada Cachina (waterhole in Qu... I. M. Johnston 5748 1925-12-14
GH: 00300911 incana Philippi Chile: Atacama E. Werdermann 442 1924-10
GH: 00282368 incana (Philippi) I. M. Johnston Chile: Paposa R. A. Philippi 1854-1
GH: 00282368 incana Philippi Chile: Paposa R. A. Philippi 1854-1
GH: 00106991 incana Werdermann Chile: Santiago Cordillera de SAntiago, Rio San Francisco, c... E. Werdermann 498 1924-12
FH: 00215399 incarnata (Persoon) Persoon Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00276611 incarnata (Persoon) Persoon Chile: Concepción R. Thaxter 1905
AMES: 01940855 incisa Poeppig Chile: Concepción Betw. Hacienda la Aguada & Salts del Laja, 1... James West 5085 1936-1-6
AMES: 01940854 incisa Poeppig Chile: BÃo-BÃo Antuco. Antuco Cerros G. Montero O. 3379 1937-1-29
AMES: 01940853 incisa Poeppig Chile: Cordilières de Maule P. Germain 1855
AMES: 01940851 incisa Poeppig Chile: Concepción Between San Pedro and Loma along railroad (s... P. C. Hutchison 251 1952-1-2
GH: 00050656 incisifolia Bertero Chile: C. G. Bertero 1361 1829-11
GH: 00050655 incisifolia Bertero Chile: Quillota C. G. Bertero 1361 1829-11
GH: 00027531 inciso-dentata Steudel Chile: Sandy Point, Straits of Magellan
GH: 00101836 inconspicua Steudel Chile: Valdivia In paludosis W. Lechler 399 1850-11-1
GH: 00101837 inconspicua Steudel Chile: Valdivia Arrique W. Lechler 695 1851-12
GH: 00282341 inconspicua (I. M. Johnston) I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Antofagasta J. N. Rose 19416 1914-10-31
GH: 00282341 inconspicua I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Antofagasta J. N. Rose 19416 1914-10-31
GH: 01011792 inconspicua I. M. Johnston Chile: Cobija C. Gaudichaud [6] 1836-7
GH: 01011791 inconspicua I. M. Johnston Chile: Cobija C. Gaudichaud [6] 1836-7
GH: 00052979 inconspicua I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Steep hillside ca. 6 km. north of port and a... I. M. Johnston 3617 1925-10-18
GH: 00097836 inconspicuum Reiche Chile: Antofagasta Breas in deserto Atacama A. Larrañaga 1888
GH: 00097243 inconspicuum Philippi Chile: Serena 1878-10
GH: 00029947 incrassata Philippi Chile: Vallenar 1883-2
FH: 00965689 inflata Stephani Chile: Valdivia [no additional data] H. Hahn 1887
GH: 00268002 insularis Philippi Chile: Ins. Juan Fernandez C. L. G. Bertero 1463
GH: 00052741 integerrima Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, dryish ro... I. M. Johnston 5365 1925-12-2
GH: 00052749 integerrima Philippi Chile: Antofagasta El Rincon just north of Paposo, along trail ... I. M. Johnston 5502 1925-12-7
GH: 00112714 integerrima Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Cardon, silty wash bel... I. M. Johnston 5267 1925-12-4
GH: 00052742 integerrima Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, dryish ro... I. M. Johnston 5365 1925-12-2
GH: 00066389 integrifolia Ruiz & Pavon Chile: ValparaÃso Region [In sylvaticis collium prope la primera post... C. G. Bertero 1747 1830-7
GH: 00066390 integrifolia Ruiz & Pavon Chile: ValparaÃso Region In sylvaticis collium prope la primera posta... C. G. Bertero 1747 1830-7
GH: 00066388 integrifolia Ruiz & Pavon Chile: ValparaÃso Region [In sylvaticis collium prope la primera post... C. G. Bertero 1747 1830-7
A: 01126231 integrifolia Ruiz & Pavon Chile: AraucanÃa Region: 4 km north of Melipeuco, ... H. N. Qin 47242 1996-1-30
FH: 00965690 intempestiva Schiffner Chile: Chile australis prope Puerto Varas P. K. H. Dusén 1897-6
FH: 00965691 intempestiva Schiffner Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Magallanstrasse, Tuesday Bay [Straight of Ma... F. C. Naumann 1876-2-2
FH: 00060694 intermedia Petch Chile: Corral R. Thaxter 3991 1905-12
FH: 00060695 intermedia Petch Chile: Corral R. Thaxter 3990 1906-1
GH: 00312546 intermedia Steudel Chile: ValparaÃso Region Valparaiso C. L. G. Bertero 1793
GH: 01117848 interruptus Kunth Chile: Vicinity of Aguada Grande ("Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 5800 1925-12-16
GH: 00282340 intonsa I. M. Johnston Chile: Tarapacá Iquique P. Martens 1904-10
GH: 00112714 intonsa I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Cardon, silty wash bel... I. M. Johnston 5267 1925-12-4
FH: 00909746 intricata (C. Agardh) Vickers Chile: [no additional data] C. Gay
FH: 00301124 inundata (Cardot) Cardot Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Prov. de Magallanes, Isla Clarence, Estero S... H. Roivainen 435 1929-2-14
GH: 00096398 involucratum Philippi Chile: Coquimbo Baños del Toro H. Volckmann 1860
GH: 01875169 iquiquensis (K. Schumann) Britton & Rose Chile: Antofagasta Region about Aguada Cachina (waterhole in Qu... I. M. Johnston 5702 1925-12-14
GH: 01875170 iquiquensis (K. Schumann) Britton & Rose Chile: Antofagasta About 3 km. north of Planta Esmeralda, Sierr... P. C. Hutchison 421 1952-2-2
GH: 01875171 iquiquensis (K. Schumann) Britton & Rose Chile: Antofagasta Ca. 3 km. north of Planta Esmeralda on the r... P. C. Hutchison 417 1952-2-2
GH: 01678236 iquiquensis (K. Schumann) Britton & Rose Chile: Antofagasta [no additional data] J. N. Rose & L. B. S. Rose 19411 1914
FH: 00302245 isidioclada Zahlbruckner Chile: Antofagasta Sierra del Muerto G. Follmann 17614 1962
GH: 00244231 izagae Philippi Chile: 1885-9
GH: 00244230 izagae Philippi Chile: 1885-9
FH: 00965692 jackii Stephani Chile: Valdivia Valdivia H. Hahn 1887
FH: 01012997 jacobsthalii-henrici Magnus Chile: Valdivia Panguipulli Padre A. Hollermayer 1733 1924-10
GH: 00097630 jaffuelii I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Tocopilla Félix Jaffuel 2524 1931-9
FH: 00275548 jaffuelii Thériot Chile: Marga Marga V. Costes 1916
FH: 00290599 jaffuelii Thériot Chile: ValparaÃso Region Los Perales [de Marga-Marga] P. N. Costes 1916-1-3
FH: 00220103 jaffuelii Thériot Chile: Los Perales Félix Jaffuel 1919
GH: 00282338 jaffuelii I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Tocopilla, ca. 6 km. north of port and about... I. M. Johnston 3604 1925-10-18
FH: 00220017 jaffuelii Thériot Chile: Los Piedros (Margo Margo) Félix Jaffuel 1907-2
FH: 00822880 jaffuelii Thériot Chile: ValparaÃso Region Chili, Crête des Monts de Las Piedras (Marg... Félix Jaffuel 1917-2
FH: 00965725 jamesonii Taylor Chile: Concepción [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1905-11-12
FH: 00965726 jamesonii Taylor Chile: Concepción [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1905-11-12
FH: 00965727 jamesonii Taylor Chile: Corral R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00100530 johnstoni R. Knuth Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, moist slo... I. M. Johnston 5400 1925-12-1
GH: 00092255 johnstoni Pilger Chile: Antofagasta Aguada del Panul, ca. 24°47'S I. M. Johnston 5444 1925-12-4
GH: 00092266 johnstoni Pilger Chile: Antofagasta Aguada del Panul, ca. 24°47'S I. M. Johnston 5444 1925-12-4
GH: 00037822 johnstonii Chaudhri Chile: Antofagasta Aguada de Cachinalcito I. M. Johnston 5184 1925-11-28
FH: 00213943 johnstonii E. B. Bartram Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada Grande ["Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 17 1925-12-16
FH: 00213942 johnstonii E. B. Bartram Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada Grande ["Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 17 1925-12-16
GH: 00067176 johnstonii W. Becker Chile: Antofagasta Aguada Panulcito, along trail to the old And... I. M. Johnston 5464 1925-12-5
GH: 00106999 johnstonii Werdermann Chile: Atacama Quebrada de Potrerillos, along old road betw... I. M. Johnston 3694 1925-10-22
FH: 00432806 johowii Espinosa Chile: Talca [data not captured] M. R. Espinosa Bustos s. n. 1934
FH: 00302241 jorgensis C. W. Dodge Chile: Santiago Renca, Cerro Colorado M. Mahu 265 1964-9-17
FH: 00302242 jorgensis C. W. Dodge Chile: Santiago San Vincente, San Ramiro NE del Tnarique Rap... M. Mahu 1973-5-17
FH: 00302243 jorgensis C. W. Dodge Chile: ValparaÃso Region Balneario El Quisco M. Mahu 858 1965-1-17
FH: 00302244 jorgensis C. W. Dodge Chile: Santiago Cuesta de Chacabuco; Gado E del monuments; p... 1970-6-29
FH: 00301593 julaceum Dusén Chile: Patagonia occ. in valle fluminis Aysen in te... P. K. H. Dusén 532 1897-2-10
FH: 00301594 julaceum Dusén Chile: Pategonia occ. in calle fluminis Aysen in te... P. K. H. Dusén 532 1897-2-10
GH: 00077402 juniperoides Werdermann Chile: Tarapacá Cord. Quebrada de Quipisca, Parca E. Werdermann 1054 1926-3
A: 00077403 juniperoides Werdermann Chile: Tarapacá Cord. Quebrada de Quipisca, Parca E. Werdermann 1054 1926-3
GH: 00077402 juniperoides (Werdermann) D'Arcy Chile: Tarapacá Cord. Quebrada de Quipisca, Parca E. Werdermann 1054 1926-3
A: 00077403 juniperoides (Werdermann) D'Arcy Chile: Tarapacá Cord. Quebrada de Quipisca, Parca E. Werdermann 1054 1926-3
GH: 01875518 jussieui (Monville) Britton & Rose Chile: Antofagasta Slopes above Paposo P. C. Hutchison 403 1952-1-31
GH: 01875519 jussieui (Monville) Britton & Rose Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Paposo; Cerro Yumbes, ridges abo... I. M. Johnston 5553 1925-12-8
GH: 00097632 kingi Philippi Chile: Atacama Vallie Carrizal? Thomas King 1885-9
GH: 02269240 kingii Reiche Chile: Coquimbo Coquimbo W. H. Harvey 1856-7
GH: 02406509 kingii Reiche Chile: Quebrada F. Philippi 41 1893-9-23
GH: 02406427 kingii Reiche Chile: E. E. Gigoux 1885-10
GH: 02406426 kingii Reiche Chile: Atacama E. E. Gigoux 1894-10
GH: 02406425 kingii Reiche Chile: Atacama I. M. Johnston 5060 1925-11-25
GH: 02406429 kingii Reiche Chile: Coquimbo E. Barros 6347 1927-9-12
GH: 02406431 kingii Reiche Chile: Coquimbo I. Skottsberg 1063 1919-9-27
GH: 02406430 kingii Reiche Chile: Atacama Caldera A. Borchers 45 1887-10
GH: 02406428 kingii Reiche Chile: W. Geisse 1885
FH: 00079735 krauseana Müller Halle ex Dusén Chile: Valdivia Ant. Krause
FH: 00258800 labecula Montagne Chile: Azara
FH: 00258800 labecula (Montagne) Theissen Chile: Azara
GH: 00106994 lactea Philippi Chile: Atacama Cordilera Rio Turbio Co. Cadillal, ca. 3500 ... E. Werdermann 942 1926-1
FH: 00220290 laevigatum A. Jaeger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia Occ., Bahia Sarmiento H. Roivainen 2465 1929-2-19
FH: 00220291 laevigatum A. Jaeger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia Occ., Fjord de Agostini H. Roivainen 2068 1929-2-22
FH: 00220297 laevigatum A. Jaeger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia Occ., Fjord de Agostini H. Roivainen 2068
GH: 00312592 lagunae (O. E. Schulz) Al-Shehbaz Chile: Atacama Vallenar, Cordill. Laguna Chica E. Werdermann 262 1924-1
AMES: 01940865 lamellata Lindley Chile: Cautin [illegible] G. Montero O. 2574 1936-1-3
AMES: 01940864 lamellata Lindley Chile: Cautin Pitrufquen. Pitrufquen G. Montero O. 2570 1936-1-3
AMES: 01940863 lamellata Lindley Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 3750 1925-10
AMES: 01940862 lamellata Lindley Chile: Talca Constitución. Constitución G. Montero O. 3382 1929-11-2
AMES: 01940861 lamellata Lindley Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. Cerro La [illegible] G. Montero O. 3383 1923-11-5
AMES: 01940860 lamellata Lindley Chile: Cautin Pillanlelbun G. Montero O. 1298 1933-11-19
AMES: 01940859 lamellata Lindley Chile: Cautin Pillanlelbun G. Montero O. 2569 1935-12-31
AMES: 01940858 lamellata Lindley Chile: Cautin Cap. Pastene. Cerros G. Montero O. 2167 1934-12-9
AMES: 01940857 lamellata Lindley Chile: Cautin Cap. Pastene. Cerros G. Montero O. 2168 1934-12-9
AMES: 01940856 lamellata Lindley Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. La [illegible] G. Montero O. 1484 1921-9-15
FH: 00781453 lamprocarpa Müller Halle Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn. 18. J. D. Hooker 135 1839
FH: 00220286 lamprocarpum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Isla Clarence, Peurto Beaubasin H. Roivainen 2316 1929-2-16
FH: 00781453 lamprocarpum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn. 18. J. D. Hooker 135 1839
FH: 00781471 lamprocarpum (Müller Halle) A. Jaeger Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn [Cape Horn] J. D. Hooker 136 1839
GH: 00135039 lamprosperma I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada de Miguel Diaz, rocky pla... I. M. Johnston 5317 1925-12-4
GH: 00003400 lanata F. Philippi Chile: Tarapacá Quebrada de Chacarilla prope Pica C. F. Rahmer 1885-3
GH: 00312591 lanata (Walpers) Al-Shehbaz Chile: Tarapacá Cord. Quebrada de Quipisca, Noasa E. Werdermann 1062 1926-3
GH: 00312591 lanatum (Walpers) O. E. Schulz Chile: Tarapacá Cord. Quebrada de Quipisca, Noasa E. Werdermann 1062 1926-3
A: 00257844 lanceolata (Bentham) Müller Argoviensis Chile: C. G. Bertero 226
GH: 00071048 lanceolata (Jussieu ex J. Saint-Hilaire) Kausel Chile: Near Talca J. Gillies 455
GH: 00071047 lanceolata (Jussieu ex J. Saint-Hilaire) Kausel Chile: H. Cuming 98
GH: 00045759 lanceolatum (Cavanilles) A. Jussieu Chile: ValparaÃso Region Quintero E. Werdermann 34 1923-9
GH: 00257845 lanceolatus Cavanilles Chile: Rancagua; fl. Cachapoal C. G. Bertero 226 1828
FH: 00624495 lancifolia J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] [no data available] 1842-10
FH: 00624496 lancifolia J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] [no data available] 1842-10
FH: 00624497 lancifolia J. Agardh Chile: [data not captured] [no data available] 1842-10
GH: 00029429 landbeckii Philippi Chile: Coquimbo Illapel C. L. Landbeck 1862-12
GH: 02548577 landbeckii Philippi Chile: Atacama north of town I. M. Johnston 5022 1925-11-17
GH: 02548576 landbeckii Philippi Chile: between Ovalle and La Serena, middle nothern... O. Zöllner 600 1964-6-8
GH: 02548574 landbeckii Philippi Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Caldera, Cerros de Copiapo E. E. Gigoux 59 1885-8
GH: 02548573 landbeckii Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Cerro Perales ["Cerro del Hueso Parado" of P... I. M. Johnston 5624 1925-12-11
GH: 02548572 landbeckii Philippi Chile: Coquimbo Cuesta Las Cardas C. Jiles 1870 1950-9-24
GH: 01547719 landbeckii Philippi Chile: Between Ovalle and La Serena [?], middle nor... 1964-6-8
FH: 00781461 lanuginosum (Hedwig) Bridel Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, C. Horn J. D. Hooker 139 1839
GH: 00277407 lanuginosus Clos Chile: Coquimbo C. Gay 492
GH: 00097699 lappula Brand Chile: About Concepcion, sandy places H. Hahn 19
GH: 00257740 larrainii Bertero ex Colla Chile: Juan Fernandez Island D. Bertero 1443 1830-2
GH: 00257741 larrainii Bertero ex Colla Chile: Juan Fernandez Island D. Bertero 1443
GH: 00013922 larranagae Philippi Chile: Antofagasta [Brear] A. Larrañaga 1888
FH: 00890238 larsenii (Skottsberg) Levring Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1906-1-25
FH: 00890239 larsenii (Skottsberg) Levring Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1906-3-1
FH: 00890240 larsenii (Skottsberg) Levring Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1906-2-7
FH: 00890241 larsenii (Skottsberg) Levring Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [data not captured] R. Thaxter 1906-2-1
GH: 00024559 lasiolepis É. Desvaux Chile: C. Gay 1839
GH: 01117847 lasiorrhachis Pilger Chile: Antofagasta Prov. Antofagasta, Dept. Taltal; Vicinity of... I. M. Johnston 5403 1925-12-1
GH: 00062357 lateritia Gillies Chile: Los Imposibles J. Gillies
GH: 00062358 lateritia Gillies Chile: Andes of Chile J. Gillies
FH: 00270508 lateritium (Berkeley & Ravenel) Morgan Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 00023762 laxiflora Philippi Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Orange Harbor: Orange Harbor, etc., Fuegia Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 00097245 laxiflorum Philippi Chile: Santiago Hac. Mercedes 1888-10
FH: 00995070 laxum Bresà dola Chile: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena Chile: Reserva Nacional Laguna Parrillar, So... M. E. Smith MES-148 2008-3-20
GH: 00048933 lechleri (Hegelmaier) Fassett Chile: Quillota C. G. Bertero 881 1829-10
GH: 00048932 lechleri (Hegelmaier) Fassett Chile: Rancagua C. G. Bertero 142 1828-6
AMES: 01940876 lechleri Lindley Chile: Cautin [illegible] G. Montero O. 2571 1936-1-3
GH: 01940875 lechleri Lindley Chile: Concepción San Miguel E. Barros 73 1933-11-11
AMES: 01940874 lechleri Lindley Chile: Cautin [illegible] G. Montero O. 2566 1935-12-31
AMES: 01940873 lechleri Lindley Chile: Cautin [illegible] G. Montero O. 2573 1936-1-3
AMES: 01940872 lechleri Lindley Chile: BÃo-BÃo San Carlos de Purén. C. Yunge 6909 1941-10-21
A: 00071044 lechleriana O. Berg Chile: [Prope urbem Valdivia] W. Lechler 563 1853-11
GH: 00071045 lechleriana O. Berg Chile: Prope urbem Valdivia W. Lechler 563 1853-11
FH: 00789810 lenormandii G. Martens ex Picquenard Chile: [data not captured] S. R. Lenormand
GH: 02263149 leporina Linnaeus Chile: Valdivia [data not captured] L. H. Gunckel 1825 1930-11-15
FH: 00258880 leptantha J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
GH: 00312583 leptocarpum (Hooker & Arnott) Al-Shehbaz Chile: Uspallata-Pass der chilenischen Hochcordille... O. Buchtien 1903
GH: 00043721 leptoceras I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Tocopilla: ca. 6 km north of port and about ... I. M. Johnston 3597 1925-10-18
GH: 00282330 leptophylla (Miers) I. M. Johnston Chile: H. Cuming 956
GH: 01011792 leptophylla (Miers) I. M. Johnston Chile: Cobija C. Gaudichaud [6] 1836-7
GH: 01011791 leptophylla (Miers) I. M. Johnston Chile: Cobija C. Gaudichaud [6] 1836-7
GH: 00282330 leptophylla Miers Chile: H. Cuming 956
AMES: 01940484 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Yola Riesco-Estamia Rio de los Palos Seuo Sk... [illegible] 1952-1-4
GH: 01940482 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Valdivia Panguipulli Padre A. Hollermayer 1388 1926-10
GH: 01940481 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Laguna El Parrillar E. E. Pisano-Valdés 5747 1983-2-7
GH: 01940480 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Isla Grevy, Arch. Cabo de Hornos Rada Norte,... E. E. Pisano-Valdés 5393 1982-1-16
GH: 01940479 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Magellanes R. Thaxter 78 1906-2
GH: 01940478 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Isla Grevy, Arch. Cabo do Hornos Rada Norte,... E. E. Pisano-Valdés 5414 1982-1-17
GH: 01940477 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: PenÃnsula Mudoz Gamro, BahÃa Tranquila E. Pisano V. & O. Dollenz-Alvarez 5832 1983-11-21
GH: 01940476 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Puerto Oras C. Elliot 621 1929-12
GH: 01940475 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Caleta Awaiakirrh, Isla Hoste Itsmo E. E. Pisano-Valdés 5515 1982-1-26
GH: 01940474 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Aisén Región del Lago Buenos Aires: Lago León I. v. Rentzell 6288 1939-2-4
GH: 01940472 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Valdivia [no additional data] E. C. Reed
GH: 01940471 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Fiordo Silva Palma, Angostura Titus, Rio Rau... E. E. Pisano-Valdés 3.746 1973
GH: 01940470 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Valley of Rio de los Minor, Pa... R. Thaxter 1906-2
GH: 01940469 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: Terinas de Clulla Félix Jaffuel 2863 1933-2
GH: 01940466 lessonii (Brongniart) Lindley Chile: near Baños de Chillan H. J. Elwes 1901-12-23
GH: 00295607 leuca Philippi Chile: Atacama Bandurrias G. Geisse 1886
GH: 00052748 leucantha I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Vicinity of Aguada del Cardon, fravelly floo... I. M. Johnston 5270 1925-11-30
FH: 00215850 leucopodia (Bulliard) RostafÃnsky Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2-22
FH: 00215851 leucopodia (Bulliard) RostafÃnsky Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2-22
FH: 00215852 leucopodia (Bulliard) RostafÃnsky Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-2-22
FH: 01022043 leveilleanum Magnus Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1906-3
FH: 01022044 leveilleanum Magnus Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Nagekkabes R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 00275548 liebmannii Schimper Chile: Marga Marga V. Costes 1916
GH: 00013887 lignosa Philippi Chile: Antofagasta Cachinal de la Corta in deserto Atacama [26Â... R. A. Philippi 1853-12
GH: 00096400 lignosum Philippi Chile: Santiago Lampa 1864-11
GH: 00059462 limariensis Muñoz Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge, en los lomajes suaves cercanos a... C. Muñoz B-94 1935-9-26
GH: 00589572 limariensis Muñoz Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge, a las casas de la Estancia C. Muñoz 2 1935-9-26
FH: 00060201 limbatum E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia occ., Monte Buckland, with Holodontiu... H. Roivainen 2084a 1929-2-23
FH: 00220286 limbatum E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Isla Clarence, Peurto Beaubasin H. Roivainen 2316 1929-2-16
GH: 00057405 limonium Philippi Chile: Malleco Araucaria (Ercilla) R. A. Philippi 1887-11
GH: 02269239 lineare de Candolle Chile: [In pascuis saxosis montis la Leona Rancagua... C. G. Bertero 444 1828-10
GH: 02269242 lineare de Candolle Chile: [no additional data] E. C. Reed
GH: 02406105 lineare de Candolle Chile: in pascuis saxosis montis la Leona Rancaqua D. Bertero 444 1828-10-8
GH: 02269240 lineare de Candolle Chile: Coquimbo Coquimbo W. H. Harvey 1856-7
GH: 00282337 linearifolia Philippi Chile: Atacama Siera Esmeralda San Roman
GH: 00107000 linearifolia (Cavanilles) Persoon Chile: ValparaÃso Region Prope ValparaÃso H. Cuming 170 1831
GH: 00097351 linearis (Ruiz & Pavon) de Candolle Chile: C. G. Bertero 211
GH: 02269239 linearis Colla Chile: [In pascuis saxosis montis la Leona Rancagua... C. G. Bertero 444 1828-10
GH: 02406105 linearis Colla Chile: in pascuis saxosis montis la Leona Rancaqua D. Bertero 444 1828-10-8
GH: 02269239 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: [In pascuis saxosis montis la Leona Rancagua... C. G. Bertero 444 1828-10
GH: 02269241 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: [no additional data] J. M. Gilliss 1849
GH: 02269242 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: [no additional data] E. C. Reed
GH: 02406515 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Coquimbo F. Philippi 1864-11
GH: 02406097 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Coquimbo Depto. de Elqui G. Looser 4262 1940-10-13
GH: 02406098 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Coquimbo Depto. de Elqui G. Looser 4261 1940-10-13
GH: 02406099 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: ValparaÃso Region G. Looser 37 1926-10-12
GH: 02406100 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: ValparaÃso Region Limache A. Garaventa H. 1881 1930-9-27
GH: 02406101 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Talca Mondaca Volkmann 1861
GH: 02406103 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Maule Curicó: Cerro Condell E. Barros 6314 1944-9-25
GH: 02406102 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Maule Curicó: Chépica E. Barros 6269 1943-9-28
GH: 02406104 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Coquimbo Depto. La Serena C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16287 1938-11-1
GH: 02406105 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: in pascuis saxosis montis la Leona Rancaqua D. Bertero 444 1828-10-8
GH: 02406106 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: J. B. A. Guillemin
A: 02406107 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Coquimbo G. Looser 5784 1957-9-20
GH: 02406420 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Quebrada de Serna San Roman 1885
GH: 02406424 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Illapel J. N. Rose & L. B. S. Rose 19269 1914-10-17
GH: 02406423 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Illapel E. Barros 6280 1944-9-14
GH: 02406422 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: Illapel E. Barros 6281 1944-9-20
GH: 02406421 linearis (de Candolle) Greene Chile: E. Barros 6268 1940-10-3
GH: 00100516 lineata Gillies Chile: On debris at the foot of ascent to El Portez... J. Gillies
FH: 00907118 lingulatum Kützing Chile: Corral, Chile R. Thaxter 1905
GH: 00106996 lirana Gay Chile: Coquimbo W. Geisse
GH: 00106991 lirana Gay Chile: Santiago Cordillera de SAntiago, Rio San Francisco, c... E. Werdermann 498 1924-12
GH: 00106992 lirana Gay Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00094697 litoralis Philippi Chile: Caldera Frederico Philippi 1853-12
GH: 02014624 litoralis (Philippi) G. Zizka, K. Trumpler & O. Zöllner Chile: ValparaÃso Region Chile, Valparaiso, quebrada del Lucumo G. Looser 3458 1937-2-28
GH: 02014623 litoralis (Philippi) G. Zizka, K. Trumpler & O. Zöllner Chile: ValparaÃso Region Chile, ValparaÃso, Quebrada del Lucumo G. Looser 3457 1937-2-28
GH: 02014622 litoralis (Philippi) G. Zizka, K. Trumpler & O. Zöllner Chile: Santiago el Tabo, poro al N. de Cartagena conta de la... [illegible] 3459 1937
GH: 02015174 litoralis (Philippi) G. Zizka, K. Trumpler & O. Zöllner Chile: Chili C. C. Mez 1901
GH: 00139311 litoreus Philippi Chile: Coronel Fr. Philippe 1861-2
GH: 00277410 litoreus Philippi Chile: Prov. Aconcagua y Coquimbo C. Gay
GH: 01940742 littoralis (Philippi) M. D. Corrêa Chile: [illegible] E. C. Reed 1857-12
GH: 00303937 llaimae Kraenzlin Chile: Prov. Cautlin, Volcan Llaima E. Werdermann 1228 1927-2
GH: 00067178 llullaillacoensis W. Becker Chile: Antofagasta Cord. Volcan Llullaillco, ca. 4000 m. E. Werdermann 1017 1926-2
GH: 00065887 lomanus I. M. Johnston Chile: Antofagasta Aguada del Panul I. M. Johnston 5430 1925-12-4
AMES: 01940754 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. Cerro Echaurrina. G. Montero O. 3650 1938-10-12
AMES: 01940753 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. Cerro Echaurrina. G. Montero O. 3650 1938-10-12
AMES: 01940752 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. Cerro Echaurrina. G. Montero O. 3650 1938-10-12
AMES: 01940751 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. Cerro Echaurrina. G. Montero O. 360 1938-10-12
AMES: 01940750 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Wasserweg zur Laguna Verde Karl Behm 1929-9-22
AMES: 01940749 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Valparaiso. Claude-Joseph 3749 1925-10
GH: 01940748 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Santiago Cerro El Roble, Riengo G. Montero O. 546 1927-11-6
AMES: 01940747 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Colchagua San Fernando. Cerro Echaurrina. G. Montero O. 1488 1921-11-14
GH: 01940746 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: in [illegible] rupestr. Mont. La Leona C. G. Bertero 174 1828-8
GH: 01940745 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: In monte la Leona Rancagua C. G. Bertero 174 1835
AMES: 01940744 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: [no additional data] Claude-Joseph 1072 1920-1
AMES: 01940743 longibracteata (Lindley) Sparre ex L. E. Navas Chile: Aconcagua Valle de Marga-Marga (coast ranges southeast... F. Jaffuel & P. A. Pirión 3165 1931
FH: 00284329 longidecurrens E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia media, Rio Bueno H. Roivainen 2018 1928-12-9
GH: 00112098 longiflorus Miers Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands C. G. Bertero 1498
GH: 02406601 longifolia K. F. Reiche Chile: Santiago Depto. Melipilla. Las Vizcachas, ca. 10km fr... J. L. Morrison 16799 1938-12-8
GH: 00096556 longifolium Decaisne Chile: Santiago La Polcura 1888-1
GH: 02406600 longifolium Decaisne Chile: La Polcura, Cord. [Cordillera] de Illapel R. A. Philippi 1888
GH: 00106728 longipetala Lindley Chile: Andes J. N. Reynolds 68
AMES: 01940880 longipetala Lindley Chile: Cautin Capitan Pastene. Capitan Pastene Cerros G. Montero O. 2765a 1934-12-9
AMES: 01940879 longipetala Lindley Chile: Cautin Capitan Pastene. Cerros Capitan Pastene G. Montero O. 2165 1934-12-9
GH: 01940878 longipetala Lindley Chile: BÃo-BÃo Villacura Valley H. J. Elwes 1920-1-26
AMES: 01940877 longipetala Lindley Chile: Malleco At Cabreria. National Park, west of Angol, S... P. C. Hutchison 298 1952-1-8
GH: 00096557 longisetum Philippi Chile: Catema K. Grandjot 1860-9
GH: 00097750 longistylum Philippi Chile: Carrizal Bajo R. A. Philippi 1885-9
GH: 00097646 longistylum Philippi Chile: Carizzal-Bajo Thomas King 1871-12
FH: 00545541 longo-pulvinatum Dusén Chile: Aysén Patagonia occ. in vale fluminis Aysen in rup... P. K. H. Dusén Febr. 2 a, 1897 1897-2-2
FH: 00545542 longo-pulvinatum Dusén Chile: Aysén Patagonai occ. in valle fluminis Aysen in ru... P. K. H. Dusén Feb. 2a 1897 1897-2-2
GH: 00043724 looseri Sparre Chile: Santiago Depto. de Elqui: Hacienda Pangue, a unos 25 ... G. Looser 4283 1940-10-13
GH: 00549392 looseri I. M. Johnston Chile: Santiago Fierro Carrera (Las Condes) G. Looser 1132 1930-1-25
FH: 00995003 lubrica (Scopoli) Persoon Chile: Valdivia Riñihue, Chile G. Furci 2014-5-10
FH: 00302227 lucens (Nylander) Zahlbruckner Chile: (Antartida) Isla Adelaida G. Follmann 13955-D 1963
GH: 01940773 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Terr. Aysen: International Highway east of P... P. A. Pirión 3496 1934-1-19
GH: 01940771 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Cernuas de Chillan Félix Jaffuel 3868 1937-2
GH: 01940768 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Malleco Volcan de Tolguaca F. W. Pennell 12783 1925-2-24
GH: 01940767 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Near termas of Chillán [no data available] 2072 1931-2-15
GH: 01940766 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Termas de Chillan Félix Jaffuel 2790 1933-2
GH: 01940765 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Pnla. de Brunswick. Res. for. Magallanes. Ca... O. Dollenz-Alvarez 673 1980
GH: 01940764 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Cautin Volcan Llaima E. Werdermann 1231 1927-2
GH: 01940759 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Magallanes-Antártica R. Seco A. Donat 372 1930-1
AMES: 01940756 lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Malleco Volcan de Tolguaca F. W. Pennell 12783 1925-2-24
FH: 00781176 luteola E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia media, Estancia Vicuña, Puesto 20, C... H. Roivainen 734 1929-1-3
FH: 00781179 luteola E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia media, Estancia Vicuña, Puesto 20, C... H. Roivainen 734 1929-1-3
FH: 00374508 luteolus Fries Chile: Concepción [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1905-10
FH: 00374513 luteolus Fries Chile: [no additional data] [no data available] 43 1949-6
FH: 00213916 luteovirens E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Isla Clarence, Puerto Beaubasin, in ripa riv... H. Roivainen 2311 1929-2-16
FH: 00213915 luteovirens E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Isla Clarence, Puerto Beaubasin, in ripa riv... H. Roivainen 2311 1929-2-16
GH: 01117848 lutosus (Poiret) Hitchcock Chile: Vicinity of Aguada Grande ("Cachinal de la C... I. M. Johnston 5800 1925-12-16
FH: 00265082 lyallii (Massee) T. Macbride Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: woods above dolomite R. Thaxter 1906-2-27
FH: 00618284 lyallii (J.D.Hooker & Harvey) Skottsberg Chile: Tandy [data not captured] 2031
FH: 00276033 lycoperdon Bulliard Chile: Los Lagos Corral: R. Thaxter 1905-12
GH: 02263032 macloviana Gaudichaud Chile: [data not captured] L. H. Gunckel 1900 1930-12-8
GH: 02263033 macloviana Gaudichaud Chile: [data not captured] L. H. Gunckel 5817 1933-2-12
GH: 01126254 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region Quinteros O. T. Solbrig, H. E. Moore, & J. W... 36351 1965-11-22
GH: 01248632 macraei Bentham Chile: Coquimbo Region IV; Rt. 5, ~8km N of Los Vilos, along... E. J. Tepe A. Marticorena & P. B. ... 1859 2006-11-8
GH: 01248631 macraei Bentham Chile: Coquimbo Depto. Illapel, 44-46km from Illapel on road... C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16616 1938-11-20
GH: 01248630 macraei Bentham Chile: Aconcagua Zapallar, Cerro de la Cruz G. Looser 1948-10-10
GH: 01248629 macraei Bentham Chile: Coquimbo South end of Fray Jorge forest C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16426 1938-11-10
GH: 01248628 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region on the northern side of the Campana, near Li... O. Zöllner 413 1963-12-15
GH: 01248627 macraei Bentham Chile: Aconcagua Depto. Quillota. Cerro Caquis, ca. 15km east... J. L. Morrison 16924 1938-12-15
GH: 01248626 macraei Bentham Chile: Coquimbo Depto. Illapel, ca. 27-29km from Illapel. Cu... C. R. Worth & J. L. Morrison 16477 1938-11-13
GH: 01248625 macraei Bentham Chile: [no additional data] T. C. Bridges
GH: 01248624 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region On Mountains near Valpo [no data available]
GH: 01248623 macraei Bentham Chile: Canyon Rio Claro, 4 km. from Aduana. Prov. a... P. Aravena 33388 1942-1-23
GH: 01248622 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region Quintero E. Werdermann 1923-11
GH: 01248621 macraei Bentham Chile: Santiago La Obra G. Montero O. 1927-11-20
GH: 01248620 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region Limache (Cerro Cruz) A. Garaventa H. 1000 1927-11-8
GH: 01248619 macraei Bentham Chile: Cachapoal Rancagua C. L. G. Bertero 378 1828-11
GH: 01248618 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region Marga-Marga Félix Jaffuel 3672 1936-10
GH: 01248617 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region Reñaca, near Viña del Mar T. H. Goodspeed 4596 1935-12-29
GH: 01248616 macraei Bentham Chile: Coquimbo Fray Jorge, depto. de Ovalle, 30° 40' lat. C. Muñoz P. B-136 1935-9-26
GH: 01248615 macraei Bentham Chile: Curicó Hacienda Monte Grande E. Werdermann 510 1924-12
GH: 01248613 macraei Bentham Chile: [no additional data] C. L. G. Bertero 378
GH: 01248614 macraei Bentham Chile: Concepción Lota J. Ball 1882-6-1
GH: 01248612 macraei Bentham Chile: [illegible] E. W. D. Holway & M. M. Holway 1919-12-19
GH: 01248611 macraei Bentham Chile: ValparaÃso Region [no additional data] O. Buchtien 1895-12
GH: 00042710 macrantha Hooker & Arnott Chile: H. Cuming 26 1832
GH: 00042711 macrantha Hooker & Arnott Chile: H. Cuming 26 1832
GH: 00247114 macrantha Hooker & Arnott Chile: Chiloe E. C. Reed s.n. 1871
FH: 00060722 macroblepharioides Brotherus Chile: ValparaÃso Region Easter Island, Isla de Pascua, Rano Kao, in ... C. J. F. Skottsberg & I. Skottsberg 562 1917-6-23
GH: 00096560 macrocalyx Philippi Chile: Caldera 1885-9
GH: 00019386 macrocarpa I. M. Johnston Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Laguna Valeriano I. M. Johnston 6058 1926-1-8
GH: 00019386 macrocarpa (I. M. Johnston) Rollins Chile: Atacama Vicinity of Laguna Valeriano I. M. Johnston 6058 1926-1-8
FH: 00250788 macrocarpa Schrader Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
FH: 00250789 macrocarpa Schrader Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: R. Thaxter 1906-3-2
GH: 00028125 macrophylla Steudel Chile: Valdivia Arique W. Lechler 770 1852-2
GH: 00312586 macrophyllum Barnéoud Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00312587 macrophyllum Barnéoud Chile: C. Gay
GH: 00139309 macrophysa Philippi Chile: Cortillera Santiago. Las Aranas R. A. Philippi 1853-10
GH: 00139309 macrophysus (Philippi) Reiche Chile: Cortillera Santiago. Las Aranas R. A. Philippi 1853-10
FH: 00488093 macrospora Zeller Chile: [no additional data] R. Thaxter s.n. 1905-11-2
FH: 00458102 macrosporum E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Chile, Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia media, La... H. Roivainen 1211 1929-1-19
FH: 00458103 macrosporum E. B. Bartram Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Prov. de Magallanes, Fuegia media, Lago Fagn... H. Roivainen 1211 1929-1-19
FH: 00301969 madida J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 1843
FH: 00301970 madida J. D. Hooker & Taylor Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Hermite Island, Cape Horn J. D. Hooker 135 1843
AMES: 01940892 magellanica Hooker f. Chile: Cautin Ternuco de Rio Blanco. Piedra El Safo [sp?] G. Montero O. 3384 1938-1-31
AMES: 01940888 magellanica Hooker f. Chile: Llanquihue Llao Llao F. W. Hunnewell 15938 1938-12-27
AMES: 01940889 magellanica Hooker f. Chile: Cautin Volcán Llaima E. Werdermann 1233 1927-2
GH: 01940886 magellanica Hooker f. Chile: Aisén RÃo Nireguao: Estancia Baños [illegible] I. v. Rentzell 6303 1939-1-17
GH: 01940884 magellanica Hooker f. Chile: Secion Lazo. Cerro Toro E. E. Pisano-Valdés 4034 1973
GH: 01940882 magellanica Hooker f. Chile: Islote de Puerto Luisa E. E. Pisano-Valdés 2.839 1970-11-24
FH: 00301246 magellanica Schimper Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de. Ñuble, Racinto, Las Francas H. Roivainen 1680 1929-4-12
FH: 00301247 magellanica Schimper Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 1988 1929-3-7
FH: 00301248 magellanica Schimper Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 1348 1929-2-13
FH: 00301249 magellanica Schimper Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 2426 1929-2-12
FH: 00301250 magellanica Schimper Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 124 1929-1-19
FH: 00301251 magellanica Schimper Chile: BÃo-BÃo Prov. de Ñuble, Termas de Chillan, ad rivul... H. Roivainen 1044 1929-4-15
FH: 00301252 magellanica Schimper Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia occ., Fjordo FInlandia, Brazo Aino H. Roivainen 500 1929-3-7
FH: 00301253 magellanica Schimper Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fjordo Martinez, Bahia Plüschow H. Roivainen 1141 1929-2-21
FH: 00301254 magellanica Schimper Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fuegia occ., Fjordo Martinez, Bahia Sarmient... H. Roivainen 2458 1929-2-19
FH: 00301255 magellanica Schimper Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Tierra del Fuego: Canal Beagle, Yendegaia R. Santesson M 661 1940-3-2
FH: 00301256 magellanica Schimper Chile: Chili, Rio Quino J. A. Campo 1917-11
FH: 00301257 magellanica Schimper Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Fjordo Martinez, ad saxa rivuli H. Roivainen 567 1929-2-20
FH: 00301258 magellanica Schimper Chile: Chile australis, sine loco designatus P. K. H. Dusén 553 1896
FH: 00301259 magellanica Schimper Chile: Chili, Rio Quino, Or. Vidocia J. A. Campo 1917-11
FH: 00301262 magellanica Schimper Chile: Chile australis: sine loco designatus P. K. H. Dusén 553 1896
FH: 00301263 magellanica Schimper Chile: Aysén Patagonia occ., Rio Aysen in suhoibus [spell... P. K. H. Dusén 553
FH: 00290428 magellanica (Montagne) R. H. Zander Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cabo Negro, fret. Magell. W. Lechler 1088
FH: 00290546 magellanica Schiffner Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Magalhães-Strasse, Tüesday Bay [Straight o... F. C. Naumann 1876-2-2
FH: 00781017 magellanica Thaxter Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1906-2
FH: 01022063 magellanicum Berkeley Chile: Aisén Territ. Aisen: Valle Coihaique I. v. Rentzell 6207 1939-1-12
FH: 01022064 magellanicum Berkeley Chile: Aisén Prov. Aisen, Coysique [illegible] 11 1934-1
FH: 01022065 magellanicum Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: Punta Arenas, Straits of Magel... R. Thaxter 1905
FH: 01022066 magellanicum Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 53 1906-2
FH: 01022067 magellanicum Berkeley Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1906-2
GH: 00059470 magellanicus Gómez-Sosa Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Dpto. Ultima Esperanza: Laguna Amarga A. Donat 412 1931-1
GH: 00062477 magellanicus Campdera Chile: Valdivia C. Gay
GH: 00065887 magellanicus Lamarck Chile: Antofagasta Aguada del Panul I. M. Johnston 5430 1925-12-4
FH: 00431663 magellanicus Singer Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 9
FH: 00431664 magellanicus Singer Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 9 1906-2
FH: 00431665 magellanicus Singer Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Punta Arenas: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 9