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Next page >Poaceae A: 02434025 Ehrharta longiflora Smith South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Coombes Valley R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4375 1968-11-22
GH: 02434024 Ehrharta longiflora Smith South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3840 1943-9-22
GH: 02434028 Ehrharta microlaena Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Afric austral C. G. D. Nees
GH: 02434027 Ehrharta microlaena Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Cap. B. Spei Lehmann
GH: 02434030 Ehrharta mnemateia Linnaeus f. South Africa: Afric austral Schrader
GH: 02434029 Ehrharta mnemateia Linnaeus f. South Africa: Cap C. G. D. Nees
GH: 02434032 Ehrharta panicea Smith South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02434034 Ehrharta panicea Smith South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei. Lehmann
GH: 02434034 Ehrharta panicea minor Nees South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei. Lehmann
GH: 02452798 Ehrharta paniciformis Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
A: 02434037 Ehrharta pusilla Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Northern Cape Province Namaqualand. At base of Spektakle Pass H. P. Linder 5417 1991-10-7
A: 02434044 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province S W Cape. Pakhuis Peak, N. Cedarberg. H. C. Taylor 11601
A: 02434043 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Jonkerskoek. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4681 1951-11-23
GH: 02434041 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg South Africa: Cap de Bonne Espérance A. A. Reynaud 134 1829
GH: 02434039 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02434038 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
A: 02434043 Ehrharta ramosa aphylla (Schrader) Glück South Africa: Western Cape Province Jonkerskoek. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4681 1951-11-23
GH: 02434045 Ehrharta rehmannii Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Near the Lourens river at Vergdegen. Stellen... R. N. Parker 4035 1946
A: 02434048 Ehrharta setacea scabra Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Riversdale, Garcais Pass H. P. Linder 5463 1991-10-16
A: 02434047 Ehrharta setacea scabra Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Boosmansbos Wilderness Area. Grootvadersbosc... D. J. McDonald 1171
GH: 02434063 Ehrharta sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: prope sec Point juxte Capetown P. MacOwan 1792
GH: 02434036 Ehrharta sp. South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: 02434032 Ehrharta sp. South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02434018 Ehrharta sp. South Africa: Cap. B. Spei Lehmann
GH: 02434014 Ehrharta sp. South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
A: 02434049 Ehrharta subspicata Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: at Rooi Els. Caledon division R. N. Parker 4931 1953-11-11
A: 02434050 Ehrharta triandra Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province C. P. Between Van Rhynsdorp and Van Rhynspas H. P. v. der Schijff 7207 1967-8-17
A: 02434051 Ehrharta triandra Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Namakwaland. Between Kammieskroon and ... H. P. v. der Schijff 6992 1967-7-20
GH: 02434055 Ehrharta undulata Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 176 1853
GH: 02434056 Ehrharta versicolor Schrader South Africa: [no additional data] J. F. Drège
A: 02434061 Ehrharta villosa Schultes f. South Africa: Western Cape Province S W Cape. De Hoop, Hamerkop [data not captured] 1894b
GH: 02434060 Ehrharta villosa Schultes f. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: W. Cape Town. C. B. S. [no data available] 1859
GH: 02434058 Ehrharta villosa Schultes f. South Africa: Western Cape Province Riet Valley [data not captured] 1832-11
A: 02444783 Eleusine coracana (Linnaeus) Gaertner South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Kasonga, 10 miles from Port Alfred on road t... C. H. Stirton 770 1974
A: 02444783 Eleusine coracana africana (Kennedy-O'Byrne) K. W. Hilu & J. M. J. de Wet South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Kasonga, 10 miles from Port Alfred on road t... C. H. Stirton 770 1974
GH: 02444785 Eleusine falcata (Linnaeus f.) Sprengel South Africa: CBS [data not captured]
ECON: 02444799 Eleusine indica (Linnaeus) Gaertner South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Prieska: Priska C. P. E. G. Bryant 1934-2
GH: 02444793 Eleusine indica (Linnaeus) Gaertner South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Ad vias et in ruderalis circa Cap... P. MacOwan 1566 1890-12
GH: 02444810 Eleusine indica africana (Kennedy-O'Byrne) S. M. Phillips South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 14,2 km from Holy Cross Mission on... L. Smook 5496 1985-2-25
A: 02444809 Eleusine indica africana (Kennedy-O'Byrne) S. M. Phillips South Africa: Transvaal Province 18 km from turnoff of road from Ohrigstad to... L. Smook 4874 1982
A: 02444808 Eleusine indica africana (Kennedy-O'Byrne) S. M. Phillips South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 27 km SE of Elliotdale at Stone Dr... L. Smook 5662 1985
GH: 00023606 Elionurus argenteus Nees South Africa: J. F. Drège
GH: 00023606 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: J. F. Drège
GH: 02542625 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Harrismith [?], OFS M. G. A. Henrici 1904 1929
GH: 02542624 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Free State Province Kroonstad, O. F. S. J. W. Pont 498 1929-9
GH: 02542620 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. S. [data not captured]
A: 02542617 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: 20-30 Meilen nordöstlich von Pretoria E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1263 1958
A: 02542616 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Transvaal Province Transvaal Botanic Garden - Roodepoort C. M. Behr 651 1983-12-13
A: 02542615 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Mkambati Game Reserve. Main camp a... L. Smook 5484 1985-2-24
A: 02542614 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Van Standenburg Mountains. Longmore Forest S... C. H. Stirton & J. Zantovska 11609 1986-11-13
A: 02542613 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Kap Prov. Zwischen Dordrecht und Barkly East E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1085 1958-11-17
ECON: 02542630 Elionurus sp. South Africa: Just E. of Karakuwaise. S. W. A. B. Maguire 2074 1952-12-18
A: 02444822 Enneapogon cenchroides (Lichtenstein ex Roemer & Schultes) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Soutpansberge. Chipeze - Njelele road. 3,6 k... D. S. Hardy & P. D. de Villiers 5162 1978-11-22
A: 02444820 Enneapogon cenchroides (Lichtenstein ex Roemer & Schultes) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province 25 km NE of Alldays on road to Brombeek L. Smook 5390 1985
A: 02444819 Enneapogon cenchroides (Lichtenstein ex Roemer & Schultes) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5305 1985
A: 02444840 Enneapogon desvauxii P. Beauvois South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Britstown distr., Farm Koppies E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 151 1986-1-16
A: 02444839 Enneapogon desvauxii P. Beauvois South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr distr., Echodale farm E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 368 1986-1-22
A: 02444838 Enneapogon desvauxii P. Beauvois South Africa: Northern Cape Province Richtersveld. Between Khubus and Lekkersing H. P. Linder 5412 1991-10-6
GH: 02444851 Enneapogon mollis Lehmann South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Prieska: [no additional data] E. G. Bryant 619 1931-4
GH: 02444847 Enneapogon mollis Lehmann South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griquatown: Bloomboschputs Farm (4 miles N o... E. G. Bryant K43 1920-4-12
GH: 02444863 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Namakwaland H. P. v. der Schijff 6928 1967-7-19
A: 02444859 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Just outside Vioolsdrif H. P. v. der Schijff 8181 1907-8-15
A: 02444858 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Britstown distr., Farm Vrolikspan E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 179 1986-1-18
A: 02444856 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann South Africa: Northern Cape Province Richtersveld. Cornellsberg in Stinkfontein m... E. G. H. Oliver, H. R. Tölken & S... 682 1977
GH: 02444853 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann South Africa: Northern Cape Province St Clair. prope Douglas, in deline Herbier P. MacOwan 1996 1897-10
GH: 02444876 Enneapogon scoparius Stapf South Africa: W[?]afekeng, C. P. I. B. Pole-Evans 3454 1929-4-16
GH: 02444875 Enneapogon scoparius Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province Womaransstad, Transvaal L. C. C. Liebenberg 2438 1931-4
GH: 02444870 Enneapogon scoparius Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province near Pienaars River R. K. Godfrey SH-1787 1953-2-2
GH: 02444881 Enteropogon melicoides (J. Koenig ex Röttler) Nees South Africa: S. E. of Makarikari. Bechuanaland. I. B. Pole-Evans 2584 1929-12
GH: 02444905 Eragrostis amabilis (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Campus Research Station, Nelsprui... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2584 1931-6
A: 02444903 Eragrostis amabilis (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Darbon M. McCallum-Webster 247 1959-1-17
A: 02444897 Eragrostis annulata Rendle ex Scott Elliott South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown distr., Smouskloof farm E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 62 1986-1-15
GH: 02444916 Eragrostis atherstonei Stapf South Africa: About 150 miles northwest of Vryburg. near H... R. J. Rodin 3565 1948-2-8
A: 02444919 Eragrostis barbinodis Hackel South Africa: Transvaal Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5299 1985
A: 02444921 Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau South Africa: Northern Cape Province Kimberley, Cape Province M. Wilman 1950-2
A: 02444920 Eragrostis barrelieri Daveau South Africa: Northern Cape Province Kimberley M. Wilman 1948-1
GH: 02444923 Eragrostis bergiana Kunth ex Trinius South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bon. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02444926 Eragrostis bicolor Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sudafrika, Kaapkolonie [see label for additi... A. Hafström 911 1936-10-13
A: 02444925 Eragrostis bicolor Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province NW of Campbell. Trail farm Pan edge. L. Smook 9709 1996-1-29
A: 02444924 Eragrostis bicolor Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province North of Vanwyksvlei on Kenhardt road; De Na... L. Smook 9544 1996-1-24
GH: 02444931 Eragrostis biflora Hackel South Africa: Transvaal Province Wolaransstad L. C. C. Liebenberg 2359 1931-4
GH: 02444930 Eragrostis biflora Hackel South Africa: Farm Palmyra, 60 miles northwest of Vryburg R. J. Rodin 3602 1948-2-5
A: 02444929 Eragrostis biflora Hackel South Africa: Northern Cape Province Kimberley M. Wilman 1950-2
A: 02444927 Eragrostis biflora Hackel South Africa: Transvaal Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5294 1985
GH: 02444944 Eragrostis brizoides Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sudafrika, Kaapkolonie [see label for additi... A. Hafström 1934-12-28
GH: 02444941 Eragrostis brizoides Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bei. Spei [no data available]
GH: 02444940 Eragrostis brizoides Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. B. S. [Cape of Good Hope] J. F. Drège
GH: 02444939 Eragrostis brizoides Schultes South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Maritzburg. Adaia. Plot 8. E. P. Phillips 2175 1921
GH: 02444938 Eragrostis brizoides Schultes South Africa: Western Cape Province Upper Lourens river valley R. N. Parker 3892 1944-6-17
A: 02444957 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaatdam Nat. Res. Rel. 3, ou... N. van Rooyen 2600 1980-1-15
A: 02444955 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Humansdorp: Kleinberg R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4359 1968-10-28
A: 02444954 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Highlands R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4476 1969
A: 02444953 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Phantom Pass; bei Knysna E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 970 1958
A: 02444951 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Riebeck East, E. Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7950 1976
GH: 02444950 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Highlands Station some 16 km from Grahamstow... R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8759 1978-6-20
A: 02444948 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Cradock Common R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5028 1971-11-20
A: 02444947 Eragrostis capensis (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: S. Cape. Riversdale, Garcias Pass H. P. Linder 5465 1991-10-16
GH: 02444964 Eragrostis chalcantha Trinius South Africa: Caledon R. [River] [no data available]
GH: 02444961 Eragrostis chalcantha Trinius South Africa: CBS [Cape Good Hope] J. F. Drège
GH: 02444962 Eragrostis chalcantha Trinius South Africa: Caledon River, S. Africa [no data available]
A: 02444976 Eragrostis chapelieri (Kunth) Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Research Station, Nelspruit, Barb... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2444 1931-4
GH: 02447002 Eragrostis cilianensis (Allioni) Vignolo ex Janchen South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Prieska: Spitrkop Farm E. G. Bryant K26 1920-4-9
GH: 02444999 Eragrostis cilianensis (Allioni) Vignolo ex Janchen South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 4051 1946-4-30
GH: 02447049 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: In monte leonis R. A. Dümmer 1908-2
GH: 02447048 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Sudafrika, Kaapkolonie, Lions Head den A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-9-7
A: 02447044 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Drakensberg (nördl.), Mariepskop (Spitze) E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1904 1959-1-17
A: 02447042 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Zwischen Dordrecht und Barkly East E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1089 1958-11-17
A: 02447041 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. P., Beaufort West, Leeuwkiul B. J. de Villiers
A: 02447040 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaat Nat. Res. Stamvrugkoppi... N. van Rooyen 2041 1979-11-13
A: 02447039 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Steynsburg distr., Farm Palmskop E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 314 1986-1-21
GH: 02447074 Eragrostis filiformis Link South Africa: Somerset Rira. S. Africa. [no data available]
GH: 02447072 Eragrostis filiformis Link South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 82 [Uitenhage, around Uitenhage 3325 CD] [see remarks]
GH: 02447087 Eragrostis geniculata Nees & Meyen South Africa: Somerset. S. Afr. [no data available] 114
GH: 02447100 Eragrostis gummiflua Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap Bon Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02447098 Eragrostis gummiflua Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province CBS [Cap Bon Spei] J. F. Drège
GH: 02447097 Eragrostis gummiflua Nees South Africa: Farm Palmyra, 60 miles northwest of Vryburg. R. J. Rodin 3544 1948-2-7
A: 02447094 Eragrostis gummiflua Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province North West of Daniëlskuil; Jakkaelfontein f... L. Smook 9738 1996-1-30
A: 02447109 Eragrostis homomalla Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province North of Vanwyksvlei on Kenhardt road; De Na... L. Smook 9548 1996-1-24
GH: 02447122 Eragrostis lappula Nees South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Port Natal. Laphria [illegible] 1855
GH: 02447120 Eragrostis lappula Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Research Station Nelspruit L. C. C. Liebenberg 2514 1930-11-16
A: 02447136 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province 26 km N of Putsonderwater on road to Kleinbe... L. Smook 9621 1996-1-26
GH: 02447134 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Vryburg, Cape. Armoedsolakte A. Theiler 1920
GH: 02447133 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Free State Province Jacobsdal, O. F. S. Farm "Munosa" near Atone... E. P. Phillips 3471 1929
GH: 02447132 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Wolmaransstad, Transvaal S. Africa L. C. C. Liebenberg 2361 1931-4
GH: 02447130 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: About 150 miles northwest of Vryburg R. J. Rodin 3604 1948-2-5
A: 02447127 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Boetsap, Barkly West [data not captured] 1282 1948-2
A: 02447126 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Barkly West, Longlands Commonage the Misses Paton 1948-05
A: 02447125 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Ellisras, Afguns. Mogol Nature Reserve R. H. Westfall 1693 1984-4-17
A: 02447124 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Steynsburg distr., Farm Palmskop E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 292 1986-1-21
A: 02447123 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov. Kimberley M. Wilman 1949-5-25
A: 02447145 Eragrostis macrochlamys Pilger South Africa: Northern Cape Province S Africa. NW of Campbell. Trail farm L. Smook 9710 1996-1-29
GH: 02447002 Eragrostis major Host South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Prieska: Spitrkop Farm E. G. Bryant K26 1920-4-9
GH: 02447176 Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex F. M. C. de M. de Ficalho & W. P. Hiern South Africa: North-West Province Wolmaransstad, Ivl. Oerosouskraal 161 J. D. Sutton 68 1928-12-18
A: 02447174 Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex F. M. C. de M. de Ficalho & W. P. Hiern South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown distr., Farm Vrolikspan E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 164 1986-1-18
A: 02447173 Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex F. M. C. de M. de Ficalho & W. P. Hiern South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaat Nat. Res. Perseel 1, KJ... N. van Rooyen 2301 1979
A: 02447172 Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex F. M. C. de M. de Ficalho & W. P. Hiern South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Cradock Common R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4449 1969-3-27
A: 02447171 Eragrostis obtusa Munro ex F. M. C. de M. de Ficalho & W. P. Hiern South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaatdam Nat. Res. NO Hoek N. van Rooyen 2558 1980
GH: 02447185 Eragrostis pallens Hackel South Africa: Farm Palmyra, 60 miles northwest of Vryburg R. J. Rodin 3596 1948-2-5
GH: 02447192 Eragrostis patens Oliver South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Horticultural Research Station. N... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2317 1931-3
A: 02447187 Eragrostis patens Oliver South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Transvaal. Timbavati Private Nat. Res., Farm... N. Zambatis 1738
GH: 02447213 Eragrostis plana Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province East Loudon; near Kefani River South E. E. Galpin 5822 1900-12-25
A: 02447212 Eragrostis plana Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 3 km E of Idutywa L. Smook 5581 1985
A: 02447211 Eragrostis plana Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 17 km N of Lusikisiki on road to F... L. Smook 5414 1985-2-22
A: 02447210 Eragrostis plana Nees South Africa: Free State Province Orange Free State. Ficksburg Distr., Sterkfo... N. Jarman 1 1970-1-14
A: 02447223 Eragrostis porosa Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Kimberley Laura Ross 1946-5
A: 02447219 Eragrostis porosa Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Province, Kimberley M. Wilman 1940-2
A: 02447218 Eragrostis porosa Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Province, Kimberley M. Wilman 1950-3
A: 02447217 Eragrostis porosa Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Kimberley; Park Rd. M. Wilman 1947-12
A: 02447216 Eragrostis porosa Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province 38 km NW of Alldays at new bridge over Mogal... L. Smook 5343 1985
A: 02447228 Eragrostis racemosa (Thunberg) Steudel South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaat Nat. Res. N. van Rooyen 2540 1980
A: 02447227 Eragrostis racemosa (Thunberg) Steudel South Africa: Gauteng Province Bophuthat = Swana. Pilanesberg Selaledi & S. Sekhaolelo 93 1985
A: 02447238 Eragrostis rigidior Pilger South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. Ellisras, Villa Nora. on the farm... R. H. Westfall 1682 1984-4-14
A: 01583880 Eragrostis sarmentosa (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province at Betty's Bay. Caledon division R. N. Parker 4736 1952-5-29
GH: 01583881 Eragrostis sarmentosa (Thunberg) Trinius South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02447326 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Caledon R. [no data available]
GH: 02447319 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province St. Clair pr. Douglas, in ditime[?] Herbert K. Orpen 2000 1898-2
GH: 02447314 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province S. Africa. Port Natal W. H. Harvey 59
GH: 02447310 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg, Ivl. Meisiesvlei. I. B. Pole-Evans 3086 1931
GH: 02447303 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Cap. B. S. [no data available]
GH: 02447337 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Prinshof Plot 22 H. G. W. J. Schweickerdt 1934-1-29
A: 02447334 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province S. Africa: Kimberley M. Wilman 1946-4
A: 02447330 Eragrostis sp. South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria, Lvl. Collected at Hamans... J. A. Pentz 7820 1928-12
A: 01583891 Eragrostis spinosa (Linnaeus f.) Trinius South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown, Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5732 1973-5-17
GH: 01583901 Eragrostis subulata Nees South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
A: 01583903 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: At Swartspruit on way to Hartebees... G. K. Theron 11 1964
A: 01583905 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch South Africa: Gauteng Province 20-30 Meilen nordöstlich von Pretoria E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1310 1958
A: 01583914 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch South Africa: Limpopo Province 4 km W of Alldays, Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5307 1985
A: 01583915 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch South Africa: Limpopo Province 46 km W NW of Alldays L. Smook 5348 1985
A: 01583917 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch South Africa: Limpopo Province Ellisras, Afguns. Mogol Nature Reserve R. H. Westfall 1684 1984-4-16
A: 01583918 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch South Africa: Transvaal Province Beauty, Berg. E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1798 1959
GH: 02447268 Eragrostis tincta S. M. Phillips South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Dooleu, top of, Natal E. M. Doidge H. 20567 1920-5-19
A: 02447267 Eragrostis tincta S. M. Phillips South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Mariepskop - Reitz's Grave H. P. v. der Schijff 6795 1966-7-14
A: 02447272 Eragrostis truncata Hackel South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Britstown distr., Farm Koppies E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 145 1986-1-16
A: 02447291 Eragrostis virescens J. Presl South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Transvaal. Wonderboom South. Du Toit 2804 1980-3-23
GH: 02447293 Eragrostis wilmsii Stapf South Africa: Vryburg, Lake[?]. Armoedenlakte A. Theiler H 20252 1920
GH: 02542707 Erianthus capensis Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. Spei. [data not captured]
GH: 02542706 Erianthus capensis Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Griqualand West: Hay Div.: Griqualand W. J. Burchell 1901
GH: 02542706 Erianthus capensis Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Griqualand West: Herbert Div.: Lower Campbel... W. J. Burchell 1810
GH: 02542710 Erianthus villosus Steudel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. S. [data not captured]
GH: 02542636 Eriochrysis pallida Munro South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Nelspruit - Kaope Hoop Rd, 12 mi. out L. C. C. Liebenberg 2552 1931-6
A: 02447362 Eustachys paspaloides (Vahl) D. Lanza & G. E. Mattei South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Transvaal. Pretoria Distr., Roodep... N. van Rooyen 2157 1979-11-16
A: 02447361 Eustachys paspaloides (Vahl) D. Lanza & G. E. Mattei South Africa: Transvaal Province Timbavati Private Nat. Res., Farm Kempiana 9... N. Zambatis 1745
A: 02447359 Eustachys paspaloides (Vahl) D. Lanza & G. E. Mattei South Africa: Limpopo Province Roedtan: Farm Sedan; SE of Roedtan G. L. Rossouw 24 1993
GH: 02433504 Festuca caprina Nees South Africa: Transvaal. Mooi River. A. O. D. Mogg 3352 1918-10-30
GH: 02433503 Festuca caprina Nees South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Zwischen Lydenburg n. Sabie (Long Tom Pass);... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2109 1959-1-31
A: 02433502 Festuca caprina Nees South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Transvaal. Dullstroom: Vrischgewaagd is Half... B. K. Drews 146 1980-11-26
A: 02433512 Festuca costata Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Zwischen Pass-Strabe Maclear und Naudes Nek. E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1130 1958-11-19
GH: 02433511 Festuca costata Nees South Africa: Montis Boschberg P. MacOwan 1323
GH: 02452797 Festuca costata Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [data not captured]
GH: 02433527 Festuca patula Desfontaines South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
GH: 02433533 Festuca scabra Vahl South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei Lehmann
GH: 02433534 Festuca scabra Vahl South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02433532 Festuca scabra Vahl South Africa: Western Cape Province Helderberg. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4252 1947-9-14
A: 02433531 Festuca scabra Vahl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Cape. National Botanic Gardens, K... P. C. V. du Toit 1350
GH: 02433561 Festuca sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Manitiei Capensei prope Capetown P. MacOwan 1795
GH: 02433761 Festuca sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope [no data available]
A: 02447373 Fingerhuthia africana Nees ex Lehmann South Africa: Northern Cape Province North of Vanwyksvlei on Kenhardt road; De Na... L. Smook 9542 1996-1-24
GH: 02447367 Fingerhuthia africana Nees ex Lehmann South Africa: C. B. S. J. G. C. Lehmann 1889
GH: 02447371 Fingerhuthia africana Nees ex Lehmann South Africa: Kahhari Desert. About 150 miles northwest of... R. J. Rodin 3570 1948-2-8
A: 02447377 Fingerhuthia sesleriiformis Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Between Belligl + Ermelo. Cultivated at the ... I. B. Pole-Evans & C. J. J. Van Re... 1935-10
GH: 02433569 Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz & Thellung South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3961 1945
A: 02433026 Geochloa lupulina (Linnaeus f.) N. P. Barker & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei. Lehmann
A: 02433025 Geochloa lupulina (Linnaeus f.) N. P. Barker & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: 02433029 Geochloa rufa (Nees) N. P. Barker & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province in pede mont. Tabularis [Table Mountain] [no data available] 1832-11
GH: 02433028 Geochloa rufa (Nees) N. P. Barker & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province circa Simon's Town H. Bolus 3337
A: 02433027 Geochloa rufa (Nees) N. P. Barker & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Ceres, Mitchells Pass H. P. Linder 5450 1991-10-12
A: 02433573 Hainardia sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4936 1953
GH: 02447386 Harpochloa altera Rendle South Africa: Mariepskop. E. - Tvl. Between road and beaco... H. P. v. der Schijff 6329 1963
GH: 02447392 Harpochloa capensis Kunth South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Lidgetton A. O. D. Mogg 1309 1918-10-1
GH: 02447391 Harpochloa capensis Kunth South Africa: In planitie summi montis Buschberg pone Some... P. MacOwan 790 1886-12
A: 02447393 Harpochloa falx (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Zwischen Passtrasse Maclear und Naudes Nek E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1137 1958-11-19
GH: 00023810 Helictotrichon longum (Stapf) Schweickerdt South Africa: VanKamps Bay P. MacOwan 1793 1896-10
GH: 02542657 Hemarthria altissima (Poiret) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: White River L. C. C. Liebenberg 2395 1931-3
A: 02542655 Hemarthria altissima (Poiret) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Tul. Pretoria. Van Riebeeck Nature... P. D. F. Kok 171
GH: 02542654 Hemarthria altissima (Poiret) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellen bosch division. R. N. Parker 3779 1943-1-20
GH: 02542932 Hemarthria compressa (Linnaeus f.) R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Prov.; Cape Div.: by the Salt River and... W. J. Burchell
GH: 02542930 Hemarthria compressa (Linnaeus f.) R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Prov.; Uitenhage Div.: Zwartkopsrivier [no data available]
GH: 02542931 Hemarthria compressa (Linnaeus f.) R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. N. of Eleub. [no data available]
GH: 02542659 Hemarthria sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Port Natal W. H. Harvey 36
GH: 02542697 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Transvaal Province Mondeor Reserve near Kilpsriviersberg, 9 km ... M. Bourell, R. Patterson & R. Robi... 2678 1985-3-25
A: 02542695 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: University Road. G. K. Theron 48 1964-2-29
GH: 02542681 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province West of Harz River near Taungus, 75 miles no... R. J. Rodin 3652 1948-2-13
A: 02542673 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Western Cape Province Schaapenberg under 100 m. Somerset West. Ste... R. N. Parker 4697 1951
A: 02542669 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown distr., Farm Vrolikspan E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 185 1986-1-18
A: 02542668 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Hofmeyr distr. Farm Echodale. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 330 1986-1-22
A: 02542667 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Transvaal Province Zwischen Waterport, Strasse Louis Trichardt ... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1981 1959-1-22
A: 02542663 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Transvaal Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria. L. Smook 5306 1985
A: 02542662 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown distr., Farm Smouskloof. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 63 1986-1-15
A: 02542660 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Transvaal Province Ellisras, Villa Nora. on the farm Groenefont... R. H. Westfall 1678 1984-4-13
GH: 02541094 Heteropogon glaber Persoon South Africa: Cap. J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02542705 Heteropogon sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope Wilkes Expedition 1838
GH: 02542702 Heteropogon sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griquatown: Griqualand West H. W. R. Marloth 845 1886-1
GH: 02433929 Hordeum capense Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province in ubginopis pore Riet Valley [data not captured] 1832-11
A: 02433936 Hordeum leporinum Link South Africa: Western Cape Province C. P. Between Van Rhynsdorp and Van Rhynpass... H. P. v. der Schijff 7209 1967-8-17
A: 02433938 Hordeum murinum Linnaeus South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Namakwaland. Between Kammieskroon and ... H. P. v. der Schijff 6998 1967-7-20
GH: 02433940 Hordeum murinum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province at Strand. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3942 1944
A: 02433939 Hordeum murinum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Strand. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4805 1952
A: 02433936 Hordeum murinum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province C. P. Between Van Rhynsdorp and Van Rhynpass... H. P. v. der Schijff 7209 1967-8-17
GH: 02542715 Hyparrhenia anamesa Clayton South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province 5 miles northwest of Ladysmith R. K. Godfrey SH-1894 1953-2-20
GH: 02542714 Hyparrhenia anamesa Clayton South Africa: Transvaal Province About 9 miles west of Krugersdorp on Farm Gl... R. J. Rodin 3821 1948-2-22
GH: 02542713 Hyparrhenia anamesa Clayton South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province near Dargle R. K. Godfrey SH-1916 1953-2-25
A: 02542712 Hyparrhenia anamesa Clayton South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei, 3128 DC, 4 km SW of Elliotdale. L. Smook 5648 1985
A: 02542711 Hyparrhenia anamesa Clayton South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei, 3228 BA. 25 Km W of Dweza Nat. Res... L. Smook 5609 1985
A: 02542722 Hyparrhenia cymbaria Stapf South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 19 km from Port St Johns on road t... L. Smook 5541 1985
A: 02542836 Hyparrhenia dissoluta (Nees ex Steudel) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Waterberge, zwischen Warmbad und Nylstroom. E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1634 1959
A: 02542744 Hyparrhenia dregeana (Nees) Stapf ex Stent South Africa: Transvaal Province 5 km N of Kriel. L. Smook 5058 1984
A: 02542743 Hyparrhenia dregeana (Nees) Stapf ex Stent South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaat Nat. Res. N. van Rooyen 2304 1979-12-30
A: 02542742 Hyparrhenia dregeana (Nees) Stapf ex Stent South Africa: Transvaal Province About 9 miles west of Krugersdorp on Farm Gl... R. J. Rodin 3822 1948-2-22
A: 02542763 Hyparrhenia filipendula pilosa (Hochstetter) Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province Pretoria Distr., Roodeplaatdam Nat. Res. Rel... N. van Rooyen 2593 1980-1-15
GH: 02542802 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: Cape Province. West of Harz River near Taung... R. J. Rodin 3624 1948-2-11
A: 02542783 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: University road. G. K. Theron 50 1964-2-29
A: 02542780 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr distr. Farm Echodale. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 350 1986-1-22
A: 02542779 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province Thabazimbi, Kransberg, 20 m N of road 3rd te... R. H. Westfall 818 1980
GH: 02542799 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02542798 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02542802 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: Cape Province. West of Harz River near Taung... R. J. Rodin 3624 1948-2-11
GH: 02542799 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02542798 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Simon's Bay C. Wright
A: 02542783 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: University road. G. K. Theron 50 1964-2-29
A: 02542780 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr distr. Farm Echodale. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 350 1986-1-22
A: 02542779 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: Transvaal Province Thabazimbi, Kransberg, 20 m N of road 3rd te... R. H. Westfall 818 1980
A: 02542832 Hyparrhenia sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Steynsburg Dist. Farm Palmskop Karroid... E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 299 1986-1-21
A: 02542825 Hyparrhenia sp. South Africa: Drakensberge, Cathedral Peak E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1469 1958-12-19
GH: 02542818 Hyparrhenia tamba (Hochstetter ex Steudel) Andersson ex Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Prov. Alexandria dist. on Grahamstown/P... A. J. Mullins 820511
A: 02542872 Imperata cylindrica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Transvaal Province Pretoria Distr., Roodeplaat Nat. Red. Ou lan... N. van Rooyen 2318 1979-12-30
A: 02542860 Imperata cylindrica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Transvaal Province Pretoria, an der N-Ausfallstrasse, ca. 8 Mei... H. U. Stauffer & J. C. Scheppers 5259 1963-10-8
GH: 02542852 Imperata cylindrica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Northern Cape Province Griqualand West: Upper Campbell W. J. Burchell 1833
GH: 02542851 Imperata cylindrica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Clanwilliam Div.: Olifants rivie... [no data available]
GH: 02542850 Imperata cylindrica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. S. [Cap bonae spei] [illegible]
GH: 02542851 Imperata thunbergii (Retzius) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Clanwilliam Div.: Olifants rivie... [no data available]
GH: 02542850 Imperata thunbergii (Retzius) Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. S. [Cap bonae spei] [illegible]
A: 02542875 Ischaemum afrum (J. F. Gmelin) Dandy South Africa: Transvaal Province Plants grown at College Station in nursery o... F. W. Gould 1955-8-16
A: 02542875 Ischaemum glaucostachyum Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province Plants grown at College Station in nursery o... F. W. Gould 1955-8-16
GH: 02542887 Ischaemum purpurascens Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Nespruit L. C. C. Liebenberg 2389 1931-4
GH: 00914139 Karroochloa curva (Nees) Conert & Türpe South Africa: Cap. [Cape] C. F. Ecklon
GH: 00914144 Karroochloa purpurea (Linnaeus f.) Conert & Türpe South Africa: [no additional data] J. F. Drège
GH: 02433241 Karroochloa purpurea (Linnaeus f.) Conert & Türpe South Africa: Western Cape Province pr. pagum Masiesfontein [Matjiesfontein] P. MacOwan 1999
A: 02433240 Karroochloa purpurea (Linnaeus f.) Conert & Türpe South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Ceres, nr Welgemoed NE of Waboomsbe... H. P. Linder 5449 1991-10-12
A: 02433239 Karroochloa purpurea (Linnaeus f.) Conert & Türpe South Africa: Eastern Cape Province near Seymour, Eastern Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7938 1976
GH: 02433238 Karroochloa purpurea (Linnaeus f.) Conert & Türpe South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Sterkstroom, in diti[?] Queestown T. R. Sim 1694
GH: 02433214 Karroochloa schismoides (Stapf ex Conert) Conert & Türpe South Africa: Northern Cape Province Richtersveld. Between Khubus and Lekkersing H. P. Linder 5411 1991-10-6
A: 02433581 Koeleria capensis Nees South Africa: Free State Province O. F. S. Winburg. William Pretorius-Wildtuin
GH: 02433580 Koeleria capensis Nees South Africa: C. B. S. [no data available] 297
GH: 02433584 Koeleria cristata Persoon South Africa: Western Cape Province Lourensford estate, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3954 1944-11-29
A: 02433583 Koeleria cristata Persoon South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Rooi Els. Caledon division R. N. Parker 4932 1953-11-11
GH: 02433592 Koeleria gerrardii Munro ex Bentham & Hooker f. South Africa: summi montis Malowe in Griqualand East E. L. Tyson 1217
A: 02433597 Koeleria phleoides (Villars) Persoon South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4815 1952-10-22
A: 02433624 Lagurus ovatus Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Pinelands, Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4377 1968
GH: 02433625 Lamarckia aurea (Linnaeus) Moench South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02433794 Lasiagrostis capensis Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02433216 Lasiochloa ciliaris Kunth South Africa: Western Cape Province In colle "Signal" R. A. Dümmer 50D
GH: 02433222 Lasiochloa hirta (Schrader) Kunth South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02433221 Lasiochloa hirta (Schrader) Kunth South Africa: Cap. B. S. [no data available]
GH: 02433223 Lasiochloa hirta (Schrader) Kunth South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02433237 Lasiochloa obtusifolia Nees South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
A: 02434091 Leersia hexandra Swartz South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Ntsubane Forest Station. Empty hou... L. Smook 5520
A: 02434090 Leersia hexandra Swartz South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Transvaal. Pretoria Distr. Roodepl... N. van Rooyen 2601
GH: 02434084 Leersia oryzoides (Linnaeus) Swartz South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Uitenhage [no data available] 510
GH: 02447397 Leptocarydion vulpiastrum (De Notaris) Stapf South Africa: Limpopo Province Between W. Nicholson + Mesina I. B. Pole-Evans 2679 1930-5-13
GH: 02447396 Leptocarydion vulpiastrum (De Notaris) Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Research Station, Nelspruit, Barb... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2445 1931-4
GH: 02447402 Leptochloa eleusine (Nees) T. A. Cope & N. W. Snow South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Prinshof Plot 18 H. G. W. J. Schweickerdt
A: 02447416 Leptochloa fusca (Linnaeus) Kunth South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. 16 km NW of Tolwe L. Smook 5356 1985-1-10
GH: 02447415 Leptochloa fusca (Linnaeus) Kunth South Africa: Cap. J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02447408 Leptochloa fusca (Linnaeus) Kunth South Africa: Cap [no data available]
A: 02447405 Leptochloa fusca (Linnaeus) Kunth South Africa: Western Cape Province between Stand and Gordon's Bay R. N. Parker 4263 1947
A: 02447404 Leptochloa fusca (Linnaeus) Kunth South Africa: Northern Cape Province north of Vanwyksvlei on Kenhardt road; De Na... L. Smook 9545 1966-1-24
GH: 02447426 Leptochloa sp. South Africa: Regio: Kalahariensis[?]. Vereinzelfe Standen... H. W. R. Marloth 1039 1886-2
A: 02433573 Lepturus cylindricus (Willdenow) Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4936 1953
GH: 02433633 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Elliot, C. P. at Pruishef[?] J. A. Pentz 8324 1929-12-27
GH: 02433632 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck South Africa: Free State Province Gauresmith[?], OFS M. G. A. Henrici 1914 1929
A: 02433631 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck South Africa: Transvaal Province Nasionale Botaniese Tuin - Transvaal Roodepo... C. M. Behr 677
GH: 02433633 Lolium perenne multiflorum (Lamarck) Husnot South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Elliot, C. P. at Pruishef[?] J. A. Pentz 8324 1929-12-27
GH: 02433632 Lolium perenne multiflorum (Lamarck) Husnot South Africa: Free State Province Gauresmith[?], OFS M. G. A. Henrici 1914 1929
A: 02433631 Lolium perenne multiflorum (Lamarck) Husnot South Africa: Transvaal Province Nasionale Botaniese Tuin - Transvaal Roodepo... C. M. Behr 677
A: 02541738 Loudetia flavida (Stapf) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaatdam Nat. Res. N. van Rooyen 2163 1979-11-16
A: 02541737 Loudetia flavida (Stapf) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Gauteng Province Bophuthatswana: Pilanesberg Nat. Res. S. M. Stent & J. M. Rattray 1 1984-1-17
GH: 02541752 Loudetia simplex (Nees) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Barberton, Ivl. G. Thorncroft 1930-5
GH: 02541751 Loudetia simplex (Nees) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Research Station, Nelsprait L. C. C. Liebenberg 2488 1931-2
A: 02541748 Loudetia simplex (Nees) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal - Valley of 1000 Hills. between Kloof ... M. McCallum-Webster N 152 1958-12-21
GH: 02542657 Manisuris sp. South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: White River L. C. C. Liebenberg 2395 1931-3
GH: 02433638 Melica caffrorum Schrader South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. Lehmann
A: 02433641 Melica decumbens (Linnaeus) Weber South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Varseputs H. P. v. der Schijff 8119 1967-8-14
GH: 02433646 Melica racemosa Thunberg South Africa: Free State Province Kroonstad, O. F. S. Near Vales R. J. W. Pont 570 1929-10
A: 02433645 Melica racemosa Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 49 from Port St Johns on road to U... L. Smook 5559
GH: 02541773 Melinis minutiflora P. Beauvois South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Penburths farm near Godivan River Station, L... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2452 1931-4
GH: 02541810 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bau. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02541807 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541806 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Graaff Reinet H. Bolus 257 1866-3
GH: 02541803 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3859 1943-10-19
A: 02541788 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Limpopo Province Westfalia Estate, Duiwelskloof, N. Transvaal J. J. Bos 1116 1963
GH: 02541786 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Transvaal Province between Hamanskraal and Rust de Winter R. K. Godfrey & A. D. J. Meeuse SH-1598 1953-1-9
A: 02541784 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 1,5 km W of Holy Cross Mission Pop... L. Smook 5490 1985-2-25
A: 02541783 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Transvaal Province Ellisras, Villa Nora. On the farm Groenefont... R. H. Westfall 1680 1984-4-14
A: 02541781 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: Northern Cape Province NW of Campbell. Broken Hill farm L. Smook 9700 1996-1-29
A: 02541781 Melinis repens grandiflora (Hochstetter) Zizka South Africa: Northern Cape Province NW of Campbell. Broken Hill farm L. Smook 9700 1996-1-29
GH: 02447987 Merxmuellera arundinacea (P. J. Bergius) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Olanwilliam, Pakhuis Pass. H. P. Linder 5442 1991-10-10
GH: 02447986 Merxmuellera arundinacea (P. J. Bergius) Conert South Africa: Cap Lehmann
GH: 02447985 Merxmuellera arundinacea (P. J. Bergius) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province 77 [Worcester, Tulbagskloof (Nieuwekloof) , ... [see remarks]
GH: 02433034 Merxmuellera cincta (Nees) Conert South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Regio Orientalis. In udis montnius circa How... P. MacOwan
GH: 02433202 Merxmuellera disticha (Nees) Conert South Africa: 112 [Cis-Garipina (S. of Orange R.), Zuurepo... [see remarks]
A: 02433200 Merxmuellera disticha (Nees) Conert South Africa: Eastern Cape Province North East of Rhodes on farm bordering townl... L. Smook 10348 1999
GH: 02433198 Merxmuellera disticha (Nees) Conert South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Graham's town [Grahamstown]. S. Africa [no data available]
A: 02433035 Merxmuellera drakensbergensis (Schweickerdt) Conert South Africa: Kap Prov. Zwischen Passtrasse Maclear und Na... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1139 1958-11-19
A: 02433026 Merxmuellera lupulina (Thunberg) Conert South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei. Lehmann
A: 02433025 Merxmuellera lupulina (Thunberg) Conert South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
A: 02433037 Merxmuellera macowanii (Stapf) Conert South Africa: Drakensberg (nördl.) Mariepskop (Spitze) E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1908 1959-1-17
GH: 02433040 Merxmuellera papposa (Nees) Conert South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei Lehmann
GH: 02433029 Merxmuellera rufa (Nees) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province in pede mont. Tabularis [Table Mountain] [no data available] 1832-11
GH: 02433028 Merxmuellera rufa (Nees) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province circa Simon's Town H. Bolus 3337
A: 02433027 Merxmuellera rufa (Nees) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Ceres, Mitchells Pass H. P. Linder 5450 1991-10-12
A: 02433209 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Weenen District. Tabamhlope. (Table M... [data not captured] A.11457 1945-4-26
GH: 02433210 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Stellenbosch, Cape. Veld between van der Ste... C. A. Smith 4800 1927
A: 02433212 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Above Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4308 1948
GH: 02433208 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: C. B. S. [no data available]
A: 02433206 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: W. Cape. Ceres, Katbakkies pass H. P. Linder 5448 1991-10-12
A: 02433205 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Nieuwoudtville camp site H. P. Linder 5428 1991-10-9
GH: 02433204 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: C. B. S. Lehmann
A: 02433203 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province Namaqualand. At summit of Kamiesberg pass be... H. P. Linder 5421 1991-10-7
GH: 02433202 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: 112 [Cis-Garipina (S. of Orange R.), Zuurepo... [see remarks]
A: 02433200 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province North East of Rhodes on farm bordering townl... L. Smook 10348 1999
GH: 02433198 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Graham's town [Grahamstown]. S. Africa [no data available]
A: 02433209 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Weenen District. Tabamhlope. (Table M... [data not captured] A.11457 1945-4-26
GH: 02433210 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province Stellenbosch, Cape. Veld between van der Ste... C. A. Smith 4800 1927
A: 02433212 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province Above Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4308 1948
GH: 02433208 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: C. B. S. [no data available]
A: 02433206 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: W. Cape. Ceres, Katbakkies pass H. P. Linder 5448 1991-10-12
A: 02433205 Merxmuellera stricta (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Nieuwoudtville camp site H. P. Linder 5428 1991-10-9
GH: 02445660 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Queenstown, CP. E. E. Galpin 5864 1901-2-27
GH: 02445661 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal; 'Glen Arum', Balgowan A. O. D. Mogg 5001 1919-10-23
GH: 02445658 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: C. B. Spei B. Boivin
GH: 02445659 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. Lehmann
A: 02445654 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province West of Rhodes; Maartenshoek River valley; M... L. Smook 10441 1999-12-12
A: 02445653 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Trans. Wolmaransstad. 4 km suid van wolmaran... A. E. Van Wyk 2205 1978-3-25
A: 02445652 Microchloa caffra Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 41 km E of Umtata on road to Port ... L. Smook 5569 1985-2-28
GH: 02445675 Microchloa setacea R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Klapper Kop. Pretoria D. M. Skead 77 1929-3
A: 02542900 Miscanthus junceus (Stapf) Pilger South Africa: Transvaal Province Lorhiel [?], 2. hoch[?] E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2224 1959
A: 02542899 Miscanthus junceus (Stapf) Pilger South Africa: Transvaal Province Zwischen Vaalwater und Elmeston E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1762 1959
GH: 02542940 Monerma P. Beauvois South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02542908 Monocymbium ceresiiforme (Nees) Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province just behind Nelspruit, Barbertan L. C. C. Liebenberg 2380 1931-6
GH: 02542907 Monocymbium ceresiiforme (Nees) Stapf South Africa: Natal Mount aux Sources A. P. D. McClean & A. J. W. Bayer 19 1926-2-14
A: 02542901 Monocymbium ceresiiforme (Nees) Stapf South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 49 km NW of Umtata. Mhlanlane Fore... L. Smook 5690 1985
A: 02445718 Odyssea paucinervis (Nees) Stapf South Africa: Limpopo Province 15 km N of Vivo on road to Alldays L. Smook 5279 1985
A: 02541847 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Ntsubane forest on road to Mbotyi L. Smook 5524 1985-2-26
A: 02541830 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 49 km NW of Umtata. Mhlanlane Fore... L. Smook 5687 c 1985
GH: 02541851 Oplismenus hirtellus capensis (Hochstetter) Mez ex U. Scholz South Africa: Collapsing near Grahamloion[?] in Kloof fore... R. A. Dyer 1482
A: 02541850 Oplismenus hirtellus capensis (Hochstetter) Mez ex U. Scholz South Africa: Limpopo Province Westfalia Estate, N. Transvaal J. J. Bos 1139 1963
GH: 02541914 Panicum coloratum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541913 Panicum coloratum Linnaeus South Africa: About 150 miles northwest of Vryburg. near H... R. J. Rodin 3581 1948-2-7
A: 02541904 Panicum coloratum Linnaeus South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Britstown distr., Farm Volstruispoort.... E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 49 1986-1-14
GH: 02541914 Panicum coloratum capense Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541488 Panicum commutatum Schultes South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Port Natal W. H. Harvey 28
GH: 02541489 Panicum commutatum Schultes South Africa: Cap. Bei. Spei. Lehmann
GH: 02541926 Panicum deustum Thunberg South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Albany, G. P. Grahamstown - Cultiv... J. A. Pentz 8335 1929-11-28
GH: 02541925 Panicum deustum Thunberg South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg, Lvl. Zebediela Estates. I. B. Pole-Evans 3111 1931-1-14
GH: 02541924 Panicum deustum Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Mkambati Game Reserve. Mkambati Ri... L. Smook 5452 1985-2-23
A: 02541923 Panicum deustum Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Ntsubane Forest on road to Mbotyi L. Smook 5528 1985-2-26
A: 02541922 Panicum deustum Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cradock Road, Grahamstown, Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4204 1968-5-18
GH: 02541928 Panicum diffusum Swartz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bon. Spei. J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02541935 Panicum dregeanum Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Pyramid Estate near Patgietepryst E. E. Galpin 8870 1921
A: 02541930 Panicum dregeanum Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Mkambati Game Reserve. Daza River. L. Smook 5443 1985-2-23
A: 02541939 Panicum ecklonii Nees South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Meteor Ridge, Mooi River A. O. D. Mogg 3187 1918-10-26
A: 02541938 Panicum ecklonii Nees South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Underberg distr., Sunset. To track. M. A. Rennie 1549 1984
A: 02541960 Panicum gilvum Launert South Africa: Transvaal Province 16 km NW of Tolwe. Vlei area near farmlands ... L. Smook 5355 1985
GH: 02541965 Panicum hirticaule J. Presl South Africa: Transvaal Province Ost-Afrika: Transcaal. fri[?]] Mara R. Schlechter
A: 02541973 Panicum impeditum Launert South Africa: Northern Cape Province North of Vanwyksvlei on Kenhardt road; De Na... L. Smook 9546 1996-1-24
A: 02541991 Panicum laticomum Nees South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Aspect E. Zululand. Langs pad deur wo... A. E. Van Wyk 2528 1979
A: 02541998 Panicum longijubatum (Stapf) Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4855 1953-3-14
GH: 02444013 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bon. Spei. J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02444008 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria, Lvl. C. A. Smith 2239
GH: 02444007 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Transvaal Province Pyramid Estate near Patquitescrest[?] E. E. Galpin 8871 1921-2-26
GH: 02444006 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Research Station Nelopruit. Barberton, Trans... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2501 1931-2
ECON: 02444005 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: 256 m NW of Molepolole R. Story 4969 1955-6-23
A: 02444001 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Grahamstown. Albany dist. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7262 1976-1-30
A: 02444038 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Cradock Common R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4447 1969-3-27
A: 02444036 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Farm Llöngelegeu [see label for additional ... R. H. W. Seydel 2632 1961-2-28
GH: 02444035 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Transvaal Province near Pienaars River R. K. Godfrey & A. D. J. Meeuse SH-1589 1953-1-9
GH: 02444034 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Transvaal Province between lower Sabie and Skukuza, Kruger Nati... R. K. Godfrey SH-1704 1953-1-17
GH: 02444031 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal: at Bisley, near Pietermaritzburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1911 1953-2-23
GH: 02444030 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Transvaal: at Silverton R. K. Godfrey SH-1876 1953-2-17
A: 02444029 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria. L. Smook 5285 1985
A: 02444028 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr distr. Farm Grootfontein E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 405 1986-1-23
A: 02444027 Panicum maximum Jacquin South Africa: Limpopo Province 15 km W of Tolwe. Terminalia veld L. Smook 5365 1985-1-10
GH: 02444023 Panicum monachne Trinius South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Research Station, Nelspruit, Barberton, Tran... L. C. C. Liebenberg 2709 1930-12
A: 02444047 Panicum natalense Hochstetter South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Marepskop. Eastern Transvaal. Near Reitz's g... H. P. Van der Schijff 5987 1962
A: 02444045 Panicum natalense Hochstetter South Africa: Drakensberge, Oliviershoek-Pass E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1504 1958-12-20
A: 02444044 Panicum natalense Hochstetter South Africa: Drakensberge, Oliviershoek-Pass E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1497 1958-12-20
A: 02444043 Panicum natalense Hochstetter South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Underberg Distr., 2929 CB, Chameleon ... O. M. Hilliard & B. L. Burtt 17821 1984-12-2
GH: 02444060 Panicum numidianum Lamarck South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province [?] Nata. S. Africa [no data available]
GH: 02444059 Panicum numidianum Lamarck South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02444058 Panicum numidianum Lamarck South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bon. Spei. J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02444096 Panicum proliferum Lamarck South Africa: Transvaal Province Pyramid Estate. near Patgeleslust[?] E. E. Galpin 8872 1921-3-29
A: 02444108 Panicum repens Linnaeus South Africa: Südwest-Afrika. Bodenhausen. Feuchde stekke... R. H. W. Seydel 1848 1959-3-13
A: 02444106 Panicum repens Linnaeus South Africa: bei Farm Bodenhausen. Fast die Duhte [?] bra... R. H. W. Seydel 2690 1961-3-23
GH: 02444126 Panicum serratum (Thunberg) Sprengel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province [no additional data] [no data available]
GH: 02444125 Panicum serratum (Thunberg) Sprengel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. Spei. Cape of Good Hope. [illegible]
GH: 02541810 Panicum sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. Bau. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02444175 Panicum sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02444171 Panicum sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. [illegible] [no data available]
GH: 02541494 Panicum sp. South Africa: Cap. Bei. Sp. Lehmann
A: 02444133 Panicum stapfianum Fourcade South Africa: Free State Province 14 miles northwest of Smithfield R. K. Godfrey SH-1550 1953-1-5
GH: 02444132 Panicum stapfianum Fourcade South Africa: Free State Province 20 miles southwest of Tromsburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1394 1952-12-11
GH: 02444140 Panicum subquadriparum Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02444863 Pappophorum scabrum (Lehmann) Kunth South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Namakwaland H. P. v. der Schijff 6928 1967-7-19
GH: 02542940 Parapholis filiformis (Roth) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
A: 02444214 Paspalidium sp. South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Drakensberge, Cathedral Peak E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1471 1958-12-19
A: 02444213 Paspalidium sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Highlands R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4472 1969
A: 02444214 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Drakensberge, Cathedral Peak E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1471 1958-12-19
A: 02444213 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Highlands R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4472 1969
GH: 02444234 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 1942
A: 02444233 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Near Dweza Nature Reserve; Nqubara... L. Smook 5598 1985
A: 02444232 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Dweza Forest. L. Smook 5625 1985-3-3
A: 02444231 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 4 km SW of Elliotdale. L. Smook 5646 1985
A: 02444230 Paspalum dilatatum Poiret South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 3 km E of Idutywa L. Smook 5574 1985
GH: 02444236 Paspalum dissectum (Linnaeus) Linnaeus South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province at Hmpumulo; Natal John Buchanan 184
GH: 02444238 Paspalum distichum Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Aliwal North A. W. Higgins 1927
GH: 02444240 Paspalum notatum Flügge South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province near Pietermaritzburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1924 1953-2-27
A: 02444244 Paspalum polystachyum R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Transvaal. Carletonville, A. Bailey Nat. Res... S. van Wyk 439 1983-4
A: 02444255 Paspalum scrobiculatum Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Mkambati Game Reserve. Daza River.... L. Smook 5434 1985-2-23
A: 02444254 Paspalum scrobiculatum Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 17 km N of Lusikisiki on road to F... L. Smook 5415 1985-2-22
A: 01583857 Paspalum urvillei Steudel South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Mkambati Game Reserve. Gentle slop... L. Smook 5462 1985-2-23
A: 01583858 Paspalum urvillei Steudel South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 19 km from Port St Johns on road to Umgazi m... L. Smook 5545 1985-2-28
GH: 02541311 Pennisetum cenchroides Rich South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02541310 Pennisetum cenchroides Rich South Africa: Northern Cape Province prope St. Clair, Douglas. in ditive[?] Herbe... K. Orpen 1994 1897-9
GH: 02541300 Pennisetum cenchroides Rich South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Prieska: South Africa E. G. Bryant 618 1931-4
GH: 02541275 Pennisetum macrourum Trinius South Africa: In subhumidis adlatera montium Hottentoh Hol... P. MacOwan 1693 1896-2
A: 02541394 Pennisetum setaceum (Forsskål) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Fort Beaufort - Grahamstown road near Gonzan... A. F. M. G. Jacot Guillarmod 9522 1984
A: 02541403 Pennisetum sphacelatum (Nees) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei, 3 km E of Idutywa L. Smook 5582 1985
GH: 02541330 Pennisetum thunbergii Kunth South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. 'Glen Arum', Balgowan. A. O. D. Mogg 5566 1919-10-23
A: 02541328 Pennisetum thunbergii Kunth South Africa: Western Cape Province Betty's Bay. Caledon division. R. N. Parker 1952
A: 02541327 Pennisetum thunbergii Kunth South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Transvaal. Dullstroom: Vrischgewaagd is Half... B. K. Drews 157 1980-11-26
GH: 00914143 Pentameris airoides Nees South Africa: Cape C. F. Ecklon
GH: 02433041 Pentameris airoides Nees South Africa: Cap [no data available]
GH: 02433044 Pentameris ampla (Nees) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Sir Lowry Pass R. Schlechter 7212 1896-1-13
GH: 02433042 Pentameris ampla (Nees) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province On the bank of the Lourens river. Somerset W... R. N. Parker 1952-12-12
GH: 02433047 Pentameris aristidoides (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province In capidosis ad pedem montis Tabularis prone... P. MacOwan 793
GH: 02433046 Pentameris aristidoides (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: 02433045 Pentameris aristidoides (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkolonea, Lions Head A. Hafström 1936-9-19
A: 02433048 Pentameris aristifolia (Schweickerdt) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Namaqualand. Kamiesberg, Koringlandskloof H. P. Linder 5425 1991-10-8
GH: 02433049 Pentameris aspera (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkolonea, Taffelberge, afranka ... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-11-25
A: 02433051 Pentameris bachmannii (McClean) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Schaapenberg under 100 m. Somerset West. Ste... R. N. Parker 4700 1952
A: 02433054 Pentameris barbata (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Rooi Els to Pringle Bay R. N. Parker 4810 1952-10-13
A: 02433053 Pentameris barbata (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Northern Cape Province Nieuwoudtville 34 km on road to Moeverloor H. P. Linder 5436 1991-10-9
A: 02433052 Pentameris barbata (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
A: 02433056 Pentameris calcicola (H. P. Linder) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Bredasdorp, Wydgelee, on pass H. P. Linder 5469 1991-10-16
A: 02433055 Pentameris calcicola (H. P. Linder) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Bredasdorp, Wydgelee, on pass. to D... H. P. Linder 5468 1991-10-16
A: 02433056 Pentameris calcicola hirsuta (H. P. Linder) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Bredasdorp, Wydgelee, on pass H. P. Linder 5469 1991-10-16
A: 02433058 Pentameris capillaris (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: W. Cape. Calvinia, between Moedverloor and D... H. P. Linder 5439 1991-10-9
GH: 02433059 Pentameris cirrhulosa (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
A: 02433063 Pentameris colorata (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: between Rooi Els and Pringle Bay. C... R. N. Parker 4809 1952-10-13
A: 02433062 Pentameris colorata (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Riversdale, Garcias Pass H. P. Linder 5464 1991-10-16
GH: 02433061 Pentameris colorata (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: In lapidosis ad latera Montis Tabularis sept... P. MacOwan 1697
A: 02433060 Pentameris colorata (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: near Elgin. Caledon division R. N. Parker 4651 1951
GH: 02433100 Pentameris colorata (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap [no data available]
GH: 02433076 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright
A: 02433075 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Gordons Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 146 1958-9-23
A: 02433074 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Du Toit Pass (Paarl Pass) E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 740 1958-10-26
GH: 02433070 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope [no data available]
GH: 02433069 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Peninsulae Capensis R. A. Dümmer 53D
GH: 02433067 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: In lapidosis ad latera Montis Tabularis sept... P. MacOwan 1695
GH: 02433066 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: In lapidosis ad latera Montis Tabularis, sep... P. MacOwan 1696
GH: 02433065 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Cape Peninsula A. J. Eames 1937-10
GH: 02433064 Pentameris curvifolia (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkolomen, Lions Head A. Hafström 1936-9-19
GH: 00914143 Pentameris cyathophora Steudel South Africa: Cape C. F. Ecklon
A: 02433077 Pentameris dentata (Linnaeus f.) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Nieuwoudtville 3 km on road to Oorlogskloof H. P. Linder 5430 1991-10-9
GH: 02433079 Pentameris distichophylla (Lehmann) Nees South Africa: C. B. S. Lehmann
A: 02433078 Pentameris distichophylla (Lehmann) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Clanwilliam, Cedarberg, Middelberg ... H. P. Linder 5447 1991-10-10
GH: 00914148 Pentameris ecklonii (Nees) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. [illegible]
A: 02433080 Pentameris ecklonii (Nees) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Along N7 from Clanwilliam to Cape Town, ca 1... H. P. Linder 5402 1991-10-5
GH: 00914142 Pentameris elegans (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Cape C. F. Ecklon 148
GH: 02433081 Pentameris elegans (Nees) Steudel South Africa: S. Africa J. F. Drège
A: 02433088 Pentameris eriostoma (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Gauteng Province S. Cape. Heidelberg, at Verkykerskop between... H. P. Linder 5466 1991-10-16
A: 02433087 Pentameris eriostoma (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Western Cape Province S. W. Cape. Barrydale, Wildehondekloof Pass H. P. Linder 5454 1991-10-13
A: 02433086 Pentameris eriostoma (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Western Cape Province Calitzdorp, Rooiberg Pass H. P. Linder 5460 1991-10-16
GH: 02433082 Pentameris eriostoma (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: 00914140 Pentameris heptameris (Nees) Steudel South Africa: [Cape: Uitenhage] C. F. Ecklon 126
GH: 02433092 Pentameris macrocalycina (Steudel) Schweickerdt South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02433091 Pentameris macrocalycina (Steudel) Schweickerdt South Africa: Cap. b. Spei [no data available]
A: 02433098 Pentameris malouinensis (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Jonkershoek. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4686 1951-11-23
A: 02433097 Pentameris malouinensis (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: C. B. Spei. Lehmann
GH: 02433096 Pentameris malouinensis (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Province: 33.20 (Montagu) CD Swellendon... P. Goldblatt 8693 1987-12-4
GH: 02433095 Pentameris malouinensis (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkolomia, Tappelberget den A. Hafström 1934-12-9
A: 02433094 Pentameris malouinensis (Steudel) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: above Sir Lowry's Pass R. N. Parker 4710 1952-1-18
GH: 00023407 Pentameris obtusifolia (Hochstetter) Schweickerdt South Africa: W. J. Burchell 8076
GH: 02433102 Pentameris pallescens (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkolonea, Taffelberget, Orange ... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-11-20
GH: 02433100 Pentameris pallescens (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Cap [no data available]
GH: 02433101 Pentameris pallescens (Schrader) Nees South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
A: 02433127 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province S. W. Cape. Barrydale, Wildehondekloof Pass H. P. Linder 5452 1991-10-13
A: 02433125 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
A: 02433124 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap [no data available]
A: 02433122 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Kleinberg, Humansdorp Dist. Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4360 1968-10-28
GH: 02433121 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: C. B. S. Lehmann
GH: 02433119 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: C. B. S. Lehmann
GH: 02433117 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02433115 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02433112 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02433111 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
GH: 02433110 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
GH: 02433109 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province In colle "Signal" R. A. Dümmer 8b 1908-10
GH: 02433108 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright
GH: 02433107 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Sudafrika, Kapkolonea, Kloof nek [illegible]... A. Hafström 1934-11-8
GH: 02433106 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [data not captured]
A: 02433132 Pentameris patula (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Varseputs. H. P. v. der Schijff 8118 1967-8-14
A: 02433131 Pentameris patula (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Nieuwoudtville 23 km on road to Moe... H. P. Linder 5433 1991-10-9
A: 02433130 Pentameris patula (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Northern Cape Province Nieuwoudtville 23 km on road to Moeverloor H. P. Linder 5432 1991-10-9
A: 02433129 Pentameris patula (Nees) Steudel South Africa: Kap Prov. Het Kruis. E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 440 1958
GH: 02433134 Pentameris pholiuroides (Stapf) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: [no additional data] J. F. Drège
GH: 02433133 Pentameris pholiuroides (Stapf) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province Strand to Gordons Bay. Stellenbosch division... R. N. Parker 3745 1942-10-30
A: 02433135 Pentameris pungens (H. P. Linder) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Clanwilliam, Cedarberg, Middelberg ... H. P. Linder 5443 1991-10-10
A: 02433136 Pentameris rigidissima (Pilger ex H. P. Linder) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Oudtshoorn, Great Swartberg, Waboom... H. P. Linder 5458 1991-10-15
A: 02433137 Pentameris scandens (H. P. Linder) Galley South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Bredasdorp, De Dam, along road from... H. P. Linder 5471 1991-10-16
GH: 02433139 Pentameris setifolia (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Mount-Aux Sources Natal. Goodoo Bush A. W. Bayer & A. P. D. McClean 145 1926-2-18
GH: 02433153 Pentameris sp. South Africa: Peninsulae Capensis. In arenosis montis tabu... R. A. Dümmer 9 C
GH: 02433144 Pentameris thouarsii P. Beauvois South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. Lehmann
GH: 02433141 Pentameris thouarsii P. Beauvois South Africa: Western Cape Province Upper Lourens river valley. Stellenbosch div... R. N. Parker 3848 1943
A: 02433140 Pentameris thouarsii P. Beauvois South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. George, Montagu Pass H. P. Linder
GH: 00024231 Pentameris thouarsii burchellii Stapf South Africa: W. J. Burchell 6964
GH: 02433141 Pentameris thuarii P. Beauvois South Africa: Western Cape Province Upper Lourens river valley. Stellenbosch div... R. N. Parker 3848 1943
A: 02433140 Pentameris thuarii P. Beauvois South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. George, Montagu Pass H. P. Linder
A: 02433146 Pentameris tomentella (Stapf) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Namaqualand. At summit of Spektakle Pass H. P. Linder 5419 1991-10-7
A: 02433145 Pentameris tomentella (Stapf) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Between Garies and Kamieskroon, along N7 H. P. Linder 5406 1991-10-5
A: 02433148 Pentameris tortuosa (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Jonkershoek. Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 4680 1951-11-23
GH: 02433147 Pentameris tortuosa (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: 02433149 Pentameris triseta (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Nieuwoudtville 34 km on road to Moe... H. P. Linder 5434 1991-10-9
A: 02433151 Pentameris tysonii (Stapf) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Kap Prov. Zwischen Pass - Strabe Maclear und... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1135 1958-11-19
A: 02433152 Pentameris velutina (H. P. Linder) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Clanwilliam, Cedarberg, Middelberg ... H. P. Linder 5446 1991-10-10
GH: 02434280 Pentaschistis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Sudafrika, Kapkolonie, vid rajen[... A. Hapström 1934-11-16
GH: 00914143 Pentaschistis airoides Stapf South Africa: Cape C. F. Ecklon
GH: 02433953 Pentaschistis aristidoides (Thunberg) Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00024232 Pentaschistis burchellii Stapf South Africa: W. J. Burchell 6270
GH: 02433952 Pentaschistis curvifolia (Schrader) Stapf South Africa: [no additional data] R. A. Dümmer 29D 1908-11
GH: 00914142 Pentaschistis elegans (Nees) Stapf South Africa: Cape C. F. Ecklon 148
GH: 00914140 Pentaschistis heptamera (Nees) Stapf South Africa: [Cape: Uitenhage] C. F. Ecklon 126
GH: 00024234 Pentaschistis subulifolia Stapf South Africa: In Capidosis ad Catera Montis Tabularis, sep... P. MacOwan 1698 1893-9
A: 02445706 Perotis patens Gandoger South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberge, zwischen Warmbad und Nylstroom E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1637 1959
GH: 02433651 Phalaris angusta Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Middelburg, Ivl. Wonderfontein [data not captured] 8223 1929-9
GH: 00024235 Phalaris caesia Nees South Africa: C. G. D. Nees
GH: 02433652 Phalaris coerulescens Desfontaines South Africa: Cape of Good Hope [no data available]
GH: 02433659 Phalaris minor Retzius South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3759 1942-11-17
A: 02433657 Phalaris minor Retzius South Africa: Western Cape Province C. P. Between Van Rhynsdorp and Van Rhyns-pa... H. P. v. der Schijff 7206 1967-8-17
A: 02433663 Phalaris nodosa Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Vergelegen. Somerset West. Stellenbosch divi... R. N. Parker 4939 1953-12-31
GH: 02433159 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel South Africa: Free State Province Heilbron, O. F. S. Maccauvlei, Heilbron. Fou... E. Brandmuller 128 1926
GH: 02433158 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3791 1943
A: 02433156 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: Karroopoort, Ceres District R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4174 1968
GH: 02433154 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3792 1943
A: 01248203 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: Karroopoort, Ceres District R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4174 1968-4-6
GH: 02433160 Phragmites australis isiacus Arcangeli South Africa: Cap. Bon Spei [no data available]
GH: 02433159 Phragmites communis Trinius South Africa: Free State Province Heilbron, O. F. S. Maccauvlei, Heilbron. Fou... E. Brandmuller 128 1926
GH: 02433158 Phragmites communis Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3791 1943
A: 02433156 Phragmites communis Trinius South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: Karroopoort, Ceres District R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4174 1968
GH: 02433154 Phragmites communis Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3792 1943
GH: 02433160 Phragmites sp. South Africa: Cap. Bon Spei [no data available]
A: 02433685 Poa fascicularis (Trinius) Kunth South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Nieuwoudtville 8 km on road to Oorl... H. P. Linder 5431 1991-10-9
GH: 02445713 Pogonarthria falcata Rendle South Africa: Free State Province Hilbron, O. F. S.; 2 miles from Vaal River E. Brandmuller 116 1926-1-21
A: 02445728 Pogonarthria squarrosa (Roemer & Schultes) Pilger South Africa: Northern Cape Province West of Daniëlskuil; Beadles farm L. Smook 9730 1996-1-30
GH: 02445725 Pogonarthria squarrosa (Roemer & Schultes) Pilger South Africa: Northern Cape Province About 150 miles northwest of Vryburg. near H... R. J. Rodin 3582 1948-2-7
A: 02445724 Pogonarthria squarrosa (Roemer & Schultes) Pilger South Africa: Gauteng Province Bophathat = Swana. Pilanesberg S. Sekhaolelo 116 1985-2-19
A: 02445723 Pogonarthria squarrosa (Roemer & Schultes) Pilger South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. Ellisras, Villa Nora. on the farm... R. H. Westfall 1675 1984-4-13
A: 02445722 Pogonarthria squarrosa (Roemer & Schultes) Pilger South Africa: Groenkloof - George Storrar Drive G. K. Theron 56 1964-2-29
GH: 02433719 Polypogon polysetus Steudel South Africa: C. B. S. [no data available]
GH: 02433720 Polypogon sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province Hope Town. C. P. on Farm De Broon W. A. Rabie 1926-4
GH: 02433713 Polypogon strictus Nees South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei Lehmann
GH: 02433717 Polypogon tenuis Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province pr. Retreat R. A. Dümmer 52 D 1908-11
GH: 02433716 Polypogon tenuis Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sydafrika, Kapkolonien, Cape Flats n[?] Germ... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-12-19
GH: 02433715 Polypogon tenuis Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sydafrika, Kapkolonin, Bakoven A. Hafström 1934-11-10
GH: 02433714 Polypogon tenuis Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province between the Lourens and Erste rivers. Stelle... R. N. Parker 4060 1946-5-21
GH: 00914148 Prionachne ecklonii Nees South Africa: Cap. [illegible]
A: 02444260 Pseudechinolaena polystachya (Kunth) Stapf South Africa: Transkei. L. Smook 5620 1983-3-3
GH: 02433092 Pseudopentameris macrantha (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
A: 02433170 Pseudopentameris macrantha (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Tafelberg, Wetterstation E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 77 1958-9-20
A: 02433169 Pseudopentameris macrantha (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Bredasdorp, Wydgelee. to De Hoop H. P. Linder 5470 1991-10-16
GH: 02433168 Pseudopentameris macrantha (Schrader) Conert South Africa: In planitie superiori montis Tabularis H. Bolus 473
GH: 02433166 Pseudopentameris macrantha (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Enter rupes ad latera[?] montis Tabularis, s... P. MacOwan 1699 1893-9
GH: 02433165 Pseudopentameris macrantha (Schrader) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province Sudafrika, Kapkolonie [illegible] Bakoven A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-9-2
A: 02444277 Rhynchelytrum nerviglume (Franchet) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Ntsubane Forest. near Fraser Falls on Mkozi ... L. Smook 5516 1985-2-26
A: 02444276 Rhynchelytrum nerviglume (Franchet) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Mkambati Game Reserve. Main camp at Msikaba L. Smook 5483 1985-2-24
A: 02444275 Rhynchelytrum nerviglume (Franchet) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 49 km NW of Umtata. Mhlanlane Fore... L. Smook 5693 1985
A: 02541788 Rhynchelytrum repens (Willdenow) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Limpopo Province Westfalia Estate, Duiwelskloof, N. Transvaal J. J. Bos 1116 1963
GH: 02541786 Rhynchelytrum repens (Willdenow) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province between Hamanskraal and Rust de Winter R. K. Godfrey & A. D. J. Meeuse SH-1598 1953-1-9
A: 02541784 Rhynchelytrum repens (Willdenow) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 1,5 km W of Holy Cross Mission Pop... L. Smook 5490 1985-2-25
A: 02541783 Rhynchelytrum repens (Willdenow) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Ellisras, Villa Nora. On the farm Groenefont... R. H. Westfall 1680 1984-4-14
A: 02444284 Rhynchelytrum setifolium (Stapf) Chiovenda South Africa: Drakensberge, zwischen Underberg und Drakens... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1411 1958-12-16
A: 02444283 Rhynchelytrum setifolium (Stapf) Chiovenda South Africa: Groenkloof. Next to Totius Road. G. K. Theron 70 1964
A: 02444282 Rhynchelytrum setifolium (Stapf) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Fort Brown - Albany. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8727 1978-5-20
A: 02444281 Rhynchelytrum setifolium (Stapf) Chiovenda South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Transvaal. 20-30 Meilen nordöstli... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1274 1958
GH: 02444280 Rhynchelytrum setifolium (Stapf) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Fort Brown - Albany R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8727 1978-5-20
A: 02444279 Rhynchelytrum setifolium (Stapf) Chiovenda South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Highlands, Albany dist., Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4475 1969
A: 02444286 Rhynchelytrum villosum (Parlatore) Chiovenda South Africa: Strasse Louis Prichardt - Messina, Abzweigun... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1990 1959-1-23
GH: 02542932 Rottboellia compressa Linnaeus f. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Prov.; Cape Div.: by the Salt River and... W. J. Burchell
GH: 02542930 Rottboellia compressa Linnaeus f. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Prov.; Uitenhage Div.: Zwartkopsrivier [no data available]
GH: 02542931 Rottboellia compressa Linnaeus f. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. N. of Eleub. [no data available]
GH: 02433174 Schismus barbatus (Linnaeus) Thellung South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Namakwaland. Between Kammieskroon and ... H. P. v. der Schijff 6993 1967-7-20
GH: 02433180 Schismus fasciculatus P. Beauvois ex Trinius South Africa: Free State Province Orange Free State. Westminster. [data not captured]
A: 02433181 Schismus inermis (Stapf) C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Between Steinkopf and Springbok H. P. v. der Schijff 8226 1967-8-15
GH: 02433214 Schismus schismoides (Stapf ex Conert) W. C. Verboom ex H. P. Linder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Richtersveld. Between Khubus and Lekkersing H. P. Linder 5411 1991-10-6
GH: 02542982 Schizachyrium semiberbe Nees South Africa: Gauteng Province About 9 miles west of Krugersdorp on Farm Gl... R. J. Rodin 3931 1948-2-28
GH: 02445746 Schmidtia bulbosa Stapf South Africa: Northern Cape Province St. Clair, Douglas. in dis. Herbert. K. Orpen 1997 1897-10
GH: 02445744 Schmidtia bulbosa Stapf South Africa: North-West Province Vaalbank, Wolmaransstad, Transvaal L. C. C. Liebenberg 2439 1931-4
A: 02445737 Schmidtia bulbosa Stapf South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. Pienaarsrivier E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1606 1959
A: 02445753 Schmidtia kalahariensis Stent South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Namakwaland. On banks of Orange River ... H. P. Van der Schijff 6927
A: 02445752 Schmidtia kalahariensis Stent South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. 7 miles from Upington H. P. Van der Schijff 8045 1967-8-13
A: 02445757 Schmidtia pappophoroides Steudel ex J. A. Schmidt South Africa: Limpopo Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5301 1985
GH: 02433967 Secale africanum Stapf South Africa: Northern Cape Province Sutherland, C. P. [data not captured] Magistrate
GH: 02542991 Sehima galpinii Stent South Africa: Gauteng Province Andersterport[?] in Pretoria. Transvaal. A. O. D. Mogg H. 21861 1912-10-15
A: 02444336 Setaria chevalieri Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province near the Loureus river, Somerset West. Stell... R. N. Parker 4836 1952-12-12
A: 02444335 Setaria chevalieri Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province near the Loureus river Somerset West. Stelle... R. N. Parker 4863 1953-4-24
A: 02444333 Setaria chevalieri Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province near the Lourens River. Somerset West. Stell... R. N. Parker 4863 1953-4-24
A: 02444340 Setaria flabellata Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Cradock Common R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4448 1969-3-27
GH: 02444339 Setaria flabellata Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province 1 mile nest of Lady Grey R. K. Godfrey SH-1541 1953-1-4
GH: 02444338 Setaria flabellata Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province along Delmas Road, near Pretoria R. K. Godfrey SH-1778 1953-1-27
A: 02444337 Setaria flabellata Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bathurst: Kap valley R. D. A. Bayliss BS 8481 1978-1-10
GH: 02444381 Setaria glauca P. Beauvois South Africa: Cap. Ba Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02444344 Setaria holstii R. A. W. Herrmann South Africa: Transvaal Province Setaria Hollstii Home. Mosdere, Naboomspruit... E. E. Galpin 207 1920
GH: 02444348 Setaria italica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Gauteng Province Jo'burg Transvaal. Houghton Estate. E. G. Bryant 635 1919-4-17
GH: 02444353 Setaria lindenbergiana (Nees) Stapf South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria, Ivl. On top of hill at B... L. C. C. Liebenberg 3153 1934
A: 02444360 Setaria megaphylla (Steudel) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Dweza Forest. L. Smook 5622 1985-3-3
GH: 02444367 Setaria nigrirostris (Nees) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: Transvaal Province Transvaal: at Modderfontein, near Johannesbu... R. K. Godfrey SH-1884 1953-2-18
GH: 02444366 Setaria nigrirostris (Nees) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: Transvaal Province along Delmas Road, near Pretoria R. K. Godfrey SH-1776 1953-1-27
A: 02444365 Setaria nigrirostris (Nees) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: Transvaal Province Warburton area: 7 km of Jessievale State For... L. Smook 4929 1984
GH: 02444364 Setaria nigrirostris (Nees) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal: at Edendale, near Pietermaritzburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1491 1953-1-1
A: 02444363 Setaria nigrirostris (Nees) T. Durand & Schinz South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Pilgrims' Rest, Ivl. at Pilgrims' Rest. Cult... I. B. Pole-Evans & C. J. J. Van Re... 1935-10
GH: 02444369 Setaria palmifolia Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province on the banks of the Lourens river at Vergdeg... R. N. Parker 4032 1946
GH: 02444373 Setaria perberbis Stapf ex de Wit South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal: near Pietermaritaburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1908 1953-2-23
A: 02444374 Setaria perennis Hackel South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: 20-30 Meilen nordöstlich von Pret... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1306 1958
GH: 02444381 Setaria pumila (Poiret) Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Cap. Ba Spei J. G. C. Lehmann
A: 02444408 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Eastern Transvaal. Sabie. 8 km south of Sabi... L. Henderson 166 1979-12-19
A: 02444407 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss South Africa: Gauteng Province Net voor Hammanskraal B. J. Pienaar 626 1985
GH: 02444405 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal: at Edendale, near Pietermaritzburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1490 1953-1-1
A: 02444403 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Lydenburg, Lvl. North of Lydenburg. Cultivat... I. B. Pole-Evans & C. J. J. Van Re... 1935-10
A: 02444400 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Zwisiben Barberton a Piggs Peak (... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2190 1959
A: 02444411 Setaria sphacelata sericea (Stapf) Clayton South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Magwa falls on Tea Estate E of Lusikisiki. L. Smook 5538 1985-2-26
A: 02444413 Setaria sphacelata torta (Stapf) Clayton South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 3 km E of Idutywa L. Smook 5583 1985
GH: 02444417 Setaria tenuiseta de Wit South Africa: Gauteng Province Transvaal: near Pretoria; cultivated at Riet... R. K. Godfrey VH-1804 1953-2-5
GH: 02444434 Setaria verticillata (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
A: 02444425 Setaria verticillata (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Western Cape Province Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4829 1952-11-20
GH: 02444444 Setaria woodii Hackel South Africa: Free State Province Orange Free State: at Bloemfontein R. K. Godfrey SH-1398 1952-12-11
GH: 02444443 Setaria woodii Hackel South Africa: Transvaal Province 23 miles east of Machadodorp R. K. Godfrey & J. P. H. Acocks SH-1619 1953-1-12
GH: 02444442 Setaria woodii Hackel South Africa: Free State Province Orange Free State: at Bloemfontein R. K. Godfrey SH-1398 1952-12-11
GH: 02444441 Setaria woodii Hackel South Africa: Transvaal Province Ship Mt., vicinity of Pretorius Kop, Kruger ... R. K. Godfrey SH-1667 1953-1-15
GH: 02445768 Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald South Africa: Cap Bon Spei [no data available]
GH: 02445767 Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Swartkops Rivier P. MacOwan 791 1887-1
GH: 00024470 Sporobolus acinifolius Stapf South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand West, Hay Division, near Griquato... W. J. Burchell 1846
A: 02447440 Sporobolus africanus (Poiret) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns & R. L. J. A. Tournay South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Near Dweza National Reserve. Nqaba... L. Smook 5599 1985
A: 02447439 Sporobolus africanus (Poiret) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns & R. L. J. A. Tournay South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. Dweza Forest. Dweza Point L. Smook 5630 1985-3-3
A: 02447438 Sporobolus africanus (Poiret) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns & R. L. J. A. Tournay South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei. 3 km E of Idutywa L. Smook 5580 1985
A: 02447453 Sporobolus congoensis Franchet South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Transvaal. Nelspruit District. Kruger Nation... J. P. H. Acocks 16626 1953
GH: 02447456 Sporobolus discosporus Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Knysna Div.: Between Plettenberg... W. J. Burchell 2750
GH: 02447492 Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov.: Griqualand West, Hay Div.: betw.... W. J. Burchell 1982
GH: 02447489 Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov.: Griqualand West, Hay Div.: Griqu... W. J. Burchell 1943-1
A: 02447487 Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Riversdale, Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4205 1968-5-18
A: 02447481 Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Gauteng Province Transvaal. Carletonville, A. Bailey Nat. Res... S. van Wyk 225 1983-4
A: 02447480 Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Britstown distr., Farm Smouskloof E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 82 1986-1-15
A: 02447479 Sporobolus fimbriatus (Trinius) Nees South Africa: Transkei. 1,5 km W of Hyly Cross Mission L. Smook 5489 1985-2-25
GH: 02447496 Sporobolus fimbriatus latifolius Stent South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal: near Pienaars River R. K. Godfrey SH-1788 1953-2-2
GH: 02447495 Sporobolus fimbriatus latifolius Stent South Africa: Transvaal: between Lower Sabie and Skukuza, ... R. K. Godfrey H-1705 1953-1-17
GH: 02447504 Sporobolus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: Zwarthopsrivier [no data available]
GH: 02447503 Sporobolus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Maritzburg, Natal. Table Mountain A. P. D. McClean 197 1926
GH: 02447502 Sporobolus indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Sydafrika, Kapkolonie, [illegible] Riebeek-K... A. Hafström 1935-1-4
A: 02447513 Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trinius) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province S W Cape. Amandelboom farm, near Teekloof, F... R. O. Moffett & Steensma 3927 1986-2-24
GH: 02447512 Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trinius) Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: Steenbokulakte [no data available]
A: 02447511 Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trinius) Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr Dist. Farm Grootfontein E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 400 1986-1-23
A: 02447510 Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trinius) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown distr., Farm Koppies E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 144 1986-1-16
GH: 02447525 Sporobolus matrella (Nees) Nees South Africa: C. B. S. J. F. Drège
GH: 02447524 Sporobolus matrella (Nees) Nees South Africa: CBS C. F. Ecklon
GH: 02447521 Sporobolus matrella (Nees) Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: Cape Prov. Zwartkopsrivier [no data available]
GH: 02447522 Sporobolus matrella (Nees) Nees South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
GH: 02447539 Sporobolus nitens Stent South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Gezina S. M. Stent 1923-1-16
GH: 02447540 Sporobolus panicoides A. Richard South Africa: Gauteng Province Transvaal: vicinity of Pretorius Kop, Kruger... R. K. Godfrey & J. P. H. Acocks SH-1629 1953-1-12
A: 02447545 Sporobolus pectinatus Hackel South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Tvl. Pretoria. Van Riebeeck Nature... P. Kok 175 1967-1-18
A: 02447544 Sporobolus pectinatus Hackel South Africa: Potchefstroom. Transvaal. Nasionale Botanies... C. M. Behr 654 1983-12-14
GH: 02447555 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois South Africa: Transvaal Province 16 miles southeast of Pretorius Kop, Kruger ... R. K. Godfrey SH-1677 1953-1-16
GH: 02447554 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois South Africa: Mpumalanga Province 8 miles west of Nelspruit R. K. Godfrey & J. P. H. Acocks SH-1622 1953-1-12
GH: 02447553 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal: at Bisley, near Pietermaritzburg R. K. Godfrey SH-1913 1953-2-23
GH: 02447569 Sporobolus smutsii Stent South Africa: Kumman, CP. Oukwe Camp I. B. Pole-Evans 2610 1929-12-16
A: 02447586 Sporobolus subtilis Kunth South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Transvaal. 13 km SW of Chrissiesmeer, farm K... L. Smook 4907 1984
A: 02447589 Sporobolus tenellus (A. Sprengel) Kunth South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 1 mile East of Willowmore R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4979 1971
GH: 02447599 Sporobolus virginicus (Linnaeus) Kunth South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province near Port Alfred W. J. Burchell 4032
GH: 02444457 Stenotaphrum secundatum Kuntze South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3768 1942
GH: 02433795 Stipa capensis Thunberg South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spei Lehmann
A: 02433822 Stipa sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province C. P. Between Garies and Van Rhynsdorp. near... H. P. v. der Schijff 7211
A: 02447680 Stipagrostis anomala De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Richtersveld. Cornellsberg in Stinkfon... E. G. H. Oliver, H. R. Tölken & S... 689 1977-9-6
GH: 02447722 Stipagrostis capensis Nees South Africa: Cap. Lehmann
A: 02447736 Stipagrostis ciliata (Desfontaines) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Upington district. 10 3/4 miles from U... H. P. Van der Schijff 8063 1967
A: 02447736 Stipagrostis ciliata capensis (Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Upington district. 10 3/4 miles from U... H. P. Van der Schijff 8063 1967
A: 02447735 Stipagrostis ciliata capensis (Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Vioolsdrif H. P. Van der Schijff 8258 1967-8-15
A: 02433190 Stipagrostis geminifolia Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Richtersveld. 40 km from Khubus to Lekkersin... H. P. Linder 5415 1991-10-6
A: 02447855 Stipagrostis namaquensis (Nees) De Winter South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. 5 miles from Upington on road to Keimo... H. P. Van der Schijff 8043 1967-8-13
A: 02447865 Stipagrostis obtusa (Delile) Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Varseputs. H. P. Van der Schijff 8120 1967-8-14
A: 02433822 Stipagrostis sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province C. P. Between Garies and Van Rhynsdorp. near... H. P. v. der Schijff 7211
A: 02447949 Stipagrostis uniplumis (Licht) De Winter South Africa: Limpopo Province Soutpansberge. Chipeze - Njelele road 3,6 km... D. S. Hardy & P. D. de Villiers 5161 1978-11-22
A: 02447948 Stipagrostis uniplumis (Licht) De Winter South Africa: Limpopo Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria. L. Smook 5287 1985
A: 02433196 Stipagrostis zeyheri (Nees) De Winter South Africa: Western Cape Province S W Cape. De Hoop, at gate between Elandspan... E. J. Van Jaarsveld, Bellstedt, De... 18
GH: 02541038 Themeda quadrivalvis (Linnaeus) Kuntze South Africa: Cap. Bar Spei [no data available]
GH: 02541037 Themeda quadrivalvis (Linnaeus) Kuntze South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay. C. Wright
GH: 02541089 Themeda sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon, South Africa J. Burke
GH: 02541088 Themeda sp. South Africa: [no additional data] W. F. Reyneke 243
GH: 02541087 Themeda sp. South Africa: [no additional data] J. Burke
A: 02541083 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Kap Prov. Zwischen Maclear und Mt. Fletcher E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1149 1958-11-20
A: 02541076 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Northern Cape Province North West of Daniëlskuil; Jakkalsfontein f... L. Smook 9735 1996-1-30
A: 02541074 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr district. Echodale farm. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 321 1986-1-22
A: 02541073 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Between Dullstroom + Lydenburg. Cultivated a... I. B. Pole-Evans & C. J. J. Van Re... 1935-10
GH: 02541072 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Magaliesberg, Transvaal. 6 km from Maanhaara... M. Bourell & R. Patterson 1985-2-6
GH: 02541068 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Sydafrika, Kapkolmein, Lignu Hill A. Hafström 1936-9-18
GH: 02541067 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Sydafrika, Natal arder on Durban. S. of Gsla... A. Hafström 1936-8-24
A: 02541061 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaatdam-natuur = reservaat. ... N. van Rooyen 1978 1979-10-24
A: 02541060 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Steynsburg. Farm Palmskop. Karroid Danthonia... E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 313 1986-1-21
A: 02541058 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Northern Cape Province Britstown distr., Farm Vrolikspan. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 168 1986-1-18
A: 02541055 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 27 km SE of Elliotdate at Stony Drift on Xor... L. Smook 5663 1935
GH: 02541054 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Cavensham. A. O. D. Mogg 2446
GH: 02541042 Themeda triandra Forsskål South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 02541083 Themeda triandra hispida Stapf South Africa: Kap Prov. Zwischen Maclear und Mt. Fletcher E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1149 1958-11-20
A: 02433970 Thinopyrum distichum (Thunberg) Á. Löve South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Caledon division. R. N. Parker 4156 1946-12-30
GH: 02541095 Trachypogon capensis Trinius South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Riversdale Div.: near the Zoetem... W. J. Burchell 6680
GH: 02541093 Trachypogon capensis Trinius South Africa: Gauteng Province Transvaal, South Africa. About 9 miles west ... R. J. Rodin 3832 1948-2-22
A: 02541099 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Drakensberg, Oliviershoek-Pass E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1482 1958-12-20
A: 02541098 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: [illegible] Sabie a. hydenberg (Long Tom Pan... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 2732 1959-2-2
A: 02541097 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Groenkloof - Totius Road. G. K. Theron 54 1964-2-29
GH: 02541095 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Riversdale Div.: near the Zoetem... W. J. Burchell 6680
GH: 02541094 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Cap. J. G. C. Lehmann
GH: 02541093 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze South Africa: Gauteng Province Transvaal, South Africa. About 9 miles west ... R. J. Rodin 3832 1948-2-22
A: 02447627 Tragus berteronianus Schultes South Africa: Limpopo Province Transvaal. 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5297 1985
A: 02447638 Tragus koelerioides Ascherson South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cape. Hofmeyr distr. Farm Grootfontein. E. Retief & G. Germishuizen 385 1986-1-23
GH: 02447640 Tragus racemosus (Linnaeus) Allioni South Africa: Transvaal Province Mondeor Reserve near Kilipsriviersberg, 9 km... M. Bourell, R. Patterson & R. Robi... 2634 1985-3-25
A: 02433215 Tribolium alternans (Nees) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province S. W. Cape. Paarl, summit of Du Toits Kloof ... H. P. Linder 5451 1991-10-13
GH: 02433216 Tribolium ciliare (Stapf) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province In colle "Signal" R. A. Dümmer 50D
GH: 00914139 Tribolium curvum (Nees) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cap. [Cape] C. F. Ecklon
A: 02433218 Tribolium curvum (Nees) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Northern Cape Province C. P. Springbok. Tkouberg. H. P. v. der Schijff 8114 1967-8-14
A: 02433217 Tribolium curvum (Nees) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Cradock Common, Albany dist, Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5037 1971-11-21
GH: 02433220 Tribolium echinatum (Thunberg) Renvoize South Africa: Cap. Lehmann
A: 02433231 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Western Cape Province Barrydale, Wildehondekloof Pass H. P. Linder 5455 1991-10-13
A: 02433230 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Western Cape Province Calitzdorp, Rooiberg Pass H. P. Linder 5461 1991-10-16
A: 02433229 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Along N7 from Clanwilliam to Cape T... H. P. Linder 5403 1991-10-5
A: 02433228 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Northern Cape Province Namaqualand. At summit of Spektakle Pass H. P. Linder 5420 1991-10-7
GH: 02433227 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Capensis prope Durban Road P. MacOwan 956
A: 02433226 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Cradock Common R. D. A. Bayliss BS 5038 1971-11-27
GH: 02433225 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sydafrika, Kapkolonie, Cape Flats near Germa... A. Hafström & G. Lindeberg 1936-12-19
GH: 02433222 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02433221 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Cap. B. S. [no data available]
GH: 02433223 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
A: 02433233 Tribolium obliterum (Hemsley) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Province: 2 km W of Tulbagh on road to ... G. Davidse 33947 1987-10-12
GH: 02433237 Tribolium obtusifolium (Nees) Renvoize South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02433236 Tribolium obtusifolium (Nees) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province S. W. Cape. Barrydale, Wildhondekloof Pass D. H. Linder 5453 1991-10-13
A: 02433235 Tribolium obtusifolium (Nees) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape. 8 km S of Bredasdorp on road to Cape A... G. Davidse 34047 1987-10-26
A: 02433234 Tribolium obtusifolium (Nees) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape. 11 km W of Malmesbury on road to Darli... G. Davidse 33973 1987-10-12
GH: 00914144 Tribolium purpureum (Linnaeus f.) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: [no additional data] J. F. Drège
GH: 02433241 Tribolium purpureum (Linnaeus f.) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province pr. pagum Masiesfontein [Matjiesfontein] P. MacOwan 1999
A: 02433240 Tribolium purpureum (Linnaeus f.) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province W. Cape. Ceres, nr Welgemoed NE of Waboomsbe... H. P. Linder 5449 1991-10-12
A: 02433239 Tribolium purpureum (Linnaeus f.) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Eastern Cape Province near Seymour, Eastern Cape R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7938 1976
GH: 02433238 Tribolium purpureum (Linnaeus f.) Verboom & H. P. Linder South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Sterkstroom, in diti[?] Queestown T. R. Sim 1694
A: 02433242 Tribolium pusillum (Nees) H. P. Linder & G. Davidse South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Calvinia, between Moedverloor and D... H. P. Linder 5440 1991-10-9
A: 02433252 Tribolium sp. South Africa: Gauteng Province S. Cape. Heidelberg, at Verkykerskop between... H. P. Linder 5467 1991-10-16
A: 02433251 Tribolium sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape. 8 km SE of Franschhoek on road to Vill... G. Davidse 1987
A: 02433250 Tribolium sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape. 8 km E of Wellington on road to Worces... G. Davidse 33918 1987
A: 02433248 Tribolium uniolae (Linnaeus f.) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province Riverdale, Cape Province. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4305 1968-9-15
A: 02433247 Tribolium uniolae (Linnaeus f.) Renvoize South Africa: Northern Cape Province W. Cape. Nieuwoudtville camp site H. P. Linder 5429 1991-10-9
A: 02433246 Tribolium uniolae (Linnaeus f.) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province S. Cape. Calitzdorp, Rooiberg Pass H. P. Linder 5462 1991-10-16
A: 02433245 Tribolium uniolae (Linnaeus f.) Renvoize South Africa: Cape. 7 km N of Villiersdorp to High Noon in... G. Davidse 33845 1987-10-10
A: 02433244 Tribolium uniolae (Linnaeus f.) Renvoize South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. near t... R. N. Parker 4837 1952-12-12
A: 02433249 Tribolium utriculosum (Nees) Renvoize South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Richtersveld. Stinkfonteinberge SW of ... E. G. H. Oliver, H. R. Tölken & S... 634 1977
A: 02444467 Tricholaena monachne (Trinius) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province Sandveld Natuurreservaat Bloemhofdam W. Ferguson 35
A: 02444466 Tricholaena monachne (Trinius) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard South Africa: Transvaal Province 4 km W of Alldays. Farm Bavaria L. Smook 5293 1985
GH: 02541807 Tricholaena rosea Nees South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541806 Tricholaena rosea Nees South Africa: Graaff Reinet H. Bolus 257 1866-3
GH: 02541803 Tricholaena rosea Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 3859 1943-10-19
GH: 02447652 Trichoneura grandiglumis (Nees) Ekman South Africa: Free State Province Heilbron, O. F. S. Maccanvlei, Heilbron E. Brandmuller 122 1926
GH: 02444487 Trichopteryx dregeana Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Nelspruit, White River L. C. C. Liebenberg 2602 1931-10-5
GH: 02447664 Triraphis andropogonoides (Steudel) E. Phillips South Africa: Nitischagen C. B. S. [data not captured] 851 1858
GH: 02447663 Triraphis andropogonoides (Steudel) E. Phillips South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 103 [Uitenhage, Steenbokvlakte, N. of Winter... [see remarks]
GH: 02447662 Triraphis andropogonoides (Steudel) E. Phillips South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spe Lehmann
GH: 02447661 Triraphis andropogonoides (Steudel) E. Phillips South Africa: North-West Province Wolmaransstad, Transvaal L. C. C. Liebenberg 2442 1931-4
GH: 02447663 Triraphis sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 103 [Uitenhage, Steenbokvlakte, N. of Winter... [see remarks]
A: 02433739 Trisetaria pumila (Desfontaines) Maire South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape. Richtersveld. Ploegberg south of Khubu... E. G. H. Oliver, H. R. Tölken & S... 518 1977
A: 02433741 Trisetopsis imberbis (Nees) M. Röser, A. Wölk & J. F. Veldkamp South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. Mpendhle distr., 2929 AD, upper Loten... O. M. Hilliard & B. L. Burtt 18163 1985-2-6
A: 02444496 Tristachya biseriata Stapf South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Muckleneuk Ridge - Summit and sout... G. K. Theron 153 1964-10-23
A: 02444495 Tristachya biseriata Stapf South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Roodeplaatdam Nat. Res. Koppie NO. N. van Rooyen 2162 1979-11-16
GH: 02444501 Tristachya hispida (Linnaeus f.) K. Schumann South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Port Thepstone, Natal. H. G. W. J. Schweickerdt 1395 1939-10-16
A: 02444500 Tristachya hispida (Linnaeus f.) K. Schumann South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Mariepskop Eastern Transvaal. Foothills sout... H. P. Van der Schijff 5874 1961
A: 02444498 Tristachya hispida (Linnaeus f.) K. Schumann South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Cradock Common, Albany dist. Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4507 1969
GH: 02444507 Tristachya leucothrix Trinius ex Nees South Africa: Cap. [data not captured]
GH: 02444508 Tristachya leucothrix Trinius ex Nees South Africa: [illegible] S. Africa C. L. P. Zeyher 872
GH: 02444505 Tristachya leucothrix Trinius ex Nees South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: Du planilie summi montis Bosc... P. MacOwan 789
A: 02444503 Tristachya leucothrix Trinius ex Nees South Africa: Transvaal Province Dullstroom: Vrischgewaagd is Halfgewonnen Fa... B. K. Drews 129 1980-11-25
A: 02444502 Tristachya leucothrix Trinius ex Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province West of Rhodes; Maartenshoek River valley; M... L. Smook 10446 1999-12-12
GH: 02436394 Tristachya leucothrix Trinius ex Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Albany, C. B. S. [Caput Bonae Spei, Cape of ... [data not captured] 108
GH: 02444511 Tristachya sp. South Africa: Transvaal Province 5.7 miles west of Belfast R. K. Godfrey & J. P. H. Acocks SH-1604 1953-1-11
GH: 02433481 Uniola capensis Trinius South Africa: C. B. Spei Lehmann
GH: 02433483 Uniola capensis Trinius South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02433482 Uniola capensis Trinius South Africa: Cap. [no data available]
GH: 02447662 Uralepis sp. South Africa: Cap. Bon. Spe Lehmann
A: 02444518 Urochloa brachyura (Hackel) Stapf South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: University Road. G. K. Theron 46 1964-2-29
A: 02444538 Urochloa mosambicensis (Hackel) Dandy South Africa: Transvaal Province Bophuthatswana: Pilanesberg Nat. Park. Local... S. Sekhaolelo 159
A: 02444537 Urochloa mosambicensis (Hackel) Dandy South Africa: Transvaal Province 24 km NE of Alldays on road to Brombeek L. Smook 5389 1985
GH: 02444532 Urochloa sp. South Africa: Zautpansbeg[?], Lvl. Duiwels Kloof I. B. Pole-Evans 1930-4-14
A: 02444514 Urochloa sp. South Africa: Transvaal Province between Pretorius Kop and Skukuza R. K. Godfrey & J. P. H. Acocks SH-1645
GH: 02444552 Urochloa trichopus (Hochstetter) Stapf South Africa: Transvaal Province at Silverton R. K. Godfrey SH-1877 1953-2-17
GH: 02447525 Vilfa matrella Nees South Africa: C. B. S. J. F. Drège
GH: 02447524 Vilfa matrella Nees South Africa: CBS C. F. Ecklon
GH: 02447522 Vilfa matrella Nees South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
GH: 02447525 Vilfa sp. South Africa: C. B. S. J. F. Drège
GH: 02433761 Vulpia bromoides (Linnaeus) A. Gray South Africa: Cape of Good Hope [no data available]
GH: 02433756 Vulpia bromoides (Linnaeus) A. Gray South Africa: Cap. B. Spei Lehmann
A: 02433754 Vulpia bromoides (Linnaeus) A. Gray South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4826 1952
A: 02433769 Vulpia myuros (Linnaeus) C. C. Gmelin South Africa: Western Cape Province Jonkershoek. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4804 1952
A: 02433768 Vulpia myuros (Linnaeus) C. C. Gmelin South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4827 1952
GH: 02447087 [None] South Africa: Somerset. S. Afr. [no data available] 114
GH: 02433796 [None] South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: 02433797 [None] South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
A: 02434207 [None] South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Gardons Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 143 1958-9-23
A: 02434206 [None] South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Drakensberge, zwichen Underberg und Drakensb... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1431 1958-12-16
GH: 02434280 [None] South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Sudafrika, Kapkolonie, vid rajen[... A. Hapström 1934-11-16
GH: [None] South Africa: Somerset. S. Afr. [no data available] 114
GH: [None] South Africa: Cap. B. Spei. [no data available]
GH: [None] South Africa: Cap. B. Spei [no data available]
A: [None] South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Gardons Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 143 1958-9-23
A: [None] South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Drakensberge, zwichen Underberg und Drakensb... E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1431 1958-12-16
GH: [None] South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Sudafrika, Kapkolonie, vid rajen[... A. Hapström 1934-11-16
Podaxaceae FH: 00940091 Podaxis carcinomalis (Linnaeus f.) Fries South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap. of g. hop. [illegible]
FH: 00940102 Podaxis pistillaris (Linnaeus) Fries: Fries South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cap de Bonne Esp. [no data available] 1904-3
Polygalaceae GH: 00025828 Mundia albiflora Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025829 Mundia montana Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 00025830 Mundia montana Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025817 Muraltia acipetala Harvey South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853-1856
GH: 00025818 Muraltia alopecuroides (Linnaeus) de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage Division: Swarthops River C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 00025819 Muraltia alopecuroides (Linnaeus) de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage Division: Swarthops River C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025818 Muraltia burchellii Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage Division: Swarthops River C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 00025819 Muraltia burchellii Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage Division: Swarthops River C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025820 Muraltia ciliaris de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Knysna Division: near Knysna W. J. Burchell 5566
GH: 00025821 Muraltia depressa Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Mossel Bay Division: Mossel Bay W. J. Burchell 6264
GH: 00025823 Muraltia laricifolia Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage or Alexandria Division C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 00025822 Muraltia laricifolia Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage or Alexandria Division C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025823 Muraltia macroceras Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage or Alexandria Division C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
A: 00025822 Muraltia macroceras Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage or Alexandria Division C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025824 Muraltia macroceras Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bathurst Division: near Port Alfred W. J. Burchell 3985
GH: 00025825 Muraltia metalasiaefolia Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Hottentottsholland Mountains, 1000-3000 feet C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025826 Muraltia ononidifolia Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon Division: Botrivier and Langehogde C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00025827 Muraltia oxysepala Schlechter South Africa: Sir Lowry Pass, 400 feet R. Schlechter 7804 1896-5-4
GH: 00025825 Muraltia rubacea Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Hottentottsholland Mountains, 1000-3000 feet C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher
GH: 00057072 Polygala amatymbica Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: [Tambukiland, Klipplaat River]
GH: 00057073 Polygala burmanii de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 6437
GH: 00057075 Polygala ericaefolia de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5614
A: 00057076 Polygala esterae Chodat South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Sudost-Afrika, Pondoland F. E. T. Bachmann 745 1887
GH: 00057079 Polygala fruticosa Berg South Africa: W. J. Burchell 3709
GH: 00057084 Polygala fruticosa Berg South Africa: Swellendam on bank of Riviersonderseinde at ...
GH: 00057083 Polygala fruticosa Berg South Africa: W. J. Burchell 4639
GH: 00057077 Polygala hispida Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 4473
GH: 00057078 Polygala leptophylla Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2380
GH: 00057079 Polygala nummularia de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 3709
GH: 00057080 Polygala ohlendorfiana Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: [Eastern Cape, Winterberg Mountain between T...
GH: 00057081 Polygala schlechteri Schinz South Africa: Prope Brug Spruit, 1530 m. R. Schlechter 4117 1894-1-2
GH: 00057082 Polygala sprengeliana Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: [Eastern Cape, Uitenhaag, Swartkop River]
GH: 00057083 Polygala tetragona de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 4639
GH: 00057084 Polygala zeyheri Sprengel ex Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Swellendam on bank of Riviersonderseinde at ...
Polygonaceae GH: 01011877 Emex centropodium Meisner South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00036814 Rumex ecklonianus Meisner South Africa: C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher 2.12
GH: 01011878 Rumex hypogaeus T. M. Schuster & Reveal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C.B.S. [Cap bonae spei] C. F. Ecklon
GH: 01011877 Rumex hypogaeus T. M. Schuster & Reveal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 01011878 Rumex spinosus Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C.B.S. [Cap bonae spei] C. F. Ecklon
Polyporaceae FH: 00555246 Daedalea ochracea Kalchbrenner South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: [data not captured] P. MacOwan 1065 1877
Polyzonieae FH: 00989245 Polyzonia elegans Suhr South Africa: Kowie [no data available]
Pottiaceae FH: 00284210 Acaulon Müller Halle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. B. I. W. H. Harvey
FH: 00284210 Anoectangium sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province C. B. I. W. H. Harvey
FH: 00284192 Anoectangium wilmsianum (Müller Halle) Paris South Africa: Mpumalanga Province bei Lydenburg in Transvaal F. Wilms 1887-8
FH: 00258579 Barbula depressa Sullivant South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port-Alfred, Korrie River A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00258578 Barbula pilifera Bridel South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port Alfred (Korrie River) A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00981970 Barbula pilifera Bridel South Africa: Port Alfred, Kowie River, Cape colony A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00258577 Pseudocrossidium aureum (E. B. Bartram) R. H. Zander South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Kluityeo Kraal, 3000 ft T. R. Sim 9598 1919
FH: 00258578 Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R. H. Zander South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port Alfred (Korrie River) A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00258579 Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) R. H. Zander South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port-Alfred, Korrie River A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00258577 Tortula pilifera Hooker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Kluityeo Kraal, 3000 ft T. R. Sim 9598 1919
FH: 00258578 Tortula pilifera Hooker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port Alfred (Korrie River) A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00258579 Tortula pilifera Hooker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port-Alfred, Korrie River A. B. Mackay 1923-7
FH: 00981970 Tortula pilifera Hooker South Africa: Port Alfred, Kowie River, Cape colony A. B. Mackay 1923-7
Primulaceae GH: 00375160 Anagallis arvensis Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 00375160 Lysimachia arvensis (Linnaeus) U. Manns & Anderberg South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
Proteaceae A: 02434800 Aulax cneorifolia Knight South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Prov. austro-occid. col. Cap. Bonae... H. W. R. Marloth 10017b
GH: 02434799 Aulax cneorifolia Knight South Africa: Western Cape Province Strandfeld prope Cap. Agulhas [no data available] 1834-1
A: 02434798 Aulax cneorifolia Knight South Africa: S. Africa. Cabdon. Cape Province. E. H. Wilson 1922-3-31
A: 02434797 Aulax cneorifolia Knight South Africa: How Hoex, Cape Peninsula R. D. A. Bayliss BS 2713 1965-2-14
GH: 02437044 Aulax cneorifolia Knight South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: circa Houwhoek P. MacOwan 772
GH: 02437043 Aulax cneorifolia Knight South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: circa Houwhoek P. MacOwan 772
A: 02434804 Aulax pallasia Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Worcester. Wilde Paarde Berg, 20 miles south... H. K. C. Andreae 336 1920-4
A: 02434803 Aulax pallasia Stapf South Africa: Western Cape Province Upper Lourens river valley. Stellenbosch div... R. N. Parker 3889 1944-6-17
A: 02434810 Aulax pinifolia P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Gordons Bay. Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 4291 1947-11-14
A: 02434809 Aulax pinifolia P. J. Bergius South Africa: S. Africa. Zondereind. Cape Province E. H. Wilson 1922-4-1
A: 02434808 Aulax pinifolia P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province at Gordons Bay. Stellenbosch division. R. N. Parker 4302 1947-11-19
A: 02434807 Aulax pinifolia P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province Capland: Gnadendal J. C. Breutel
A: 02434806 Aulax pinifolia P. J. Bergius South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Palmiet River Mts., Caledon Distr. ... T. P. Stokoe 411 1922-4
GH: 02434799 Aulax umbellata (Thunberg) R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Strandfeld prope Cap. Agulhas [no data available] 1834-1
A: 02434821 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: S. Africa. Montage Po[?] Cape Province E. H. Wilson 1922-3-5
A: 02434820 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: S. Africa. area of Montagne Pass[?]. Cape Pr... E. H. Wilson 1922-3-5
GH: 02434819 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: Nollen[?]-Nollandial P. MacOwan 1522
A: 02434816 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3632 1941-12-20
A: 02434815 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Newlands, Cape Peninsula H. W. R. Marloth 543 1885-1
A: 02434814 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: S. Africa. Alguia[?] Forest. Cl[illegible] E. H. Wilson 1922-4-22
A: 02437045 Brabejum stellatifolium Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province Algeria Forest Station. Clanwilliam. Cape Pr... E. H. Wilson 1922-3-22
A: 02434828 Diastella bryiflora Salisbury South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Rooi Els. Caledon division R. N. Parker 1949-4-29
A: 02434827 Diastella bryiflora Salisbury South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Rooi Els R. N. Parker 1947-5-15
A: 02434826 Diastella bryiflora Salisbury South Africa: Western Cape Province Gordons Bay. Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 4304 1947-11-19
A: 02434825 Diastella bryiflora Salisbury South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Abor Rooi Els R. N. Parker 4664 1951-10-18
A: 02434824 Diastella bryiflora Salisbury South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Gordons Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 131 1958-9-23
A: 02434823 Diastella bryiflora Salisbury South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: zwischen Groot Hangklip und Voorber... H. U. Stauffer & E. G. H. Oliver 5105 1963
A: 02434836 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sudafrika, Kapkolonie [see label for additio... A. Hafström 1934-11-27
A: 02434835 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province Simonstown H. W. R. Marloth 92 1884-5
GH: 02434834 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province In montibus pr. "Simonstown" R. A. Dümmer 39b 1908-9
GH: 02434833 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: In ericetis montis Peninsulae Cap... H. Bolus 302
GH: 02434832 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright 1853
GH: 02434831 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province In clivis montosis Peninsular Cap ensis pone... H. Bolus 303
A: 02434830 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province In monte Muizenberg pone False Bay H. Bolus 1876-12
A: 02434829 Diastella divaricata (P. J. Bergius) Rourke South Africa: Western Cape Province im Gegenhang Richtung Steenberg Peak H. U. Stauffer & E. E. Esterhuysen 5042 1963-8-26
A: 02434842 Diastella ericifolia Salisbury South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Flats. near Kraaifein H. K. C. Andreae 584 1924-9-21
A: 02434837 Diastella ericifolia Salisbury South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Kalabaskraal E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 324 1958-9-29
A: 02434842 Diastella proteoides Druce South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Flats. near Kraaifein H. K. C. Andreae 584 1924-9-21
GH: 02434840 Diastella proteoides Druce South Africa: Western Cape Province pr. Wynberg" R. A. Dümmer 20b 1908-9
A: 02434838 Diastella proteoides Druce South Africa: Capland Franz W. Sieber 189
A: 02434837 Diastella proteoides Druce South Africa: Western Cape Province Kap Prov. Kalabaskraal E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 324 1958-9-29
A: 02434846 Faurea forficuliflora Baker South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg, zwischen Warmbad und Nylstroom E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1630 1959
A: 02434852 Faurea galpinii E. Phillips South Africa: Mariepskop, Blyde foot path H. P. v. der Schijff 6791 1966-7-14
A: 02434853 Faurea macnaughtonii E. Phillips South Africa: [no additional data] J. D. M. Keet 1919-3
A: 02434854 Faurea natalensis E. Phillips South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Transkei, CP. Nenga Forest, Port St. John's J. E. Kaufmann 652 1916
A: 02434862 Faurea saligna Harvey South Africa: Marico, Ivl. Farm Wonderfontein J. Burtt Davy 4 1907-12-16
A: 02434858 Faurea saligna Harvey South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg J. Burtt Davy 2592 1904
A: 02434874 Faurea saligna Harvey South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Farm "Settle," near Havelock Bridge near Umg... J. S. Henkel & C. C. Robertson 2922 1919
A: 02434871 Faurea saligna Harvey South Africa: Limpopo Province [?]unels Kloof. Pietersburg District J. Burtt Davy 20292 1929-8-4
GH: 02434866 Faurea saligna Harvey South Africa: Western Cape Province In silvis prins decis pone pagum Knysna P. MacOwan 3356
GH: 02434865 Faurea saligna Harvey South Africa: North-West Province Zeerust. Transvaal. J. Rhodes 1498 1927-12
A: 02434886 Faurea speciosa Welwitsch South Africa: Mariepskop - Blyde footpath H. P. v. der Schijff 6787 1966-7-14
A: 02434883 Faurea speciosa Welwitsch South Africa: Transvaal Province Barberton: Barberton. Transvaal. F. A. Rogers 24870
A: 02434882 Faurea speciosa Welwitsch South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Barberton, Tvl. near Nelspriut D. J. Esselen 8564 1930-6
A: 02434881 Faurea speciosa Welwitsch South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Middelburg, Tyenea[?], Transvaal A. J. O'Connor 1462 1913-11
A: 02434891 Grevillea banksii R. Brown South Africa: Prielar[?] do Cape Province ex Australia R. D. A. Bayliss BC 1121 1966
A: 02434890 Grevillea banksii R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria (Transvaal, R. of South A... Students collection H 177
A: 02434892 Grevillea caleyi R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria (Transvaal, R. of South A... Students collection H. 47
A: 02434895 Grevillea robusta A. Cunningham ex R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Transvaal. Mah. Herb. Gardens, Pre... H. J. E. Schlieben 10105 1964-10-14
A: 02434894 Grevillea robusta A. Cunningham ex R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria, (Transvaal, R. of South ... Students collection 118
A: 02434898 Grevillea rosmarinifolia A. Cunningham South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: Pretoria (Transvaal, R. of South A... Students collection H. 48
A: 02434897 Grevillea rosmarinifolia A. Cunningham South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Grahamstown, Cape Province R. D. A. Bayliss BC 1173 1968-6-18
A: 02434896 Grevillea rosmarinifolia A. Cunningham South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Grahamstown, Albany R. D. A. Bayliss BC 1334 1971
A: 02434900 Hakea acicularis Knight South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Mountain Drive, Grahamstown R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4688 1970-7-19
A: 02434899 Hakea acicularis Knight South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: along a valley above Rovi Els. Cale... R. N. Parker 1951-10-18
A: 02434901 Hakea cucullata R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West, Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 1945-8-15
A: 02434902 Hakea saligna Knight South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Hogsback. Eastern Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 7789 1978
A: 02434903 Isopogon dawsonii R. T. Baker South Africa: [see label for additional data] F. G. Meyer & T. R. Dudley
GH: 02434912 Leucadendron abietinum R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: In campis prope astium flumius Bol ... P. MacOwan 909
A: 02434913 Leucadendron abietinum R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Wiffebergen near Matjesfontein, Laingsburg D... H. W. R. Marloth 3213 1903-7
GH: 02434918 Leucadendron abietinum R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: In campis prope ostium fluminius Bo... P. MacOwan 908
GH: 02434917 Leucadendron abietinum R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 58 [Caledon, Kleinriviersberg, 1-30... [see remarks]
A: 02434915 Leucadendron abietinum R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: pr. Bol River in ditione Caledon [data not captured] 1885-7
GH: 02434947 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape of Good Hope. Vicinity of Cape Town. A. H. P. Wilkes 1838
GH: 02434946 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape of Good Hope, Simon's Bay C. Wright
A: 02434931 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Capland [data not captured]
A: 02434944 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: B. C. Sp C. H. Bergius
GH: 02434941 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: In monte tabalaris R. A. Dümmer 756 1908-8
GH: 02434940 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: ad montis prope Capstadt C. F. Ecklon 469 1829
A: 02434938 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Capland Franz W. Sieber 8
GH: 02434937 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Capetown, S. Africa [data not captured] 1846-8
GH: 02434945 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Austro-Africanae. In monte Leonis prope Arbe... P. MacOwan
A: 02434936 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Above Rooi Els R. N. Parker 1952-8-8
A: 02434935 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Zwischen Humansdorp und Jeffreys Bay E. Werdermann & H.-D. Oberdieck 1014 1958-11-14
A: 02434934 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Highlands Road, Albany R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4813 1971-9-19
A: 02434933 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province Somerset West. Stellenbosch division R. N. Parker 3665 1942
A: 02434932 Leucadendron adscendens R. Brown South Africa: Western Cape Province on the lower slopes of the Helderberg. Stell... R. N. Parker 3664 1942