Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00097743 |
Type Status | Holotype |
Collector | A. Ruìz Leal & F. A. Roig |
Collector number | 18837 |
Country | Argentina |
State | San Juan |
Geography | South America: South America (Region) (Region): Argentina: San Juan |
Locality | Entre El Balde y Tucunuco |
Date Collected | 1957-12-07 |
GUID | http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/4f7ca4ff-4be4-4e34-a226-61ff547612e1 |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00097743 |
Herbarium | A |
Determination | Heliotropium ruiz-lealii I. M. Johnston |
Determined by | I. M. Johnston |
Determination Remarks | [I. M. Johnston (scripsit)] [is label name] [is Current name] |
Annotation Text | Type |
Type Status | Holotype |
Holotype of | Heliotropium ruiz-lealii I. M. Johnston |
Verified by | L. Woodruff & T. Wendt (in litt.) |
Date Determined | 2009-12-02 |
Determination Remarks | The Holotype was not deposited in (LL) as cited in the protologue |
Taxon Reference | (for Heliotropium ruiz-lealii I. M. Johnston) Wrightia 1959. 2: 13. |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | Flower |
Preparation Type | Sheet |
Preparation Method | Pressed |