Next page > FH: 00377762 Bryoria confusa (D. D. Awasthi) Brodo & D. Hawksworth India: Arunachal Pradesh northeast of Mechuka, along trail between So... P. F. May & N. Riba 6067 2002-3-6
FH: 00377779 Bryoria sp. India: Arunachal Pradesh northeast of Mechuka, along trail between So... P. F. May & N. Riba 6079 2002-3-6
FH: 00197516 Endocarpon wightii Taylor India: Madras R. Wight
FH: 00197517 Endocarpon wightii Taylor India: Madras R. Wight
FH: 00197518 Endocarpon wightii Taylor India: Madras R. Wight
FH: 00313774 Eunotia didyma Grunow ex C. Zimmermann India: West Bengal Bengal
FH: 00313775 Eunotia didyma Grunow ex C. Zimmermann India: West Bengal Bengal
FH: 00081102 Gauthieromyces indicus J. K. Misra & V. K. Tiwari India: Uttarakhand Slow-running stream at Rithani (Mukteshwar),... J. K. Misra UA-59JKM 2004-12-27
FH: 00081103 Gauthieromyces indicus J. K. Misra & V. K. Tiwari India: Uttarakhand Slow-running stream at Rithani (Mukteshwar),... J. K. Misra UA-58JKM 2004-12-27
FH: 01006667 Lobaria kurokawae Yoshimura India: Arunachal Pradesh West Siang District County, northeast of Mec... P. F. May & N. Riba 6071 2002-3-6
FH: 01006668 Lobaria pseudopulmonaria Gyelnik India: Arunachal Pradesh West Siang District County, northeast of Mec... P. F. May & N. Riba 6076 2002-3-6
FH: 00259717 Parmotrema cristiferum (Taylor) Hale India: West Bengal Kolkata: N. Wallich
Acanthaceae GH: 01154508 Adhatoda arenaria Nees India: Peninsula Ind. orientalis R. Wight 1994
GH: 00257380 Goldfussia colorata Nees India: Assam C. F. P. Martius
GH: 00257407 Goldfussia dalhousiana Nees India: Sikkim
GH: 00257421 Goldfussia extensa Nees India: Khassia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00257378 Goldfussia glomerata Nees India: Uttar Pradesh Khassia, Alt. 4000ft. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00094351 Hexacentris mysorensis Wight India: R. Wight 2172
GH: 02527128 Hygrophila polysperma (Roxburgh) T. Anderson India: Himachal Pradesh at Nurpur; Kangra district. R. N. Parker 3423 1938-4-17
GH: 02527130 Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees India: Karnataka (Mysore) Belgaum D. Ritchie
A: 00977666 Justicia adhatoda Linnaeus India: Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: NBG, Cana Garden V. S. Sharma & M. Aslam 68659 1967-3-31
A: 00987017 Justicia gendarussa N. L. Burman India: West Bengal Kolkata: Howrah-Raranasi Road H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 1967-3-19
GH: 02527504 Nelsonia canescens (Lamarck) Sprengel India: Karnataka (Mysore) Belgaum D. Ritchie 1203
GH: 00257450 Ruellia crispa Linnaeus India: Malabar, Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
GH: 00549591 Stenosiphonium parviflorum T. Anderson India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson 68
GH: 00549596 Stenosiphonium setosum T. Anderson India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson
GH: 00257323 Strobilanthes Blume India: Assam 19 miles from Ledo G. E. Juan 136 1945-9-7
GH: 00257325 Strobilanthes Blume India: Assam M. T. Masters
GH: 00257326 Strobilanthes Blume India: Khasia Hills
A: 00257343 Strobilanthes Blume India: E. H. Wilson 1921-10
A: 00257345 Strobilanthes Blume India: Rajasthan Sirhoi [Sirohi?]; alt. 4000 - 5000 ft. F. Kingdon-Ward 18204 1948-10-13
A: 00257347 Strobilanthes Blume India: Assam Shillong: Khasi Hills; 5000 ft. F. Kingdon-Ward 18822 1949-9-6
A: 00257350 Strobilanthes Blume India: Manipur Between Ukhrul and Tusom Khulen F. Kingdon-Ward 18369 1948-12-10
A: 00257351 Strobilanthes Blume India: Rajasthan Sirhoi F. Kingdon-Ward 18203 1948-10-11
GH: 00286776 Strobilanthes Blume India: Meghalaya Khasia Hills; Native Collectors. of Bot. Gar...
A: 00257351 Strobilanthes asymmetrica J. R. I. Wood India: Rajasthan Sirhoi F. Kingdon-Ward 18203 1948-10-11
GH: 00257321 Strobilanthes atropurpurea Nees India: Sikkim Alt 7 - 10,000 ped. J. D. Hooker
GH: 00257321 Strobilanthes attenuata Nees India: Sikkim Alt 7 - 10,000 ped. J. D. Hooker
A: 00257398 Strobilanthes barbata Nees India: Tamil Nadu Salem Locality, Kolli hills, Gundar Shola K. M. Matthew, S. J. Britto & N. R... 28238 1981-4-27
GH: 00257395 Strobilanthes brandisii T. Anderson India: Assam Nobriong forest K. P. Biswas 1938-11-11
A: 00257394 Strobilanthes brunoniana Nees India: Uttar Pradesh Khassia
GH: 00257392 Strobilanthes callosa Nees India: Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
GH: 00257325 Strobilanthes capitata T. Anderson India: Assam M. T. Masters
GH: 00549591 Strobilanthes carinei J. R. I. Wood India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson 68
GH: 00549596 Strobilanthes carinei J. R. I. Wood India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson
GH: 00257388 Strobilanthes ciliata Nees India: Malabar Concan J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
GH: 00257382 Strobilanthes coloratus T. Anderson India: Assam Naga Hills, Jaboca D. Prain 31 1898-12
A: 00257386 Strobilanthes coloratus T. Anderson India: Assam Choswegremi N. L. Bor 1942-9-2
A: 00257379 Strobilanthes consanguinea C. B. Clarke India: Tamil Nadu Salem Locality, Kolli hills, Gundar shola K. M. Matthew, S. J. Britto & N. R... 28242 1981-4-27
A: 00257428 Strobilanthes cuspidata T. Anderson India: E. H. Wilson 1921-10-18
A: 00257408 Strobilanthes dalhousiana C. B. Clarke India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie R. R. Stewart 1673/A 1938-7
A: 00257409 Strobilanthes dalhousiana C. B. Clarke India: Himachal Pradesh Kilor, Bhandal Valley, Chamba State R. N. Parker 1919-9-30
A: 00257410 Strobilanthes dalhousiana C. B. Clarke India: Himachal Pradesh Kainthli Reserve, Dalhousie Range R. N. Parker 1919-11-27
A: 00257411 Strobilanthes dalhousiana C. B. Clarke India: Himachal Pradesh Kangra district, Dharmsala R. N. Parker 3249 1932-12-1
A: 00257412 Strobilanthes dalhousiana C. B. Clarke India: Himachal Pradesh Simla: P. C. Joski 1938-8
A: 00257413 Strobilanthes dalhousiana C. B. Clarke India: Himachal Pradesh Kainthli Reserve, Dalhousii Range R. N. Parker 1919-11-27
A: 00257350 Strobilanthes decipiens J. R. I. Wood India: Manipur Between Ukhrul and Tusom Khulen F. Kingdon-Ward 18369 1948-12-10
GH: 00257420 Strobilanthes extensa Nees India: East Bengal W. Griffith 6104
A: 00257400 Strobilanthes glutinosa Nees India: Himachal Pradesh On road from Chuari to Shihunta R. N. Parker 1920-1-10
A: 00257404 Strobilanthes glutinosa Nees India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie R. R. Stewart 17194 1938-11
A: 00257416 Strobilanthes glutinosa Nees India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie, 6,000-7,000ft R. R. Stewart 14741A 1935-1
A: 00257417 Strobilanthes glutinosa Nees India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie, 6,000-7,000ft. R. R. Stewart 17194 1938-11
A: 00257418 Strobilanthes glutinosa Nees India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie, 6,500ft. R. R. Stewart 17194 1938-11-30
GH: 00257405 Strobilanthes grahamiana Wight India: Malabar J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
GH: 00257323 Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steudel) Bosser India: Assam 19 miles from Ledo G. E. Juan 136 1945-9-7
A: 00257448 Strobilanthes heyneana Nees India: Wyaanard, Malabar; Alt. 3,000ft. E. W. Erlanson 5305 1933-12-26
A: 00257449 Strobilanthes heyneana Nees India: Maharashtra Mumbai: Region east of Goa boundary J. Fernandes 2055 1951-7-1
A: 00257507 Strobilanthes ixiocephala Bentham India: Maharashtra Mumbai: Karjat, North Konkan; Alt. 2490-1658... J. Fernandes 70 1949-2-1
A: 00257506 Strobilanthes ixiocephala Bentham India: In campis prope Malasamudra G. Métrod 756
A: 00257444 Strobilanthes lurida Wight India: Tamil Nadu Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills; Alt. 1,000-... A. Anglade
GH: 00257378 Strobilanthes mastersi T. Anderson India: Uttar Pradesh Khassia, Alt. 4000ft. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00295529 Strobilanthes monadelpha Nees India: Arunachal Pradesh East Bengal [Mishmi Hills] W. Griffith 6095
A: 00257439 Strobilanthes perrottetiana Nees India: Mont. Nilagiri, In monte Doddabett J. F. Metz 1430
GH: 00257508 Strobilanthes petiolaris Nees India: Khassia; 3000ft. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00295528 Strobilanthes petiolaris Nees India: Arunachal Pradesh East Bengal [Mishmi Hills] W. Griffith 6095
GH: 00295528 Strobilanthes petiolaris tubiflos C. B. Clarke India: Arunachal Pradesh East Bengal [Mishmi Hills] W. Griffith 6095
GH: 00286776 Strobilanthes polythrix T. Anderson India: Meghalaya Khasia Hills; Native Collectors. of Bot. Gar...
A: 00257438 Strobilanthes quadrangularis C. B. Clarke India: Uttarakhand Maya-Ka-danda [?] reserve, East Almora div.,... A. E. Osmaston 1507 1932-9-30
A: 00257343 Strobilanthes rubescens T. Anderson India: E. H. Wilson 1921-10
A: 00257345 Strobilanthes rubescens T. Anderson India: Rajasthan Sirhoi [Sirohi?]; alt. 4000 - 5000 ft. F. Kingdon-Ward 18204 1948-10-13
A: 00257347 Strobilanthes rubescens T. Anderson India: Assam Shillong: Khasi Hills; 5000 ft. F. Kingdon-Ward 18822 1949-9-6
A: 00257435 Strobilanthes scabra Nees India: Uttarakhand K. M. Balapure 538 1955-6-10
A: 00257430 Strobilanthes secunda T. Anderson India: Assam Baligam near Naga Hills M. A. Hock 582 1899-1
A: 00257429 Strobilanthes sessilis Nees India: In the Nilghiri woods near Ootacamund E. H. Wilson 1921-10-23
GH: 00257513 Strobilanthes sessiloides Wight India: Malabar J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
GH: 00549591 Strobilanthes sp. India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson 68
GH: 00549596 Strobilanthes sp. India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson
GH: 00295528 Strobilanthes tubiflos (C. B. Clarke) J. R. I. Wood India: Arunachal Pradesh East Bengal [Mishmi Hills] W. Griffith 6095
A: 00257485 Strobilanthes walkeri Arnott ex Nees India: Tamil Nadu Salem Locallity, Solakkadu, Pongalkoil shola K. M. Matthew 25234 1979-12-19
GH: 00257321 Strobilanthes wallichii Nees India: Sikkim Alt 7 - 10,000 ped. J. D. Hooker
GH: 00257490 Strobilanthes warreensis Dalzell India: Malabar J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
A: 00257348 Strobilanthes wightiana Nees India: South India, Nilghiri Hills
A: 00257509 Strobilanthes wightiana Nees India: E. H. Wilson 1921-10-16
A: 00257511 Strobilanthes wightiana Nees India: E. H. Wilson 1921-10-22
A: 00257506 Thelepaepale ixiocephalus (Bentham) Bremekamp India: In campis prope Malasamudra G. Métrod 756
GH: 00094351 Thunbergia mysorensis (Wight) T. Anderson India: R. Wight 2172
GH: 01154508 [None] India: Peninsula Ind. orientalis R. Wight 1994
GH: [None] India: Peninsula Ind. orientalis R. Wight 1994
Aceraceae GH: 00050509 Acer acuminatum D. Don India: N. Wallich 1225
GH: 00050510 Acer campbellii Hooker f. & Thomson ex Hiern India: Sikkim Alt. 7000-10000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00050516 Acer hookeri Miquel India: Sikkim Alt. 8000-10000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00050517 Acer hookeri majus Pax India: Sikkim Pinehul T. Anderson 407 1862-7
GH: 00050518 Acer oblongum microcarpum Hiern India: East Bengal W. Griffith 935
A: 00050521 Acer sikkimense Miquel India: Sikkim Alt. 7000-9000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00050522 Acer sikkimense Miquel India: Sikkim Alt. 7000-9000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00050516 Acer sikkimense davidii (Franchet) Wesmael India: Sikkim Alt. 8000-10000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00050517 Acer sikkimense davidii (Franchet) Wesmael India: Sikkim Pinehul T. Anderson 407 1862-7
GH: 00050523 Acer sikkimense davidii (Franchet) Wesmael India: East Bengal W. Griffith 936
GH: 00050523 Acer sikkimense serrulatum Pax India: East Bengal W. Griffith 936
GH: 00050524 Acer stachyophyllum Hiern India: Sikkim Alt. 9000 feet J. D. Hooker
Actinidiaceae GH: 00112232 Actinidia strigosa Hooker f. & Thomson ex Bentham India: Sikkim Regio temp., 6000-8000 feet J. D. Hooker
Adiantaceae GH: 00251020 Cerosora microphylla (Hooker) R. M. Tryon India: Meghalaya Surureen, Khasiya [Khasia] W. Griffith
GH: 00251020 Gymnogramma microphylla Hooker India: Meghalaya Surureen, Khasiya [Khasia] W. Griffith
Adoxaceae GH: 00103496 Adoxa moschatellina inodora Falconer ex C. B. Clarke India: Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir H. Falconer 512
Agaricaceae FH: 00555202 Cystolepiota eriophora (Peck) Knudsen India: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1349 1945-7-31
FH: 00555412 Dictyopanus copelandii Patouillard India: [data not captured] Sult. Ahmad 423 1941-8-15
FH: 00543492 Leucocoprinus minutulus Singer India: [data not captured] Sult. Ahmad 334 1939-8
FH: 00543503 Marasmiellus mesosporus Singer India: [data not captured] Sult. Ahmad 1335
FH: 00543504 Marasmiellus mesosporus Singer India: [data not captured] Sult. Ahmad 1110 1944-8-9
Aizoaceae GH: 02434311 Aizoon canariense Linnaeus India: Sinde J. Forbes Royle
GH: 02434667 Trianthema obcordatum Roxburgh India: Maisor V. Carnatic Gideon Thomson
GH: 02434667 Trianthema portulacastrum Linnaeus India: Maisor V. Carnatic Gideon Thomson
Alismataceae GH: 00338351 Alisma reniforme D. Don India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson-1
GH: 00338351 Caldesia grandis Samuelsson India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson-1
Alliaceae GH: 00338028 Allium sikkimense Baker India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker 10
GH: 00338028 Allium sp. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker 10
GH: 00338026 Allium stracheyi Baker India: Uttarakhand Kumaon Ralam R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 5
Amaranthaceae A: 00036932 Achyranthes coynei Santapau India: Khandala. St. X. Ravine H. Santapau 8072 1945-11-26
A: 01539283 Stilbanthus scandens Hooker f. India: Rongbe G. H. Cave 1923-8-8
A: 01539282 Stilbanthus scandens Hooker f. India: Tho Dha-Ronga K. P. Biswas 9344 1952-5-9
Amaryllidaceae GH: 00030271 Crinum stracheyi Baker India: Uttar Pradesh Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
Anacardiaceae GH: 01873464 Bouea oppositifolia (Roxburgh) Meisner India: Assam [data not captured] W. Griffith
GH: 01873465 Bouea oppositifolia (Roxburgh) Meisner India: Mergui W. Griffith
A: 00049012 Buchanania glabra Wallich India: N. Wallich 984
GH: 00049037 Cotinus velutina Wallich India: Uttarakhand Kamoun (Kumaun) N. Wallich 1829
A: 01873472 Dobinea vulgaris Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don India: [data not captured] F. Kingdon-Ward 18909
A: 01873432 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: Arunachal Pradesh [data not captured] K. C. Sahni H. B. Naithani 896
A: 01873434 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: [data not captured] K. P. Biswas 2032
A: 01873435 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: [data not captured] K. P. Biswas 2030
A: 01873436 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: Sikkim [data not captured] [data not captured] 355
A: 01873437 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: [data not captured] R. N. Parker 1932-3-13
GH: 01873441 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: Assam [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01873442 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand India: East Himalaya W. Griffith 1132
GH: 01873488 Gluta usitata Ding Hou India: Cult. in Hort. Bot. Cal. [data not captured]
A: 01873495 Holigarna arnottiana Hooker f. India: above Bhatwadae J. Fernandes 2154 1951-2-20
A: 01873496 Holigarna arnottiana Hooker f. India: Road from Kumta to Sirsi, North Kanara J. Fernandes 201 1949-3-19
A: 01873497 Holigarna arnottiana Hooker f. India: around Jog Falls J. Fernandes 830 1950-1-17
A: 01873498 Holigarna arnottiana Hooker f. India: behind Karwar J. Fernandes 117 1949-3-4
A: 01873499 Holigarna arnottiana Hooker f. India: Dhoni [data not captured] 13 1926-12-28
GH: 01873500 Holigarna sp. India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis Wight 569
GH: 01873502 Holigarna sp. India: Nilghiri J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 3
GH: 01873503 Holigarna sp. India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis Wight 556
GH: 01873504 Holigarna sp. India: Malabar J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law
GH: 02280453 Lannea coromandelica (Houttuyn) Merrill India: Bihar Behar J. D. Hooker
GH: 01873531 Semecarpus sp. India: Tenasserim and Andamans Helfer 1131
GH: 01873532 Semecarpus sp. India: Tenasserim and Andamans Helfer 1133
Ancistrocladaceae GH: 00013413 Ancistrocladus wallichii Planchon India: Pandua N. Wallich 1829
Annonaceae GH: 00039292 Desmos chinensis lawii (Hooker f. & Thomson) T. B. Nguyen India: R. Wight 19
GH: 00039292 Desmos lawii (Hooker f. & Thomson) Safford India: R. Wight 19
A: 00353983 Fissistigma bicolor (Hooker f. & Thomson) Merrill India: Wallich Cat. 6466
GH: 00353986 Fissistigma polyanthum (Hooker f. & Thomson) Merrill India: Assam W. Griffith 566 1850
GH: 00353981 Fissistigma wallichii (Hooker f. & Thomson) Merrill India: West Bengal Kolkata: Hort. Bot. Calcut. Wallich Cat. 6466B
A: 00353984 Fissistigma wallichii (Hooker f. & Thomson) Merrill India: Wallich Cat. 6466A
GH: 00056222 Goniothalamus sesquipedalis Hooker f. & Thomson India: Meghalaya Khasia, 4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00056226 Goniothalamus thwaitesii Hooker f. & Thomson India: R. Wight 29
GH: 00056227 Goniothalamus wightii Hooker f. & Thomson India: R. Wight 28
A: 00353983 Melodorum bicolor Hooker f. & Thomson India: Wallich Cat. 6466
GH: 00353986 Melodorum polyanthum Hooker f. & Thomson India: Assam W. Griffith 566 1850
GH: 00353981 Melodorum wallichii Hooker f. & Thomson India: West Bengal Kolkata: Hort. Bot. Calcut. Wallich Cat. 6466B
A: 00353984 Melodorum wallichii Hooker f. & Thomson India: Wallich Cat. 6466A
A: 00589951 Miliusa codonantha Chaowasku India: West Bengal Lal G. H. Cave 1917-5-15
GH: 00589954 Miliusa dioeca (Roxburgh) Chaowasku & P. Kessler India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00589952 Miliusa eriocarpa Dunn India: R. Wight 34
A: 00589951 Miliusa globosa (A. de Candolle) Panigrahi & S. C. Mishra India: West Bengal Lal G. H. Cave 1917-5-15
GH: 00589954 Miliusa globosa (A. de Candolle) Panigrahi & S. C. Mishra India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00589948 Miliusa indica Leschenault ex A. de Candolle India: Tamil Nadu [montagnes de Cuttalam (Courtallum)] J. B. L. T. Leschenault de la Tour 85
GH: 00589952 Miliusa indica Leschenault ex A. de Candolle India: R. Wight 34
A: 00589948 Miliusa leschenaultii A. de Candolle India: Tamil Nadu [montagnes de Cuttalam (Courtallum)] J. B. L. T. Leschenault de la Tour 85
GH: 00589953 Miliusa macrocarpa Hooker f. & Thomson India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
A: 00589951 Miliusa roxburghiana Hooker f. & Thomson India: West Bengal Lal G. H. Cave 1917-5-15
GH: 00589954 Miliusa roxburghiana Hooker f. & Thomson India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00589959 Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hooker f. & Thomson India: Ind orient Wallich Cat. 6441a
A: 00589959 Miliusa villosa Roxburgh India: Ind orient Wallich Cat. 6441a
GH: 00589954 Miliusa wallichiana Hooker f. & Thomson India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00589956 Miliusa wightiana Hooker f. & Thomson India: R. Wight 32
GH: 00105856 Mitrephora tomentosa Hooker f. & Thomson India: Assam
GH: 00039476 Orophea uniflora Hooker f. & Thomson India: In montibus Travancor, prope Courtallum R. Wight 37
GH: 00039477 Orophea zeylanica Hooker f. & Thomson India: Malabar, Concan, etc. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
A: 00589948 Polyalthia sp. India: Tamil Nadu [montagnes de Cuttalam (Courtallum)] J. B. L. T. Leschenault de la Tour 85
GH: 00589955 Polyalthia sp. India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00039292 Unona lawii Hooker f. & Thomson India: R. Wight 19
A: 00589959 Uvaria velutina Dunal India: Ind orient Wallich Cat. 6441a
GH: 02467546 Xylopia fusca Maingay ex Hooker f. & Thomson India: West Bengal Cult. in Hort. Bot. Cal. [no data available]
Apiaceae GH: 00073773 Acronema acronemifolium H. Wolff India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00075675 Chamaesium novemjugum (Clarke) Norman India: Sikkim 15000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00075876 Cortia hookeri C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 14000-18000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00076575 Heracleum aquilegifolium C. B. Clarke India: Malabar Concan J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al. 11
GH: 00076576 Heracleum concanense stocksii C. B. Clarke India: J. E. Stocks 10
GH: 00076577 Heracleum hookerianum Wight & Arnott India: R. Wight 1184
GH: 00073773 Pimpinella acronemifolia C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00077446 Pimpinella hookeri C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 8000-11000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00348373 Pimpinella sp. India: Uttarakhand Dhauli river Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 00348373 Pimpinella stracheyi C. B. Clarke India: Uttarakhand Dhauli river Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 00076576 Polyzygus tuberosus Dalzell ex Walpers India: J. E. Stocks 10
GH: 00077813 Schulzia dissecta (C. B. Clarke) Norman India: Sikkim 13000-16000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 3
GH: 00077813 Trachydium dissectum C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 13000-16000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 3
A: 00077984 Trachydium lamondianum Farille & S. B. Malla India: Phari, 14000 feet R. Lepcha 252 1912
GH: 00075675 Trachydium novem-jugum C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 15000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00077985 Trachydium obtusiusculum stricta C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 10000-11000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 6
GH: 00073773 Vicatia sp. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
Apocynaceae A: 01977573 Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lamarck) Codd India: Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: U.P., Lucknow, NBG. V. S. Sharma & M. Aslam 68634 1967-2-27
A: 01977616 Adenium obesum (Forsskål) Roemer & Schultes India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Shakthi. K. M. Matthew 72867 2001-2-28
A: 01977719 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: Tamil Nadu Yercad taluk Yercad, Ghat road. D. I. Arockiasamy 7785 1977-4-28
GH: 01977718 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: Maisor & Carnatic. Gideon Thomson
GH: 01977717 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: [no additional data] R. Wight 1882 1866
GH: 01977715 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: [no additional data] R. Wight
A: 01977714 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: Billigirirangan Hills. E. Barnes 321 1938-5
A: 01977712 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills. A. Anglade
A: 01977713 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: Lower Pulney. Rev. Montand 1438C.
A: 01977711 Aganosma cymosa elegans (G. Don) Hooker f. India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills. A. Anglade
GH: 00056555 Aganosma gracilis Hooker f. India: Sikkim 2000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker
A: 01977724 Aganosma heynei (Sprengel) I. M. Turner India: [no additional data] J. O. Voigt
A: 01977723 Aganosma heynei (Sprengel) I. M. Turner India: en horto. bot. Calcuttensi. L. Pierre 3546 1863
GH: 01977722 Aganosma heynei (Sprengel) I. M. Turner India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01977721 Aganosma heynei (Sprengel) I. M. Turner India: West Bengal [no additional data] W. Griffith
A: 02182058 Allamanda blanchetii A. de Candolle India: Tamil Nadu Adyar, Theosophical Society Gardens. K. M. Matthew 72243 2001-8-1
GH: 02182068 Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus India: [no additional data] C. Wight 1849
A: 02182062 Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Shakthi. K. T. Augustine & K. M. Matthew 60400 1999-1-11
A: 02182060 Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus India: South Arcot Dist. Chidambaram taluk Annamala... P. Perumal 17894 1978-10-3
A: 02182071 Allamanda sp. India: Bombay Presidency. Road from Kumta to Sirsi,... J. Fernandes 209 1949-3-19
A: 02182227 Alstonia macrophylla Wallich ex Don India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Shakthi. K. M. Matthew 72866 2001-2-28
A: 02182214 Alstonia neriifolia D. Don India: Calcutta et Serampore. B. C. Kamphövener 534 1845
GH: 02182213 Alstonia neriifolia D. Don India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 02182212 Alstonia neriifolia D. Don India: Ind. Orient. J. Blackburn 1863-7-17
A: 02182276 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Uttarakhand Thano. [no data available] 1910-12
GH: 02182274 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Thano. E. K. Krishnan 50 1931-2
GH: 02182272 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: [no additional data] C. Wight 1870
GH: 02182273 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: [illegible] Sassovli jungle south of [illegi... D. Ritchie 1845
GH: 02182271 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: The Bhabar Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
A: 02182269 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Tamil Nadu Tiruchi Dist. Thuraiyur taluk Pachaimalais. K. M. Matthew 2516 1976-7-13
GH: 02182268 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Malabar Concan, Vc. J. D. Hooker
A: 02182264 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Arboretum, F. R. I. New Forest. Dehra-Dun, U... M. B. Raizada 1952-12-12
A: 02182263 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Travancore. K. Yeshoda 331
A: 02182255 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Beside M. C. road, 12 mls. N. of Trirandrum,... E. J. Erlanson 5310. 1934-1-3
A: 02182254 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Karnataka (Mysore) Mangalore: M. A. at Mangalore in S. Kanara, ... R. D. Anstead 94 1922-12
A: 02182289 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Buxa Road. Flora of Bengal (Northern). K. P. Biswas 1675 1934-2-26
A: 02182288 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Plantes du Tonkin occidental. H. F. Bon
A: 02182287 Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Thano. C. S. Rawat 81 1921-12-5
A: 02182312 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Cult. in Hort. Bot. Cal. [no data available]
GH: 02182311 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Hab. Maisor & Carnatic. George Thomson
A: 02182310 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Khoondas. [no data available]
A: 02182309 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills. L. L. Uhl
GH: 02182308 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: [no additional data] C. Wight 1871
A: 02182306 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Tamil Nadu Kalhatti, Nilgiris. E. Barnes 1092 1940-6-8
A: 02182305 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Collected at Merchiston Estate, Kallar, Sout... R. D. Anstead 13 1921-11-28
A: 02182304 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Tamil Nadu Kalhatti, Nilgiris. E. Barnes 1134 1940-6-11
A: 02182303 Alstonia venenata R. Brown India: Travancore, southern India. Travancore High ... E. Barnes 8 1937-12-18
A: 00061558 Alyxia coriacea Wallich India: N. Wallich 1610, 9065
A: 00065150 Alyxia fascicularis Bentham & Hooker f. India: N. Wallich 1612
GH: 01977746 Amphineurion marginatum (Roxburgh) D. J. Middleton India: West Bengal [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01977745 Amphineurion marginatum (Roxburgh) D. J. Middleton India: [no additional data] [no data available]
A: 01977736 Amphineurion marginatum (Roxburgh) D. J. Middleton India: Pagode de Ley, prov. Lovec. P. Couderc 1883
A: 02179027 Anodendron nervosum Kerr India: Near Fort Lungleh; South Lushai Hills A. T. Gage 81 1899-2-4
A: 02179051 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: Maharashtra Khandala - W. Ghats L. J. Sedgwick 7772 1921-2
A: 02179050 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: Tamil Nadu Attur taluk; Periakalrayans, Pattivalavu for... K. M. Matthew 15049 1978-6-28
GH: 02179049 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: [no additional data] [no data available] 1884
A: 02179047 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: Top of Anshi ghat. J. Fernandes 2195 1951-3-1
A: 02179044 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: Pen. Ind. Orientalis R. Wight 1884
A: 02179043 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: Cult. Hort. Bot. Calcutta. [illegible] 1900-7-24
A: 02179042 Anodendron paniculatum A. de Candolle India: Cult. in hort. bot. Calcuttensis; Malacca? J. B. L. Pierre 1430 1864
A: 02178344 Apocynum venetum Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Lamayuru, Ladak, Kashmir. Along stream W. N. Koelz 2731 1931-8-29
GH: 02178342 Apocynum venetum Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Lamayuru, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6255 1933-7-30
A: 02178855 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich India: Uttarakhand Cultivated; Botanical Garden; New Forest K. M. Balapure 574 1956-4-7
GH: 02178873 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
A: 02178868 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich India: Arunachal Pradesh Ramda, Kameng district K. C. Sahni & H. B. Naithani Ser. II. No. 602 1977-4-20
GH: 02178860 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich India: Malabar Concan, &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
A: 02114031 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: Hosur Taluk. District Salem K. Yeshoda 347 1933-2-23
GH: 02114029 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: Garden; Meerut [no data available] 1850
A: 02114028 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: [no additional data] J. O. Voigt
A: 02114027 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
A: 02114024 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Guthirayan hills, Chinnar 11 km from Pennaga... K. M. Matthew & N. Venugopal 23059 1979-4-27
A: 02114022 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: Punjab Pathankot R. R. Stewart 1768 1917-5-10
A: 02114021 Carissa carandas Linnaeus India: Indian Botanical Garden. K. P. Biswas 10 1950-4-28
A: 02114050 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Incolis: Kavilu. Khoondas. J. F. Metz
A: 02114049 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Jharkhand Banari S. K. Mukerjee 4009 1955-10-13
ECON: 02114047 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand Dehara Dun [illegible] 1968-4-13
GH: 02114043 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Hab. Malabar, Concan, &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
A: 02114042 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Incolis: Kavilu. Khoondas. [no data available]
A: 02114038 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand United Provinces; Bundal Mala U. Singh 136 1928-4-18
A: 02114035 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Plants of Bombay Presidency, At Merda Ghat. J. Fernandes 2298 1951-3-27
A: 02114083 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Punjab Bhadwar, Kangra W. N. Koelz 4319 1933-4-27
A: 02114081 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Region about Karjat, North Konkan. 1 mi. SW.... J. Fernandes 18 1949-1-15
GH: 02114078 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] M. B. Raizada 1932-11
A: 02114077 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Punjab Bhadwar, Kangra W. N. Koelz 4319 1933-4-27
A: 02114076 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Plants of Bombay Presidency, India; Nagargal... J. Fernandes 2350 1951-4-3
A: 02114075 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Plants of Bombay Presidency, India; Karwar. J. Fernandes 2121 1951-1-22
A: 02114069 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Karnataka (Mysore) Londa. Region east of Goa boundary, lat. 15Â... J. Fernandes 999 1950-1-29
A: 02114068 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Karnataka (Mysore) Londa. Region east of Goa boundary, lat. 15Â... J. Fernandes 1033 1950-3-2
A: 02114066 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: H. B. C. [Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis.] [no data available] 1900-9
GH: 02114065 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand a shrub near Railway College M. B. Raizada 1929-10-29
A: 02114064 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Maharashtra Khandala, Kune stream + Plat H. Santapau 4401 1944-6-6
GH: 02114063 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Bengal J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02114061 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Nilghiri Mountains [Rev.] E. Johnson
A: 02114060 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Karnataka (Mysore) Billigirirangaw Hills E. Barnes 792 1939-9-18
A: 02114058 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Flora of Upper Gangetic Plain; District Kher... Inayat 22147 1898-4-2
A: 02114093 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: at Tambu, Mahanadi Delta, Cuttack Distt. H. F. Mooney 3390 1949-6-6
GH: 02114091 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Ind. Bor. Occ. T. Thomson
A: 02114070 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus India: Matheran; Vicinity of Karwar, North Kanara. J. Fernandes 1949-3
A: 02114372 Catharanthus pusillus G. Don India: Tamil Nadu Attur taluk Periakalrayan, Kunnur D. I. Arockiasamy 1976-8-30
A: 02114374 Catharanthus roseus Linnaeus & G. Don India: Tamil Nadu Dist. Thuraiyur taluk Pachaimalais, near Put... D. I. Arockiasamy 7061 1977-3-25
GH: 02114465 Cerbera manghas Linnaeus India: Sunderbans near the sea face. C. E. Parkinson 3509 1934-1-27
A: 02114473 Cerbera odollam Gaertner India: Karwar. Vicinity of Karwar, North Kanara. J. Fernandes 121 1949-3-8
A: 02114472 Cerbera odollam Gaertner India: Bank of Veli River (Mangrove assoc'n.) 3 mls... E. W. Erlanson 5084 1933-12-10
A: 02114470 Cerbera odollam Gaertner India: Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: U. P., Lucknow, National Bot. Garde... K. M. Balapure [data not captured] 72471 1967-3-29
A: 02115037 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Flora of Bengal (Northern). K. P. Biswas 1678
GH: 02115036 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
A: 02115035 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] M. B. Raizada 821 1930-5
A: 02115034 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Karnataka (Mysore) Karwar, N. Kanara T. R. D. Bell 3960 1923-4
A: 02115027 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Uttarakhand from Na[illegible], Garhwal. A. E. Osmaston 960 1918-6-10
A: 02115026 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Uttarakhand Puidar Valley Garhwal A. E. Osmaston 18014 1916-12-4
A: 02115024 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Region east of Goa boundary, lat. 15°-16° ... J. Fernandes 1615 1950-5-30
A: 02115019 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: West Bengal Rishap G. H. Cave 1912-7-1
A: 02115017 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Uttarakhand Botanical Garden, F.R.I. New Forest R. Dayal 81 1965-6-1
GH: 02115016 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Uttarakhand Mohaigari Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 02115013 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
A: 02115012 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: West Bengal Pankabari G. H. Cave 1912-4-4
A: 02115010 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Assam Maumai L. F. Ruse 140 1923-5-18
A: 02115009 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Assam Umran L. F. Ruse 165 1923-6-15
GH: 02115006 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02115005 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Assam. F. Jenkins
A: 02115004 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson-1
GH: 02115003 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston India: Malabar Concan &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
A: 02115051 Chonemorpha verrucosa (Blume) D. J. Middleton India: Assam Golaghat Dr. King's Collector [Malaysia] 1891
A: 02115049 Chonemorpha verrucosa (Blume) D. J. Middleton India: in Bengalia circa Calcuttam J. W. Helfer 1836
A: 02115579 Epigynum griffithianum Wight India: Hab. in Bengalia circa Calcuttam J. W. Helfer 1836
GH: 00112421 Finlaysonia khasiana (Kurz) Venter India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02115952 Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf India: es. Herb. [Toor?]. Gard. Ootacamund E. H. Wilson 1921-10
A: 00987187 Hemidesmus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Tamil Nadu Yercad; Servarayans Ghat road, 15 km to Yerc... K. M. Matthew, N. Venugopal & T. S... 18731 1978-11-3
A: 00987186 Hemidesmus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Tamil Nadu Attur; Chinnakalrayans, Mamanji, Thumbal R. ... K. M. Matthew 24794
A: 00987185 Hemidesmus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Vicinity of Vettilipara J. Fernandes 80 1952-12-27
A: 00987184 Hemidesmus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown India: Karnataka (Mysore) Sirsi J. Fernandes 1761 1950-11-9
A: 02116315 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Bihar Ranchi---Barkakana, Bihar State H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, M. T... 1960-4-17
A: 02116311 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: The Bhabar Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
A: 02116310 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Punjab Baijnath, Kangra Valley, Punjab W. N. Koelz 8306 1936-5-23
A: 02116308 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: [no additional data] [data not captured]
A: 02116304 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Prope urbem Mangalor. [no data available]
GH: 02116303 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 02116302 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Simla viâ Kángra and Jamu to KashmÃr (The... [data not captured] 1856-6
A: 02116299 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Kulir, N. W. Province H. Mayr 1886-12
A: 02116296 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Punjab Camp Dhumera, Dist. Gurdaspur Bis Ram 308 1928-6-2
A: 02116294 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Punjab Dalhousie Road R. R. Stewart 2117 1917-6-6
A: 02116293 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Uttarakhand above Bajpur, Mussoorie Road R. R. Stewart 13099 1931-5
A: 02116292 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Uttar Pradesh Plants of Mussoorie; United Provinces; North... R. R. Stewart 15009 1935-8-29
GH: 02116290 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Assam Rani Road A. C. Chatterjee 1902-5
A: 02116289 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Kerala Common in Malabar at sea level. Taliparamba.... R. D. Anstead 1926-4-11
A: 02116288 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Kerala Collected at Taliparamba in Malabar on the W... R. D. Anstead 1923-4-13
A: 02116286 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Moti Chur M. R. Sharma 1927-5
A: 02116285 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Uttarakhand United Provinces U. Singh 41 1928
A: 02116284 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Flora of Bengal (Northern). K. P. Biswas
A: 02116282 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Dharwar [data not captured] 6122 1915-6
A: 02116281 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Maharashtra Region about Karjat, North Konkan. 1 mi. SW.... J. Fernandes 19 1949-1-15
A: 02116279 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Assam Flora of Assam. Dr. King's Collector [Malaysia] 1893-6
A: 02116278 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Meghalaya Khasia Hills. [no data available] 3585
GH: 02116276 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Bihar Behar. Regio. trop J. D. Hooker
A: 02116274 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Ramanguli. Plants of Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 2070 1951-1-9
A: 02116273 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Gunji forest. Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 2377 1951-4-15
A: 02116338 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Punjab Jahndwal, Pathankot R. R. Stewart 974 1917-2-1
GH: 02116337 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: [no additional data] [no data available]
ECON: 02116332 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: [no additional data] [no data available]
A: 02116331 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Kalsi Gurdial Singh 10
A: 02116330 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Plants from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and... J. O. Voigt 1834
A: 02116329 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Plants from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and... J. O. Voigt 1834
GH: 02116328 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis. R. Wight 1877
A: 02116327 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Flowers collected at Motichur [data not captured] 1931-7-4
A: 02116326 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Tamil Nadu Hosur Taluk. District Salem K. Yeshoda 146 1932-6-10
A: 02116325 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Assam Barni Hat L. F. Ruse 92 1923-5-7
A: 02116323 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle India: Assam [no additional data] J. W. Masters
A: 02116354 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Gardens K. M. Matthew 71904 2000-7-2
A: 02116353 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Garden K. M. Matthew 73034 2001-5-14
A: 02116352 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Garden K. M. Matthew 73014 2001-5-14
A: 02116351 Holarrhena floribunda T. Durand & Schinz India: Tamil Nadu Adyar: Theosophical Society Gardens K. M. Matthew 73075 2001-5-16
A: 02116266 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Tamil Nadu Salem; Dist. Yercad taluk Servarayans, Ghat ... [data not captured] 1978-5-10
A: 02116264 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Pankabari G. H. Cave 1913-9-10
A: 02116255 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Inde; Cult. in hort. bot. Calcuttensi J. B. L. Pierre 3585 1866
A: 02116254 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Bombay Presidency; A shrub in the bamboo jun... J. Fernandes 1321 1950-4-22
A: 02116253 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Flora of Upper Gangetic Plain; District Kher... Inayat 23712 1900-5-26
A: 02116251 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Bombay Presidency; Gund; Region east of Goa ... J. Fernandes 1364 1950-5-10
A: 02116250 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Bombay Presidency; Dandeli. Region east of G... J. Fernandes 1096 1950-3-19
A: 02116249 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Uttarakhand Balmukand [data not captured] 72
A: 02116248 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Bombay Presidency; Londa. Region east of Goa... J. Fernandes 1304 1950-4-21
A: 02116247 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Indian Botanical Garden. Flora of the Garden... K. P. Biswas 1950-5-7
A: 02116246 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Bombay Presidency; Manchikeri. Region east o... J. Fernandes 1580 1950-5-28
A: 02116245 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Towards old Gund village. Region east of Goa... J. Fernandes 1452 1950-5-13
GH: 02116244 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Puducherry: Pondicherry. G. S. Perrottet
A: 02116243 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Assam Dibrugarh G. Mann 1891-2
A: 02116242 Holarrhena pubescens Wallich ex G. Don India: Bombay Presidency; Supa-Dandeli Road. Region... J. Fernandes 1168 1950-4-2
GH: 00057396 Hunteria roxburghii Wight India: R. Wight 1874
A: 02116492 Hunteria zeylanica (Retzius) Gardner ex Thwaites India: Pulo Pinang; in horto botanico Calcuttensi J. B. L. Pierre 3577 1863
A: 02116483 Hunteria zeylanica (Retzius) Gardner ex Thwaites India: in horto bot. Calcuttensi J. B. L. Pierre 3577 1863
GH: 02116482 Hunteria zeylanica (Retzius) Gardner ex Thwaites India: Hort. bot. Calcut. [no data available] 1608
A: 00067263 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Peninsular India Orientalis Wight 1881
A: 02116650 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Cult. in h. b. Calcutt. J. B. L. Pierre 1863-3
GH: 02116647 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Nilghiri Mountains, S. India. [Rev.] E. Johnson
GH: 02116645 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Bihar Behar J. D. Hooker
A: 02116643 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Hortus suburbanus Calcuttensis. Plants from ... J. O. Voigt 1834
GH: 02116642 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Flora of Bengal + Borders; Lalltung K. P. Biswas 6458 1944-11-7
A: 02116641 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttar Pradesh Ranipur Abdul Rashid Manhas
A: 02116640 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Karnataka (Mysore) Khanapur. Region east of Goa boundary, lat. ... J. Fernandes 625 1949-11-5
A: 02116638 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttarakhand Dehra Dun; United Provinces U. Singh 17 1928
A: 02116633 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Kerala Collected at Mundakayam, Travancore R. D. Anstead 17 1921-11-10
A: 02116632 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Himachal Pradesh Dalhousie Road R. R. Stewart 1251 1917-2-21
A: 02116631 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: West Bengal District Jalpaiguri. Moraghat; Flora of Nort... R. N. Parker 3213 1932-3-13
A: 02116630 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttarakhand on the "Dun"; bank of the Song R. where it c... K. U. Kramer & G. B. Nair 5942 1977-10-21
A: 02116628 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Hortus suburbanus Calcuttensis. Plants from ... J. O. Voigt 1834
A: 02116627 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Tamil Nadu Tiruchi; Dist. Thuraiyur taluk; Pachaimalais... S. Perianayagam 26055 1980-1-24
A: 02116626 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Tamil Nadu Hosur Taluk. Dt. Salem K. Yeshoda 291
A: 02116618 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttar Pradesh Ranipur E. Joseph
A: 02116617 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Ranipur, Motichur B. N. Razdan 1927-11-19
GH: 02116610 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02116609 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Maisor & Carnatic. Gideon Thomson
A: 02116598 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Karnataka (Mysore) Karwar. Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 2129 1951-1-23
ECON: 02116595 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Maharashtra Nagpur [illegible]
A: 02116593 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Region east of Goa boundary, lat. 15°-16° ... J. Fernandes 1839 1950-11-24
GH: 02116591 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttarakhand Kota Dun; Kumaon. R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 02116589 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Maisor & Carnatic. Gideon Thomson
GH: 02116588 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttarakhand Lachhiwala, near Dehra Dun E. K. Krishnan 18 1931-2-19
A: 02116586 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttarakhand Dehra [illegible] 75
A: 02116584 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Himachal Pradesh Bhadwar, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 4325 1933-4-27
A: 02116579 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Goa, Daman, and Diu Dudh Sagur Falls (Portuguese side). Region e... J. Fernandes 502 1949-11-23
A: 02116668 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Uttarakhand Dehra G. A. Gammie 1891-10
A: 02116664 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Karnataka (Mysore) Gersoppa [Jog Falls]. Bombay Presidency, Ind... J. Fernandes 1986 1950-11-28
A: 02116661 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Lachiwala P. K. R. Choudhury 73 1921-9-24
A: 02116659 Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
A: 00067263 Ichnocarpus frutescens parvifolia Hooker f. India: Peninsular India Orientalis Wight 1881
GH: 00013864 Ichnocarpus polyanthus (Blume) P. I. Forster India: Meghalaya Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02116685 Ichnocarpus polyanthus (Blume) P. I. Forster India: Sikkim Suriel E. H. Wilson 1921-9-7
GH: 02116981 Kamettia caryophyllata (Roxburgh) Nicolson & Suresh India: Malabar, Concan, &c. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
A: 02378206 Kopsia arborea Blume India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman Group. D. Prain 1898-5-5
A: 02378184 Kopsia fruticosa (Roxburgh) A. de Candolle India: West Bengal Kolkata: Culta. in horta bot. Calcutt. [illegible] 4408 1863
GH: 02378180 Kopsia fruticosa (Roxburgh) A. de Candolle India: West Bengal Kolkata: H. B. C. [Hort. Bot. Gard. Calcutta... [data not captured]
A: 02378179 Kopsia fruticosa (Roxburgh) A. de Candolle India: [no additional data] N. Wallich 1583
A: 02378178 Kopsia fruticosa (Roxburgh) A. de Candolle India: Indian Botanical Garden. Sq. K. 34 K. P. Biswas 1950-4-20
A: 02378176 Kopsia fruticosa (Roxburgh) A. de Candolle India: [no additional data] J. O. Voigt
GH: 02379805 Mandevilla sp. India: Phoonda Ghaut D. Ritchie 1853-1
A: 02379874 Mascarenhasia arborescens A. de Candolle India: Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: Natl. Bot. Gardens. K. M. Balapure & A. P. Pandey 72474 1967-3-29
A: 02379872 Mascarenhasia arborescens A. de Candolle India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Gardens K. M. Matthew 71913 2000
GH: 02380090 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Naga Hills; Zakhoma F. Kingdon-Ward 19000 1949-11-8
A: 02380087 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Assam Dhekiajuli A. C. Chatterjee 1902-4
A: 02380220 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Assam Dhekiajuli A. C. Chatterjee 1902-4
A: 02380086 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Meghalaya Jowai [no data available] 1892-8
GH: 02380085 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Assam Dhekiajuli A. C. Chatterjee 1902-4
GH: 02380084 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Meghalaya Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02380082 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02380076 Melodinus cochinchinensis (Loureiro) Merrill India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02380108 Melodinus monogyus Roxburgh ex Lindley India: Assam South Lushai Hills.; near Fort Lungleh [Lung... A. T. Gage 240
GH: 00013863 Micrechites elliptica Hooker f. India: Sikkim 4000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker 4
GH: 00013864 Micrechites elliptica Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02380800 Nerium indicum Miller India: Himachal Pradesh Oot, Mandi State, Punjab W. N. Koelz 8326 1936-5-30
A: 02380796 Nerium indicum Miller India: Punjab Baijnath, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 4607 1933-5-19
A: 02380795 Nerium indicum Miller India: Himachal Pradesh Larji, Kulu, Punjab. W. N. Koelz 3125 1931-11-5
GH: 02380793 Nerium indicum Miller India: nr Kakkot Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
A: 02380785 Nerium indicum Miller India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade 381
A: 02380781 Nerium indicum Miller India: Plants from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and... J. O. Voigt 1834
ECON: 02380780 Nerium indicum Miller India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] [data not captured] 1968-3-10
A: 02380779 Nerium indicum Miller India: Sq. B. 26.; Flora of the Garden. K. P. Biswas 1950-4-10
GH: 02380775 Nerium indicum Miller India: Himachal Pradesh Simla: Nagkánda down to the left side of th... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 7656 1856-5-31
GH: 02380774 Nerium indicum Miller India: Jammu and Kashmir Puch viâ Kótli to Islamabád. Province: Ra... [data not captured] 1856-11-10
A: 02380765 Nerium oleander Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Tiruchi; Thuraiyur taluk Pachaimalais, Puthu... D. I. Arockiasamy 1977-3-23
ECON: 02380757 Nerium oleander Linnaeus India: Rajasthan Cult. at Hanumangar, Bikaner State W. N. Koelz 8100 1936-4-14
A: 02381424 Odontadenia sp. India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Nursery K. M. Matthew 72833 2001-2-27
GH: 00056843 Parabarium hookeri Pierre ex Spire India: Sikkim Regio trop., 3000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker
A: 02381745 Parsonsia alboflavescens (Dennstedt) Mabberley India: Tamil Nadu Salem; Kolli hills, Gundar shola K. M. Matthew & N. Venugopal 1978-10-19
A: 02381744 Parsonsia alboflavescens (Dennstedt) Mabberley India: Bombay Presidency, Hartuga to Bhatwade villa... J. Fernandes 2157 1951-2-20
A: 02381743 Parsonsia alboflavescens (Dennstedt) Mabberley India: Bombay Presidency, Donpa forest. J. Fernandes 2414 1951-4-28
GH: 02381736 Parsonsia alboflavescens (Dennstedt) Mabberley India: Malabar Concan, &c. J. E. Stocks & J. S. Law [no addit...
GH: 00112421 Pentanura khasianum Kurz India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02382696 Plumeria acutifolia Poiret India: Maharashtra Karjat. Region about Karjat, North Konkan. I... J. Fernandes 44 1949-1-21
A: 02382695 Plumeria acutifolia Poiret India: Punjab Mahdopur near Pthankot; Plants of the Punjab... R. R. Stewart 1777 1917-5-11
A: 02382700 Plumeria obtusa Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Nursery K. M. Matthew 71833 2000-7-1
A: 02382699 Plumeria obtusa Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Auroville: Matrimandir Nursery K. M. Matthew 71830 2000-7-1
A: 02382703 Plumeria rubra Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Dist. Yercad [Yercaud] taluk Yercad, way dow... D. I. Arockiasamy 7491 1977-4-27
A: 02382819 Pottsia laxiflora (Blume) Kuntze India: West Bengal India orientalis, in Bengalia circa Calcutta... J. W. Helfer 1836
ECON: 02383839 Rauvolfia canescens Linnaeus India: Uttar Pradesh at Benares Hindu University Ayurvedic Garden... F. J. Hailer 1952-5-28
A: 02383857 Rauvolfia densiflora Bentham ex Hooker f. India: Tamil Nadu Tigershola. - Nilagiris; Flora of Madras. Rev. St. Munch S. J. 70 1912-7-23
A: 02383853 Rauvolfia densiflora Bentham ex Hooker f. India: Karnataka (Mysore) Anshi-N. Kanara; Bombay T. R. D. Bell 6058
A: 02383852 Rauvolfia densiflora Bentham ex Hooker f. India: Karnataka (Mysore) Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 479 1938-5
A: 00442326 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Usoda forest. Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 2438 1951-10-5
GH: 02383888 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Meghalaya Hab. Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02383886 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Orissa at Pottangi Koraput district Jeypure Estate ... H. F. Mooney 3944 1950-7-15
A: 02383885 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Karnataka (Mysore) Katgal. Road from Kumta to Sirsi, North Kana... J. Fernandes 224 1949-3-23
A: 02383883 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Karnataka (Mysore) Karwar - N. Kanara; Bombay T. R. D. Bell 6105
A: 02383882 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: West Bengal Buxa Road; Flora of Bengal (Northern). K. P. Biswas 1655 1934-2-26
A: 02383880 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Uttar Pradesh Kheri (Oudh); Upper Gangetic Plain; Dudhwa r... Inayat 1898-5-7
A: 02383879 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Meghalaya Khasia and Jaintia Hills; Barni Hat; Flora o... L. F. Ruse 97 1923
ECON: 02383878 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Uttar Pradesh at Benares Hindu University Ayurvedic Garden... F. J. Hailer 1952-5-28
GH: 02383876 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Kerala PALGHAT. - S. India. P. V. Rajappan 1955-10
GH: 02383875 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Kerala Collected from New Teak plantations. NILAMBU... P. D. Varadarajan 1955-7
A: 02383874 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Karnataka (Mysore) Manchikeri; Region east of Goa boundary, lat... J. Fernandes 1612 1950-5-30
A: 02383873 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: West Bengal Plants from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and... J. O. Voigt 1834
A: 02383871 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: West Bengal Plants from Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and Ser... J. O. Voigt 1834
A: 02383870 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: West Bengal Plants from the Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and... J. O. Voigt 1834
A: 02383905 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: States of Travancore and Cochin; Vicinity of... J. Fernandes 32 1952
GH: 02383898 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Kerala CHALAKUDI. P. D. Varadarajan 1955-5
A: 02383889 Rauvolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz India: Manchikeri. Region east of Goa boundary, lat... J. Fernandes 1548 1950-5-27
GH: 02383915 Rauvolfia sp. India: Meghalaya Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 02383952 Rauvolfia verticillata (Loureiro) Baillon India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02383951 Rauvolfia verticillata (Loureiro) Baillon India: Sikkim Dikchu; Flora of E. Himalaya. K. P. Biswas 6705 1945-5-13
GH: 02009987 Strophanthus caudatus (Linnaeus) Kurz India: West Bengal Kolkata: Cult. Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis [no data available] 1903-7
A: 02009990 Strophanthus divaricatus (Loureiro) Hooker & Arnott India: Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: U. P. [Uttar Pradesh], Lucknow, Nat... J. K. Maheshwari & A. P. Pandey 5606 1967-3-8
A: 02009993 Strophanthus hispidus de Candolle India: West Bengal Kolkata: Cult. in Hort. Calcutta. Div. 1. [data not captured] 1898-4
A: 02375010 Strophanthus wallichii de Candolle India: Uttarakhand Botanical Garden, F.R.I., New Forest R. Dayal 525 1966-4-28
GH: 02375007 Strophanthus wallichii de Candolle India: Sikkim Sikkim. cult. J. D. Hooker
GH: 02375006 Strophanthus wallichii de Candolle India: West Bengal Kolkata: Cult. in Hort. Bot. Cal. [no data available]
A: 02375004 Strophanthus wallichii de Candolle India: Assam Golaghat District Dr. King's Collector [Malaysia] 1891-5
A: 02372369 Tabernaemontana corymbosa Roxburgh ex Wallich India: Thano P. K. R. Choudhury 73 1921-5-15
A: 02372369 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Thano P. K. R. Choudhury 73 1921-5-15
A: 02372367 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Assam Panighat Dr. King's Collector [Malaysia] 1893-4
ECON: 02372363 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: West Bengal Kolkata: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1968-3-20
A: 02372355 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Buxa Road K. P. Biswas 1919 1935-2-28
A: 02372354 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Jacoba, Naga Hills. 1898-12
A: 02372353 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Between Lungleh & Rioge Camp. A. T. Gage 199
A: 02372347 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Meghalaya Nambar Forest; Khasi Hills F. Kingdon-Ward 18609 1949-6-20
A: 02372346 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes India: Bengal J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02372355 Tabernaemontana macrocarpa Jack India: Buxa Road K. P. Biswas 1919 1935-2-28
A: 02372364 Tabernaemontana peduncularis Wallich India: Tamil Nadu Tiruchi; St. Joseph's College Campus, Father... S. Perianayagam 1979-12-6
A: 02372386 Tabernaemontana rostrata Roxburgh ex Wallich India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Karnicobar et [illegible] B. C. Kamphövener 2309 1845
GH: 00051698 Trachelospermum axillare Hooker f. India: Sikkim Regio trop., 4000-6000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00056843 Urceola tournieri (Pierre) D. J. Middleton India: Sikkim Regio trop., 3000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker
Aquifoliaceae A: 01154716 Ilex crenata thomsonii (Hooker f.) Loesener India: [Churra and Surumeem] J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 9
GH: 00049563 Ilex denticulata Wallich ex Wight India: R. Wight 437
A: 00049565 Ilex denticulata Wallich ex Wight India: R. Wight 490
A: 00049564 Ilex denticulata Wallich ex Wight India: R. Wight
GH: 00049566 Ilex embelioides Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00049569 Ilex excelsa hypotricha (Loesener) S. Y. Hu India: East Himalaya W. Griffith 2008
GH: 00049568 Ilex excelsa hypotricha (Loesener) S. Y. Hu India: East Bengal W. Griffith 2008
A: 00444813 Ilex fragilis Hooker f. India: Sikkim Khasia mts. at Surureem J. D. Hooker
GH: 00049571 Ilex gardneriana Wight India: R. Wight 440
A: 00049589 Ilex griffithii Hooker f. India: W. Griffith 2001
A: 00049588 Ilex griffithii Hooker f. India: W. Griffith 2001
GH: 00049569 Ilex hypotricha Loesener India: East Himalaya W. Griffith 2008
GH: 00049568 Ilex hypotricha Loesener India: East Bengal W. Griffith 2008
GH: 00046781 Ilex intricata Hooker f. India: Sikkim 9-11000 feet J. D. Hooker
A: 00046782 Ilex intricata Hooker f. India: Sikkim 9-11000 feet J. D. Hooker
A: 01154716 Ilex thomsonii Hooker f. India: [Churra and Surumeem] J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 9
GH: 00049577 Ilex thwaitesii Loesener India: R. Wight 442
GH: 00049581 Ilex wightiana Wallich ex Wight India: R. Wight 491
Araceae GH: 01634223 Acorus calamus Linnaeus India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01634224 Acorus calamus Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand Kupkot, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
A: 01634207 Acorus calamus Linnaeus India: E. Himalaya; Mirick K. P. Biswas 5812 1941-10-24
GH: 01634223 Acorus gramineus Solander India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01634224 Acorus gramineus Solander India: Uttarakhand Kupkot, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom
GH: 01634273 Aglaonema hookerianum Schott India: Hab. Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01689740 Alocasia sp. India: Hab. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01655675 Alocasia sp. India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2771 1866
GH: 00028685 Ambrosina retrospiralis Roxburgh India: Maisor and Carnatic T. Thomson
GH: 01634699 Amorphophallus napalensis (Wallich) Bogner & Mayo India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01634741 Amorphophallus sp. India: Corinbasme; Gundal valley V. Narayanaswami 3671 1930-7-7
GH: 01634709 Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxburgh) Kunth India: Tamil Nadu Dist. Coiubatwe; Locality Path G Ethauibetta V. Narayanaswami 3461 1930
GH: 00062327 Anaphyllum wightii Schott India: Tamil Nadu Courtallana R. Wight 2776
GH: 01635996 Ariopsis peltata Nimmo India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01635997 Ariopsis peltata Nimmo India: Malabar Concan J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 00028677 Arisaema abbreviatum Schott India: Himachal Pradesh Simla, 5000-8000 feet T. Thomson
GH: 01654977 Arisaema concinnum Schott India: Brick Hill, E. Himalaya K. P. Biswas 4821 1940
A: 01654983 Arisaema concinnum Schott India: West Bengal Manibanjan---Batasi H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, M. T... 5215 1960-5-1
GH: 01655038 Arisaema concinnum Schott India: Uttarakhand Kathi, Humaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 13
A: 01654987 Arisaema consanguineum Schott India: on mountains near Darjeeling. Tongalu G. H. Pride 1084 1969-4-13
A: 01654989 Arisaema consanguineum Schott India: Eastern Himalaya, Tista G. H. Cave 1913-6-23
GH: 01654990 Arisaema cornutum Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01654992 Arisaema curvatum (Roxburgh) Kunth India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01654993 Arisaema curvatum (Roxburgh) Kunth India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01654994 Arisaema curvatum (Roxburgh) Kunth India: Sinla T. Thompson
GH: 01654995 Arisaema curvatum (Roxburgh) Kunth India: Mont. Nilghiri & Kurg Gideon Thomson 18
GH: 01654996 Arisaema curvatum (Roxburgh) Kunth India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2773 1866
GH: 01654997 Arisaema curvatum (Roxburgh) Kunth India: Birch Hill K. P. Biswas 3769 1940
GH: 00028678 Arisaema dolosum Schott India: Himachal Pradesh Simla, 8000 feet T. Thomson
GH: 01655002 Arisaema echinatum (Wallich) Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655003 Arisaema echinatum (Wallich) Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01654979 Arisaema erubescens (Wallich) Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655010 Arisaema erubescens (Wallich) Schott India: Uttarakhand Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 6
GH: 01655015 Arisaema erubescens (Wallich) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01655037 Arisaema erubescens (Wallich) Schott India: Mont. Nilghiri & Kurg Gideon Thomson
A: 01655027 Arisaema flavum Schott India: Himachal Pradesh around Manali C. A. Chadwell 331 1989-8
GH: 01655034 Arisaema griffithii Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
A: 01655035 Arisaema griffithii Schott India: West Bengal on Tiger Hill G. H. Pride 1057 1969-4-9
A: 01655036 Arisaema griffithii Schott India: West Bengal on Tiger Hill G. H. Pride 1056 1969-4-9
GH: 00028679 Arisaema intermedium Blume India: Uttar Pradesh Kathi, Kumaon, 7200 feet R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 5
GH: 00028678 Arisaema intermedium Blume India: Himachal Pradesh Simla, 8000 feet T. Thomson
GH: 01655053 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Himachal Pradesh Narkanda M. Nath 56 1938
A: 01655054 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Himachal Pradesh around Manali C. A. Chadwell 333 1989-8
GH: 01655056 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Uttarakhand Palam Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 12
GH: 01655057 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Simla T. Thompson
GH: 01655058 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Uttarakhand Chmin Naemi Tal Kuamon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 11
A: 01655060 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Sikkim R. Lepcha 1152
GH: 01654990 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655062 Arisaema leschenaultii Blume India: Tamil Nadu Kalhatti E. Barnes 1156 1940-6-10
GH: 01655003 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655068 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
A: 01655072 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius India: West Bengal Tongalu G. H. Pride 1085 1969-4-13
A: 01655080 Arisaema ostiolatum H. Hara India: West Bengal Phalut H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, M. T... 5186 1960-6-5
A: 01655081 Arisaema ostiolatum H. Hara India: West Bengal Phalut H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, M. T... 5186 1960-6-5
A: 01655073 Arisaema speciosum (Wallich) Martius ex Schott & Endlicher India: West Bengal Tongalu G. H. Pride 1085 1969-4-13
GH: 01655114 Arisaema speciosum (Wallich) Martius ex Schott & Endlicher India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00028679 Arisaema stracheyanum Schott India: Uttar Pradesh Kathi, Kumaon, 7200 feet R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 5
A: 01655124 Arisaema tortuosum (Wallich) Schott India: Himachal Pradesh around Manali C. A. Chadwell 334 1989-8
A: 01655125 Arisaema tortuosum (Wallich) Schott India: West Bengal [no additional data] G. H. Cave
GH: 01655128 Arisaema tortuosum (Wallich) Schott India: Uttarakhand Nuini Jal, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 8
GH: 01655132 Arisaema utile Hooker f. ex Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655133 Arisaema utile Hooker f. ex Schott India: Shimla T. Thomson
GH: 01655134 Arisaema utile Hooker f. ex Schott India: Madhari pap Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 4
A: 01655137 Arisaema wallichianum Hooker f. India: Sakkargong G. H. Cave 1912-6-15
A: 01655142 Arisaema wattii Hooker f. India: Sirohi F. K. Ward 17228 1948-4-7
GH: 01655143 Arisaema wightii Schott India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2774 1866
GH: 01655144 Arisaema wightii Schott India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2772 1866
GH: 01655641 Colocasia affinis Schott India: Almora, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 3
GH: 01655640 Colocasia affinis Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655646 Colocasia antiquorum Schott India: Uttarakhand Kalanga Hill, Rajpur R. R. Stewart 16133 1937-9-7
A: 01655647 Colocasia antiquorum Schott India: Uttarakhand Near Rampur, Raira khol, Osissa. Kholgash bl... H. F. Mooney 3991 1950
GH: 01655648 Colocasia antiquorum Schott India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2782 1866
GH: 01655649 Colocasia antiquorum Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
A: 01655655 Colocasia esculenta (Linnaeus) Schott India: Tamil Nadu Dist. Yercad taluk. Servarayens, Yercad, Lak... K. M. Matthew, S. J. Britto & N. R... 28592 1981
GH: 00028681 Colocasia fallax Schott India: Meghalaya Khasia, 0-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01655640 Colocasia sp. India: Khasia J. D. Hooker
GH: 01655675 Colocasia sp. India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2771 1866
GH: 01655713 Cryptocoryne ciliata (Roxburgh) Fischer ex Wydler India: West Bengal Jessore S. Mokim 1163 1896-11-8
GH: 00028683 Cryptocoryne consobrina Schott India: Mysore and Carnatic
GH: 01655716 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis (Roxburgh) Fischer India: West Bengal [no additional data] K. P. Biswas 1642
GH: 01655717 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis (Roxburgh) Fischer India: Pondicherry Karaikal G. S. Perrottet 642
GH: 01655718 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis (Roxburgh) Fischer India: Kala Nuddi D. Ritchie 642 1852-12
GH: 01655719 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis (Roxburgh) Fischer India: Maharashtra Mumbai: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1816
GH: 01655722 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis (Roxburgh) Fischer India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson
GH: 00028685 Cryptocoryne retrospiralis retrospiralis India: Maisor and Carnatic T. Thomson
GH: 01655720 Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retzius) Fischer ex Wydler India: Purwur Ghant D. Ritchie 1484
GH: 01655721 Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retzius) Fischer ex Wydler India: Concan etc. J. E. Stocks
GH: 01655722 Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retzius) Fischer ex Wydler India: Maisor & Carnatic Gideon Thomson
GH: 01655723 Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retzius) Fischer ex Wydler India: Concan etc. J. E. Stocks
GH: 01655860 Dochafa flava (Forsskål) Schott India: Uttarakhand Bampa, Garhwál R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 9
GH: 01655863 Dochafa flava (Forsskål) Schott India: Himachal Pradesh Simla: near Khadrala, Bashahr State R. N. Parker 3355 1936-6-14
GH: 00028694 Gonatanthus ornatus Schott India: Meghalaya Khasia, 6000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01627006 Gonatanthus pumilus (D. Don) Engler & K. Krause India: Himachal Pradesh Simla: in valley below Simla R. N. Parker 3401 1937-7-18
GH: 01627007 Gonatanthus pumilus (D. Don) Engler & K. Krause India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01627012 Gonatanthus pumilus (D. Don) Engler & K. Krause India: Uttarakhand Landour, Mussoorie R. R. Stewart 14852 1935-7-27
GH: 01630404 Gonatanthus pumilus (D. Don) Engler & K. Krause India: Landour, Mussourie R. R. Stewart 1442 1934-8-23
GH: 01630405 Gonatanthus pumilus (D. Don) Engler & K. Krause India: Kalimat, Kuamon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 15
GH: 01627108 Homalomena rubescens (Roxburgh) Kunth India: [no additional data] [no data available] 49 1882-8
GH: 01627121 Homalomena sp. India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01627122 Homalomena sp. India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
A: 01627307 Lagenandra ovata (Linnaeus) Thwaites India: 3 mls. south of Trivandrum. Travancore E. W. Erlanson 5103 1933-12-10
GH: 01627309 Lagenandra ovata (Linnaeus) Thwaites India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2770 1866
GH: 01627309 Lagenandra sp. India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2770 1866
GH: 01627308 Lagenandra toxicaria Dalzell India: in the Kala Nuddi D. Ritchie 1483 1852-12
GH: 01627323 Lasia spinosa (Linnaeus) Thwaites India: [no additional data] J. O. Voigt
GH: 01627330 Lasia spinosa (Linnaeus) Thwaites India: Bengal K. P. Biswas 1579
GH: 01627331 Lasia spinosa (Linnaeus) Thwaites India: Bengal K. P. Biswas 1579
A: 01629593 Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Dist. Chidambaram taluk. Locality: South Arc... N. Venugopal 22680 1979
GH: 01629596 Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus India: [no additional data] R. Wight 2791 1866
GH: 01629598 Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus India: [no additional data] J. O. Voigt
A: 01629775 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill India: Rajabhatkhawa, Buxa division, N. Bengal C. E. Parkinson 3415 1934-1-9
A: 01629776 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill India: Gaugtok to Dikehu K. P. Biswas 6702 1945-5-13
GH: 01629784 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01629785 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill India: Northern Bengal K. P. Biswas 1698
GH: 01629793 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill India: Ranigunga river, Kuamon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 1
A: 01629794 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill India: Arunachal Pradesh Mishmi Hills: Glo, Kamlang valley F. Kingdon-Ward 18508 1949-4-9
GH: 01629822 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Serampore J. O. Voigt
A: 01629823 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Tellicherry: Malabar K. Yeshoda 407
A: 01629831 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Bombay Presidency J. Fernandes 1962 1950-11-28
A: 01629835 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Bombay Presidency, Road from Kumta to Sirsi,... J. Fernandes 146 1949-3-14
GH: 01629837 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 01629839 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andamans D. Prain 1899
A: 01629842 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Nicobar Islds D. F. Didrichsen 2475 1845
A: 01629843 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Nicobar Islands B. C. Kamphövener 2475 1845
A: 01629844 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Bombay Presidency, Region east of Goa bounda... J. Fernandes 878 1950-2-6
A: 01629845 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Bombay Presidency, Region east of Goa bounda... J. Fernandes 1650 1950-6-1
GH: 01629846 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Bengal F. Jenkins
GH: 01629848 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Dist. Coimbatore. Kariem Shola, Anamalais V. Narayanaswami 5303 1934-3-15
A: 01629849 Pothos scandens Linnaeus India: Bot. Gardens of Calcutta and Serampore J. O. Voigt 242 1834
GH: 00025742 Pothos thomsonianus Schott India: Carnatic George Thomson
A: 01629855 Pothos thomsonianus Schott India: Three miles up the Chalakudi River from Pori... J. Fernandes 194 1953-1-31
GH: 01630402 Remusatia hookeriana Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01630403 Remusatia hookeriana Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01630404 Remusatia hookeriana Schott India: Landour, Mussourie R. R. Stewart 1442 1934-8-23
GH: 01630408 Remusatia hookeriana Schott India: Kathi, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 01630409 Remusatia hookeriana Schott India: Uttarakhand Vicinity of Mussoorie, Below Dhabi Ghat R. L. Fleming 485 1948-5-26
GH: 01630405 Remusatia pumila (D. Don) H. Li & A. Hay India: Kalimat, Kuamon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 15
GH: 01630404 Remusatia pumila (D. Don) H. Li & A. Hay India: Landour, Mussourie R. R. Stewart 1442 1934-8-23
GH: 01630405 Remusatia sp. India: Kalimat, Kuamon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 15
GH: 01630420 Remusatia vivipara (Roxburgh) Schott India: Moharguri, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 14
GH: 01630421 Remusatia vivipara (Roxburgh) Schott India: Near Doddaram - (about 2 miles from Bellagi)... V. Narayanaswami 3755 1930
GH: 01630422 Remusatia vivipara (Roxburgh) Schott India: [no additional data] K. P. Biswas 1775
GH: 01630423 Remusatia vivipara (Roxburgh) Schott India: [no additional data] C. Wight 2769 1866
GH: 01630424 Remusatia vivipara (Roxburgh) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01630133 Rhaphidophora affinis Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 11
GH: 01630136 Rhaphidophora calophyllum Schott India: South Lushai Hills, Jungle Valley, Fort Leug... A. T. Gage 15 1899-3-30
GH: 01630147 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxburgh) Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker 10
GH: 01630148 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxburgh) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 10
GH: 01630150 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxburgh) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 11
GH: 01630151 Rhaphidophora decursiva (Roxburgh) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 11
GH: 01630163 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie, stream east of Rajpur R. R. Stewart 16985 1938-8-15
GH: 01630164 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: E. Himalaya. Saudakphu-Rimbick K. P. Biswas 5582 1941
GH: 01630165 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: South Lushai Hills. Near Fort-Lungleh A. T. Gage 266 1899-4
GH: 01630170 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01630171 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: [no additional data] J. O. Voigt
GH: 01630172 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: Turjo valley, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 3
GH: 01630173 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01630174 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] Native Collector [India] 736 1909-3-12
GH: 01630177 Rhaphidophora grandis Schott India: Baisaii, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 00025735 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 01630187 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 5
GH: 01630189 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott India: Bengal (northern) K. P. Biswas 2041
A: 01630207 Rhaphidophora lancifolia Schott India: Assam Margarata D. Prain 1898-6
GH: 01630202 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxburgh) Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01630204 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxburgh) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01630205 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxburgh) Schott India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01630212 Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxburgh) Schott India: Kasarleh in Canara D. Ritchie 11192 1853-5
A: 01630452 Sauromatum brevipes (Hooker f.) N. E. Brown India: Eastern Himalaya, Rongbe G. H. Cave 1913-5-19
GH: 01630454 Sauromatum guttatum venosum Engler India: verisimiliter Himalaya [no data available]
GH: 01630628 Scindapsus officinalis (Roxburgh) Schott India: Bengal J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01630937 Steudnera colocasiifolia K. Koch India: India orientalis [no data available] 141
GH: 01874261 Theriophonum dalzellii Schott India: Concan J. E. Stocks
A: 01874260 Theriophonum minutum (Willdenow) Baillon India: South Arcot, Dist. Chidambaram taluk Killoi,... S. Perianayagam RHT 28420 1981
GH: 01874285 Typhonium bulbiferum Dalzell India: Kala Nuddi D. Ritchie 756
GH: 01874284 Typhonium bulbiferum Dalzell India: Malabar Corcan, etc. J. E. Stocks, J. S. Law et al.
GH: 01874288 Typhonium divaricatum (Linnaeus) Decaisne India: [data not captured] [data not captured] 128
GH: 01874293 Typhonium diversifolium Wallich ex Schott India: below Almora, Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 1
GH: 01874294 Typhonium diversifolium Wallich ex Schott India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01874295 Typhonium diversifolium Wallich ex Schott India: Himal. Bor. Occ. T. Thomson
GH: 01874317 Typhonium trilobatum (Linnaeus) Schott India: Bengal J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
Araliaceae GH: 00106777 Aralia thomsonii Seemann ex C. B. Clarke India: Meghalaya Mont. Khasia, 2000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 42
GH: 00106673 Brassaiopsis griffithii C. B. Clarke India: East Bengal, Namroo W. Griffith 2697
GH: 00106776 Brassaiopsis mitis C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 4000-6000 feet J. D. Hooker 29
A: 02456885 Macropanax dispermus (Blume) Kuntze India: Mont. Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00072701 Schefflera venulosa obliquinervia Gamble India: R. Wight 1200
GH: 00073767 Tupidanthus calyptratus Hooker f. & Thomson India: Meghalaya Eastern Bengal, base of the Khasia mountains... J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
Arecaceae A: 02558332 Areca catechu Linnaeus India: Region east of Goa boudary, lat. 15°-16° N... J. Fernandes 1441 1950-5-14
GH: 02411668 Areca catechu Linnaeus India: West Bengal Calcutta: Cult. in Hort. Bot. Cal.
GH: 00421704 Arenga nana (Griffith) H. E. Moore India: Assam F. Jenkins
GH: 00028448 Plectocomia bractealis Beccari India: Assam Upper Assam
GH: 02428319 Plectocomia khasiyana Griffith India: Meghalaya Khasia. J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 02411408 Sabal minor (Jacquin) Persoon India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] B. L. Gupta 2 1923-5
A: 02411409 Sabal minor (Jacquin) Persoon India: Uttarakhand [no additional data] B. L. Gupta 2 1923-5
GH: 00421704 Wallichia nana Griffith India: Assam F. Jenkins
Aristolochiaceae A: 00235390 Aristolochia griffithii Hooker f. & Thomson ex Duchartre India: Sikkim Flora of E Himalaya, Lachen. K. P. Biswas 6653 1945-5-17
GH: 00353571 Aristolochia griffithii Hooker f. & Thomson ex Duchartre India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00076272 Ceropegia hookeri C. B. Clarke ex Hooker f. India: Sikkim 8000-10000 feet J. D. Hooker 23
GH: 00076273 Ceropegia huberi Ansari India: Maharashtra Amba ghat, rocky slope M. Y. E. Ansari 105001 1967-8-29
GH: 00076274 Ceropegia mahabalei Hemadri & Ansari India: Maharashtra Ralegaon 10 km. west of Junnar, hill slopes K. Hemadri 118070 1969-9-25
GH: 00104396 Dischidia India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00104396 Dischidia khasiana Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00104396 Dischidia nummularia R. Brown India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00076435 Heterostemma tanjorensis Wight & Arnott India: R. Wight 1527
GH: 00076427 Hoya edenii Hooker f. India: Sikkim East Himalaya W. Griffith 3777
GH: 00076429 Hoya edenii Hooker f. India: Sikkim 2000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00076428 Hoya globulosa Hooker f. India: Sikkim 2000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker 32
GH: 00104396 Hoya nummularia Decaisne ex Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Mount Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00076430 Hoya oblanceolata Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 11
GH: 00076431 Hoya polyneura Hooker f. India: Sikkim 3000-5000 feet J. D. Hooker 29
GH: 00076432 Hoya thomsoni Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Mont Khasia, 3000-4000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson 12
GH: 00219247 Merrillanthus sikkimensis D.E. Boufford & P.T. Li India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker s.n.
A: 01147523 Vincetoxicum arnottianum Wight India: Himachal Pradesh Banks of the Rawi between Tari and Siunr R. N. Parker 1919
GH: 01147533 Vincetoxicum arnottianum Wight India: Himal. Bor. Occ.; Regio temp. T. Thomson
GH: 01147526 Vincetoxicum canescens Decaisne India: Cad mi et [Tmoli] poro inter P. E. Boissier 1862-6
GH: 01147533 Vincetoxicum canescens Decaisne India: Himal. Bor. Occ.; Regio temp. T. Thomson
GH: 01147531 Vincetoxicum kenouriense Wight India: Regio temp T. Thomson 8
GH: 01147530 Vincetoxicum kenouriense Wight India: East India Herb. Falconer
GH: 01147527 Vincetoxicum sp. India: Sikkim Regio temp. J. D. Hooker 6
GH: 01147530 Vincetoxicum sp. India: East India Herb. Falconer
Asparagaceae GH: 00338029 Asparagus acerosus Thunberg ex Schultes f. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00338029 Asparagus racemosus subacerosus Baker India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
Aspidiaceae GH: 00135557 Aspidium caryotideum Wallich ex Hooker & Greville India: Ind. Or. N. Wallich
GH: 00020496 Aspidium foeniculaceum Hooker India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00020497 Aspidium foeniculaceum Hooker India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00020506 Aspidium reinwardtianum Kunze ex Mettenius India: Assam N. Wallich
GH: 00025726 Peranema cyatheoides D. Don India: Assam N. Wallich
A: 00021792 Polybotrya helferiana Kunze India: In Bengalia circa Calcuttam J. W. Helfer 1836
Aspleniaceae GH: 00020544 Asplenium finlaysonianum Wallich ex Hooker India: Assam N. Wallich
GH: 00135559 Asplenium simonsianum Hooker India: Ind. Or. C. J. Simons
GH: 00135560 Asplenium simonsianum Hooker India: Assam C. J. Simons
GH: 00020608 Asplenium varians Wallich ex Hooker & Greville India: N. Wallich
Asteraceae A: 00012649 Acmella calva (de Candolle) R. K. Jansen India:
GH: 00000776 Ainsliaea angustifolia Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Meghalaya Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00000776 Ainsliaea glumacea (Fries) Schultz Bipontinus India: Meghalaya Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00148996 Anaphalis mucronata de Candolle India: Himachal Pradesh Province: Spiti. N foot of Tári Pass via Mu... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6971 1856-6-12
GH: 00002312 Aplotaxis albescens de Candolle India: N. Wallich
GH: 00002310 Aplotaxis auriculata de Candolle India: Wallich Cat. 2899/9
GH: 00002313 Aplotaxis deltoidea de Candolle India: Gossain Than Wallich Cat. 2894/4
GH: 00002314 Aplotaxis obvallata de Candolle India: N. Wallich
GH: 01238679 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Baramulla R. R. Stewart 14050 1934-7
GH: 01238676 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Karagbal W. N. Koelz 9266 1936-8-2
GH: 01238675 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Pir Panchal W. N. Koelz 8934 1936-7-16
GH: 01238673 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01238672 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir [no additional data] T. Thomson
GH: 01238680 Artemisia amygdalina Decaisne India: Jammu and Kashmir Rajdhiangan Pass R. R. Stewart 19299 1939-8-31
GH: 01238681 Artemisia amygdalina Decaisne India: Jammu and Kashmir Gaspat to Chorwan; Kishenganga Valley R. R. Stewart 18590 1939-8-16
GH: 00124087 Artemisia annua Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Right shore of the Indus n... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1167 1856-7-4
GH: 00124089 Artemisia annua Linnaeus India: Province: Ladák. Environs of Leh H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 36 1856-9-1
GH: 00124088 Artemisia annua Linnaeus India: Province: Hasóra. Environs of Naugáum (SE ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6931 1856-9-15
A: 01238690 Artemisia biennis Willdenow India: Sastethang R. Lepcha 202 1912-9-12
GH: 01238697 Artemisia brevifolia Wallich ex de Candolle India: Uttarakhand Jelam; Garhwal R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 5
A: 01238695 Artemisia brevifolia Wallich ex de Candolle India: Above Bragnag, Ladak, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 2810a 1931
A: 01238694 Artemisia brevifolia Wallich ex de Candolle India: Kangi La to Rangdum, Zanskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 2867 1931-9-11
A: 01238693 Artemisia brevifolia Wallich ex de Candolle India: Lamayuru, Ladak, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 2740 1931-8-30
GH: 00124104 Artemisia campbellii Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Pángkong. PanamÃk on the lake Ts... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2561 1856-7-1
GH: 00002777 Artemisia campbellii Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim Regio alp., 16-18000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 01237431 Artemisia campbellii Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Jammu and Kashmir Tibet, Province Pangkong, Panamik on the Lak... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-7-4
GH: 01238702 Artemisia caruifolia Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Bengal J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00002778 Artemisia descaisnei Klatt India: Neelgherries, sine W. G. S. Perrottet
GH: 01238705 Artemisia desertorum Sprengel India: Char, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5643 1933-7-16
GH: 01238704 Artemisia desertorum Sprengel India: Kargia, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5464 1933-7-12
GH: 01238703 Artemisia desertorum Sprengel India: Kargia, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5463 1933-7-12
GH: 01238722 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Punjab Kolung, Lahul W. N. Koelz 8452 1936-6-20
GH: 01238720 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Ichor; Char, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5680 1933-7-16
GH: 01238719 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Himachal Pradesh Lahol; Kárdong to Dártse in the Bhága val... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-6-15
GH: 01238718 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Kishtvár; Near the Town of Kishtvár H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-7-27
GH: 01238717 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Ichor; Char, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5684 1933-7-16
GH: 01238716 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Kargia, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5491 1933-7-12
GH: 01238715 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Tetha, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5636 1933-7-15
GH: 01238714 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Punjab Kolung, Lahul W. N. Koelz 8453 1936-6-20
GH: 01238713 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Seni, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5841 1933-7-22
GH: 01238712 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Punjab Kalang; Bhaga Valley, Lahul, Kangra T. Rup Chand 3 1933-7-7
GH: 01238710 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Kolang, Lahul (Tibetan Border) [no data available] 9948 1933-7-7
GH: 01238709 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus India: Kargia, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5462 1933-7-12
GH: 01238728 Artemisia dubia Wallich ex Besser India: Uttarakhand Mussoorie; Landour R. R. Stewart 15768 1936-12-1
GH: 00124140 Artemisia edgeworthii M. S. Balakrishnan India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Leh to Núrla (right side ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1620 1856-10
GH: 01238731 Artemisia glabrata de Candolle India: Jammu and Kashmir Kishtvár; Nearthe Town of Kishtvár H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-7-27
GH: 01238732 Artemisia glabrata de Candolle India: Jammu and Kashmir Pir Patsaki or Kishtvár Pass to Islamabád H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-5
GH: 01238748 Artemisia grata Wallich ex Besser India: Uttarakhand Milan Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 12
GH: 01238747 Artemisia grata Wallich ex Besser India: Simla T. Thomson
GH: 01238745 Artemisia grata Wallich ex Besser India: Uttarakhand Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 7
GH: 01238744 Artemisia grata Wallich ex Besser India: Uttarakhand [illegible] Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 3
GH: 00124172 Artemisia hedinii Ostenfeld India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01238765 Artemisia indica Willdenow India: Uttarakhand Garhval; Kharsali up the Jamna Valley to Jam... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1855-10-14
GH: 01238763 Artemisia indica Willdenow India: Uttarakhand Almora Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 2
GH: 01238762 Artemisia indica Willdenow India: Concan J. E. Stocks
GH: 01238761 Artemisia indica Willdenow India: Simla via Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-6
GH: 01238760 Artemisia indica Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Pir Patsaki or Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-5
A: 01238824 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Himachal Pradesh Jamla; Bhandal Valley R. N. Parker 1919-10-24
GH: 01238822 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Karagbal, Rajdhiangan Pass R. R. Stewart 17940 1939-7-26
GH: 01238821 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Gilgit Road, Deosai Plains, Baltistan and La... R. R. Stewart 20079 1940-7-30
GH: 01238819 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Satpura Nullah; above Skardu R. R. Stewart 20301 1940-8-3
GH: 01238820 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Satpura Nullah, above Skardu R. R. Stewart 20301 1940-8-3
GH: 01238817 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Namika La; Mulbekh, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6187 1933-7-28
GH: 01238816 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Kolung, Lahul [no data available] 10059 1936-7-20
GH: 01238815 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Guling; Pin Valley, Spiti, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7190 1933-9-18
GH: 01238814 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Roghi, Bashahr State, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7327 1933-10-29
GH: 01238813 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Sungnam, Bashahr State, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7299 1933-10-10
GH: 01238812 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Kibor, Spiti, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7104 1933-9-7
GH: 01238810 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Losar, Spiti, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7017 1933-9-2
GH: 01238808 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Li, Bashahr State, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7271 1933-10-6
GH: 01238806 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir KashmÃr; Drained lake basin of KashmÃr; en... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-10
GH: 01238807 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand Garhval; Nelong via Mukba across the Damdar ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1855-9-26
GH: 01238791 Artemisia moorcroftiana Wallich India: Jammu and Kashmir Gya, Ladakh W. N. Koelz 6458 1933-8-13
GH: 01238798 Artemisia myriantha Wallich ex Bessa India: Jammu and Kashmir Marri; Baramula along both sides of the Ihil... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-11-4
GH: 01238797 Artemisia myriantha Wallich ex Bessa India: Jammu and Kashmir Pir Patsaki or Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-5
GH: 01238796 Artemisia myriantha Wallich ex Bessa India: Jammu and Kashmir Rajauri; Uri across the Puch Pass via Kahuta... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-11-6
A: 01238843 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
GH: 01238841 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Prope Utacamund mont. Nilgiri L. B. E. Schmid 43 1869
GH: 01238839 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Prope Utacamund L. B. E. Schmid
GH: 01238840 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: In montibus Nilagiri R. F. Hohenacker
GH: 01238838 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Bengal J. D. Hooker 1845
GH: 01238837 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Himal. Bor. Occ T. Thomson
GH: 01238835 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Bandipur, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 9101 1936-7-30
GH: 01238834 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Sikkim Zemu [see remarks] 1938-10-17
GH: 01238827 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01238828 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Uttarakhand Nainital Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 8
GH: 01238826 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Mont. Nilghiri & Kurg. Gideon Thomson
GH: 01238846 Artemisia persica Boissier India: Sangu; Purig, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6103 1933-7-25
GH: 01238862 Artemisia roxburghiana Besser India: Marri; Baramula along borth side of Ihilum V... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-11-4
GH: 01238861 Artemisia roxburghiana Besser India: Likir, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6288 1933-8-1
A: 01238868 Artemisia roxburghiana purpurascens (Jacquemont ex Besser) Hooker India: Kunawar T. Thomson
A: 01238867 Artemisia roxburghiana purpurascens (Jacquemont ex Besser) Hooker India: Himachal Pradesh Drati Pass [no data available] 1989 1899-8-1
GH: 01238881 Artemisia sacrorum Ledebour India: Uttarakhand Tola Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 6
A: 01238880 Artemisia sacrorum Ledebour India: Himachal Pradesh Pontu; Pangi R. N. Parker 1919-8-22
GH: 01238878 Artemisia sacrorum Ledebour India: Jammu and Kashmir Zojibal to Gadsak beyond Gangabal Lakes R. R. Stewart 18321 1939-8-11
GH: 00002779 Artemisia schlagintweitiana Klatt India: Punjab Northwestern India, Kohát to Kalabágh (on ... F. W. Klatt 1857-2-5
GH: 00124306 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Leh H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1352 1856-7-1
GH: 00124311 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Leh H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1364 1856-7-1
GH: 00124310 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Dras. Múlbe to Dras H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 4979 1856-10-8
GH: 01238895 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Uttarakhand Hawalbagh R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 1
GH: 01238891 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Likir, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6287 1933-8-1
GH: 01238890 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01238888 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Purig, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6052 1933-7-25
GH: 01238887 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Jammu and Kashmir Gurez, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 9280 1936-8-2
GH: 01238886 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel India: Ichor; Char, Zaskar, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 5678 1933-7-16
GH: 01238913 Artemisia sericea (Besser) Weber India: Kashmir; Drained lake basin of Kashmir; envi... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-10
GH: 00124330 Artemisia sieveriana Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Environs of Leh H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 54 1856-9-1
GH: 00124329 Artemisia sieveriana Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Núbra. Kárdong on the N foot of ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2156 1856-8-10
GH: 00124326 Artemisia sieveriana Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Environs of Leh in general... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1889 1856-9
GH: 00124328 Artemisia sieveriana Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Dras. Dras to Matái H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6440 1856-10-12
GH: 00124317 Artemisia sieversiana Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Núbra. Panamik to Tsánglung (lef... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2251 1856-8-9
GH: 01238910 Artemisia sieversiana Willdenow India: Likir, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6295 1933-8-3
GH: 01238909 Artemisia sieversiana Willdenow India: Likir, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6296 1933-8-1
GH: 01238901 Artemisia sieversiana Willdenow India: Jammu and Kashmir Naranag, Wangat Valley R. R. Stewart 18115 1939-8-8
GH: 01236022 Artemisia sp. India: Lamayuru, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6249 1933-7-30
GH: 01236021 Artemisia sp. India: Himachal Pradesh Environs of Nurpur H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-7-16
GH: 01236020 Artemisia sp. India: Panikar; Purig, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6065 1933-7-25
GH: 01236019 Artemisia sp. India: Kolung, Lahul W. N. Koelz 10079 1936-7-10
GH: 01236016 Artemisia sp. India: Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 427 1938-5
GH: 01236017 Artemisia sp. India: Madras; Attikan; Billigirirangan Hills E. Barnes 565 1938-12-20
GH: 01236015 Artemisia sp. India: Karzong; Baltistan W. N. Koelz 9840 1936-9-13
GH: 01236014 Artemisia sp. India: Kolung, Lahul [no data available] 9953 1933-7-11
GH: 01236013 Artemisia sp. India: La diang; Baltistan W. N. Koelz 9803 1936-9-4
GH: 01236012 Artemisia sp. India: Himachal Pradesh Urni, Bashahr State, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7335 1933-10-29
GH: 01236011 Artemisia sp. India: Himachal Pradesh Kahze; Shelgo, Spiti, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7166a 1933-9-12
GH: 01236010 Artemisia sp. India: Himachal Pradesh Giu Gaul; Pin Valley, Spiti, Kangra, Punjab W. N. Koelz 7144 1933-9-16
GH: 01236009 Artemisia sp. India: Kargil, Ladakh, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6120 1933-7-27
A: 01238997 Artemisia sp. India: Rajasthan Sirhoi [Sirohi] F. Kingdon-Ward 18150 1948-10-8
A: 01238995 Artemisia sp. India: Uttarakhand Niti Garhwal R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 10
A: 01238992 Artemisia sp. India: Chugya Rohno Lepcha 289 1912-9-12
A: 01238991 Artemisia sp. India: Cardamom Hills, Travancore State J. Fernandes 334 1953-3-22
A: 01238990 Artemisia sp. India: Travancore High Ranges E. Barnes 75 1937-12
GH: 01238987 Artemisia sp. India: Tso Kar, Rupshu, Kashmir W. N. Koelz 6620 1933-8-16
A: 01238921 Artemisia stricta Edgew. India: Uttarakhand Milam Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 11
GH: 01238920 Artemisia stricta Edgew. India: Sikkim Lohnak [see remarks] 1938-10-17
GH: 01238919 Artemisia stricta Edgew. India: Sodpur, Baltistan W. N. Koelz 9583 1936-8-10
A: 01238917 Artemisia stricta Edgew. India: Sikkim Alp. J. D. Hooker
GH: 00977411 Artemisia tournefortiana Reichenbach India: Punjab Li, Bashahr State W. N. Koelz 7272 1933-10-6
GH: 01238930 Artemisia tournefortiana Reichenbach India: Punjab Pandzab (Punjab); Near Peshaur H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-12-28
GH: 01238929 Artemisia tournefortiana Reichenbach India: Jammu and Kashmir Drained lake basin of Kashmir; environs of S... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-10-2
GH: 01238927 Artemisia tournefortiana Reichenbach India: [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01238942 Artemisia vestita Wallich ex de Candolle India: Punjab Naggar, Kulu W. N. Koelz 10251 1936-10-27
GH: 01238941 Artemisia vestita Wallich ex de Candolle India: Uttarakhand Kumaon R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 4
GH: 01238976 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand Kedarnath Garhwal R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 9
GH: 01238974 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01238973 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Sikkim [no additional data] J. D. Hooker
GH: 01238971 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Malabar, Concan [see remarks]
GH: 01238968 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand New Forest M. B. Raizada 1929-10-22
A: 01238967 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Assam Nongpoh K. P. Biswas 3705 1938-10-26
GH: 01238966 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Pir-Panchal, Kashmir State W. N. Koelz 8924 1936-7-16
A: 01238965 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Uttarakhand New Forest K. M. Balapure 562 1955-8-26
GH: 01238964 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Drained lake basin of Kashmir; environs of S... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1856-8-10
GH: 01238963 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: West Bengal Phalut [see remarks] 1938-10-17
A: 01238961 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Nilgiri Hills R. D. Anstead 1926
A: 01238960 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Kodaikanal Region, Pulney Hills A. Anglade
GH: 01238959 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: West Bengal Kolkata: Hort. Calc. [no data available]
A: 01238958 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Arunachal Pradesh Near Sapper Camp. S. S. R. Bennet & H. B. Naithani 1977-10-27
A: 01238957 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Tamil Nadu Yercad; Kongampallam A. Mohan 1978-5-9
ECON: 01238955 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: West Bengal Gopaldhara Tea garden [see remarks] 30 1968-2-25
GH: 00124375 Artemisia wellbyi Hemsley & H. Pearson India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Tsánskar. Páder on the N foot of... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6252 1856-6-20
GH: 00124374 Artemisia wellbyi Hemsley & H. Pearson India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Tsánskar. Páder on the N foot of... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6263 1856-6-20
GH: 00122302 Aster alpinus Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Yùru Kióm viâ Kándzi u... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 5256 1856-7-2
GH: 00122304 Aster alpinus Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Timti La Pass viâ. Timti ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 6522 1856-7-2
GH: 00263377 Aster alpinus Linnaeus India: Sikkim 14-16000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00003836 Aster elgans Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 10000-15000 feet J. D. Hooker
A: 00283551 Aster molliusculus (Lindley ex de Candolle) C. B. Clarke India: Uttarakhand Vicinity of Mussoorie above Woodstock, 7300 ... R. L. Fleming 447 1948-5-11
GH: 00283652 Aster scaber Thunberg India: Himachal Pradesh Province: Tsamba, Tsamba to Padri Pass (nort... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 3630 1856-7-9
GH: 00003838 Aster scabridus Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Meghalaya Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
A: 00283551 Aster sp. India: Uttarakhand Vicinity of Mussoorie above Woodstock, 7300 ... R. L. Fleming 447 1948-5-11
A: 00283459 Aster stracheyi Hooker f. India: Himachal Pradesh Above Rohtang Pass and in the Solang Valley C. A. Chadwell 408 1989-8
GH: 00003839 Aster stracheyi Hooker f. India: 15000 feet R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 1
GH: 00004111 Berthelotia lanceolata indica de Candolle India:
GH: 00004270 Blumea purpurea de Candolle India: Bengalia
GH: 00004274 Blumea virens de Candolle India: Wallich Cat. 3037
GH: 00004275 Blumea virens de Candolle India: R. Wight 1430
GH: 00274108 Cacalia mortoni (C. B. Clarke) Kitamura ex Koyama India: Sikkim 9000-12000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00125881 Calendula arvensis (Vaillant) Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Káltse to Dámkar (right ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1070 1856-7-15
GH: 00125880 Calendula arvensis (Vaillant) Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. left shore of the Indus ne... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 921 1856-7-5
GH: 00125879 Calendula arvensis (Vaillant) Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Leh H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1372 1856-7-1
GH: 00125877 Calendula officinalis Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Núbra. Kà rdong to Diskit on the ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2320 1856-7-26
GH: 00122659 Callistephus chinensis (Linnaeus) Nees India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Garden of the Lamasery Him... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1769 1856-9-28
GH: 00274448 Carpesium cernuum glandulosum Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 6000-12000 feet J. D. Hooker
A: 00263953 Catamixis baccharoides Thomson India: Uttar Pradesh in the Siwaliks near Mohan, Dist. Saharanpur... R. N. Parker 1925-5-29
GH: 00263954 Catamixis baccharoides Thomson India:
GH: 00125915 Centaurea moschata Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Yúgu to Leh (right side o... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1962 1856-8-1
GH: 00125919 Centaurea pulchra de Candolle India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Upschi to Leh (left side o... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1267 1856-8-1
GH: 00011233 Centratherum tenue C. B. Clarke India: Concan J. S. Law
GH: 00124401 Chrysanthemum roxburghii Desfontaines India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Leh side of the Indus vall... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1501 1856-7-12
GH: 00124398 Chrysanthemum roxburghii Desfontaines India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Leh H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 963 1856-8
GH: 00124399 Chrysanthemum roxburghii Desfontaines India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Káltse to Dámkar (right ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1056 1856-7-15
GH: 00124400 Chrysanthemum roxburghii Desfontaines India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Núbra. Tsárasa to Arà nu (right ... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2128 1856-8-3
GH: 00125929 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Ladák. Environs of Giá H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1668 1856-7-30
GH: 00196836 Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) Scopoli India: Jammu and Kashmir Province: Núbra. Liágtsung to Panamik (lef... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2057 1856-7-24
GH: 00274406 Cirsium eriophoroides (Hooker f.) Petrak India: Sikkim 10000-14000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006022 Cirsium wallichii de Candolle India: N. Wallich
GH: 00274348 Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wallich ex de Candolle) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen India: Peninsula Indiae Orientalis R. Wight 1648
GH: 00274406 Cnicus eriophoroides Hooker f. India: Sikkim 10000-14000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006123 Conyza asteroides Wallich ex de Candolle India: 1825
GH: 00006250 Cremanthodium decaisnei C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00274346 Cremanthodium hookeri C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 13000-15000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00274346 Cremanthodium hookeri angustiligulatum R. D. Good India: Sikkim 13000-15000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006252 Cremanthodium palmatum Hooker f. India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006255 Cremanthodium pinnatifidum Bentham India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006254 Cremanthodium thomsonii C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006253 Cremanthodium thomsonii C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006251 Cremanthodium thomsonii C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim 12000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006291 Crepis gracilis Hooker f. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke India: Sikkim J. D. Hooker
GH: 00006289 Crepis silhetensis Hooker f. India: Meghalaya Khasia J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 00112628 Crepis thomsoni Babcock India: Him. Bor. Occ., Regio temp. 6000-8000 feet [... T. Thomson
GH: 00124910 Doronicum briquetii Cavillier India: Jammu and Kashmir Ladák H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1910 1856-9
GH: 00006446 Doronicum hookeri C. B. Clarke ex Hooker f. India: Sikkim 12000-14000 feet J. D. Hooker
GH: 00274324 Doronicum linifolium de Candolle India: East Bengal [Khasia] W. Griffith 3250/1
GH: 00274325 Doronicum linifolium de Candolle India: Meghalaya Khasia, 4000-7000 feet J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson
GH: 01097770 Dubyaea oligocephala (Schultz Bipontinus) Stebbins India: Kashmir: Sonamarg R. R. Stewart 12381 1931-9-11
GH: 00123491 Duhaldea nervosa (Wallich ex Hooker f.) Anderberg India: Jammu and Kashmir Province Ladák. Dah (right side of the Indu... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 1216 1856-7-4
GH: 00237344 Erigeron alpinus Linnaeus India: Jammu and Kashmir Núbra. Laótse Pass to Kárdong N slopes of... H. A. R. v. Schlagintweit 2348 1856-8-18
GH: 00282084 Filago hurdwarica (Wallich ex de Candolle) Wagenitz India: Uttarakhand [Hurdwer (Hardiwar) & Rikeesh (Rishikesh)] Wallich Cat. 2951/61
GH: 00282084 Gnaphalium hurdwaricum Wallich ex de Candolle India: Uttarakhand [Hurdwer (Hardiwar) & Rikeesh (Rishikesh)] Wallich Cat. 2951/61
GH: 00289477 Grangea maderaspatana (Linnaeus) Poiret India: Pl. Ganges, 800-1000 feet T. Thomson
GH: 00008480 Guizotia abyssinica (Linnaeus f.) Cassini India: R. Wight
GH: 00002312 Himalaiella albescens (de Candolle) Raab-Straube India: N. Wallich
GH: 00002310 Himalaiella auriculata (de Candolle) Raab-Straube India: Wallich Cat. 2899/9
GH: 00002313 Himalaiella deltoidea (de Candolle) Raab-Straube India: Gossain Than Wallich Cat. 2894/4