AMES: 01949397 welwitschii (H. G. Reichenbach) Summerhayes Zambia: [Abercon] Distric., above Sansia Falls, Kala... M. A. E. Richards 10367 1958-12-29
AMES: 01949399 welwitschii (H. G. Reichenbach) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Dambo, 100 yards N. E. ... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3616 1937-12-11
A: 01583886 villosipes (Jedwabnick) Launert Zambia: Northern Abercorn District. Track to Kaka Village. No... M. A. E. Richards 9569 1957
A: 00098941 minor Verdcourt Zambia: Mwinilunga District, northeast of Dobeka Bri... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3540 1937-12-7
A: 02384501 pseudoxypterum J. J. Vermeulen Zambia: Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga District, Just... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3183 1937-11-10
A: 02553264 dekindtii (Pax) Radcliffe-Smith Zambia: Katopasi Teak Forest J. Burtt Davy 668 1929-8-15
GH: 02542764 pilosa (Hochstetter) Stapf Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia. Mwinilunga District: Mato... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3123 1937
A: 02504742 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Ndola C. E. Duff 122 1933-3-19
A: 02504741 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: 65 miles E. of Lusaka J. Burtt Davy 20828 1929-8-22
A: 02504739 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: Eight miles E. of Lusaka J. Burtt Davy 20826 1929-8-22
A: 02504738 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: N. Rhodesia C. E. Duff 126 1933-3-26
A: 02504737 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: 8 miles E. of Lusaka J. Burtt Davy 20836 1929-8-21
A: 02504736 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: near Lusaka (8 miles E. of) J. Burtt Davy 20835 1929-8-22
A: 02504735 latifoliolata (De Wildeman) Hoyle Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Barotse. J. M. Borle 263 1921-8
A: 02444018 pubiglume Schumann Zambia: Kafue Nat. Park, Ngoma, N. Rhodesia B. L. Mitchell 6/46 1961
A: 02542599 papillosum (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) J. M. J. de Wet & R. Harlan Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Mazabuka H. J. Van Rensburg 2514 1963
GH: 02437482 pleiosepala Bremekamp Zambia: North-Western NW Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., West Lunga Riv R... W. Hepw. Lewis 6131 1962-11-4
GH: 02437481 pleiosepala Bremekamp Zambia: North-Western NW Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Zanbesi River, r... W. Hepw. Lewis 6210 1962-11-10
GH: 02437524 scabridula Bremekamp Zambia: North-Western N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Mujileshi River... W. Hepw. Lewis 6167 1962-11-7
A: 02454351 abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich. Zambia: Southern Choma J. Burtt Davy 20625 1929
A: 02541459 adscendens (Kunth) Henrard Zambia: Kofu Nat. Parl, Nkala, valley, N. Rhodesia B. L. Mitchell 6/51 1961
A: 02444894 aethiopica Chiovenda Zambia: Eastern Nsefu Game Camp. Edge of pool left by Luangw... N. K. B. Robson 124 1958-10-15
A: 02504776 africana Hooker Zambia: Livingstone to Ghoma J. Burtt Davy 20667 1929-8-15
GH: 02433991 africana C. E. Hubbard Zambia: North-Western Mwinilunga District: Luakera Falls. K. R. Paterson 1939-2
A: 02321026 africanum Sond. Zambia: Southern Zambesi River. Old Livingstone. N. Rhodesia E. H. Wilson 1922-1-24
A: 02450717 africanum (Benth.) Harms Zambia: Ndola - Broken Hill C. E. Duff 169 1934-3-30
AMES: 00099699 amoena Summerhayes Zambia: Chilongowelo near Victoria Falls M. A. E. Richards 1000 1952
AMES: 00085416 amoena Summerhayes Zambia: Chilongowelo near Victoria Falls M. A. E. Richards 1000 1952
AMES: 01947012 anacamptoides Kraenzlin Zambia: Bezirk Morogoro: Uluguru-Gebirge, Westseite,... H. J. E. Schlieben 3492 1933-2-19
AMES: 01947003 anacamptoides Kraenzlin Zambia: Chinsali District, Shiwa Ngandu. M. A. E. Richards 10757 1959-1-19
AMES: 01947002 anacamptoides Kraenzlin Zambia: Lundazi District, Nyika Plateau, Nyika Rest ... M. A. E. Richards 10406 1959-1-2
A: 01949365 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: N. Rhodesia: 80 km. S. of [Abercorm] E. A. Robinson 4057 1960-11-12
AMES: 01949366 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: Central Province, Luzaka District. Dambo. P. A. K. Strid 2663 1972-12-16
AMES: 01949367 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Sinkabolo Dambo . R. Milne-Redhead 3201 1937-10
AMES: 01949368 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Just N. W. of Dobeka Br... R. Milne-Redhead 3531 1937-12-7
AMES: 01949369 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: N. Rhodesia: [Merilunga] W. D. Holmes 76 1958-10-20
AMES: 01949434 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: 10 mls. E. of Boma W. D. Holmes 296 1961-1-15
AMES: 01949436 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: Abercorn District. Old Mpulungu Road below D... M. A. E. Richards 4588 1955-2-19
AMES: 01949437 angolensis (Schlechter) Schlechter Zambia: Nahando Park, 8 miles N of Lusaki E. B. Best 50 1954-1-31
AMES: 02341680 angolensis (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Bongweulu swamp, Itulo Is. W. C. Verboom 2648 1969-9-3
AMES: 02341679 angolensis (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District. Kawimbe area. Marsh Lumi ... M. A. E. Richards 6031 1956-8-30
GH: 02542914 angolensis (Rendle) Stapf Zambia: Southern Namwala. Kafue Nat. Park. Musa-Kafue conflue... B. L. Mitchell 24/51 1964
A: 02432319 angolensis Welwitsch Zambia: N. of Livingstone 34.6 miles J. Burtt Davy 20678 1929-8-15
A: 02432317 angolensis Welwitsch Zambia: Munali Pass. as Nega Nega J. Burtt Davy 20767 1929-8-20
A: 02465138 angolensis (Baker) Meeuwen Zambia: Choma J. Burtt Davy 20611 1929-8-16
A: 02465142 angolensis (Baker) Meeuwen Zambia: Namakobwe R. J. Burtt Davy 21667 1929-9-14
A: 02444317 angustifolia Stapf Zambia: Kopre Nat. Park. Ngoma. N. Rhodesia. B. L. Mitchell 6/39 1961
AMES: 02341683 antennata Schlechter Zambia: Western Mwinilunga District [illegible] 2578 1972-11-21
A: 02341682 antennata Schlechter Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abercorn Distr., 80 km S of Abe... E. A. Robinson 4053 1960-11-12
AMES: 01944203 atherstonei H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: District: Abercorn. A. A. Bullock 2086 1949-12-12
AMES: 01944200 atherstonei H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: District: Abercorn. Mbuga of L. Chila. A. A. Bullock 1411 1949-11-11
A: 02541881 atrosanguineum Hochstetter ex A. Richard Zambia: Kafue Nat. Park, Ngoma, N. Rhodesia B. L. Mitchell 7/53 1961-4-20
A: 02447681 atroviolacea Hackel Zambia: Northern Mungwi, Kasama dist., N. Rhodesia E. A. Robinson 3918 1960
A: 00982009 banksiae W. T. Aiton Zambia: Copperbelt Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe Y3 1967-10-20
A: 02444581 barbata Swartz Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Barotseland, Mongu Boma. W. C. Verboom 1308 1964-3-25
GH: 02504031 batocana Hiern Zambia: Between Victoria Falls and Livingstone J. Burtt Davy 20543 1929
ECON: 02504029 batocana Hiern Zambia: Forest at 34.2 miles W. of Livingston on Sib... J. Burtt Davy 20589 1929-8-14
A: 02504028 batocana Hiern Zambia: Kazungula Rd. W. of Livingstone. J. Burtt Davy 20550 1929-8-11
A: 02504973 baumiana Harms Zambia: Loc. Mongu J. D. Martin 908/38 1938-11-8
A: 02553300 benguelensis Müller Arg. Zambia: N. Rhodesia; Nr. Choma J. Burtt Davy 626 1929-8-16
AMES: 02162022 bicarinata (Blume) Schlechter Zambia: 6 miles west of Lusaka. Graham Williamson 2281 1973-11
A: 02444575 biflora (Hackel) Goossens Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia. Abercorn District, Nakatali A. Omari (Mrs. H. M. Richards) 8021 1957-1-25
A: 02504664 boehmii Taubert Zambia: Common between Choma and Pemba J. Burtt Davy 20722 1929-8-17
A: 02504663 boehmii Taubert Zambia: near Livingstone J. Burtt Davy 20548 1929-8-11
A: 02504662 boehmii Taubert Zambia: N. Rhodesia J. Burtt Davy 20548 1929-8-11
AMES: 01944222 breve Rolfe Zambia: Central Province, Lusaka District [illegible] 2665 1972-12-16
A: 02542954 brevifolium (Swartz) Nees ex Büse Zambia: Eastern Fort Jameson distr. Lunkwakwa Forest Reserve... W. C. Verboom 596(a) 1963-4-24
AMES: 02341696 brevisepala (Rendle) Summerhayes Zambia: Kawimbe Plain. M. Sanane 359 1968-12-4
A: 02541180 brizantha Stapf Zambia: Lusaka Lusaka, N. Rhodesia E. B. Best 17 1952-1-14
AMES: 01949372 buchananii (Schlechter) Rolfe Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Broken Hill, Chibwe P. F. A., i... [illegible] 43 1961-1-18
AMES: 01949373 buchananii (Schlechter) Rolfe Zambia: Northern Rhodesia. Chinsali District, Lake Y... M. A. E. Richards 10676 1959-1-15
AMES: 01945379 buchaniana (Kraenzlin) Rolfe Zambia: Mwamba road M. Sanane 1491 1971-1-18
AMES: 01945376 buchaniana (Kraenzlin) Rolfe Zambia: Mbala District. M. Sanane 405 1969-1-15
AMES: 01945375 buchaniana (Kraenzlin) Rolfe Zambia: Mwamba road. M. Sanane 1491 1971-1-18
AMES: 01945374 buchaniana (Kraenzlin) Rolfe Zambia: Mbala District, [Sairi] Valley M. Sanane 1017 1970-1-22
A: 02541820 burmanni (Retzius) P. Beauvois Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District. M. A. E. Richards 1285
A: 02445656 caffra Nees Zambia: Broken country nr. Mt. Makulu 12 m. S. Lusak... A. Angus 1465 1956-12-17
AMES: 02341702 calantha Schlechter Zambia: Mwiwilunga W. D. Holmes 099 1958-11-25
A: 02341706 callichroma Reichenbach f. Zambia: District Mankoya D. B. Fanshawe 7044 1962-9-22
A: 02444956 capensis (Thunberg) Trinius Zambia: Chinsali District, Shiwa Ngandu M. A. E. Richards 10754 1959-1-19
A: 02444952 capensis (Thunberg) Trinius Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Kalambo Farm, Machito-Kalambo R... [no data available] 2122 1954-10-23
GH: 02437475 capensis Linnaeus f. Zambia: Southern S Prov;, Livingstone Dist., Livingstone Is. ... W. Hepw. Lewis 6249 1962-11-19
A: 02435412 capensis Thunberg Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Between Pemba and Mazabuka I. B. Pole-Evans 2808(15) 1930
AMES: 01945862 carsoni N. E. Brown Zambia: Mbala District, Saisi Valley M. Sanane 1022 1970-1-22
AMES: 01944233 carsonii Rolfe Zambia: Mbala District. Kalambo [illegible]. M. Sanane 974 1970-1-3
AMES: 01945101 cataphysema H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Kawambwa W. D. Holmes 0293 1961-1-11
A: 02542904 ceresiiforme (Nees) Stapf Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District. M. A. E. Richards 1102
A: 02542411 chinensis (Nees) Merrill Zambia: Vlei Mangrin (Shangami). Gwampa Forest Reser... B. C. Goldsmith 48878 1954-1
AMES: 01944226 ciliatum Lindley Zambia: Central Province, Lusaka District. [illegible] 2668 1972-12-16
AMES: 01944286 ciliatum Lindley Zambia: [Central Province, Serenje District] [illegible] 2915 1973-2-12
AMES: 01944338 ciliatum Lindley Zambia: Mbala District, Msipazi road. M. Sanane 1514 1971-1-31
AMES: 01944337 ciliatum Lindley Zambia: Mbala District, [Mzipazi] road [no data available] 1971-1-31
AMES: 01944203 ciliatum Lindley Zambia: District: Abercorn. A. A. Bullock 2086 1949-12-12
AMES: 01944200 ciliatum Lindley Zambia: District: Abercorn. Mbuga of L. Chila. A. A. Bullock 1411 1949-11-11
AMES: 02341715 clitellifer Bolus Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Mapanza, Choma E. A. Robinson 2884 1958-9-13
AMES: 02384457 coccinatum H. Perrier Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga, Half-mile S. ... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3074 1937-11-3
AMES: 02384457 cochleatum Lindley Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga, Half-mile S. ... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3074 1937-11-3
AMES: 02341722 coeloglossa Schlechter Zambia: District: Kitwe[?] D. B. Fanshawe 2556 1955-10-26
AMES: 02341720 coeloglossa Schlechter Zambia: Abercorn District. Above Ndundu, Abercorn. M. A. E. Richards 13546 1960-11-11
A: 01949374 congoensis Kraenzlin Zambia: Luapula District, Mbereshi. Mrs. H. M. Richards & A. Omari 12370 1960-1-15
AMES: 01949375 congoensis Kraenzlin Zambia: Nakatali, Nr. Abercorn. A. A. Bullock 3653 1951-2-4
AMES: 01949376 congoensis Kraenzlin Zambia: Solwezi. W. D. Holmes 318 1962-1-5
AMES: 01949377 congoensis Kraenzlin Zambia: Abercom District. Kali dambo. M. A. E. Richards 4085 1955-1-15
GH: 02542914 congoensis Hackel Zambia: Southern Namwala. Kafue Nat. Park. Musa-Kafue conflue... B. L. Mitchell 24/51 1964
AMES: 02384461 congolanum Schlechter Zambia: Eastern Mbalo, Kalalo Village, Kalalo Hill M. Sanane 288 1968-10-5
AMES: 02384460 congolanum Schlechter Zambia: Eastern Mbalo, Kalalo Village, Kalalo Hill M. Sanane 288 1968-10-5
A: 02341724 corallorhiziformis Schlechter Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abercorn Distr., 80 km S. of Ab... E. A. Robinson 4060 1960-11-12
AMES: 02388492 corymbosa Lindley Zambia: District: Samfya D. B. Fanshawe 4406 1958-5-5
A: 02455308 crassipes K. Schumann Zambia: Mlanje Mt. J. Burtt Davy 20777 1929-8-20
AMES: 02341733 cucullata Lindley Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Slope E. of R. Matoachi... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2811 1937-10-16
A: 02542724 cymbaria Stapf Zambia: North Rhodesia: Abercorn Dist. M. McCallum-Webster A358 1959-4-24
A: 02444700 dactylon (Linnaeus) Persoon Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Mulwe, on edge of Lake Mwera J. H. Hinds 1954
A: 02541495 debilis (Desfontaines) Willdenow Zambia: 90 m/s. S. of Mwinilunga on Kabompo Road B. K. Simon & G. Williamson 2032 1969-12-25
A: 02541198 deflexa (Schumacher) C. E. Hubbard ex Robyns Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District. M. A. E. Richards 208
A: 02542533 densiflorus Stapf Zambia: New Road to Kasama about 2 miles from Aberco... [no data available] 1952-3-29
AMES: 00099831 edgari Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District, slope east of R. Kaoomb... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3781 1938-12-22
AMES: 01945145 edgari Summerhayes Zambia: Mbala District, Nkale dambo M. Sanane 1476 1971-1-18
A: 02541135 elongata De Wildeman Zambia: Northern Abercorn L. D. E. F. Vesey-Fitzgerald 1382 1958-1-14
FH: 00259676 enormis Hale Zambia: Zambia Rest House area, Nyika Plateau M. Jellicoe 1969-4
FH: 00259676 enormis (Hale) Krog Zambia: Zambia Rest House area, Nyika Plateau M. Jellicoe 1969-4
AMES: 02389020 epiphytica De Wildeman Zambia: North-Western Mwinilunga W. D. Holmes 063 1958-10-20
AMES: 01945894 equestris H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Western Province, Mwinilunga District. [illegible] 2649 1972-11-21
AMES: 01945901 erubescens Rendle Zambia: Mbala District, Saisi Valley M. Sanane 1047 1970-1-22
AMES: 02341747 euantha Schlechter Zambia: Abercorn District. Chilongolwelo. M. A. E. Richards 4338 1956-12-24
AMES: 02341746 euantha Schlechter Zambia: 10 mi E of Lusaka [data not captured] 2327 1974-11-28
A: 02542430 eucomus Nees Zambia: Lusaka Lusaka N 30 km., Karube dambo. M. G. Bingham 9950 1994-1-18
A: 02321068 excelsum Vogel Zambia: [no additional data] D. B. Fanshawe 08 1968-9-16
A: 02542964 exile (Hochstetter) Pilger Zambia: Ngoni area, N. Rhodesia W. C. Verboom 587 1962-3
A: 02542961 exile (Hochstetter) Pilger Zambia: 4th Gorge, Victoria Falls, N. Rhodesia J. M. Rattray 1797 1956-3-5
A: 02384473 expallidum J. J. Vermeulen Zambia: North-Western Solwezi: Mbongwe Forest reserve W. D. Holmes 010 1958
A: 02447462 festivus Hochstetter ex A. Richard Zambia: Northern Sumbawanga Road, Abercorn Dist., N. Rhodesia M. A. E. Richards 8015 1957-1-30
A: 02447461 festivus Hochstetter ex A. Richard Zambia: Southern N. Rhodesia. Monze area I. C. Verdoorn 1956-12-12
A: 02444341 flaccifolia Stapf Zambia: Forest Dept. Exp. Plots, Ndola, N. Rhodesia J. P. M. Brenan 8375 1957-11-26
A: 02541736 flavida (Stapf) C. E. Hubbard Zambia: Western Mongu District, Looma, Nanganda M. G. Bingham 9882 1993-12-21
AMES: 02341751 flavopurpurea (Reichenbach f.) Rolfe Zambia: Chadiza, Chimpevera Farms. N. K. B. Robson 779 1958-11-28
AMES: 02341750 flavopurpurea (Reichenbach f.) Rolfe Zambia: Central Lusaka District [illegible] 2641 1972-12-3
A: 02341749 flavopurpurea (Reichenbach f.) Rolfe Zambia: 3 miles NE of [?] Jameson A. E. King 440 1958-12-20
A: 02504678 floribunda Bentham Zambia: Ndola C. E. Duff 112/23 1933
AMES: 01949378 friesii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District, grassy top of Kambole Esc... M. A. E. Richards 10831 1959-2-1
A: 01949379 friesii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Kasama Distr., 12 km. E. of Kas... E. A. Robinson 4281 1961-1-19
AMES: 01949380 friesii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abercorn, Chilungowelo M. A. E. Richards 37 1951-12-15
AMES: 01949381 friesii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District. Top of Escarpment, Chilon... M. A. E. Richards 7347 1956-12-27
AMES: 01949383 friesii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Chilongowelo. Top of Escarpment. M. A. E. Richards 3739 1954-12-22
FH: 00213803 frondosa K. Vánky Zambia: Southern 162 km NE urbe Livingstone 16°56'40" S, 26Â... Vanky, T. J., Vanky, C., Vanky, K. 5133 2001-4-14
A: 02444491 fruticulosa Chiovenda Zambia: Northern Northern Rhodesia: Abercorn Dist. The Pams. ... M. McCallum-Webster A249 1939-3-27
GH: 02542914 gabonensis (Steudel) Clayton Zambia: Southern Namwala. Kafue Nat. Park. Musa-Kafue conflue... B. L. Mitchell 24/51 1964
A: 02504557 galpinii N. E. Brown Zambia: Between Victoria Falls & Livingstone; N. Rho... J. Burtt Davy 20546 1929-8-12
A: 02542501 glabra (Roxburgh) A. Camus Zambia: Ngomi area, Fort Jameson, N. Rhodesia W. C. Verboom 588 1962-3
A: 02542499 glabra (Roxburgh) A. Camus Zambia: S. Rhodesia: Gokwe District, Inyoka tobacco ... M. G. Bingham 466 1963-1-24
A: 02321267 glabrescens Oliv. Zambia: Southern Around Choma J. Burtt Davy 20620 1929-8-16
A: 02450856 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Central near Muzoka Siding J. Burtt Davy 20702 1929-8-17
A: 02450855 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Sewa Camp J. Burtt Davy 20980 1929-8-28
A: 02450854 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Katopasi J. Burtt Davy 20661 1929-8-15
A: 02450853 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Menga River to Lewa Camp at 268 miles east o... J. Burtt Davy 20961 1929-8-27
A: 02450852 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Nega Nega Hills J. Burtt Davy 20772 1929-8-20
A: 02450851 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Lusaka 267 miles east of Lusaka J. Burtt Davy 20963 1929-8-27
A: 02450849 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Munali Pass, Nega Nega Hills J. Burtt Davy 20791A 1929-8-20
A: 02450848 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Southern Around Choma J. Burtt Davy 20645 1929-8-16
A: 02450847 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Northern Mechenga. Lake Chilwa J. Burtt Davy 21907 1929-9-20
A: 02450846 globiflora (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Northern Lake Chilwa. Mechenga J. Burtt Davy 21904 1929-9-20
AMES: 01945162 gonatosiphon Summerhayes Zambia: Nkale dambo, [Kawinke road] M. Sanane 1476A 1970-1-18
AMES: 01945161 gonatosiphon Summerhayes Zambia: Nkale dambo, Kawinke road M. Sanane 1476A 1970-1-18
A: 02444299 gracilis S. M. Stent & J. M. Rattray Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Kawimbe fish ponds. M. A. E. Richards 9944 1957-5-31
A: 02445732 greenwayi C. E. Hubbard Zambia: North-Western Mwinilunga District. Mujileshi River, 4-5 ml... M. A. E. Richards 16972 1962
A: 02541224 grossa Stapf Zambia: Southern Kafne National Park, Namwala, N. Rhodesia, A... B. L. Mitchell 14/22 1962-4-28
AMES: 01947037 hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Shiwangandu D. B. Fanshawe F2004 1955-2-5
AMES: 01947036 hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Mwinilunga W. D. Holmes 0102 1958-11-25
AMES: 01947035 hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: District: Chingola D. B. Fanshawe 2806 1956-3-1
AMES: 01947034 hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: [Central] Province, Serenje District, Kundal... [illegible] 2890 1973-4-2
A: 01947033 hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: Mporokoso District, Lumangwe Falls, Kalungwi... M. A. E. Richards 12314 1960-9-1
AMES: 01945166 harmsiana Schlechter Zambia: Fort Jameson. 4 miles N. E. of Ft. Jameson. A. E. King 460 1959-2-10
A: 02321272 harveyi E.Fourn. Zambia: Southern Mt. Choma J. Burtt Davy 20652 1929-8-16
GH: 02437510 herbacea (Linnaeus) Roxburgh Zambia: Northern N Prov., Abercorn Dist., Chila Lake W. Hepw. Lewis 6122 1962-10-31
GH: 02437508 herbacea (Linnaeus) Roxburgh Zambia: Northern N Prov; Abercorn Dist., 2 miles SW of Aberco... W. Hepw. Lewis 6102 1962-10-28
GH: 02437507 herbacea (Linnaeus) Roxburgh Zambia: North-Western NWProv., Mwinilunga Dist., Zanbesi Rivers ra... W. Hepw. Lewis 6202 1962-11-10
AMES: 01945929 hircicornis H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mbala District. Lyapa plain. M. Sanane 983 1970-1-3
AMES: 01945928 hircicornis H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mbala District. Lyapa Plain. M. Sanane 983 1970-1-3
AMES: 01945927 hircicornis H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Western Province, Mwinilunga District. [illegible] 2550 1972-11-21
AMES: 01945926 hircicornis H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: [Kyimbila District] (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz
GH: 01945925 hircicornis H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: [Kyimbila District] (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz
A: 02444499 hispida (Linnaeus f.) K. Schumann Zambia: Eastern Highlands, Albany, Cape. R. D. A. Bayliss BS 4473 1969
A: 02447104 hispida K. Schumann Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Monze area I. C. Verdoorn gr1 1956-12-13
A: 02447103 hispida K. Schumann Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Kawimbe Marsh M. A. E. Richards 6819 1956
AMES: 02341763 horsfallii (Bateman) Summerhayes Zambia: Zombe Plain, Mbola District M. Sanane 935 1969-9-11
A: 02455061 huillense Hiern Zambia: Near Likona Forest, near Pezo Village, Kabom... J. D. Martin 923/38 1938-12-28
AMES: 01945185 ichneumonea (Afzelius ex Swartz) Lindley Zambia: 30 m. W. of Chipata [illegible] 2294 1974-6-30
A: 02384501 injoloense De Wildeman Zambia: Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga District, Just... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3183 1937-11-10
AMES: 02341773 ischna Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District. Kali dambo M. A. E. Richards 4095 1955-1-15
AMES: 02341772 ischna Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District. Kawimbe. M. A. E. Richards 7317 1956-12-24
AMES: 02341771 ischna Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District, Lumi Marsh, Kawimbe. M. A. E. Richards 12029 1959-12-29
AMES: 01947040 johnsonii Rolfe Zambia: Mwinilunga District. About 4 miles of Mwinil... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3507 1937-10
AMES: 01947038 johnsonii Rolfe Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Mufulia [illegible] 168 1948-1-31
A: 02541262 jubata (Figari & De Notaris) Stapf Zambia: Northern Rhodesia. Dam[?] edge, Mt. [covered... [illegible] 1815 1958-1-15
A: 02553337 kirkiana Müller Arg. Zambia: N. Rhodesia; near Choma J. Burtt Davy 642 1929-8-16
A: 02504128 kirkii Hiern Zambia: Kinyunyu River; N. Rhodesia J. Burtt Davy 20852 1929-8
A: 02455060 kraussioides (Hiern) Bridson Zambia: N. Rhodesia J. D. Martin 872
A: 02445670 kunthii Desvaux Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District M. A. E. Richards 653
A: 02445669 kunthii Desvaux Zambia: Northern Kalambo Falls, Abercorn Dist., N. Rhodesia M. A. E. Richards 7452 1957
A: 02445668 kunthii Desvaux Zambia: Southern N. Rhodesia. Monze area I. C. Verdoorn 1956-12-12
A: 02445667 kunthii Desvaux Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Ningi Pans, Abercorn. M. A. E. Richards 12469 1960
AMES: 02341777 latilabris Summerhayes Zambia: Kawambwa District. Kawambwa-Fort Rosebery Rd... M. A. E. Richards 15393 1961-11-24
ECON: 02341775 latilabris Summerhayes Zambia: [?].E. of Dobeka Bridge E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3114 1937-11-5
FH: 00213800 leptocarydionis K. Vánky & C. Vánky Zambia: Southern 126 km SE urbe Kafue, 8 km N pag. Siavonga 1... C. Vánky & K. Vánky 5093 2001-4-30
AMES: 01945934 leucostachys Kraenzlin Zambia: Kyimbila District. (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz
GH: 01945933 leucostachys Kraenzlin Zambia: Kyimbila District. (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz
A: 02541995 lindleyanum Nees ex Steudel Zambia: Kawambwa dist., Timnatushi Falls, N. Rhodesi... M. A. E. Richards 9306 1957-4-18
GH: 00092490 livida (Hiern) Bridson Zambia: Zambezi Sir J. Kirk
GH: 00092490 lividum Hiern Zambia: Zambezi Sir J. Kirk
A: 02455061 lividus (Hiern) Bridson Zambia: Near Likona Forest, near Pezo Village, Kabom... J. D. Martin 923/38 1938-12-28
AMES: 02341786 livingstoniana (Reichenbach f.) Schlechter Zambia: Mbala District, Mwandwizi Plain M. Sanane 303 1968-10-19
AMES: 02341791 longifolia (Kunth) Schlechter Zambia: Mwinilunga E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3444 1937-10
A: 02504687 longifolia Bentham Zambia: Ndola C. E. Duff 173/34 1932
GH: 02437591 longifolia Klotzsch Zambia: Northern N. Prov., Abercorn Dist., Sunzu Gorge W. Hepw. Lewis 6094 1962-10-27
GH: 02437591 longifolium (Klotzsch) Groeninckx & Dussein Zambia: Northern N. Prov., Abercorn Dist., Sunzu Gorge W. Hepw. Lewis 6094 1962-10-27
A: 02444356 longiseta P. Beauvois Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District. Dulamidi. M. A. E. Richards 535 1952-1-29
A: 02434118 longistaminata A. J. B. Chevalier & O. Roehrich Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Lumi River, Kawimbe M. A. E. Richards 12757 1960-3-17
AMES: 02384511 lupulinum Lindley Zambia: Mwinilunga Pedicle W. D. Holmes 0254 1960-8-29
FH: 00374440 lusakianus J. Moravec Zambia: Lusaka Africa m. Zambia m., Lusaka (in urbe) Jiřà Moravec 1981-1-26
A: 02341794 macaulayi Summerhayes Zambia: Mumbwa Distr., 30 miles W of Kafne Hock Part... [illegible] 6202 1959-11-7
FH: 00213771 magicus K. Vánky & T. F. Vánky Zambia: Lusaka 124 km ENE urbe Lusaka 15°08'59" S, 29°21'... Vanky, T. J., Vanky, C., Vanky, K. 5108 2001-4-17
AMES: 01945224 magnirostris Summerhayes Zambia: Central Province, [Luzaka] District [illegible] 2670 1972-12-16
A: 02455060 malacocarpum (K. Schumann & K. Krause) Bullock Zambia: N. Rhodesia J. D. Martin 872
AMES: 02341797 malangana (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District. parts of Mbuga of L. Chil... A. A. Bullock 2089 1949-12-12
AMES: 02341796 malangana (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Abercorn District; Lake Chila M. A. E. Richards 7443 1956-12-29
AMES: 02341795 malangana (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Mbala District, Lyapa plain. M. Sanane 978 1970-1-3
A: 02504688 manga De Wildeman Zambia: Sewa Camp J. Burtt Davy 20982 1929-8-27
GH: 02447148 manikensis De Wildeman Zambia: Ã Kafubu. fermu Dom Bosco. Guarre 892 1927-11
A: 02553262 maprouneifolia Pax Zambia: 34.2 miles W. of Livingstone J. Burtt Davy 20584 1929-8-14
A: 02444019 massaiense Mez Zambia: Eastern Fort Jameson dist., Jumbe area, N. Rhodesia W. C. Verboom 928 1963-3-24
FH: 00213770 mauritiana K. Vánky Zambia: Lusaka 186 km E eube Lusaka 15°03'37" S, 29°50'06... C. Vánky & K. Vánky 5103 2001-4-27
A: 02444037 maximum Jacquin Zambia: Southern N. Rhodesia: Livingstone District, on bank o... B. L. Mitchell 17/50 1963
A: 02444026 maximum Jacquin Zambia: Eastern Lundazi. E. A. Robinson 805 1954-6-1
A: 02447846 meridionalis Henrard Zambia: Northern Rhodesia. Felisi A. A. Bullock 2904 1950
A: 02504167 mespiliformis Hochstetter ex A. de Candolle Zambia: Lunsefwa River; N. Rhodesia J. Burtt Davy 20910 1929-8-25
A: 02504164 mespiliformis Hochstetter ex A. de Candolle Zambia: Victoria Falls, Rhodesia E. H. Wilson 1922-1-28
A: 02541558 milanjiana (Rendle) Stapf Zambia: Lusaka Chipongwe Cave, Lusaka SSW 28km M. G. Bingham & D. H. Harder 10374 1995-2-5
AMES: 02341801 milnei Reichenbach f. Zambia: SW of Dobeka Bridge E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2690 1937-10
A: 02541771 minutiflora P. Beauvois Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Lumi River. M. A. E. Richards 9931 1957-5-31
AMES: 01945239 mirabilis Rolfe Zambia: Zombe plain M. Sanane 428 1969-2-4
AMES: 02389052 miranda Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 4281 1937-10
A: 02588929 mollis Pax Zambia: Karapasi Teak Forest J. Burtt Davy 20672 1929-8-15
A: 02444362 mombassana R. A. W. Herrmann Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Alluvium by [crossed out]. Maku... A. Angus 1445 1956-11-17
A: 02504965 mopane (J. Kirk ex Bentham) J. Léonard Zambia: Rhodesia, Katomborwa, near Livingstone J. M. Borle 298
A: 02433989 mucronata (Poiret) P. Beauvois Zambia: Western N. Rhodesia: Barotseland. Mankoya District. W. C. Verboom 1378 1964-4-16
A: 02542972 mukuluense Vanderyst Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Chakwenga Headwaters E. A. Robinson 5773 1963-5-27
A: 02542619 muticus (Sprengel) Kunth Zambia: Melsetter. Chimanimani Mts. Summit of Mt. Pe... R. Goodier 491 1957-12-30
A: 02542618 muticus (Sprengel) Kunth Zambia: Southern N. Rhodesia: Monze H. J. Van Rensburg 2727 1964
A: 02504407 natalensis A. de Candolle Zambia: [illegible] Pemba; N Rhodesia J. Burtt Davy 20699 1929-8-17
A: 02504406 natalensis A. de Candolle Zambia: Choma [?] Pemba; N Rhodesia J. Burtt Davy 20699 1929-8-17
AMES: 01944362 nepalense D. Don Zambia: Mbala District. Road to Zombe. M. Sanane 426 1969-2-4
AMES: 01944361 nepalense D. Don Zambia: Nyika. Graham Williamson [data not captur... 359 1968-2
AMES: 01944360 nepalense D. Don Zambia: Mbala District. Road to Zombe. M. Sanane 426 1969-2-4
A: 02435189 neurophylla (S. Moore) Bremekamp Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Mozabuka J. Burtt Davy 20765 1929-8-20
A: 02435189 neurophyllum (S. Moore) J. Degreef Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Mozabuka J. Burtt Davy 20765 1929-8-20
A: 02553346 nitida Müller Arg. Zambia: N. Rhodesia; Between Choma + Pemba J. Burtt Davy 697 1929-8-17
A: 02553345 nitida Müller Arg. Zambia: N. Rhodesia; near Choma J. Burtt Davy 649 1929-8-16
A: 02553344 nitida Müller Arg. Zambia: N. Rhodesia; Tangere River J. Burtt Davy 891 1929-8-24
A: 02553343 nitida Müller Arg. Zambia: Broken Hill Rhodesia F. A. Rogers 8601 1909-11
A: 02553342 nitida Müller Arg. Zambia: Northern Chinsali District. 22.4 km NE of junction wi... H. H. Schmidt, D. K. Harder, C. N.... 1456 1994-5-22
FH: 00213801 nodiglumis K. Vánky Zambia: Lusaka 124 km ENE urbe Lusaka 15°08'59" S, 29°21'... Vanky, T. J., Vanky, C., Vanky, K. 5105 2001-4-17
AMES: 02341804 norlindhii Summerhayes Zambia: Petauke-Sasare Rd. N. K. B. Robson 827 1958-12-4
A: 02542997 nudipes Nash Zambia: Lusaka Lusaka N 30 km. M. G. Bingham 9952 1994-1-18
A: 02542777 nyassae (Rendle) Stapf Zambia: Mt. Makulu Research Stn., 12 miles S. Lusaka... A. Angus 1371 1956
A: 02542773 nyassae (Rendle) Stapf Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District M. A. E. Richards 1782
A: 02321453 nyassana Taub. Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Nega Nega Hills. North Slope J. Burtt Davy 20781 1929-8-20
FH: 00213768 nymphoides K. Vánky Zambia: Southern 130 km SE urbe Kafue, pr. lacum Kariba 16°2... C. Vánky & K. Vánky 5162 2001-4-28
A: 02321341 obtusangulus (Welw. ex Oliv.) Harms Zambia: Southern Livingstone, N. Bank of Zambesi F. A. Rogers 5970 1914-1
AMES: 01945821 occultans (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Zambia: Central Province, [Lusaka] District [illegible] 2697 1972-12-16
AMES: 01945957 ochrostachya H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Kawambwa. Mbereshi R. W. D. Holmes 0288 1961-1-11
AMES: 01945955 ochrostachya H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Kyimbila District. (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz
GH: 01945954 ochrostachya H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Kyimbila District. (North of Lake Nyasa) A. F. Stolz
A: 01949391 oligophylla Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Sinkabolo Swamp. M. A. E. Richards 17421 1962-11-20
AMES: 01949392 oligophylla Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Sinkabolo Dambo. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3567 1937-12-9
AMES: 02384528 oreonastes Reichenbach f. Zambia: Abercorn, lake Chila overflow A. A. Bullock 2732 1950-3-24
AMES: 02384527 oreonastes Reichenbach f. Zambia: Northern Rhodesia: Abercorn, overflow of Lak... B. D. Burtt 6325 1936-4-20
AMES: 02384526 oreonastes Reichenbach f. Zambia: Northern Rhodesia. Kawambwa District. Kawamb... M. A. E. Richards 9302 1954-4-18
AMES: 02384525 oreonastes Reichenbach f. Zambia: Southern Rhodesia. District: Umbra H. Wild 2813 1949-3
AMES: 02341806 orthoplectra (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Songea District. Lower slope of Matagoro Hil... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead & P. G. ... 9765B 1956-5-2
A: 02450865 paniculata (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: near Sewa Camp J. Burtt Davy 20951 1929-8-27
A: 02450863 paniculata (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: near Sewa Camp J. Burtt Davy 20951 1929-8-27
A: 02450860 paniculata (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: N. Rhodesia D. Stevenson 389/32
A: 02450858 paniculata (Benth.) Greenway Zambia: Copperbelt Ndola C. E. Duff 170/34 1934-2
A: 02447189 patens Oliver Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District M. A. E. Richards 1092
A: 02525296 payos (Loureiro) Merrill Zambia: N. Rhodesia, Mazabuka to Kafue J. Burtt Davy 20790 1929-8-20
A: 02444217 platyrrhachis C. E. Hubbard Zambia: Lochinvar Ranch, Mayabuka, N. Rhodesia, Afri... B. L. Mitchell 13/91 1962-4-25
AMES: 01949402 pleistophylla H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mufulira. D. B. Fanshawe 2684 1956-1-3
AMES: 01949404 pleistophylla H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: N. W. Prov. Mwinilunca. W. D. Holmes 78 1958-10-25
A: 01949407 pleistophylla H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mwinilunga Distr.: 3 miles from Matmehi Farm... M. A. E. Richards 17272 1962-11-17
A: 02504543 plurijuga Harms Zambia: District Barotse, Rhodesia; Sesheke J. M. Borle 359 1922-1
A: 02504542 plurijuga Harms Zambia: Livingstone N. Rhodesia E. H. Wilson 1922-1-24
A: 02504541 plurijuga Harms Zambia: Livingstone N. Rhodesia E. H. Wilson 1922-1-24
FH: 00213798 pogonarthriae K. Vánky & C. Vánky Zambia: Southern 135 km NE urbe Livingstone 16°59'59" S, 26Â... Vanky, T. J., Vanky, C., Vanky, K. 5120 2001-4-12
A: 02444095 porphyrrhizos Steudel Zambia: Eastern Fort Jameson Dist. N. Rhodesia, Africa. W. C. Verboom 501 1963-1
GH: 02437608 prostrata (R. D. Good) W. H. Lewis Zambia: Northern N. Prov., Abercorn Dist., 1 mile S of Aberco... W. Hepw. Lewis 6119 1962-10-30
AMES: 01945414 protearum (H. G. Reichenbach) Rolfe Zambia: District: Abercorn. Mbuga of L. Chila. A. A. Bullock 2090 1949-12-12
AMES: 01949418 pubescens Harvey Zambia: Mbala District, Mbala Sand M. Sanane 1460 1971-1-14
AMES: 01949422 pubescens Harvey Zambia: Northern Rhodesia. Mwinilunga District. W. e... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3915 1938-1-1
AMES: 01949424 pubescens Harvey Zambia: Mbala District, Mbala Sand pits. M. Sanane 1460 1971-1-14
AMES: 01949426 pubescens Harvey Zambia: N. W. Prov., Mwinilunga. W. D. Holmes 104 1958-11-28
AMES: 02175522 pygmaea Summerhayes Zambia: just N of Mwimilunga E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 4359 1938-1-26
AMES: 02175521 pygmaea Summerhayes Zambia: District: Mufulira D. B. Fanshawe 2461 1956-1-26
A: 02341821 pyrophila (Reichenbach f.) Summerhayes Zambia: Mankoya District. 3 miles W. of Mankoya. R. B. Drummond & A. J. Cookson 6229 1959-11-8
A: 02504695 randii E. G. Baker Zambia: Choma J. Burtt Davy 20641 1929-8-16
A: 02541787 repens (Willdenow) C. E. Hubbard Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Kawimbe. M. A. E. Richards 9907 1957-5-26
A: 02541787 repens (Willdenow) Zizka Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Kawimbe. M. A. E. Richards 9907 1957-5-26
A: 02444778 retroflexa (Vahl) Panzer Zambia: Southern Kafue Flats at Nanga Pilot Polder W. of Maza... A. Angus 1589 1957-5-13
A: 01949408 rhodostachys (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga Distr.: Sinkabdo swamp M. A. E. Richards 17435 1962-11-20
AMES: 01949410 rhodostachys (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Sinkabolo Dambo. Mwinilunga District. E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3203 1937-11-12
FH: 00940615 robsonii C. W. Dodge Zambia: Eastern N. Rhodesia: Eastern Province, Lundazi-Mzimb... N. K. B. Robson 147E 1958-10-18
FH: 00313722 robsonii C. W. Dodge Zambia: Eastern N. Rhodesia: Eastern Province, Lundazi-Mzimb... N. K. B. Robson 147E 1958-10-18
A: 02435412 rothmannia Linnaeus f. Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Between Pemba and Mazabuka I. B. Pole-Evans 2808(15) 1930
A: 02542918 rottboellioides Hamilton Zambia: Northern Abercorn District, Ningi Pans, Abercorn. M. A. E. Richards 12470 1960
A: 02542917 rottboellioides Hamilton Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia, Kalene Hill, Mwinilunga E. A. Robinson 6055 1963-12-15
ECON: 02094588 rufina Reichenbach f. ex Rolfe Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abacanao district. M. A. E. Richards 714 1952-2-15
AMES: 02094585 rufina Reichenbach f. ex Rolfe Zambia: Mwinilunga District; Sinkabolo Dambo E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 4389 1938-1-29
A: 02434872 saligna Harvey Zambia: Kingunya R to Tangere R. 115 m E. of Luseka J. Burtt Davy 20856
A: 02432068 salignum R. Brown Zambia: Copperbelt Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe Q3 1967
A: 02504446 schimperi (A. de Candolle) Dandy Zambia: Victoria Falls J. Burtt Davy 20511 1932-8-10
A: 02542411 schinzii Hackel ex Schinz Zambia: Vlei Mangrin (Shangami). Gwampa Forest Reser... B. C. Goldsmith 48878 1954-1
A: 02542465 schirensis A. Richard Zambia: Lusaka Isoberlinia woodland; nr. Mt. Makulu; 12 m. ... A. Angus 1497 1957-1-19
FH: 00213769 schizachyrii K. Vánky Zambia: Southern 75 km ESE urbe Kafue, Chirundu Fossil Forest... C. Vánky & K. Vánky 5115 2001-4-28
A: 01583886 sclerantha Nees Zambia: Northern Abercorn District. Track to Kaka Village. No... M. A. E. Richards 9569 1957
A: 02452396 senegalensis (Lamarck) Loesener Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Victoria Falls J. Burtt Davy 20563 1929-8-11
AMES: 02341837 shupangae Kraenzlin Zambia: Abercorn District; Lake Chila; Northern Rhod... M. A. E. Richards 7426 1956-12-31
AMES: 02341832 shupangae Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwamba road M. Sanane 1499 1971-1-18
A: 02541749 simplex (Nees) C. E. Hubbard Zambia: Luapula Mbereshi - Kawambwa Road near Timnatushi tur... M. A. E. Richards 12420 1960-1-18
A: 02504605 sp. Zambia: [?] Rhodesia, Zambesi at Gonye Falls. M. A. Pocock 160 cf. 876 1925-4-28
A: 02553193 sp. Zambia: Eastern For Jameson J. Burtt Davy 1030 1929-8-31
A: 02454435 sp. Zambia: N. Rhodesia betw. Luhmar[?] border M. A. Pocock 213 1925-5-8
AMES: 01945369 sp. H. B. Willd Zambia: Abercorn Distr., rocks beyond Kawimbe M. A. E. Richards 22107 1967-2-20
AMES: 01945367 sp. H. B. Willd Zambia: Mbala Distr. Sais Valley. M. Sanane 1311 1970-7-20
AMES: 01945366 sp. H. B. Willd Zambia: Shiwa Ngandu. Graham Williamson 412 1968-2
A: 02444379 sp. Zambia: N. Rhodosia. Kafue Flats at Nanga Pilot Fold... A. Angus 1585 1957-5-15
A: 02447338 sp. Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District M. A. E. Richards 1384 1952-4-14
A: 02447332 sp. Zambia: Zeze, Sinazongwe N. K. B. Robson & A. Angus 992 1958-12-29
GH: 01583925 sp. Zambia: Northern Abercorn district M. A. E. Richards 1309 1952-4-2
AMES: 01944040 sp. Zambia: Mwinilunga Pedicle. W. D. Holmes 02A 1960-8
AMES: 02341889 sp. Zambia: Northern Northern Rhodesia: Abercorn Distr. [Mbala], ... B. D. Burtt 6323 1936-6-8
AMES: 02341884 sp. Zambia: North-Western Tributary of Dengwe 30 mls. W. of Boma; Kase... W. D. Holmes 0305 1961-10-6
AMES: 02341873 sp. Zambia: Nyika Plateau, clump of woodland near Zambia... M. A. E. Richards 22460 1967-11-10
AMES: 02341872 sp. Zambia: Central Province, Lusaka District Ã…. Strid 2667 1972-12-16
AMES: 01944390 sp. Zambia: District: Abercorn. A. A. Bullock 2088 1949-12-12
A: 02447973 sp. Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District M. A. E. Richards 1679
GH: 02542914 sp. Zambia: Southern Namwala. Kafue Nat. Park. Musa-Kafue conflue... B. L. Mitchell 24/51 1964
A: 02541262 sp. Zambia: Northern Rhodesia. Dam[?] edge, Mt. [covered... [illegible] 1815 1958-1-15
A: 02324680 speciosa R. Fernandes Zambia: in private gardens D. B. Fanshawe S3 1967-10-10
A: 02434880 speciosa Welwitsch Zambia: Eastern Around Chama J. Burtt Davy 20627 1929-8
A: 02434878 speciosa Welwitsch Zambia: Eastern Around Chama J. Burtt Davy 20027 1929-8-16
A: 02434877 speciosa Welwitsch Zambia: N. of Livingstone 34.6 miles J. Burtt Davy 20679 1929-8-15
A: 02504719 spiciformis Bentham Zambia: Southern near Choma J. Burtt Davy 20614 1929-8-16
A: 02504718 spiciformis Bentham Zambia: Southern Choma, hotel yard J. Burtt Davy 20641 1929-8-16
A: 02504717 spiciformis Bentham Zambia: Southern near Choma J. Burtt Davy 20646 1929-4
A: 02504716 spiciformis Bentham Zambia: Central near Muzoka Siding J. Burtt Davy 20704 1929-4-17
A: 02447584 stapfianus Gandoger Zambia: Northern Northern Rhodesia. Lake Tanganyika, Mpulungu M. A. E. Richards 3674 1954-12-16
A: 02542998 stipoides (Kunth) Nash Zambia: Southern N. Rhodesia: Namwala H. J. Van Rensburg 2773 1964-1-15
A: 02504701 stipulata De Wildeman Zambia: Between Minga River and Lewa Camp ca 288 mil... J. Burtt Davy 20952 1929-8-27
A: 02504700 stipulata De Wildeman Zambia: Minga River to Lewa Camp. at 267 miles east ... J. Burtt Davy 20962 1929-8-27
AMES: 01944004 stolzii Schlechter Zambia: Misamfu. 5 miles N of Nasama. [data not captured] 181,832 1967-1-7
AMES: 02175525 stolzii (Schlechter) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Evergreen vegetation by... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3837 1937-12-27
AMES: 02389095 stuhlmannii Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga W. D. Holmes 080 1958-10-25
AMES: 02389092 stuhlmannii Kraenzlin Zambia: Mwinilunga District; around Matonchi Farm E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3328 1937-11-20
A: 02447588 subtilis Kunth Zambia: Ncheta Island. Bangweulu swamps. W. C. Verboom 2570 1969-9-2
A: 02541758 superba De Notaris Zambia: Northern N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District; path to Inon... M. A. E. Richards 500 1952-1-21
AMES: 00100119 supplicans Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District, ca. one mile south of M... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3902 1938-12-31
AMES: 00085406 supplicans Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District, ca. one mile south of M... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3902 1938-12-31
A: 02321359 surinamensis Bentham Zambia: Copperbelt Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe X3 1967-10-20
AMES: 02389102 tayloriana Rendle Zambia: District: Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe F. 2412 1955-8-4
AMES: 02389102 tenuissima Kraenzlin Zambia: District: Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe F. 2412 1955-8-4
A: 02450868 tomentosa (Harms) Craib & Stapf Zambia: 70.5 m. east of Lusaka J. Burtt Davy 850 1929-8-23
A: 00044317 trijuga Dunkley Zambia: J. D. Martin 571 1933
A: 02542628 tripsacoides Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow Zambia: Lusaka Lusaka SE 25km, Kanyanja. M. G. Bingham & D. H. Harder 10947 1996-2-25
FH: 00213813 tristachyae-nodiglumis K. Vánky Zambia: Lusaka 169 km ENE urbe Lusaka 15°04'10" S, 29°45'... Vanky, T. J., Vanky, C., Vanky, K. 5146 2001-4-17
A: 02542998 trollii Pilger Zambia: Southern N. Rhodesia: Namwala H. J. Van Rensburg 2773 1964-1-15
A: 02455124 umbellulata Robyns Zambia: in Situya Plain J. D. Martin 911/38 1938
A: 02504747 utilis Hutch. & Burtt Davy Zambia: Six miles East of Lusaka. C. Prov., Lusaka D... J. Burtt Davy 20833 1929-8-22
A: 02588716 venosum E. Meyer ex Tulasne Zambia: Kafue Gorge J. Burtt Davy 20811 1929-8-21
A: 02444421 verticillata (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Zambia: Northern Mporokoso District, Mweru-Wantipa, Mawe Rive... M. A. E. Richards 9076 1957
A: 02435938 vestitum Robyns Zambia: N. Rhodesia. Munali Pass J. Burtt Davy 20761 1929-8-20
AMES: 02389117 villosa Rolfe Zambia: Mile 42. Abercorn-Sumbawanga. A. A. Bullock 3494 1950-11-28
AMES: 01944386 volkensii Schlechter Zambia: Central Province, Lusaka District. [illegible] 2666 1972-12-16
A: 02542773 vulpina Stapf Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Abercorn District M. A. E. Richards 1782
AMES: 02341918 walleri (Reichenbach f.) Kraenzlin Zambia: W. Rhodesia: Mukalaikwe, 40 miles W of Lusak... A. Angus 2032 1959-1-29
AMES: 02341860 walleri (Reichenbach f.) Kraenzlin Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Namando Park, 8 miles N. of Lus... E. B. Best 51 1954-1-31
ECON: 02341859 walleri (Reichenbach f.) Kraenzlin Zambia: Northern Abercorn [Mbala]; Northern Rhodesia. A. A. Bullock 2157 1949
AMES: 02341857 walleri (Reichenbach f.) Kraenzlin Zambia: Northern Abercorn Kambole Rd. Abercorn Distr. [Mbala]... M. A. E. Richards 3833 1955-1-1
A: 02341856 walleri (Reichenbach f.) Kraenzlin Zambia: Western District: Masese; Northern Rhodesia D. B. Fanshawe 6121 1961-1-12
AMES: 02341864 warneckeana Kraenzlin Zambia: North-Western Kalenda Dambo; Mwinilunga District. Northern... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3590 1937-12-10
AMES: 02341863 warneckeana Kraenzlin Zambia: Luapula Kawambwa Distr., 8 miles from Kawambwa to Nc... M. A. E. Richards 15441 1961-11-29
AMES: 02175525 weberbaueriana (Kraenzlin) Summerhayes Zambia: Mwinilunga District. Evergreen vegetation by... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 3837 1937-12-27
AMES: 01944075 welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mporokoso. 20 mls. E. of Boma on Abercorn Rd... W. D. Holmes 0278 1961-1-10
AMES: 01944074 welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Western Province, Mwinilunga District. [illegible] 2551 1972-11-21
AMES: 01944073 welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mbala District. Saisi Valley. M. Sanane 1015 1970-1-22
GH: 02324888 wilmsii H. Pearson Zambia: Masuku Plateau; Nyasaland A. Whyte
Acanthaceae A: 02527540 Peristrophe bicalyculata Nees Zambia: Southern near Livingston J. M. Borle 314 1921-8-21
Annonaceae A: 02467348 Monanthotaxis obovata (Bentham) P. H. Hoekstra Zambia: 22.8 mi N of Livingstone J. Burtt Davy 20669 1929-8-15
A: 02542276 Uvariastrum zenkeri Engler & Diels Zambia: Copperbelt Ndola C. E. Duff & R. G. Miller 300/35 1935-7-24
A: 02542276 Uvariastrum zenkeri Engler & Diels Zambia: Ndola C. E. Duff & R. G. Miller 300/35 1934-10
A: 02542309 Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Richard Zambia: North-Western Northern Rhodesia. Mwinilunga District. R. M... E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead 2883 1937-10-21
A: 02542362 Xylopia shirensis (Engler & Diels) D. M. Johnson & N. A. Murray Zambia: Abercorn. N Rhodesia. O. B. Miller D133 1933
Apocynaceae A: 02114839 Chamaeclitandra henriquesiana (H. Hallier) Pichon Zambia: N. Rhodesia; Near Ilundu Plain, Lialui Distr... J. D. Martin 910/38 1938-11-30
A: 02115334 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müller Arg.) Pichon Zambia: Victoria Falls; S. Rhodesia J. Burtt Davy 20571 1929-8-12
A: 02380820 Nerium oleander Linnaeus Zambia: Lusaka Cult. for ornament at Mt. Makulu Res. Stn. C... A. Angus 3331
Asteraceae GH: 00244041 Stomatanthes zambiensis King & H. Robinson Zambia: Mporokoso District, Mporokoso-Kawimbe close ... M. A. E. Richards 12084 1960-7-1