GH: 00267096 padifolius (Linnaeus) Dressler Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Union Island. Western range of hills near Ch... R. A. Howard 11003 1950
A: 00092116 cymosa (Urban) L. E. Skog Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Saint Andrew's Mountain, 1200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6662 1889-12
GH: 00092117 cymosa (Urban) L. E. Skog Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Saint Andrew's Mountain, 1200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6662 1889-12
GH: 01818658 venosispica Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Bequia R. A. Howard 11234 1950-3-26
GH: 01818657 venosispica Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: King's Hill R. A. Howard 11132 1950-4-1
A: 00042238 cordifolia Kitanov Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Tobago Cays, Petit Batteau, dry woods on roc... Albert C. Smith 10150 1956-3-17
GH: 00021133 vincentis Domin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 855 1890-3
GH: 00054767 vincentina Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 200-1500 feet Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 25 1889-9
A: 00067610 parvifolius Cogniaux Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Souffriere, 2000 feet, Mount St. Andrews, 22... H. F. A. Eggers 6916 1890-1
A: 00005610 vincentianum C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Near Liberty Lodge H. F. A. Eggers 6529 1889-12
GH: 00005611 vincentianum C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 916 1889-9
A: 00021359 vincentinum Proctor Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Southeast slopes of the Soufriere, St. Vince... G. R. Proctor 25987 1965-2-26
A: 00035734 australe Trelease Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent: St. Andrews Morne, alt. 1500 fe... H. F. A. Eggers 6746 1889-12
GH: 00063080 microphylla Niedenzu Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1725
GH: 01147911 hispida (de Candolle ex Triana & Planchon) Killip ex Gleason Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Slopes of Mt. Royal, Cannouan Island R. A. Howard 11058 1950-3-26
GH: 00987937 glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: King's Hill R. A. Howard 11136 1950-4-1
GH: 00247096 Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Grand Bonhomme C. V. Morton 6140 1947-5-24
A: 00022158 Schmidel Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent: upper outer slopes & rim of the... G. R. Proctor 26008 1965-2-26
A: 01677609 aculeata Miller Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Botanic Garden Kingstown R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17796 1971-3-7
GH: 01965365 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond river C. V. Morton 6247 1947-5-26
GH: 01965366 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 828
GH: 01965367 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 828
A: 01965368 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17638 1971-3-2
A: 01965369 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley above the sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17673 1971-3-3
A: 01965370 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17762 1971-3-6
A: 01965371 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17874 1971-3-11
GH: 01965375 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5496 1947-5-2
GH: 01965376 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5573 1947-5-2
GH: 01965377 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Grand Bonhomme C. V. Morton 6144 1947-5-24
A: 01965381 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Petit Bordel [illegible] H. F. A. B. von Eggers 6895a 1890-1
GH: 01965422 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5229 1947-4-16
A: 01965443 aduncum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17639 1971-3-2
A: 01965472 aequale J. Vahl Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mt. St. Andrews H. F. A. B. von Eggers 6765 1889-12
GH: 01965485 aequale J. Vahl Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1326 1890-3
AMES: 00082633 alata Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) L. Guilding sn
GH: 02462328 alata Smith Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew upper Buccament valley [see map on label] G. R. Cooley 8608 1962-4-7
GH: 02014802 albucifolia Schrader Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent [?] Island B. W. 1 Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1432
GH: 02014804 albucifolia Schrader Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent J. S. Beard 597 1945-11-18
GH: 02014803 albucifolia Schrader Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent J. S. Beard 24 1972-10-25
A: 01976304 alpina Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Summit of Soufriere. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17863 1971-3-11
A: 00067610 alpinus (Swartz) R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Souffriere, 2000 feet, Mount St. Andrews, 22... H. F. A. Eggers 6916 1890-1
AMES: 00264703 alta Fawcett & Rendle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 401 1890-3
A: 00271217 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11283 1950-3-26
A: 00271218 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11283 1950-3-26
AMES: 00271250 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Belmont, St. George's (lowlands) W. E. Broadway sn 1906-12-1
AMES: 00271301 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Richmond River Valley G. R. Cooley 8571 1962-3-30
GH: 00271325 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Richmond River Valley, about 400 ft. elev. G. R. Cooley 8571 1962-3-30
A: 00271342 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, alt. to 3000 ft R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17702 1971-3-4
AMES: 00271344 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway sn 1906-3-24
AMES: 00271345 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway sn 1906-3-24
AMES: 00271346 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway sn 1906-3-24
AMES: 00271347 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway sn 1906-3-24
A: 00271350 altissimum (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak; alt. to 3000 ft. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17702 1971-3-4
GH: 01965598 amalago Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 219 1890-3
GH: 00243342 amalfitana F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. David Parish, Soufriere Mountain, 2800 f... G. R. Cooley 8446 1962-2-20
A: 00861031 americana Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Cultivated in the Botanic Garden, Kingstown R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17896 1971-3-12
GH: 00813494 americanum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Prune Island near Union Island R. A. Howard 11020 1950-3-26
GH: 00600796 anceps Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Charlotte and St. David Pariches; on Spifrie... George R. Cooley & Egerton F. Crick 8373 1962-2-12
GH: 00600826 anceps Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1149
GH: 00600837 anceps Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mountains above Chateaubelair C. V. Morton 5266 1947-4-23
A: 00600840 anceps Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Jost-Van Dyck F. A. Squire s.n. 1936-6
GH: 00247096 andersonii de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Grand Bonhomme C. V. Morton 6140 1947-5-24
GH: 02014815 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent, Kingstown B. A. Krukoff S.N. 1972-10-21
GH: 02014809 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincents G. W. Smith & H. H. Smith 1681 1890-3
GH: 02014829 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Near Fort Charlotte C. V. Morton 5726 1947-5-9
GH: 02014855 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent G. R. Cooley 8558 1962-3-25
GH: 02014854 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George St. George Parish, Cane Garden among scatter... G. R. Cooley 8449 1962-3-1
GH: 02014851 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent, Dorsetshire Hill, near Kingstow... C. V. Morton 4752 1947-4-4
A: 02014848 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Camden Park beach area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 178419 1971-3-9
GH: 02014843 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: The Grenadines, St. Vincent territory, Briti... R. A. Howard 11255 1950-3-26
A: 02014865 angustifolia Aiton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Fancy area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17797 1971-3-8
GH: 00242849 antillarum O. E. Schulz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Various parts of the Island; 500 - 1500 ft. Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 495 1890-5
AMES: 00271301 baueri Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Richmond River Valley G. R. Cooley 8571 1962-3-30
GH: 00271325 baueri Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Richmond River Valley, about 400 ft. elev. G. R. Cooley 8571 1962-3-30
GH: 01965689 betle Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1641 1890-3
GH: 00052606 bogotensis de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1057
A: 02509352 brigittalis E. H. L. Krause Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [data not captured] R. A. Howard & B. J. Howard 18024 1972-2-23
A: 02509353 brigittalis E. H. L. Krause Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [data not captured] R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17876 1971-3-11
A: 01875449 broadwayi (Britton & Rose) A. Berger Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 18241 1977-3-20
A: 00100841 brucei R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Lower slopes of ridges leading to Somma nort... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18060 1972-2-26
A: 00970053 brucei R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: ridges leading to Somma north of dry crater ... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18060 1972-2-26
GH: 00046539 caloneura Perkins Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Mount Soufriere, St. Vincent H. F. A. Eggers 6705b
GH: 00046540 caloneura Perkins Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Mount Soufriere, St. Vincent H. F. A. Eggers 6705b
GH: 00094373 caribaea Bentham Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
A: 00977128 cassia (Linnaeus) J. Presl Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Botanical Garden, Kingstown G. R. Proctor 25966 1965-2-25
A: 00271303 cebolleta (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11281 1950-3-26
A: 00600600 cebolleta (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11281 1950-3
A: 00271303 cebolleta (Jacquin) Christenson Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11281 1950-3-26
A: 00253337 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia. R. A. Howard 11279 1950-3-26
A: 00253344 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia. R. A. Howard 11279 1950-3-26
A: 00253346 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Summit of Mt. Royal. Connuoan Island. R. A. Howard 11074 1950-3-26
A: 00253348 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11250 1950-3-26
AMES: 00253372 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Forest reserve, Diamond Estate. N. Y. Sandwith 975 1937-7-31
AMES: 00253375 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) The Grenadines, Bequia, Paget area G. R. Cooley 8284 1962-1-31
AMES: 00253376 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) G. W. Smith 1141 1890-3
AMES: 00253377 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) G. W. Smith 117 1889-9
AMES: 00253378 ciliare Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) crest of "the Pinnacle". Union Island R. A. Howard 10982 1950-3-26
AMES: 00262632 ciliaris (Lindley) L. O. Williams Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Vicinity of Grand Etang; 1600-1800 ft G. R. Proctor 17042 1957-10-30
GH: 00243672 ciliata Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 1826
GH: 00094373 citrifolia (Swartz) K. Schumann Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
GH: 00063080 coccigera Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1725
A: 00264887 coccinea (Jacquin) L. O. Williams ex Hodge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 1500-2000 ft. alt. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17655 1971-3-3
A: 00264888 coccinea (Jacquin) L. O. Williams ex Hodge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Summit of Soufriere; 3000 ft. alt. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17862 1971-3-11
GH: 00264989 coccinea (Jacquin) L. O. Williams ex Hodge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Lowrt district, upper valley of the Buccamen... G. R. Proctor 26165 1965-3-7
AMES: 00271008 coccinea (Jacquin) L. O. Williams ex Hodge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Upper Buccament valley G. R. Cooley 8606a 1962-4-7
GH: 00271036 coccinea (Jacquin) L. O. Williams ex Hodge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Montreal, 1400 ft. elev. G. R. Cooley 8292 1962-2-3
GH: 00264989 coccineum (Jacquin) Salisbury Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Lowrt district, upper valley of the Buccamen... G. R. Proctor 26165 1965-3-7
AMES: 00271008 coccineum (Jacquin) Salisbury Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Upper Buccament valley G. R. Cooley 8606a 1962-4-7
GH: 00271036 coccineum (Jacquin) Salisbury Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Montreal, 1400 ft. elev. G. R. Cooley 8292 1962-2-3
AMES: 00264334 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Snug Corner W. E. Broadway 1905-10
AMES: 00264335 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Snug Corner W. E. Broadway 1905-10
AMES: 00264341 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Snug Corner W. E. Broadway 1905-10
GH: 00264375 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Diamond G. R. Cooley 8545A 1962-3-22
GH: 00264376 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David West slope of Soufriere Mountain G. R. Cooley 8611 1962-3-25
AMES: 00264377 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon District above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11172 1950-4-1
GH: 00264405 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [data not captured] Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 289 1890-3
AMES: 00264426 concreta (Jacquin) Garay & Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Near Vincennes G. R. Proctor 16949 1957-10-30
AMES: 00271469 conferta (Grisebach) C. Schweinfurth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Vicinity of Birch Grove; 500-1000 ft. alt. G. R. Proctor 17107 1957-10-30
AMES: 00271473 conferta (Grisebach) C. Schweinfurth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1851 1906-3
AMES: 00271474 conferta (Grisebach) C. Schweinfurth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1851B 1906-3
AMES: 00271473 confertum Grisebach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1851 1906-3
AMES: 00271474 confertum Grisebach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1851B 1906-3
GH: 00022159 cooleyi Proctor Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent: upper outer slopes & rim of the... G. R. Proctor 26008 1965-2-26
A: 00022158 cooleyi Proctor Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent: upper outer slopes & rim of the... G. R. Proctor 26008 1965-2-26
A: 00600571 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Isle of Ronde R. A. Howard 10771 1950-3-7
A: 00600573 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Petit St. Vincent, not found on Petit Martin... R. A. Howard 10901 1950-3-7
A: 00600576 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines St. Vincent territory; Mustique R. A. Howard 11227 1950-3-26
GH: 00600579 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia, Paget area G. R. Cooley 8283 1962-1-31
A: 00600580 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cannuoan Island R. A. Howard 11085 1950-3-26
A: 00600581 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Grenada, Isle of Ronde R. A. Howard 10771 1950-3-7
GH: 00600582 cucullata R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 1826
A: 00092116 cymosa Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Saint Andrew's Mountain, 1200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6662 1889-12
GH: 00092117 cymosa Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Saint Andrew's Mountain, 1200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6662 1889-12
A: 00253401 dendrobioides Thunberg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Summit of the Soma, N of Soufriere Crater. A... R. A. Howard 11205 1950-4-1
A: 00253405 dendrobioides Thunberg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Summit of Soufriere; alt. 3000 ft. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17858 1971-3-11
AMES: 00253420 difforme Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) ST. Patrick Parish. Upper Bellewood in grove... G. R. Cooley 8441 1962-2-22
AMES: 00253442 difforme Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Andrew Parish, Lowrt, Western slope of G... G. R. Cooley 8361 1962-2-10
GH: 01965752 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick [no additional data] G. R. Cooley 8173 1962-1-18
GH: 01965767 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Near Fort Charlotte C. V. Morton 4836 1947-4-7
GH: 01965768 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Road to Mt. St. Andrew C. V. Morton 4921 1947-4-11
GH: 01965769 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5550 1947-5-2
GH: 01965770 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mount Brisbane C. V. Morton 6016 1947-5-20
A: 01965787 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail from Golden Grove over Majorca crest t... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18043 1972-2-23
A: 01965793 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17633 1971-3-2
GH: 01965797 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11260 1950-3-26
A: 01965799 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) near Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18040 1972-2-23
A: 01965809 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17623 1971-3-1
A: 01965810 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17686 1971-3-3
A: 01965811 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17688 1971-3-3
A: 01965812 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Above Peruvian Vale R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17746 1971-3-6
A: 01965813 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mesopotamia village R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17752 1971-3-6
A: 01965814 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Fancy area. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17812 1971-3-8
GH: 01965817 dilatatum Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick Hills north of Grove Village G. R. Proctor 26103 1965-3-5
GH: 01677262 dillenii (Ker Gawler) Haworth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Carriacou R. A. Howard 10891 1950-3-7
A: 01677267 dillenii (Ker Gawler) Haworth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 18245 1977-3-20
A: 01965831 dussii C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Golden Grove to Majorca crest to Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18027 1972-2-23
GH: 01965838 dussii C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1325 1890-3
GH: 01965857 dussii C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines [no additional data] D. Joseph B.246
GH: 00253521 ellipticum Graham Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Patrick Parish, upper Bellwood district,... G. R. Proctor 25920 1965-2-24
A: 00253460 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere, alt. 1-2000 ft. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17870 1971-3-11
GH: 00253461 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mountains above Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5321 1947-4-23
A: 00253516 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on lee side of summit. Soufriere; alt. 3000 ... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17877 1971-3-11
A: 00253518 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dry River area, between Bamboo Range and sum... R. A. Howard 11196 1950-4-1
A: 00253520 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon District, above Three Rivers. R. A. Howard 11177 1950-4-1
A: 00600883 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) trail up to Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17870 1971-3-11
AMES: 02288287 elongatum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Valley above sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17654 1971-3-3
GH: 01984944 emarginella (Swartz ex Wikström) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6238 1947-5-26
GH: 01817544 fasciculata Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent H. F. A. Eggers 6770 1890-1-1
GH: 01984983 fawcettii C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, Morne Garou Mountains C. V. Morton 4986 1947-4-15
GH: 01984984 fawcettii C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, Morne Garou Mountains C. V. Morton 4987 1947-4-15
GH: 01984985 fawcettii C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, Morne Garou Mountains C. V. Morton 5035 1947-4-15
FH: 00088767 filicicola Sherwood Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [data not captured] D. H. Pfister, S. E. Carpenter & M... P753 1974-1-3
GH: 02547215 flexuosa Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Vicinity of Fort Charlotte G. R. Proctor 26027 1965-3-1
GH: 02547214 flexuosa Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Union Island R. A. Howard 11016 1950-3-26
GH: 02546417 floribunda L. B. Smith Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Bequia R. A. Howard 11235 1950-3-26
GH: 02546454 floribunda L. B. Smith Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Patrick Parish, upper reaches of Rutland... G. R. Cooley 8197 1962-1-18
GH: 02546445 floribunda L. B. Smith Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Bequia; N. W. penninsula R. A. Howard 11285 1950-3-26
GH: 00600826 fuscatum Smith Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1149
A: 01981065 glabella (Swartz) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Vicinity of Grand Etang G. R. Proctor 17043 1957-10-30
A: 01965877 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mt. St. Andrews H. F. A. B. von Eggers 6797 1889-12
GH: 01965879 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew west slope of Grand Bonhomme Mountain G. R. Cooley 8389 1962-2-15
GH: 01965890 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Southeast slopes of The Soufriere G. R. Proctor 25979 1965-2-26
GH: 01965910 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5097 1947-4-22
GH: 01965911 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5561 1947-5-2
GH: 01965912 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6212 1947-5-26
GH: 01965913 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 30
A: 01965915 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17873 1971-3-11
GH: 01965916 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon area above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11156 1950-4-1
A: 01965917 glabrescens (Miquel) C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail from Golden Grove to Majorca crest to ... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18028 1972-2-23
AMES: 00271618 gladiatus Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1859 1906-3-6
AMES: 00271619 gladiatus Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1859 1906-3
A: 01981076 gleicheniiformis Trelease Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17719 1971-3-4
GH: 00264068 globosa (Jacquin) Schlechter Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick Upper Bellwood district, inland from Layou, ... G. R. Proctor 25903 1965-2-24
GH: 00264075 globosa (Jacquin) Schlechter Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Saint Andrews Parish, Lowrt, western slope o... G. R. Proctor 8382 1962-2-14
A: 00264098 globosa (Jacquin) Schlechter Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley above the sawmill, 1500-2000 f... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17674 1971-3-3
AMES: 00271959 graminifolia (Linnaeus) R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Bon Accord W. E. Broadway sn 1906-6-1
AMES: 00271961 graminifolia (Linnaeus) R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1850 1906-3-18
A: 00978989 gratissimum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Richmond Valley R. A. Howard 19587 1980-2-11
GH: 01981112 hernandiifolia (Vahl) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Grand Bonhomme C. V. Morton 6113 1947-5-24
GH: 00262078 hirtella (Swartz) Fawcett & Rendle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte At Perseverance G. R. Cooley 8623 1962-4-12
GH: 00262078 hirtellus (Swartz) Ormerod Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte At Perseverance G. R. Cooley 8623 1962-4-12
A: 01964016 hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17875 1971-3-11
GH: 01964017 hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1921 1890
GH: 01964018 hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5127 1947-4-16
GH: 01964019 hispidum Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Vicinity of Kingstown C. V. Morton 4743 1947-3-25
GH: 00022242 hymenophylloides Bosch Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent L. Guilding 1817
A: 00253548 ibaguense Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail from Bamboo Range to summit of Soufrie... R. A. Howard 11193 1950-4-1
GH: 00861836 inoxia Miller Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Cannuoan Island R. A. Howard 11119 1950-3-26
A: 00295785 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Vermont. Nature Trail A. Glasgo & V. Slane 9 1983-3-18
GH: 00295788 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mount Brisbane C. V. Morton 6005 1947-3-20
GH: 00295789 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5403 1947-4-16
A: 00295791 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Valley J. S. Beard 616 1945-11-29
A: 00295793 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Andrews Mountain H. F. A. Eggers 6670 1889-12
A: 00295794 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Andrews Mountain H. F. A. Eggers 6670 1889-12
A: 00295795 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17771 1971-3-6
GH: 00295810 insipida Willdenow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) above Three Rivers
GH: 00020658 insularum C. V. Morton & Lellinger Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cumberland Mountain C. V. Morton 5822 1947-5-14
GH: 00271325 jacquiniarum Garay & Stacy Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Richmond River Valley, about 400 ft. elev. G. R. Cooley 8571 1962-3-30
GH: 00021133 jenmanii (Baker) Jenman Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 855 1890-3
GH: 00589468 jubiforme Kaulfuss Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
A: 00600600 juncifolia (Linnaeus) Cetzal & Carnevali Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11281 1950-3
A: 00295793 krugiana Warburg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Andrews Mountain H. F. A. Eggers 6670 1889-12
A: 00295791 krugiana Warburg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Valley J. S. Beard 616 1945-11-29
A: 00295795 krugiana Warburg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17771 1971-3-6
A: 00295794 krugiana Warburg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Andrews Mountain H. F. A. Eggers 6670 1889-12
A: 00243758 lanceolata (Aublet) León Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17768 1971-3-6
A: 00243759 lanceolata (Aublet) León Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon area, above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11160 1950-4-1
A: 00243802 lanceolata (Aublet) León Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill, 1500-2000 ... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17687 1971-3-3
A: 00243758 lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17768 1971-3-6
A: 00243759 lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon area, above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11160 1950-4-1
AMES: 00243784 lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon district above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11160 1950-4-1
AMES: 00243799 lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver spoon District above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11160 1950-4-1
A: 00243802 lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill, 1500-2000 ... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17687 1971-3-3
GH: 00243814 lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 306 1890-3
AMES: 00271690 latifolia Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway sn 1906-3-22
A: 00253312 latifolium Garay & H. R. Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: River bed and into cinder zone. Soufrier, 20... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17882 1971-3-11
A: 00253579 latifolium Garay & H. R. Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) summit of Soufriere, alt. 3000 ft. R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18023 1972-2-22
GH: 00264193 linearis (Jacquin) R. Brown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 500-2000 ft Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 471 1890-6
GH: 02016220 lingulata (Linnaeus) Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Summit of Mt. Royal; Cannuoan Island R. A. Howard 11075
GH: 02016218 lingulata (Linnaeus) Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent; Dorsetshire Hill, near Kingstow... C. V. Morton 4732 1947-4-4
GH: 02016207 lingulata (Linnaeus) Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Kick 'em Jenny, (Diamond Head) [Diamond Rock... R. A. Howard 10784 1950-3-7
GH: 02016202 lingulata (Linnaeus) Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Doresetshire Hill, near Kingstown C. V. Morton 4732 1947-4-4
GH: 02016208 lingulata (Linnaeus) Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] H. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 481 1890-3
A: 00092116 longiflora Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Saint Andrew's Mountain, 1200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6662 1889-12
A: 00814129 longiflora Tussac Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Botanic Garden Kingstown R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17784 1971-3-7
AMES: 00271248 lurida (Lindley) Braem Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kings Hill R. A. Howard 11131 1950-4-1
AMES: 00271249 lurida (Lindley) Braem Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kings Hill R. A. Howard 11131 1950-4-1
A: 00271217 lurida (Lindley) Braem Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11283 1950-3-26
A: 00271218 lurida (Lindley) Braem Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11283 1950-3-26
A: 00271217 luridum Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11283 1950-3-26
A: 00271218 luridum Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11283 1950-3-26
AMES: 00271248 luridum Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kings Hill R. A. Howard 11131 1950-4-1
AMES: 00271249 luridum Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kings Hill R. A. Howard 11131 1950-4-1
AMES: 00271250 luridum Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Belmont, St. George's (lowlands) W. E. Broadway sn 1906-12-1
AMES: 00264334 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Snug Corner W. E. Broadway 1905-10
AMES: 00264335 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Snug Corner W. E. Broadway 1905-10
AMES: 00264341 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Snug Corner W. E. Broadway 1905-10
GH: 00264375 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Diamond G. R. Cooley 8545A 1962-3-22
GH: 00264376 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David West slope of Soufriere Mountain G. R. Cooley 8611 1962-3-25
AMES: 00264377 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon District above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11172 1950-4-1
GH: 00264405 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [data not captured] Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 289 1890-3
AMES: 00264426 luteola (Swartz) Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Near Vincennes G. R. Proctor 16949 1957-10-30
FH: 00377075 maculata C. W. Dodge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Saint Vincent L. Guilding
GH: 01981246 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) at end of N.W. peninsula. Bequia R. A. Howard 11270 1950-3-26
A: 01981255 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17706 1971-3-4
A: 01981256 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17703 1971-3-4
GH: 01981257 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Bequia R. A. Howard 11252 1950-3-26
GH: 01981258 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick along the upper reachs of Rutland River at B... G. R. Cooley 8198 1962-1-20
GH: 01981260 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 23
A: 01981263 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Roadside near Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18045 1972-2-23
A: 01981270 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Fancy area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17811 1971-3-8
GH: 01981280 magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Miller's Ridge, above Buer G. R. Proctor 25870 1965-2-22
GH: 02546958 megastachya Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] J. S. Beard 598 1945-11-18
GH: 02546951 megastachya Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: situation Lurst Morne a Gavon H. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1682 1890-3
AMES: 02173380 memor (H. G. Reichenbach) Luer Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annadale W. E. Broadway
AMES: 00271464 modesta (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Just below summit of Soufriere on trail to c... R. A. Howard 11218 1950-4-1
AMES: 00271360 modesta (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1848 1906-2
AMES: 00271360 modestus H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1848 1906-2
A: 00243476 monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kelly area, Mesopotamia District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17755 1971-3-6
GH: 00243503 monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Windward Islands, Bequia, Paget area G. R. Cooley 8288 1962-1-31
GH: 00243504 monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Charlotte Parish, above South Rivers, 600 ft G. R. Cooley 8243 1962-1-27
AMES: 00271690 muricata (Swartz) Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway sn 1906-3-22
GH: 00243672 muscosa Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 1826
A: 00243680 muscosa Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kelly area, Mesopotamia district R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17756 1971-3-6
GH: 00243708 muscosa Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Montreal G. R. Cooley 8306 1962-2-3
GH: 01981315 myrtifolia (Vahl) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dorsetshire Hill, near Kingstown C. V. Morton 4717 1947-4-4
GH: 01981323 myrtifolia (Vahl) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) about the southern end of the Island and on ... Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1644 1890-3
GH: 01981327 myrtifolia (Vahl) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 11251 1950-3-26
A: 01964152 nigrum Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Richmond Valley R. A. Howard 19589 1980-2-11
AMES: 00253306 nocturnum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. David Parish, Crater Lake. Found near le... G. R. Cooley 8408A 1962-2-20
AMES: 00253307 nocturnum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. David Parish, elbow of rim of crater of ... G. R. Cooley 8408 1962-2-20
GH: 00242849 nudum Humboldt & Bonpland ex Dunal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Various parts of the Island; 500 - 1500 ft. Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 495 1890-5
A: 01981405 obtusifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mt. St. Andrews R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18015 1972-2-21
A: 01981407 obtusifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Roadside near Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18042 1972-2-23
GH: 01981416 obtusifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Petit Bordel Hill C. V. Morton 5132 1947-4-16
A: 01981417 obtusifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17689 1971-3-3
A: 01981418 obtusifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Kelley area, Mesopotamia district R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17757 1971-3-6
A: 01981420 obtusifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17629 1971-3-1
GH: 00262301 ophioglossoides (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6225 1947-5-26
A: 00262302 ophioglossoides (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill, 1500-2000 ... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17684 1971-3-3
AMES: 00262305 ophioglossoides (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of south fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5817 1947-5-13
AMES: 00262306 ophioglossoides (Jacquin) Swartz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6225 1947-5-26
AMES: 00243784 orchioides (Swartz) A. Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon district above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11160 1950-4-1
AMES: 00243799 orchioides (Swartz) A. Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver spoon District above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11160 1950-4-1
GH: 00243814 orchioides (Swartz) A. Richard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 306 1890-3
GH: 00005078 ovalifolia Hooker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
GH: 00021133 pachyrachis (Kunze) Kuntze Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 855 1890-3
GH: 00021133 pachyrachis (Kunze ex Mettenius) Ching Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 855 1890-3
FH: 00965748 pallens (Swartz) Nees ex Montagne Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1384
FH: 00965749 pallens (Swartz) Nees ex Montagne Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1385
GH: 01981447 pellucida Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Petit Bordel Hill C. V. Morton 5151 1947-4-16
GH: 01983083 peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David Richmond River Valley G. R. Cooley 8566 1962-3-30
A: 01983093 peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17634 1971-3-2
GH: 01983099 peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5551 1947-5-2
GH: 01983108 peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cumberland Valley P. Beard 1384 1945-11-29
A: 01103936 peregrina (Linnaeus) Spegazzini Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia C. M. S. Carrington 1993
GH: 00243173 petiolata Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of south fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5774 1947-5-13
AMES: 00103557 petiolata Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) J. Macrae
GH: 01987846 pinnata (Lamarck) Persoon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Mustique Islands G. W. Smith 1889-6
AMES: 00262147 plantaginea (Linnaeus) Fawcett & Rendle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Grand Etang F. W. Hunnewell 19,468 1951-2-5
AMES: 00262184 plantaginea (Linnaeus) Fawcett & Rendle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Lower elevations of rainforest at area marke... G. R. Cooley 8623a 1962-4-12
AMES: 00262147 plantagineus (Linnaeus) D. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Grand Etang F. W. Hunnewell 19,468 1951-2-5
AMES: 00262184 plantagineus (Linnaeus) D. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Lower elevations of rainforest at area marke... G. R. Cooley 8623a 1962-4-12
GH: 02547017 plumieri Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: On cinder slope of Somma ridge north of Souf... R. A. Howard 11214 1950-4-1
GH: 02547015 plumieri Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte south-west slope of Grand Bonhomme Mountain ... G. R. Cooley 83 42 1962-2-7
A: 02547013 plumieri Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Trail to Soufriere, crater lake R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18062 1972-2-26
A: 00978522 pulchella de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Diamond Estate, Malice Pt. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17825 1971-3-9
A: 00262269 pygmaea Cogniaux Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District, 1000 ft R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17642 1971-3-2
GH: 00253705 ramosum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cumberland mountain C. V. Morton 5901 1947-5-14
AMES: 00253736 ramosum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Charlotte Parish, above South Rivers G. R. Cooley 8258 1962-1-27
AMES: 00264264 reflexa Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1849 1906-2
AMES: 00264264 reflexa (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach ex Grisebach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Annandale W. E. Broadway 1849 1906-2
A: 00253822 revertianum Hágsater Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) on trail up the Soufriere; alt. 1-2000 ft. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17869 1971-3-11
AMES: 00253827 revertianum Hágsater Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) trail from Bamboo Range to summit of Soufrie... R. A. Howard 11193 1950-2-9
A: 00253828 revertianum Hágsater Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) cinder walls of trail near sumit of the Souf... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18026 1972-2-23
A: 00253830 revertianum Hágsater Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) trail from Bamboo Range to summit of Soufrie... R. A. Howard 11193 1950-4-1
AMES: 00253885 rigidum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Patrick Parish, Upper Bellewood at eleva... G. R. Cooley 8440 1962-2-22
AMES: 00253889 rigidum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 1500 ft H. Smith 883
GH: 02550122 ringens J. R. Grant Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Silver Spoon area above Three Rivers R. A. Howard 11146 1950-4-1
GH: 00247102 rotundifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Vincents: Coll. H. H. & G. W. Smith. Com... Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 732
A: 01981550 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley above saw mill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17656 1971-3-3
A: 01981552 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above teh sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17681 1971-3-3
A: 01981554 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail from Golden Grove over Majorca ridge t... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18034 1972-2-23
A: 01981561 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Roadside near Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18044 1972-2-23
GH: 01981564 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of north fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5576 1947-5-2
GH: 01981566 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Lowrt district, upper valley of the Buccamen... G. R. Proctor 26170 1965-3-7
A: 01981567 rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dalaway District R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17630 1971-3-2
A: 00368312 royenii (Linnaeus) Byles & G. D. Rowley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Bequia R. A. Howard 18242 1977-3-20
A: 01005778 royenii (Linnaeus) Byles & G. D. Rowley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Ft. George Point G. R. Proctor 16787 1957-10-30
A: 00253949 rubroticum Hágsater Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring valley above sawmill; alt. 1500-2000 ... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17654 1971-3-3
GH: 00046542 scabra Perkins Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Andrews, 500 m., St. Vincent H. F. A. Eggers 6705 1889-12
A: 00046543 scabra Perkins Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Andrews, 500 m., St. Vincent H. F. A. Eggers 6705 1889-12
GH: 00101559 scabra Perkins Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Forest, 2000 feet Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 915
GH: 00262301 scabrida Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6225 1947-5-26
A: 00262302 scabrida Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley, above the sawmill, 1500-2000 ... R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17684 1971-3-3
AMES: 00262305 scabrida Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Valley of south fork of Cumberland River C. V. Morton 5817 1947-5-13
AMES: 00262306 scabrida Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6225 1947-5-26
AMES: 00253511 secundum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Silver Spoon District, above Three Rivers. R. A. Howard 11177 1950-4-1
GH: 00600837 secundum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mountains above Chateaubelair C. V. Morton 5266 1947-4-23
A: 00600840 secundum Jacquin Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Jost-Van Dyck F. A. Squire s.n. 1936-6
A: 00368480 sericea Nees Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Buccament Valley, alt. 400 m J. S. Beard 228 1944-2-5
GH: 01981610 serpens (Swartz) Loudon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mount Brisbane C. V. Morton 5950 1947-5-20
GH: 01981611 serpens (Swartz) Loudon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1323 1890-3
A: 01981614 serpens (Swartz) Loudon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail from Golden Grove over Majorca crest t... R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18030 1972-2-23
A: 01981615 serpens (Swartz) Loudon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley above saw mill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17667 1971-3-3
A: 01981676 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17709 1971-3-4
A: 01981677 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Roadside near Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18039 1972-2-23
GH: 01981681 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 01981682 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mount Brisbane C. V. Morton 6010 1947-5-20
GH: 01981683 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cumberland Mountain C. V. Morton 5884 1947-5-14
GH: 01981684 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, Morne Garou Mountains C. V. Morton 5056 1947-4-15
GH: 01981685 smithiana C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte E.S.E.ridge of Mt. Grand Bonhomme G. R. Proctor 26059 1965-3-3
GH: 02107710 smithiorum Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick St. Patrick Parish, in upper reaches of Rutl... G. R. Cooley 8204 1962-1-20
A: 02107709 smithiorum Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17770 1971-3-6
GH: 02107707 smithiorum Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick upper Bellwood district, inland from Layou G. R. Proctor 25910 1965-2-24
GH: 02107703 smithiorum Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5406 1947-4-16
GH: 02107697 smithiorum Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Buccament Valley J. S. Beard 602 1945-11-21
GH: 02107694 smithiorum Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [data not captured] Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith F. ... 1426 1890-3
A: 00295793 sp. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Andrews Mountain H. F. A. Eggers 6670 1889-12
GH: 00556756 sp. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Southeast slope of Soufriere Mountain at Ove... G. R. Cooley 8347 1962-2-12
GH: 00556755 sp. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Southeast slope of Soufriere Mountain at Ove... G. R. Cooley 8374 1962-2-12
GH: 00556803 sp. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Charlotte and St. David Parishes G. R. Cooley 8373 1962-2-12
A: 00983850 sp. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Trail to summit of Soufriere R. A. Howard 18273 1977-3-22
A: 00368480 sp. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Buccament Valley, alt. 400 m J. S. Beard 228 1944-2-5
GH: 02014951 spicata (Lamarck) Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David St. Vincent, St. David, upper outer slopes &... G. R. Proctor 25995 1965-2-26
GH: 02014948 spicata (Lamarck) Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent, Trail to creat of Soufriere R. A. Howard 11220 1950-4-1
GH: 02014947 spicata (Lamarck) Mez Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent J. S. Beard 599 1945-11-20
GH: 00247096 stenosepala Killip Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Grand Bonhomme C. V. Morton 6140 1947-5-24
GH: 00861864 stramonium Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] H. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 516 1980-3
AMES: 00253992 strobiliferum H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1145 1890-3
GH: 00801079 suaveolens (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Sweet Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] G. W. Smith & H. H. Smith 983 1889-9
A: 00005647 subrectinerve C. de Candolle Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Calvary; 1600 ft. H. F. A. Eggers 6736 1889-12
GH: 02014955 sulphurea Andrews Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint David St. Vincent, St. David Parish, on top of Sou... G. R. Cooley 8558 1962-3-25
A: 02014954 sulphurea Andrews Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent, Summit of Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17859 1971-3-11
A: 02014953 sulphurea Andrews Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent, Soufriere R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17883 1971-3-11
GH: 00589468 suspensa (Linnaeus) Proctor Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
GH: 00267096 tithymaloides (Linnaeus) Poiteau Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Union Island. Western range of hills near Ch... R. A. Howard 11003 1950
GH: 00005078 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
GH: 01981709 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Mount Brisbane C. V. Morton 6009 1947-5-20
GH: 01981710 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5088 1947-4-16
GH: 01981711 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 871 1890-3
A: 01981719 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Francis R. A. Howard & B. R. Howard 18038 1972-2-23
A: 01981721 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17701 1971-3-4
A: 01981722 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17700 1971-3-4
GH: 01981729 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick Upper Bellwood district, inland from Layou G. R. Proctor 25927 1965-2-24
GH: 01981730 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Kings Hill Forest Reserve, W.S.W. of Stubbs ... G. R. Proctor 25879 1965-2-23
GH: 01981741 trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick Lower Bellewood G. R. Cooley 8186 1962-1-18
GH: 01875296 trigonus Safford Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Patrick cocoa and banana plantation at Lower Bellewo... G. R. Cooley 8203 1962-1-20
AMES: 00253422 umbellatum Vellozo Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 1500 ft. G. W. Smith 1150
AMES: 00253400 urbanianum Cogniaux Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Summit of the Soma N. of Sourfriere Crater; ... R. A. Howard 11205 1950-4-1
GH: 02547540 usneoides Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: At border of St. George and St. Andrew Paris... G. R. Cooley 8632 1962-4-13
GH: 02547537 usneoides Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Union Island R. A. Howard 11121 1950-3-26
GH: 00271078 utricularioides (Swartz) Lindley Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 794 1890-3
GH: 00288160 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) King's Hill R. A. Howard 11133 1950-4-1
GH: 02547583 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Petit St. Vincent R. A. Howard 10895 1950-3-7
GH: 02547596 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: King's Hill R. A. Howard 11134 1950-4-1
GH: 02547594 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Mustique R. A. Howard 11222 1950-3-26
GH: 02547592 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1431 1890-3
A: 02547588 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Tobago Cays: Petit Batteau A. C. Smith 1148 1956-3-17
A: 02547584 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Tobago Cays; Petit Batteau A. C. Smith 10148 1956-3-17
GH: 02547610 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Tobago Cays R. A. Howard 11022 1950-3-26
GH: 02547608 utriculata Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Dorsetshire Hill, near Kingstown C. V. Morton 4768 1947-4-4
FH: 00618170 uvaria (Murray) J. Agardh Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [data not captured] [no data available] 1879-7
GH: 00068212 vincentiana O. E. Schulz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith
GH: 01981812 vincentiana Miquel Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, Morne Garou Mountains C. V. Morton 5029 1947-4-15
GH: 01981813 vincentiana Miquel Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Grand Bonhomme C. V. Morton 6130 1947-5-24
GH: 01981814 vincentiana Miquel Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cumberland Valley P. Beard 1387 1945-11-29
A: 01981816 vincentiana Miquel Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Slopes of Richmond Peak R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17722 1971-3-4
GH: 01981818 vincentiana Miquel Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Upper valley of Richmond River C. V. Morton 6218 1947-5-26
A: 00045432 vincentina Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Montrose Hills, Saint Vincent, 1,000' H. F. A. Eggers 6566 1889-12
A: 00072076 vincentina Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent, ad Chateau Belair, 2000 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6870 1890-1
A: 00094374 vincentina Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Mount George ad Chateau Belair, 2200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6876 1890-1
GH: 00052606 vincentina Urban Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincent Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1057
GH: 00021402 vincentinum Baker Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 604
AMES: 00264703 woodfordii Sims Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 401 1890-3
A: 00271342 wydleri H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak, alt. to 3000 ft R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17702 1971-3-4
A: 00271350 wydleri H. G. Reichenbach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond Peak; alt. to 3000 ft. R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17702 1971-3-4
Apocynaceae GH: 01977929 Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Road to Mt. St. Andrew. C. V. Morton 4930 1947-4-11
GH: 02114336 Catharanthus roseus Linnaeus & G. Don Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 175
GH: 02380673 Nerium oleander Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Bequia Island, Private garden. [See map on l... G. R. Cooley 8253 1962-1-30
A: 02382552 Plumeria alba Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Mayera Is D. G. Fairchild 2766 1932-2-6
GH: 02382551 Plumeria alba Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Becquia Id; W. Indies. Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith B.99
GH: 02382532 Plumeria alba Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Petit St. Vincent R. A. Howard 10911 1950-3-7
GH: 02382530 Plumeria alba Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Point Saline F. W. Hunnewell 19518 1951-1
GH: 02382615 Plumeria rubra Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George The Bower, St Georges; Grenada, West Indies W. E. Broadway 1799 1905-4-11
GH: 02383562 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Belair, Carriacou. P. Beard 1201 1945-9-15
GH: 02383559 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Dorsetshire Hill, near Kingstown C. V. Morton 5744 1947-5-11
GH: 02383558 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Near Fort Charlotte C. V. Morton 4819 1947-4-7
GH: 02383550 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Isle of Ronde; Grenada territory, British We... R. A. Howard 10748 1950-3-7
GH: 02383607 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George St. George Parish, Dia-mond [See map on labe... G. R. Cooley 8546 1962-3-22
GH: 02383605 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Carriacou; Grenada territory, British West I... R. A. Howard 10849 1950-3-7
GH: 02383596 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) St. Vincents Herb. H. Smith & G. W. Smith
GH: 02383589 Rauvolfia viridis Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Cannuoan Island; St. Vincent territory, Brit... R. A. Howard 11095 1950-3-26
GH: 02375448 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) prope Liberty Lodge H. F. A. Eggers 6528 1889-12-25
GH: 02375447 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Charlotte Perserverance district, inland from Georgeto... G. R. Proctor 26144 1965-3-6
GH: 02375446 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Kingston P. Beard 11400 1945-12-2
GH: 02375445 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] H. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 38 1890-3
A: 02375439 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Tempe W. E. Broadway 1905-3-5
A: 02375519 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Valley of St. John River near St. George est... G. R. Proctor 16843 1957-10-30
GH: 02375518 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Near Fort Charlotte C. V. Morton 4845 1947-5-7
A: 02375498 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: ad Liberty Lodge H. F. A. Eggers 6528 1889-12
GH: 02375484 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint George Kings Hil [Hill] Forest Preserve. G. R. Cooley 8227 1962-1-26
GH: 02375464 Tabernaemontana citrifolia Linnaeus Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Petit Bordel Hill C. V. Morton 5149 1947-4-16
Aquifoliaceae GH: 00049382 Ilex sideroxyloides (Swartz) Grisebach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1750 1890-3
GH: 00049382 Ilex sideroxyloides vulgaris Loesener Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: St. Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1750 1890-3
Araceae A: 01634429 Alocasia cucullata (Loureiro) G. Don Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Orange hill estate R. A. Howard 19583 1980-2-10
A: 01635249 Anthurium andreanum Linden Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17764 1971-3-6
A: 01635253 Anthurium cordatum (Linnaeus) Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard 18236 1977-3-19
GH: 01655840 Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacquin) Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [no additional data] Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1411 1890-3
A: 01627484 Monstera adansonii Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Spring Valley above sawmill R. A. Howard, G. R. Cooley & R. E.... 17665 1971-3-3
A: 02286679 Monstera adansonii Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [data not captured] R. A. Howard 18256 1977-3-22
A: 01627564 Montrichardia arborescens (Linnaeus) Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Fresh water lagoon at Brighton Beach R. A. Howard 18255 1977-3-21
A: 01629025 Philodendron giganteum Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond river valley R. A. Howard 18247 1977-3-21
A: 01629026 Philodendron giganteum Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond river valley R. A. Howard 18247 1977-3-21
A: 01629027 Philodendron giganteum Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Richmond river valley R. A. Howard 18247 1977-3-21
GH: 01629037 Philodendron hederaceum (Jacquin) Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) above Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5297 1947-4-23
A: 01629056 Philodendron hederaceum (Jacquin) Schott Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Hermitage area, Cumberland Valley R. A. Howard 18268 1977-3-22
A: 01629095 Philodendron lingulatum (Linnaeus) K. Koch Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Hermitage area, Cumberland Valley R. A. Howard 18257 1977-3-22
GH: 01629101 Philodendron lingulatum (Linnaeus) K. Koch Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Along Chateaubelair River C. V. Morton 5209 1947-4-16
A: 01874588 [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Hermitage area, Cumberland Valley R. A. Howard 18256 1977-3-22
A: 01874589 [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard 18237 1977-3-19
A: 01874591 [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard 18235 1977-3-19
A: 01874593 [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Brighton Beach R. A. Howard 18255 1977-3-21
A: [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Hermitage area, Cumberland Valley R. A. Howard 18256 1977-3-22
A: [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard 18237 1977-3-19
A: [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Montreal area R. A. Howard 18235 1977-3-19
A: [None] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Brighton Beach R. A. Howard 18255 1977-3-21
Asclepiadaceae GH: 02410006 Gonolobus martinicensis Decaisne Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] H. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 382 1890
GH: 02410006 Gonolobus youroumaynensis Krings Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: [no additional data] H. H. Smith & G. W. Smith 382 1890
Asteraceae A: 00983856 Centratherum punctatum Cassini Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Cultivated near house at Montreal R. A. Howard 18231 1977-3-19
GH: 00010214 Mikania hookeriana cardiophylla B. L. Robinson Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1890-3
GH: 00010214 Mikania imrayana Grisebach Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Vincents Herbert H. Smith & G. W. Smith 1890-3