Next page > GH: 00035335 gracilis (Aiton) Selander : North America (CA, US, MX): Cascade Mountain... D. Lyall 1859
FH: 00197508 piluliferum Tuckerman : Hawaii Oahu: Sandwich Islands, Waiatua Mtn. Mann
GH: 00257804 volcanensis L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert : L. Castillón 14416 1918-2-6
GH: 00053093 stahlii (Urban) H. S. Irwin & Barneby : Puerto Rico: prope [near] Aybonito P. E. E. Sintenis 2138 1885-10-21
FH: 00284229 varia Schiffner : Kerguelen Island: Port Palliser F. C. Naumann 1875-2
GH: 00073784 obovatus (Krug & Urban) Knoblauch : Puerto Rico: Sierra de Luquillo in cacumine ... P. E. E. Sintenis 1348 1885-7-14
GH: 00019535 divisa Rydberg : D. Douglas
GH: 00078321 lanaiensis Rock : Hawaii Lanai: W. Hillebrand 1871
GH: 00348412 tomentella Hillebrand : Hawaii Oahu: Halemanu [Helemano] W. B. Hillebrand
FH: 00290382 resupinatum (Taylor) Schimper : T. Taylor
FH: 00284234 humilis Schiffner : Kerguelen Island: Successful Harbour F. C. Naumann 1874-11
GH: 00277403 vitellina-tristis Seringe : Europe: [no data available] N. C. Seringe 1498
GH: 00277403 salamonii (Carrière) I. V. Belyaeva : Europe: [no data available] N. C. Seringe 1498
GH: 00257804 Linnaeus : L. Castillón 14416 1918-2-6
FH: 00545543 limbatulum E. B. Bartram Argentina: Córdoba Argentinia. Prov. Córdoba: Ongamira C. C. Hosseus 534 1932-4-23
FH: 00286663 succinea Höhnel Austria: Sonntagsberg P. P. Strasser 1919
GH: 00057138 capsicibaccatum (Cárdenas) Ochoa Bolivia: Cochabamba Province of Zarata, between Huaira Pata and ... H. Gandarillas 60 1942-3
A: 00063553 glabrata Bentham Brazil: Minas Gerais A. F. M. Glaziou 12603
GH: 00019269 purshii S. Watson Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti F. T. Pursh
GH: 00027128 sparsiflora Olney Canada: New Brunswick Kent County J. P. Fowler
GH: 00549373 sparsiflora Olney Canada: New Brunswick Kent County J. P. Fowler
GH: 00042912 terra-novae Fernald Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Cape Ray, peaty barrens among the gneiss hil... M. L. Fernald, B. H. Long & B. H. ... 26540 1924-7-21
GH: 00112562 poikila C. K. Schneider Canada: Yukon Territory Dawson (Yukon Territory): 'The Dome' J. Macoun 54388 1902-7-14
GH: 00031102 luxurians Fernald Canada: Quebec Province Bic: Calcareous banks of the River St. Lawre... M. L. Fernald & J. F. Collins 208 1906-7-5
GH: 00030980 villosa (D. Don ex Hooker) Andersson Canada: Rocky Mountains E. Bourgeau 1858
GH: 00043036 calcicola Fernald Canada: Quebec Province Mouth of Bonaventure River J. F. Collins, M. L. Fernald & A. ... 1904-8-2
FH: 00259031 minuscula Merrill Canada: Nova Scotia near Digby J. Macoun 1910-5-20
FH: 00413687 leucosticta G. Merrill Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. Macoun 112 1902-7-28
GH: 00019269 Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti F. T. Pursh
GH: 00052750 pinnata (Philippi) Muñoz-Schick Chile: Antofagasta Sand slopes on ridge just back of Punta Reye... I. M. Johnston 5359 1925-12-2
A: 00038786 recurvata C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Western Szechuan. Mupin E. H. Wilson 1073 1908-10
A: 00038822 serrulata C. K. Schneider China: Yunnan Pin-chuan Hsien H. T. Tsai 53000 1933-7-19
A: 00057549 acanthophylla C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Wa-sen Country, Wen chuan Hsien, 5-6000 feet E. H. Wilson 4149 1910-10
A: 00038758 subovata C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Ching Chi HSien, alt. 8000 feet E. H. Wilson 2874 1908-9-15
A: 00038806 valida C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Ning Yüan fu, Lo tieh shan, alt. 2500 m C. K. Schneider 918 1914-4-16
A: 00038800 grandifolia C. K. Schneider China: Yunnan Shweli River drainage basin and environs of ... J. F. Rock 7930 1923-2
A: 00038739 epruinosa C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Northeast of Tachien lu, alt. 11000-13000 fe... E. H. Wilson 2866 1908-7-7
A: 00255147 scabrifolius Müller Argoviensis China: Jiangxi occid.: Circa carbonis minas Pinghsiang T. H. Wang 239 1920
A: 00003434 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
GH: 00003433 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
A: 00003428 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
A: 00003429 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
A: 00003430 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
A: 00003431 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
A: 00003432 spontanea Rehder China: Shaanxi 50 li west of Yan'an W. Purdom 338 1910
A: 00026685 ribesioides (Rehder) J. Vidal China: Sichuan Pan lan shan, west of Kuan Hsien, 7-9000 fee... E. H. Wilson 2382 1908-9
A: 00033506 acuta T. T. Yü China: Yunnan Tie so S. Tén 165 1916-6-22
A: 00273070 glauca (Diels) Winkler China: Yunnan E. E. Maire 1911
A: 00273071 glauca (Diels) Winkler China: Yunnan collibus tie so, Pe yen tsin. S. Ten 135 1916-5-28
GH: 00056825 linearis Finet & Gagnepain China: Hubei Ichang A. Henry 1544 1885
GH: 00056825 sinensis Oliver China: Hubei Ichang A. Henry 1544 1885
GH: 00056824 sinensis Oliver China: Hubei Ichang A. Henry 1544 1885
A: 00018417 cinerascens Rehder China: Hubei Chang lo Hsien, E. H. Wilson 2571 1907-6
GH: 00255205 microcarpa (Trautvetter ex Maximowicz) S. Y. Hu China: Mandshuria. R. Maack s.n. 1855
A: 00018682 chinensis Pilger China: Sichuan A. Henry 7155
GH: 00255205 microcarpa Trautvetter China: Mandshuria. R. Maack s.n. 1855
GH: 00255205 microcarpa (Trautvetter) Spjut China: Mandshuria. R. Maack s.n. 1855
A: 00042976 dubius Koehne China: Sichuan West of Kuan Hsien, alt. 5000-7500 feet E. H. Wilson 3044 1908-6
A: 00052833 amplissimus Gagnaire f. China: Shandong Wai Chen 1457 1915-7-18
A: 01154799 falcatum C. C. Huang China: Yunnan Liang-shan I'cho H. T. Tsai 51252 1932-8-12
A: 00969287 yunnanensis M. Vilmorin ex Mottet China: Hubei W. China. Patung. Hupeh E. H. Wilson 349 1900-4
GH: 00969822 palmensis Rosenstock Costa Rica: La Palma A. Brade & A. C. Brade 215 1909-3-2
GH: 00059920 gracilis (Grisebach) H. M. Hernández Cuba: C. Wright 2406 1860
GH: 00059922 gracilis (Grisebach) H. M. Hernández Cuba: at the Farallons N.S. [Nouvelle Sophie] C. Wright 151 [p.p.] 1859-9
GH: 00059920 cubensis J. F. Macbride Cuba: C. Wright 2406 1860
GH: 00059922 cubensis J. F. Macbride Cuba: at the Farallons N.S. [Nouvelle Sophie] C. Wright 151 [p.p.] 1859-9
FH: 00197767 effuse Tuckerman Cuba: C. Wright
GH: 00254275 borealis Niedenzu Dominica: J. Imray 405
A: 00056278 grenadensis Urban & Niedenzu Grenada: St. Johns River H. F. A. Eggers 6375 1889-12
GH: 00014698 discolor Guatemala: Huehuetenango Todos los Santos C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2633 1896-4-9
GH: 00969823 heydei C. Christensen Guatemala: Santa Rosa: Rio de los Esclavos E. T. Heyde 3249 1892-7
GH: 00014698 pyrifolia Donnell Smith ex Loesener Guatemala: Huehuetenango Todos los Santos C. Seler & E. G. Seler 2633 1896-4-9
GH: 00068373 axilliflora Koehne Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Coban, 4300 feet H. v. Türckheim 172 1886-5
GH: 00254218 guatemalensis Niedenzu Guatemala: Huehuetenango Pueblo viejo Quen Santo C. Seler & E. G. Seler 3092 1896-7-21
GH: 00053092 picardae (Urban) Haiti: Morne la Selle W. Buch 1148 1913-1
GH: 00053092 picardae (Urban) Irwin & Barneby Haiti: Morne la Selle W. Buch 1148 1913-1
A: 00061332 novoguineensis Kanehira & Hatusima Indonesia: Papua Waren, 60 miles south of Manokwari, in low s... R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 12918 1940-3-21
A: 00061332 novoguineensis (Kanehira & Hatusima) Sleumer Indonesia: Papua Waren, 60 miles south of Manokwari, in low s... R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima 12918 1940-3-21
FH: 00258463 javense M. Fleischer Indonesia: Jawa Tengah (Central Java) M-Java: Diengplateau M. Fleischer 281
A: 00050324 celebica Valeton Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Archipel. Ind. Celebes, Minahassa (Menado) S. H. Koorders 18350 B 1895-4-15
A: 00936257 nikoensis Rehder Japan: Nagano Nikko J. H. Veitch 1892-10-18
GH: 00351567 orientale Maximowicz Japan: Hokkaido Sapporo: K. Miyabe 1982-6-21
GH: 00351567 yezoense H. Hara Japan: Hokkaido Sapporo: K. Miyabe 1982-6-21
A: 00231958 moultonii (Merrill) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen Malaysia: Sarawak Native Collector [under the direct... 202
A: 00042383 borneensis Heine Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalu, Kalawat, 2500 feet J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 26000 1931-8-1
GH: 00019345 berlandieri (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz Mexico: Tamaulipas Matamoros: J. L. Berlandier 3017 1836-4
GH: 00254578 greggii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock & Maguire Mexico: Coahuila [Mountains near Saltillo] Josiah Gregg 223 1848
GH: 00032862 rubricaulis D. J. Rogers & Appan Mexico: Durango East slope of Iron Mountain Edw. Palmer 224 1896-4
GH: 00059914 schottii (Torrey ex S. Watson) H. M. Hernández Mexico: Sonora Aroyo de los Samotas, Sierra Verde A. C. V. Schott 4 (memoir III) 1855-8-20
GH: 00075872 capiri Mexico: Jalisco Baranca near Guadalajara Edw. Palmer 131 1886-6
GH: 00077035 pruinosa (Greenman) Barclay ex K. Hammer Mexico: Oaxaca Cuicatlan, 1900 feet L. C. Smith 943 1895-10-7
GH: 00019345 berlandieri (A. Gray) Payson Mexico: Tamaulipas Matamoros: J. L. Berlandier 3017 1836-4
GH: 00019345 hispida (S. Watson) Rollins & E. A. Shaw Mexico: Tamaulipas Matamoros: J. L. Berlandier 3017 1836-4
GH: 00018888 geniculata B. L. Robinson Mexico: Tamaulipas Matamoros: J. L. Berlandier 3103
GH: 00059863 californica A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte "Cape St. Lucas, &c., Lower California" J. Xantus de Vesey 29 1859-8
GH: 00003050 glabra S. Watson Mexico: México Los Angeles Bay, Gulf of California Edw. Palmer 543 1887-12
GH: 00257736 ovatifolia B. L. Robinson Mexico: San Luis Potosí Near Cardenas C. G. Pringle 3302 1890-9-8
GH: 00254578 greggii (A. Gray) S. Watson Mexico: Coahuila [Mountains near Saltillo] Josiah Gregg 223 1848
GH: 00267279 leptotoma (Torrey) McDonald Mexico: Sonora [no additional data] G. Thurber 977 1851-9
GH: 00014699 brachymischa Loesener Mexico: Oaxaca Las Sedas C. Seler & E. G. Seler 1505 1895-11-27
GH: 00273039 trisepalis A. M. Ferguson Mexico: Nuevo León Near Monterey C. G. Pringle 2225 1888-7-11
GH: 00064326 racemosa B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Tequila Edw. Palmer 379 1886-9
GH: 00057182 brevipes S. Watson Mexico: San Luis Potosí In the region of San Luis Potosi C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 139 1878
GH: 00057180 brevipes S. Watson Mexico: San Luis Potosí In montibus San Rafael J. G. Schaffner 818 1876
GH: 00057181 brevipes S. Watson Mexico: San Luis Potosí In the region of San Luis Potosi C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 138 1878
GH: 00053684 paucifolia (Coulter) Barneby Mexico: Victoria de Tamaculipas J. L. Berlandier 846 (= 2266) 1830-11
GH: 00064189 glandulosa A. Gray ex S. Watson Mexico: San Luis Potosí In arenosis circa urbem San Luis Potosi J. G. Schaffner 834 1876
FH: 00258064 rigida E. S. Salmon Mexico: Sinaloa [no additional data] 1899-4
GH: 00059916 subsp. mollicula (M. Martens & Galeotti) H. M. Hernández Mexico: Oaxaca Cuicatlan L. C. Smith 203 1894-9-24
GH: 00025915 eucosma (Blake) Wendt Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Madre, 40 miles south of Saltillo Edw. Palmer 2143 1880-3
GH: 00026185 paucidentatus S. Watson Mexico: San Luis Potosí In umbrosis prope San Miguelito J. G. Schaffner 114 1876
GH: 00092634 pubescens Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Northwest slope of Mount Zempoaltepec, 8000-... E. W. Nelson 699 1894-7-10
GH: 00092634 coccinea Mexico: Oaxaca Northwest slope of Mount Zempoaltepec, 8000-... E. W. Nelson 699 1894-7-10
GH: 00056896 palmeri Mexico: Nuevo León Monterey Edw. Palmer 395 1880-2
GH: 00056899 palmeri Mexico: Coahuila 45 miles east of Saltillo Edw. Palmer 397 1880-7
GH: 00096792 polypremoides (A. Gray) Terrell Mexico: Chihuahua Santa Eulalia Mountains C. G. Pringle 356 1885-9-26
GH: 00061876 cana C. K. Schneider Mexico: Federal District La Cima de Ajusco, 10000 feet C. G. Pringle 6794 1898-4-16
GH: 00063651 ajuscana C. K. Schneider Mexico: Federal District La Cima de Ajusco, alt. 10000 feet C. G. Pringle 6795 1898-5-21
GH: 00077295 cinerascens Dunal Mexico: Matamoros J. L. Berlandier 2316=886 1831-4
GH: 00077295 cinerascens Mexico: Matamoros J. L. Berlandier 2316=886 1831-4
GH: 00022840 wislizenii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre west of Chihuahua F. A. Wislizenus 152
GH: 00001618 sonorensis Fernald Mexico: Sonora Huehuerachic C. V. Hartman 312 1890-12-6
GH: 00001587 isochroma Fernald Mexico: San Luis Potosí San Rafael Mts San Rafael Mts J. G. Schaffner 663 1876
GH: 00001747 hebephylla Fernald Mexico: Chiapas A. B. Ghiesbreght 745 1864
GH: 00001755 crenaea Fernald Mexico: Aguascalientes K. T. Hartweg 164 1839
GH: 00053022 greggii Mexico: Nuevo León West of Rinconada Monterey May 25/47 and eas... Josiah Gregg
GH: 00003051 intricata (Brandegee) Fisher Mexico: Baja California Norte El Campo Aleman T. S. Brandegee 1889-4-24
GH: 00303824 interrupta A. Gray Mexico: Baja California Norte Guadalupe Island, off Lower California Edw. Palmer 72 1875
GH: 01166000 latisepala (Loesener) C. L. Hitchcock Mexico: Oaxaca H. G. Galeotti 1068 1845
GH: 01166002 chasmogama Brand Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Cancas C. G. Pringle 3312 1890-9-30
GH: 01166043 parvifolia Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua Sta. Rosa, Chihuahua J. M. Bigelow
GH: 01166051 rotundifolia A. Gray ex Hemsley Mexico: Coahuila Monclova Edw. Palmer 983 1880-2
GH: 01154786 nelsonii (B. L. Robinson) Chehaibar & R. Grether Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Geronimo & La Venta E. W. Nelson 2775 1895-7-13
GH: 00091030 pringlei (A. Gray) Brand Mexico: Chihuahua Hills west of Chihuahua C. G. Pringle 559 1885-10
GH: 00062248 tlacolulana Trelease Mexico: Oaxaca Caneda oberh. [Tosolapan] C. Seler & E. G. Seler 1752 1896-1-3
A: 00069937 subovatifolia C. H. Müller Mexico: Nuevo León Municipio de Villa Santiago, Cañon Guajuco C. H. Muller & M. T. Muller 1346 1934-8-15
A: 00069935 graciliramis C. H. Müller Mexico: Nuevo León Municipio de Galeana, slopes of Cañon de Ci... C. H. Muller & M. T. Muller 1273 1934-7-27
GH: 00969951 subtruncata Trelease Mexico: San Luis Potosí Alvarez Edw. Palmer 70 1902-9-5
GH: 00071010 cochutensis Trelease Mexico: Sonora Cochuto C. V. Hartman 72 1890-10-5
GH: 00062251 berlandieri Trelease Mexico: Tamaulipas De Tula a Tampico, J. L. Berlandier 2131 1830-11
GH: 00019338 Linnaeus Mexico: Tamaulipas Circa Matamoras urbem J. L. Berlandier 2314=884 1831-4
GH: 00062248 Linnaeus Mexico: Oaxaca Caneda oberh. [Tosolapan] C. Seler & E. G. Seler 1752 1896-1-3
GH: 00037530 Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua Santa Eulalia Mts C. G. Pringle 543 1885-8-18
GH: 00311048 New Hebrides: Aneiteum 1858-12
GH: 00061243 alata Cogniaux Panama: Chagres, Isthmus of Panama A. Fendler 149 1850-3
AMES: 00070938 powellianum Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Palo Alto, 4000-4500 ft altitude C. W. Powell 240
AMES: 00070616 panamense Schlechter Panama: Panama Hills of city C. W. Powell 35 1917
AMES: 00070359 pachypus Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui C. W. Powell 208
AMES: 00074556 parviflora Schlechter Panama: Panama Foothills near City, sea level C. W. Powell 181 1920
AMES: 00052505 triandrum Schlechter Panama: Panama Panama City, foothills east of city C. W. Powell 131
AMES: 00090418 crispiflorum Schlechter Panama: Margin of Pacific Ocean, northwest from Balb... C. W. Powell 1
AMES: 00099087 leucantha Schlechter Panama: Panama Foothills east of Panama City C. W. Powell 149 1920-2
AMES: 00074547 panamensis Schlechter Panama: Cativa-Porto Bello trail, sea level C. W. Powell 79 1919
AMES: 00098837 reichenbachianum Schlechter Panama: Panama East of Panama City, open woods, sea level C. W. Powell 67
AMES: 00090985 altigenum Schlechter Papua New Guinea: 2400 m alt R. Schlechter 18746 1908-11
A: 00026459 papuana R. Knuth Papua New Guinea: Morobe Sarawaket M. S. Clemens 6335 1937-5-12
A: 00003158 humilis Paraguay: Iter ad Yerbales, Montium, Sierra de Maracay... E. Hassler 5622
A: 00003158 angustifolius Chodat & Hassler Paraguay: Iter ad Yerbales, Montium, Sierra de Maracay... E. Hassler 5622
GH: 01116850 intermedium Hassler Paraguay: In viciniis Caaguazú E. Hassler 9365 1905
GH: 01116850 paraguariense Hassler Paraguay: In viciniis Caaguazú E. Hassler 9365 1905
GH: 00059951 weberbaueri (Harms) H. M. Hernández Peru: Huancavelica Valley of the Mantaro, northeast of Pampas A. Weberbauer 6511 1913-3
GH: 00077725 glabrifilamentum Bitter Peru: Apurímac Rio Pampa, Hacienda Cotahuacho A. Weberbauer 5907 1909
GH: 00338766 pumila A. Gray Peru: Obrajillo Wilkes Expedition 1838
A: 00068526 lancifolium Merrill Philippines: Mount Halcon, Mindoro Island M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 40732 1922-3
FH: 00290301 scalare (Müller Halle ex M. Fleischer) A. Eddy Philippines: Luzon: Ins. Philippin., Luzon, Benguet W. Micholitc 173
A: 00914918 cumingiana (Vidal) Ridsdale Philippines: Philippines H. Cuming 833
A: 00092116 cymosa (Urban) L. E. Skog Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Saint Andrew Saint Andrew's Mountain, 1200 feet H. F. A. Eggers 6662 1889-12
GH: 00423294 linearis (Bentham) T. Koyama Sri Lanka: Ceylon G. H. K. Thwaites C.P. 2627
GH: 00423294 roxburghii C. B. Clarke Sri Lanka: Ceylon G. H. K. Thwaites C.P. 2627
GH: 00936333 robusta Boeckeler Sudan: In regione Djur: Seriba Ghassas G. A. Schweinfurth 2326 1869-9-1
FH: 00965646 fischeri (S. Blumer) U. Braun Switzerland: Bern Burgdorf, Steinhof S. Blumer 1926-10-12
ECON: 00260800 senarense (Wawra & Peyritsch) Vollesen USA: North Carolina Raleigh: North Carolina State College L. Ll. Phillips & I. D. Clement 891 1963-5
GH: 00062047 subcalva Piper USA: Oregon Moist ground, 6 miles west of Riley Mrs. R. D. Cooper 11127 1922-6
GH: 00019314 nuttallii (Torrey & A. Gray) Rollins & E. A. Shaw USA: Arkansas [Prairie of the Red River] M. C. Leavenworth
GH: 00019255 argyraea USA: Texas Green Lake near the Matagorda Bay F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.329 1845-2
GH: 00019314 nuttallii (Torrey & A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Arkansas [Prairie of the Red River] M. C. Leavenworth
GH: 00027208 echinata USA: Massachusetts Ashland: T. Morong 1879-6
GH: 00063451 ludoviciana USA: Dona Ana G. Thurber 299 1851-4
GH: 00071767 canum USA: California Los Angeles: W. H. Brewer 38 1860
GH: 00073346 hirsutissima (A. Gray) Munz USA: New Mexico Valley of Santa Fe Creek A. Fendler 218 1847
GH: 00054125 suffulta USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Braunfels F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. IV.611 1847-6
GH: 00007847 mexicana (Greene) C. Clark USA: Texas N. Mex. [mountain sides near El Paso] C. Wright 1310 1852-4-5
GH: 00954980 occidentale (Greene) J. F. Davidson USA: Colorado Gunnison: C. F. Baker 365 1901-7-7
GH: 00063056 pilosa USA: Alabama Mobile: J. Sullivant 1845
GH: 00091185 pulchriflora Brand USA: California Farewell Gap J. D. Culbertson 4451 1904-8-3
GH: 00112838 nuttalli (Small) Hickman USA: Oregon Bluffs by the Columbia River C. G. Pringle 3 1881-10-7
GH: 00216504 depressa (A. Gray) John M. Miller & K. L. Chambers USA: Washington San Juan Island D. Lyall 1858
GH: 00026904 virens (Wooton & Standley) McVaugh USA: Texas [between Rock Creek and the Limpio] C. Wright 1370 1852-6-25
GH: 00244258 ultramontana (S. Watson) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts. S. Watson 349 1868-7
GH: 00035331 holosericea (Nuttall) Thorne USA: California Los Angeles: W. H. Brewer 95 1861
GH: 00035332 holosericea (Nuttall) Thorne USA: Nevada Carson City: Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 190 1865
FH: 00197470 semitensis Tuckerman USA: California Yosemite Valley H. N. Bolander
GH: 00267909 brachypoda (A. Gray) Lammers USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Elm Cr... C. Wright 419 1849-6-30
GH: 00058119 elata (E. G. Baker) Kearney USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342991 elata (E. G. Baker) Kearney USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342993 elata (E. G. Baker) Kearney USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00312684 brachycarpa (Torrey & A. Gray) C. I. Peng USA: Texas [San Felipe] T. Drummond III. 84
GH: 00346633 lyonii (Eastwood) P. H. Raven USA: California Sa. [Santa] Catalina Is. W. S. Lyon 1884-7
GH: 00443835 setosa (S. Watson) D. D. Keck USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts. S. Watson 347 1868-8
GH: 01154916 haydenii (A. Gray) Brand USA: San Juan Mesas [Colorado or adjacent Utah. P... T. S. Brandegee 1191 1875
GH: 00091309 micranthus (Steudel) H. Mason USA: California San Diego: T. S. Brandegee 1608 1902-4-20
GH: 00078840 exilis (A. Gray) A. D. Grant & V. E. Grant USA: California San B. [Bernardino] Valley S. B. Parish & W. F. Parish 1477 1882-5
GH: 01000317 abrotanifolia (Nuttall ex Greene) V. E. Grant USA: California Santa Barbara: Sta Barbara, Calif T. Nuttall
GH: 01000318 abrotanifolia (Nuttall ex Greene) V. E. Grant USA: California Santa Barbara: Sta Barbara W. H. Brewer 442 1860
GH: 01000317 abrotanifolia (Nuttall ex Greene) Brand USA: California Santa Barbara: Sta Barbara, Calif T. Nuttall
GH: 00091185 pulchriflorus (Brand) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson USA: California Farewell Gap J. D. Culbertson 4451 1904-8-3
GH: 00062055 fendleri (A. Gray) A. Gray USA: New Mexico Sante Fe Creek bottom, foot of hills A. Fendler 625 1847
GH: 00062067 nivalis S. Watson USA: Utah Bear River Canyon, 11000 feet S. Watson 844 1869-8
GH: 00062054 nevadensis (A. Nelson) L. O. Williams USA: Montana Bridger Mountains, 7000 feet P. A. Rydberg & E. A. Bessey 4873 1897-6-18
GH: 00062047 amoena (A. Nelson) L. O. Williams USA: Oregon Moist ground, 6 miles west of Riley Mrs. R. D. Cooper 11127 1922-6
GH: 00097017 humile A. Gray USA: California "Summit" H. N. Bolander 1871
GH: 00096275 humile A. Gray USA: Wyoming Bridger's Pass H. Engelmann
GH: 00019178 alyssoides (A. Gray) M. E. Jones USA: New Mexico [From Santa Fe east to Rabbit Ear Creek] A. Fendler 46 [(27)] 1847-8-10
GH: 00254975 wrightii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Texas Rio Grande, N. Mex. [sandy hills of the Rio ... C. Wright 855 1852-3-3
GH: 00019195 medium (Greene) C. L. Hitchcock USA: New Mexico N. Mex. [ravines of the Organ Mountains] C. Wright 1320 1852-4-30
GH: 00018628 stylosa S. Watson USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts., N. Nevada S. Watson 70 1868-8
GH: 00018628 stylosa (Watson) Rollins USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts., N. Nevada S. Watson 70 1868-8
GH: 00018732 saximontana Rollins USA: Wyoming Granitic hillsides, Porcupine Creek, near Me... L. O. Williams & T. P. Williams 3264 1936-7-6
GH: 00127207 alpina S. Watson USA: Northwestern Boundary from Fort Colville [Wa... D. Lyall 1861
GH: 00018960 pachystigma S. Watson USA: California M. E. P. Ames 1876-6
GH: 00019291 pinnatifida A. Gray USA: Texas east of Victoria F. J. Lindheimer 1845-2
GH: 00019328 sessilis S. Watson USA: Texas Rio Frio & Leona C. Wright 848 1851-5-14
GH: 00135342 elongata S. Watson USA: Montana Rocks, McDonald Peak, Mission Range, Rocky M... W. M. Canby 27 1883-7-19
GH: 00267469 glabriuscula A. Gray USA: New York In St. Lawrence & Jefferson Counties N.Y A. Gray
GH: 00267469 arabisans (Michaux) S. Watson USA: New York In St. Lawrence & Jefferson Counties N.Y A. Gray
GH: 00063107 neomexicanus (Coulter) L. D. Benson USA: Texas [along Escondido Cr.] C. Wright B 1851-6-6
GH: 00063107 neomexicanus Coulter USA: Texas [along Escondido Cr.] C. Wright B 1851-6-6
GH: 00053347 mensalis (Greenman) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [30 mil... C. Wright 154 1849-10-12
GH: 00263279 acutus A. Gray USA: California Lassen's Peak Mrs. R. M. Austin 1882-8
GH: 00037913 subnuda B. L. Robinson USA: Nevada Empire City: M. E. Jones 14 1882-6-19
GH: 00312933 divaricata B. L. Robinson USA: Illinois Streets of Rockford, Ill. M. S. Bebb 1880-8
GH: 00096664 lindheimeri USA: Texas Comanche Spring F. J. Lindheimer 1849-9
GH: 00037791 pulvinata USA: Colorado From the headwaters of Clear Creek and the a... C. C. Parry 297 1861
GH: 00274820 glabrescens S. Watson USA: California Mojave River Edw. Palmer 41 1876-1-1
GH: 00037608 gracilis B. L. Robinson USA: California Mts. [Mountains] above Big Tree Grove H. N. Bolander 4976 1866
GH: 00037608 gracilis (B. L. Robinson) Rabeler & R. L. Hartman USA: California Mts. [Mountains] above Big Tree Grove H. N. Bolander 4976 1866
GH: 00036870 breweri (Watson) McMinn USA: California Santa Monica: Sta Monica W. H. Brewer 75 1863-12
GH: 00066851 expansa (S. Watson) S. L. Welsh & Reveal USA: New Mexico N. Mex. [in the Rio Grande below Dona Ana] C. Wright 1851-7-28
GH: 00054469 torreyana A. Gray USA: Texas Rio Grande C. Wright 1848
GH: 00054469 torreyana (A. Gray) D. F. Austin USA: Texas Rio Grande C. Wright 1848
GH: 00031901 tenuisectum A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico C. Wright 221 1849-5
GH: 00069657 tenera USA: Massachusetts Williamstown: Saddle Mountain C. Dewey
GH: 00295560 congesta W. Boott USA: California Silver Valley W. H. Brewer 1977 1864
GH: 00027396 laxiculmis USA: New York A. Wood
GH: 00027208 cephalantha L. H. Bailey USA: Massachusetts Ashland: T. Morong 1879-6
NEBC: 00263209 tincta Fernald USA: Maine Fort Kent: Valley of St. John River M. L. Fernald 2158 1898-6-16
GH: 00058555 tonsa Fernald USA: Connecticut North Stonington C. B. Graves 220 1901-5-30
GH: 00056978 sartwelliana Dewey USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00067682 invisa W. Boott USA: Maine Bar Harbor: Mount Desert Island, Schooner He... W. Boott 1871-7-24
GH: 00027497 maxima L. H. Bailey USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Colora... C. Wright 719 1849-4-15
GH: 00027182 minor Boott USA: New York Penn Yan: H. P. Sartwell
GH: 00218587 densa L. H. Bailey USA: California J. M. Bigelow 1853
GH: 00027227 stricta L. H. Bailey USA: California Edw. Palmer 389 1875
GH: 00027401 sartwellii (Dewey) Dewey USA: New York Junius: H. P. Sartwell 1841
GH: 00027912 controversa S. F. Blake USA: Pennsylvania Frazer: E. B. Bartram 1129 1910-8-14
GH: 00027742 detonsa A. Gray USA: Illinois Mississippi bottoms near Oquawka T. Morong 1878
GH: 00139043 vigens L. H. Bailey USA: Vermont Highgate: Highgate Springs, shores of Lake C... H. G. Jesup
A: 00014662 arizonica A. Gray USA: Arizona Santa Rita Mountains C. G. Pringle 1881-5
GH: 00273040 albinoides (Ferguson) Shinners USA: Texas Corpus Christi, Neueces County A. A. Heller 1800 1894-5-28
GH: 00047052 lindheimeri (Engelmann & A. Gray) Müller Argoviensis USA: Texas On the Brazos F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. I. 171. 1843-7
GH: 00273040 albinoides A. M. Ferguson USA: Texas Corpus Christi, Neueces County A. A. Heller 1800 1894-5-28
GH: 00274297 ramosa (Torrey) Müller Argoviensis USA: Texas West of the Brazos F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. II.307. 1844-5
GH: 00045731 humilis USA: Texas {West of the Brazos] F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. II.306 1844-3
GH: 00011302 indivisa Engelmann USA: New Mexico N. Mex. [near the Coppermines] C. Wright 1845 1851-8-20
GH: 00053605 neomexicana (A. Gray) J. F. Macbride USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Hills ... C. Wright 127 1849-8
GH: 00059697 laevicaulis A. Gray ex Canby USA: Texas Houston: E. Hall 161 1872-4-10
GH: 00059697 laevicaulis (Canby) Isely USA: Texas Houston: E. Hall 161 1872-4-10
GH: 00053463 sericea (A. Gray) Lavin USA: Arizona Santa Rita Mountains C. G. Pringle 292 1881-5-6
GH: 00065446 arizonicus S. Watson USA: Arizona Colorado River, N. Mex. [= W. Arizona] J. M. Bigelow 1853
GH: 00065574 heteranthus S. Watson USA: Nevada Near Empire City John Torrey 88 1865
GH: 00065606 microcarpus USA: California San Joaquin River A. Kellogg 1869-4
GH: 00065574 heteranthus (S. Watson) Barneby USA: Nevada Near Empire City John Torrey 88 1865
GH: 00053591 emoryi USA: Arizona Tablelands - Gila G. Thurber 677 1852-6
GH: 00057697 angustifolia USA: New Mexico N. Mex. [near the Coppermines] C. Wright 959 1851-8-27
GH: 00064362 gracilis (A. Nelson) Barneby USA: Montana Valley of the Jocko River W. M. Canby 91 1883-7-18
GH: 00053605 neo-mexicana A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Hills ... C. Wright 127 1849-8
GH: 00053623 sessilis A. Gray USA: Arizona Foothills of Chiricahua Mountains E. L. Greene 1070 1877-4-2
GH: 00053615 elatior A. Gray USA: Texas ["in Pass of the Limpia" (northeast of Fort ... C. Wright 124 1849-8-24
GH: 00105341 carnescens (Rydberg) Kearney & Peebles USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Pass o... C. Wright 124 1849-8-24
GH: 00053615 carnescens (Rydberg) Kearney & Peebles USA: Texas ["in Pass of the Limpia" (northeast of Fort ... C. Wright 124 1849-8-24
GH: 00053623 sessilis (A. Gray) Barneby USA: Arizona Foothills of Chiricahua Mountains E. L. Greene 1070 1877-4-2
GH: 00064170 pubescens (A. Gray) Barneby USA: Texas Austin: Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico C. Wright 117 1849-5-23
GH: 00053585 argyraea (A. Gray) Barneby USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Devils... C. Wright 131 1849-7-30
GH: 00064170 pubescens A. Gray USA: Texas Austin: Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico C. Wright 117 1849-5-23
GH: 00058736 fallax (S. Watson) Barneby USA: New Mexico [Probably nera Santa Rita del Cobre] C. Wright 1004 1851
GH: 00058792 lectulus (S. Watson) M. E. Jones USA: California Bear Valley [6000 ft] C. C. Parry 1876
GH: 00058939 falciformis A. Gray USA: California J. G. Lemmon 621 1874
GH: 00058821 virgatus A. Gray USA: California San Francisco: T. C. Bridges 76
GH: 00058861 parishii (A. Gray) M. E. Jones USA: California San Jacinto and [illegible] mts. generally S. B. Parish & W. F. Parish 1407 1882
GH: 00058636 phoxus (M. E. Jones) Barneby USA: California Upper part of Santa Clara valley A. Gray 1885-5
GH: 00058761 haydenianus (A. Gray) Barneby USA: Colorado S.W. Colorado, 8,000 feet T. S. Brandegee 1285 1875
GH: 00058741 virgatus (A. Gray) Barneby USA: California San Francisco: H. Gibbons 1853
GH: 00058821 virgatus (A. Gray) Barneby USA: California San Francisco: T. C. Bridges 76
GH: 00058627 minor A. Gray USA: New Mexico Rio Grande G. Thurber 295 1851-4
GH: 00053463 sericea A. Gray USA: Arizona Santa Rita Mountains C. G. Pringle 292 1881-5-6
A: 00034106 stellapila Sargent USA: Texas Sproul Ranch, Near Fort Davis D. M. Andrews 74 1913-8-25
GH: 00063204 campestris A. Gray USA: California San Jacinto Plains S. B. Parish & W. F. Parish 569 1880-8
FH: 00220111 insignis Sullivant USA: Kentucky ad fluminis Ohio ripas, prope Maysville, Ken...
GH: 00022100 americana Engelmann USA: Colorado From the headwaters of Clear Creek, and the ... C. C. Parry 306 1861
GH: 00075449 grandiflora A. Gray USA: Florida Indian River Edw. Palmer 430 1874
GH: 00026451 nana A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00026450 arizonica A. Gray USA: Utah St. George Edw. Palmer 1875
FH: 00220285 occidentale Renauld & Cardot USA: Oregon Lost Lake L. F. Henderson 76
GH: 00040800 texana A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [on the... C. Wright 159 1849-5
GH: 00065132 lindheimeri (A. Gray) B. L. Robinson USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Braunfels (& not on the Pi... F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.383 1847-7
GH: 00065132 biuncifera (Bentham) Barneby USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Braunfels (& not on the Pi... F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.383 1847-7
GH: 00040800 texana USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [on the... C. Wright 159 1849-5
GH: 00064600 pubescens USA: Texas Houston: Prairies F. J. Lindheimer 1843-6
GH: 00037323 torreyana S. Watson USA: Texas near Marfa V. Havard 61 1883-9
GH: 00026655 latifolius A. Gray USA: Texas Near Austin C. Wright 603 1849-5
GH: 00285481 glabrescens A. Gray ex S. Watson USA: Arizona Tucson: Hills E. L. Greene 1080 1877-3
GH: 00106306 coriacea (S. Watson) A. Gray USA: Nevada "Ash Meadows", Arizona (?) G. M. Wheeler Survey 1871
GH: 00106306 coriacea (S. Watson) Rehder USA: Nevada "Ash Meadows", Arizona (?) G. M. Wheeler Survey 1871
GH: 00073713 parviflora A. Gray USA: New Mexico Santa Fe A. Fendler 547 1847
GH: 00071767 microphylla A. Gray USA: California Los Angeles: W. H. Brewer 38 1860
GH: 00054189 aurantiaca S. Watson USA: Arizona Fort Mojave, sandy banks J. G. Cooper 1861
GH: 00071806 purpurascens S. Watson USA: California Mono Lake W. H. Brewer 1845 1863
GH: 00054189 aurantiaca (S. Watson) Munz USA: Arizona Fort Mojave, sandy banks J. G. Cooper 1861
GH: 00073340 grandiflora S. Watson USA: Texas Austin: E. Hall 203 1872-5-13
GH: 00073026 oakesiana A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Norton, cultivated from seeds collected at A... J. W. Robbins s.n. 1865-8
GH: 00073346 hirsutissima A. Gray ex S. Watson USA: New Mexico Valley of Santa Fe Creek A. Fendler 218 1847
GH: 00091104 purpurea Parry USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Park, [pine woods at the foot of... C. C. Parry 215 1873
FH: 00220826 dolosa Renauld & Cardot USA: District of Columbia Washington: Fenallytown J. M. Holzinger 1892
GH: 00268065 amplifolia Trelease USA: Arizona Santa Rita Mts. C. G. Pringle 300 1881-7-9
GH: 00007847 parvula A. Gray USA: Texas N. Mex. [mountain sides near El Paso] C. Wright 1310 1852-4-5
GH: 00004521 hispida (A. Gray) Prain USA: New Mexico Santa Fe: A. Fendler 16 (21) p.p. 1847-6-7
GH: 00017771 neomexicana Thurber USA: New Mexico Rio Mimbres G. Thurber 269 1851-5
GH: 00063056 detonsa A. Gray USA: Alabama Mobile: J. Sullivant 1845
GH: 00078840 exilis A. Gray USA: California San B. [Bernardino] Valley S. B. Parish & W. F. Parish 1477 1882-5
GH: 00091309 longistyla Munz USA: California San Diego: T. S. Brandegee 1608 1902-4-20
GH: 00078867 diffusa A. Gray USA: New Mexico Pactiteju [Pachetiju = Apache Tejo] 12 miles... G. Thurber 326 1851-5
GH: 00025857 lindheimeri USA: Texas Pierdenales F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.333 1847-6
GH: 00036733 hartwrightii (A. Gray) Bissell USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00267377 hartwrightii (A. Gray) Bissell USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00267378 hartwrightii (A. Gray) Bissell USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright 1858-8
GH: 00267378 stipulaceum N. Coleman USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright 1858-8
GH: 00267415 davisae USA: California Between Big Trees and Carson Pass, 5000-7000... W. H. Brewer 2105 1863
GH: 00267377 stipulacea (N. Coleman) H. Hara USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00036057 thurberi USA: California In collibus arenosis ad San Felipe, Californ... G. Thurber 1852-5
GH: 00936179 pauciflorum S. Watson USA: California Cuddy [Canyon/Valley] near Fort Tejon J. T. Rothrock 201 1875-7
GH: 00020132 glauca Torrey & A. Gray USA: Oregon T. Nuttall
GH: 00216504 depressa A. Gray USA: Washington San Juan Island D. Lyall 1858
GH: 00022640 spathuliformis J. W. Robbins USA: Massachusetts Mystic Pond [now Upper and Lower Mystic Lake... W. Boott 1865-9-24
GH: 00038544 polycarpum Torrey USA: California Napa Valley J. M. Bigelow 1854
GH: 00038547 ceriferum Austin ex A. Gray USA: New Jersey Closter C. F. Austin
GH: 00098044 tenellus S. Watson USA: Utah Salt Lake Valley, N. Utah [protologue: "Pilo... S. Watson 17 1869-6
GH: 00096752 eucyclus Fernald USA: Maine Gilead: Low woods Kate Furbish 1897-8-10
GH: 00068779 platyphyllus A. Gray USA: California Long Valley H. N. Bolander 4729 1886
GH: 00038431 platyphyllus A. Gray USA: Utah Wahsatch Mountains, 8500 feet S. Watson 28 1869-7
GH: 00038380 alismellus A. Gray USA: Utah Uintah Mountains, Provo Canyon, 9000 ft S. Watson 18 1869-7
GH: 00038379 alismellus A. Gray USA: California Lake Tenaya, alt. 8327 ft W. H. Brewer 1684 1860
GH: 00038380 montanus S. Watson USA: Utah Uintah Mountains, Provo Canyon, 9000 ft S. Watson 18 1869-7
GH: 00038379 montanus S. Watson USA: California Lake Tenaya, alt. 8327 ft W. H. Brewer 1684 1860
GH: 00283827 reconditus (A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride) L. D. Benson USA: Washington Near Goldendale T. J. Howell 1882-4-20
GH: 00038447 angustifolius (Engelmann & A. Gray) L. D. Benson USA: Texas Houston: F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. I. 2 1843-4
GH: 00038236 subalpinum A. Gray USA: Utah Wahsatch Mountains, 8000 ft S. Watson 38 in part 1869-7
GH: 00038254 subalpinum A. Gray USA: Colorado Rocky Mt. Alpine Flora, 39-41°N E. Hall & J. P. Harbour 25 1862
GH: 00038252 stachydeum A. Gray USA: Oregon Along the foot of the Blue Mtns. from Powder... W. C. Cusick 487 1886-7
GH: 00038221 glaucum (S. Watson) A. Gray USA: California Big-tree Road, 6000 feet W. H. Brewer 1940 1860
GH: 00038244 nevadense A. Gray USA: California Cisco Sierras H. N. Bolander 1873
GH: 00038236 occidentale S. Watson USA: Utah Wahsatch Mountains, 8000 ft S. Watson 38 in part 1869-7
GH: 00038244 nevadense S. Watson USA: California Cisco Sierras H. N. Bolander 1873
GH: 00038202 nevadense S. Watson USA: Nevada Carson City: Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 172 pp. 1865
GH: 00244121 ramulosa (Rydberg) Kearney & Peebles USA: Arizona Rucker Valley J. G. Lemmon 399 1881
GH: 00026877 viscidula Rydberg USA: Arizona Santa Rita, 8000 feet C. G. Pringle 1881-5-3
GH: 00019553 nevadensis S. Watson USA: California South fork of Kern River J. T. Rothrock 376 1875-9
NEBC: 00299555 strictum Fernald USA: Vermont Westmore: Willoughby Notch E. F. Williams 1896-7-18
GH: 00036911 calycosus Fernald USA: New Hampshire Alstead: Dry thicket, covering several squar... M. L. Fernald 21 1899-8-7
GH: 00036912 calycosus Fernald USA: New Hampshire Alstead: Dry thicket, covering several squar... M. L. Fernald 21 1899-8-7
GH: 00036913 calycosus Fernald USA: New Hampshire Alstead: Dry thicket, covering several squar... M. L. Fernald 21 1899-8-7
GH: 00026904 acutifolia S. Watson USA: Texas [between Rock Creek and the Limpio] C. Wright 1370 1852-6-25
GH: 00244258 ultramontana S. Watson USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts. S. Watson 349 1868-7
A: 00135610 reverchonii Sargent USA: Texas Dallas: Dallas J. Reverchon 280 1880-4
A: 00000690 sinistra (Beadle) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 26 1907-5-18
A: 00017609 sinistra (Beadle) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Grandin: B. F. Bush 11 1905-10-11
A: 00017821 glabrifolia (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Grandin: B. F. Bush 9 1905-5-6
A: 00017073 incarnata Sargent USA: Missouri Galena: E. J. Palmer 4645 1913-10-13
A: 00016630 capillata Sargent USA: Missouri Joplin: E. J. Palmer 1933 1909-5-8
A: 00003035 macra (Beadle) Palmer USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 6A 1905-9-24
A: 00000674 barrettiana (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Barretts: J. H. Kellogg 1907-5-13
A: 00017333 exigua Eggleston USA: Missouri Monteer. B. F. Bush 2 1905-5-11
A: 00017204 crus-galli USA: Missouri Springfield: S.W. Springfield J. H. Kellogg 119 1908-5-1
A: 00002582 rugosa (Ashe) Kruschke USA: Missouri Pacific: J. H. Kellogg 100 1907-9-29
A: 00017389 rugosa (Ashe) Kruschke USA: Missouri Pleasant Grove: B. F. Bush 6 1901-5-7
A: 00017396 rugosa (Ashe) Kruschke USA: Missouri Noel: 30 feet S. of No. 3 and 6 feet W. of l... B. F. Bush 5 1908-8-8
A: 00016882 magnifolia (Sargent) J. B. Phipps USA: Missouri Webb City: E. J. Palmer 26 1905-4-30
A: 00018281 virella (Ashe) Kruschke USA: Missouri Webb City: C. S. Sargent 15 1901-10-2
A: 00016297 ovata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Hannibal J. J. Davis 99 1911-10-11
A: 00016629 ovata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Des Peres: River Desperes J. H. Kellogg 3 1901-10-21
A: 00017132 ovata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Hannibal: J. J. Davis 56 1911-10-6
A: 00017805 glabriuscula (Sargent) J. B. Phipps USA: Missouri Carterville: Prosperity Junction E. J. Palmer 6 1902-5-8
A: 00023453 glabriuscula (Sargent) J. B. Phipps USA: Texas Dallas: J. Reverchon 1 1899-7
A: 00023454 glabriuscula (Sargent) J. B. Phipps USA: Texas Dallas: B. F. Bush 493 1900-4-15
A: 00016604 lanceolata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Saint Louis (Missouri): River Desperes J. H. Kellogg 4 1902-5-6
A: 00017475 lutensis (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Reding's Mill E. J. Palmer 1947 1909-5-8
A: 00017495 nitens (Sargent) J. B. Phipps USA: Missouri Hannibal: J. J. Davis 61 1909-5-14
A: 00016630 paradoxa (Sargent) Beadle USA: Missouri Joplin: E. J. Palmer 1933 1909-5-8
A: 00016599 discolor (Sargent) Palmer USA: Missouri Webb City: E. J. Palmer 1904-5-15
A: 00017435 discolor (Sargent) Palmer USA: Missouri Webb City: E. J. Palmer 21 1903-5-16
A: 00016225 sordida (Sargent) Eggleston USA: Missouri Pleasant Grove: B. F. Bush 390 1901-5-7
A: 00017481 hirtiflora (Sargent) J. B. Phipps USA: Missouri Webb City: E. J. Palmer 8A 1901-10-21
A: 00261585 flavanthera Sargant USA: Missouri Joplin: E. J. Palmer 6 1907-5-10
GH: 00040946 grayi Wenzig USA: Oregon Cascade Mountains D. Lyall 1859
GH: 00040946 grayi (Wenzig) Hitchcock USA: Oregon Cascade Mountains D. Lyall 1859
GH: 00058994 septentrionalis Krug & Urban USA: Florida Bahia Honda Key A. H. Curtiss 1130
GH: 00096945 pusilla A. Gray USA: Louisiana J. Hale
GH: 00044214 texanum USA: Texas Seguin: Found at Seguin C. Wright 1848-4
A: 00031040 altissima Sargent USA: Arkansas Fulton: B. F. Bush 5654 1909-5-20
GH: 00031048 marginata Andersson USA: Louisiana New Orleans: T. Drummond 303 1832
GH: 00031045 lindheimerii C. K. Schneider USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Br., on the Guadaloupe and... F. J. Lindheimer 1850
GH: 00061265 tenerrima L. F. Henderson USA: Idaho Elmore and Canyon Counties, dry rills and sa... L. F. Henderson 1895-7-12
GH: 00031021 tenerrima L. F. Henderson USA: Idaho Elmore and Canyon Counties, dry rills and sa... L. F. Henderson s.n. 1895-7-12
GH: 00046237 limitana I. M. Johnston USA: Texas Limpia River C. Wright 669 1849-8-24
A: 00030990 hindsiana (Bentham) Dorn USA: California High bank of the Sacramento River K. T. Hartweg 1956 1848
GH: 00031039 exigua USA: Nevada Near Carson City, 5000 ft S. Watson 1093 1868-4
A: 00030991 exigua USA: Idaho Banks of the Snake River near Fort Hall J. Burke 1846
GH: 00031039 nevadensis (S. Watson) C. K. Schneider USA: Nevada Near Carson City, 5000 ft S. Watson 1093 1868-4
GH: 00254797 nana Wheelock USA: New Mexico N. Mex. [at the coppermines] C. Wright 1851-8-8
GH: 00043013 glabratum Fernald USA: Virginia Northeast slope of White Top Mountain, alt. ... J. K. Small 1892-5-28
GH: 00112675 paupercula USA: Pennsylvania On Presque Isle, Erie A. P. Garber
GH: 00274543 paupercula USA: Pennsylvania On Presque Isle, Erie G. W. Clinton 1864-10
GH: 00274543 parviflora (Bentham) B. Boivin USA: Pennsylvania On Presque Isle, Erie G. W. Clinton 1864-10
GH: 00112675 parviflora (Bentham) B. Boivin USA: Pennsylvania On Presque Isle, Erie A. P. Garber
GH: 00078509 microphylla A. Gray USA: Louisiana Jacksonville [Jackson] T. Drummond
GH: 00274543 paupercula A. Gray USA: Pennsylvania On Presque Isle, Erie G. W. Clinton 1864-10
GH: 00112675 paupercula A. Gray USA: Pennsylvania On Presque Isle, Erie A. P. Garber
GH: 00078850 latiflorus S. Watson USA: California High southern Sierras, Mountains east of Vis... W. H. Brewer 2785 1864-6-17
GH: 00078762 jamesii (Torrey & A. Gray ex Bentham) A. Gray USA: Texas Austin: C. Wright 1848-4
GH: 00078725 ovatus A. Gray USA: Nevada Lake Washoe, Nevada John Torrey 372 1865
GH: 00549209 gracilis G. R. Campbell USA: California Knights Valley H. T. Edwards
GH: 00078762 texensis A. Gray USA: Texas Austin: C. Wright 1848-4
GH: 00022822 brachypus A. Gray USA: California T. Coulter 639
GH: 00022822 pubescens (Torrey) D. M. Thompson USA: California T. Coulter 639
GH: 00078194 wrightii (S. Watson) I. M. Johnston USA: California Greenhorn Mountains W. G. Wright 4 1888-6-12
GH: 00056176 subintegra Fernald USA: Oregon Powder River Mountains, in meadows, 7500 fee... C. V. Piper 2322 1896-8-25
GH: 00056178 lutescens Greenman USA: Washington Prairies W. N. Suksdorf 424 1884-6
GH: 00056185 camporum Greenman USA: Washington Low prairies W. N. Suksdorf 423 1884-6
GH: 00077159 berlandieri USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [hills ... C. Wright 540 1849-7-23
GH: 00077135 wrightii A. Gray USA: Arizona N. Mex. [Valley from] Sauz de Ciénega [Will... C. Wright 1610 1851-9-3
GH: 00077142 arizonicum A. Gray USA: Arizona Maricopa A. Gray 1885-3
GH: 00077260 ciliosa Rydberg USA: Florida A. W. Chapman
GH: 00077263 cordifolia (A. Gray) Waterfall USA: New Mexico St. Fe Creek [Santa Fe Creek valley] A. Fendler 683 p.p. 1847-6-11
GH: 00057257 fulvescens Eastwood USA: California Santa Inez Mountains T. S. Brandegee 1888
GH: 00035332 occidentalis S. Watson USA: Nevada Carson City: Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 190 1865
GH: 00015911 arbusculum A. Gray USA: California Mrs. R. M. Austin 1876
A: 00042926 jackii Koehne USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arb. [Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plai... A. Rehder 1910-6-4
GH: 00042721 wrightii Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [on the... C. Wright 228a 1849-11-7
GH: 00029714 macrantha S. Watson USA: California S.E. of Mt. Diablo W. H. Brewer 1148
GH: 00071684 subsessilis S. Watson USA: California H. N. Bolander 1866
GH: 00071684 comosa (E. Meyer) Fernald & Wiegand USA: California H. N. Bolander 1866
GH: 00029714 macrantha (S. Watson) Fernald & Wiegand USA: California S.E. of Mt. Diablo W. H. Brewer 1148
GH: 00029719 acuminata USA: Maine Orono: M. L. Fernald 85 1902-5-14
GH: 00066361 ramosissima A. Gray USA: Texas [Prairies of Live Oak Creek] C. Wright 105 1849-6-29
GH: 02412727 lasiodonta A. Gray USA: Texas [no additional data] Drummond & Craib
GH: 00001518 leptodon A. Gray USA: North Carolina In montibus Carolinae Septentrionalis A. Gray & J. Carey 1841-7
GH: 00001535 glabra A. Gray USA: Texas Near Fort Davis C. Wright 468 (954) 1849-8-24
GH: 00001917 californica A. Gray USA: California Anderson Valley H. N. Bolander 4833 1866
GH: 00001916 canescens A. Gray USA: California Canyon, Pachecos Pass W. H. Brewer 1285 1860
GH: 00001088 lanceolata A. Gray USA: New Mexico Burro Mountains H. H. Rusby 345 1/2 1880-9
FH: 00259002 phyllizans Zahlbruckner USA: California, western slope of San Gabriel Mou... H. E. Hasse 1900-12-1
GH: 00028734 borealis Engelmann USA: Illinois Inter Springfield [Sangemon Co.] et Athens [... E. Hall 1867-9
GH: 00260645 robustum (S. Watson) Fernald USA: Pennsylvania Sligo Furnace J. R. Lowrie 1859-8
GH: 00029865 oculatus S. Watson USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Botanic Garden of Harvard Univers... 1873
GH: 00054104 watsoni Baker USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 105 1865
GH: 00267909 brachypoda A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Elm Cr... C. Wright 419 1849-6-30
GH: 00021579 flabelliforme Fernald USA: Vermont Manchester (Vermont): M. A. Day 219 1898-7-16
GH: 00055155 minor A. Gray USA: California [data not captured] J. C. Frémont 432 1846
GH: 00052907 nesioticus (B. L. Robinson) Kearney USA: California Santa Cruz Island E. L. Greene 1886-8
GH: 00260992 involucellatus A. Gray USA: Texas [Mt.-side near El Paso] C. Wright 64 1849-9-12
GH: 00058119 elatum E. G. Baker USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342991 elatum E. G. Baker USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342993 elatum E. G. Baker USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00052724 minor A. Gray USA: Texas Along the San Pedro [Devils River] C. Wright 879 1851-5-23
GH: 01092289 floribunda A. Gray USA: California Calif. Aug. Fitch
GH: 00078867 diffusa (A. Gray) Brand USA: New Mexico Pactiteju [Pachetiju = Apache Tejo] 12 miles... G. Thurber 326 1851-5
GH: 01092289 floribunda Brand USA: California Calif. Aug. Fitch
GH: 00032384 americanum Michaux ex Pursh USA: Alaska Cape Nome F. E. Blaisdell 1900
GH: 00065862 obovatus Torrey USA: California Mammoth Grove J. M. Bigelow
GH: 00065606 palustris (Kellogg) C. P. Smith USA: California San Joaquin River A. Kellogg 1869-4
GH: 00058939 falciformis (A. Gray) M. E. Jones USA: California J. G. Lemmon 621 1874
FH: 00060727 wrightii (Sullivant) W. R. Buck USA: Texas C. Wright 251
GH: 00312684 brachycarpa Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas [San Felipe] T. Drummond III. 84
GH: 00338658 subglochidatum A. Gray USA: Nevada Clover Mts. S. Watson 851 [pro parte] 1868-9
GH: 00346633 integrifolia Sudworth USA: California Sa. [Santa] Catalina Is. W. S. Lyon 1884-7
GH: 00346633 occidentalis Brandegee USA: California Sa. [Santa] Catalina Is. W. S. Lyon 1884-7
GH: 00424557 californicum (Prantl) M. Broun USA: California San Diego: [no additional data] D. Cleveland 1882-4
GH: 00052907 laxiflorum A. Gray USA: California Santa Cruz Island E. L. Greene 1886-8
GH: 00898040 melanocarpa (A. Gray) McMinn USA: New Mexico [Santa Fe Creek] A. Fendler 286 (317) 1847-6-2
GH: 00415138 gracilens (A. Gray) Riddell USA: Virginia [no additional data] F. I. X. Rugel
GH: 00415209 congesta S. Watson USA: California [no additional data] J. M. Bigelow 1853
GH: 00415209 congesta (Thuillier) E. Meyer USA: California [no additional data] J. M. Bigelow 1853
GH: 00375573 stansburyi (Torrey) A. Gray USA: California Bear Valley, San Berdo [Bernardino] Mts. S. B. Parish 1838 1886-6
GH: 00062086 linearis (Greene) J. F. Macbride USA: Wyoming Laramie Hills A. Nelson 34 1894-5-16
GH: 00443835 setosa S. Watson USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts. S. Watson 347 1868-8
A: 00444213 uber Ashe USA: Virginia Dickey Creek, at foot of mountain, South of ... W. W. Ashe 1914-6
GH: 00077660 boreale A. Gray USA: New Mexico Mountains at the Copper Mines near summit [S... C. Wright 1589 1851-8-18
GH: 00022652 maximus Morong ex A. Bennett USA: Massachusetts Natick: E. Tuckerman
A: 00016522 ravenelii (Sargent) Lance USA: Georgia Augusta: Augusta, Ga A. Cuthbert 411 1901
GH: 00062074 umbratilis J. F. Macbride USA: Oregon Dry mountains, especially among low brush at... W. C. Cusick 1886 1898-6-3
GH: 00078720 androsaceus (Curran ex Greene) A. Gray USA: California Tehachapi M. K. Curran 1884-6
GH: 00521989 coulteri (A. Gray) Brand USA: California T. Coulter 463
GH: 01166010 parviflora (Greenman) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Oregon in the Malheur region W. C. Cusick 1957 1898-6-21
GH: 01166026 angustifolia A. Gray USA: New Mexico [Santa Fe to Vegas]
A. Fendler 644 1847-8-10
GH: 00071667 cooperi (A. Gray) Beck USA: Arizona Fort Mohave J. G. Cooper 1860
GH: 00073026 oakesiana (A. Gray) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Norton, cultivated from seeds collected at A... J. W. Robbins s.n. 1865-8
GH: 01104583 detonsa A. Gray USA: California T. C. Bridges 178
GH: 00001538 pinguifolia Fernald USA: Arizona San Francisco Mountains, back of Clifton E. L. Greene 300 1880-9-3
NEBC: 00744734 plenospora A. A. Eaton USA: Massachusetts North Easton A. A. Eaton 1903-9-23
GH: 00312684 torreyi Munz USA: Texas [San Felipe] T. Drummond III. 84
GH: 00062046 subpubescens (Rydberg) J. F. Macbride & Payson USA: Idaho Parker Mt. J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3272 1916-7-17
GH: 00001923 brevifolia Penland USA: Texas Dallas: E. Hall 458 1872-6-30
GH: 00013115 truncatum (Greene) J. S. Martin ex Isely USA: California Santa Catalina Island W. Gambel
GH: 00013112 longicaule (Wooton & Standley) L. D. Benson USA: New Mexico Pinos Altos Mountains E. L. Greene 372 1880-9-15
GH: 00062046 candida J. F. Macbride & Payson USA: Idaho Parker Mt. J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3272 1916-7-17
GH: 00054460 purpurata Fernald USA: Virginia Grassy roadside about 7 miles south of Frank... M. L. Fernald & B. H. Long 7580 1937-9-8
FH: 00220706 propagulifera E. B. Bartram USA: Arizona Patagonia Mountains. 5000 ft E. B. Bartram 618 1923-2-13
GH: 00091454 brevifolia A. Gray USA: Nevada Carson City C. L. Anderson 1865
GH: 00036733 hartwightii (A. Gray) Stanford USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00267377 hartwightii (A. Gray) Stanford USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00267378 hartwightii (A. Gray) Stanford USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright 1858-8
A: 00016561 truncata (Sargent) E. J. Palmer USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 13 1907-5-16
A: 00030991 tenuifolia Andersson USA: Idaho Banks of the Snake River near Fort Hall J. Burke 1846
GH: 00031046 venulosa Andersson USA: Texas Neuces River C. Wright 1879 1851-5-15
A: 00043014 inerme Rehder USA: Vermont Near Charlotte A. Rehder 1902-8-4
A: 00042892 deutziiflorus Rehder USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arb. [Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plai... A. Rehder 5852 1920-6-23
FH: 00259149 fimbriata Tuckerman USA: California Cliffs at the Mission Dolores [Conugavon ? n... H. N. Bolander 166
FH: 00453575 incongrua H. Magnusson USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: near Cambridge E. A. Burt 1893-5
FH: 00453580 obscura H. Magnusson USA: New York [data not captured] B. Fink 1907-4-13
GH: 00027912 controversa (S. F. Blake) Gale USA: Pennsylvania Frazer: E. B. Bartram 1129 1910-8-14
GH: 00018677 Linnaeus USA: California Lassen's Peak. 11,000 ft. [feet] J. G. Lemmon 23 1872-9
GH: 00018769 Linnaeus USA: Texas Found at the San Marcos Spring C. Wright 1847-5
GH: 00019256 USA: Arizona Juniper Mt. [Mountain], 30 m. [miles] from P... Edw. Palmer 16 1876-8-23
GH: 00031629 Linnaeus USA: Georgia Rome: A. W. Chapman
GH: 00037791 USA: Colorado From the headwaters of Clear Creek and the a... C. C. Parry 297 1861
GH: 00037235 Forsskal & Scopoli USA: Utah C. C. Parry 84 1875
FH: 00413661 P. Browne USA: Florida Sanford: [data not captured] S. Rapp 1909-2-21
FH: 00413662 P. Browne USA: Florida Sanford: [data not captured] S. Rapp 1907
GH: 00267378 Linnaeus USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright 1858-8
FH: 00213644 De Notaris USA: [California] H. E. Hasse
GH: 00061254 USA: Texas F. J. Lindheimer 172 1847
A: 00105579 simplicifolia Guillaumin Vanuatu: Tanna Island, Lenakel S. F. Kajewski 48 1928
A: 00050320 latifolia Gagnepain Vietnam: Tonkin, Chapa P. A. Pételot 6360 1938-4
A: 00018081 aboriginum Sargent Canada: Quebec Province Caughnawaga: J. G. Jack bis 45 1900-5-27
GH: 01000317 abrotanifolia Nuttall ex Greene USA: California Santa Barbara: Sta Barbara, Calif T. Nuttall
GH: 01000318 abrotanifolia Nuttall ex Greene USA: California Santa Barbara: Sta Barbara W. H. Brewer 442 1860
GH: 00283141 abutiloides (Jacquin) Garcke ex Britton & Wilson USA: Arizona Santa Catalina Mts. [Mountains] C. G. Pringle 4 1884-4-19
FH: 00258351 acanthophylla Gottsche Indonesia: Jawa:
AMES: 00100845 acaulis Schlechter Malaysia: Sabah Mount Kinabalu G. A. G. Haslam sn 1916-8
AMES: 00100851 acaulis Schlechter Philippines: Leyte Jaro, Masaganap, Leyte Island C. A. Wenzel 799 1914-12-1
GH: 00096871 acerosa A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Live O... C. Wright 237 1849-6-29
GH: 00096871 acerosa (A. Gray) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Live O... C. Wright 237 1849-6-29
GH: 01000318 achilleifolia Bentham USA: California Santa Barbara: Sta Barbara W. H. Brewer 442 1860
GH: 00094593 acinifolia Spruce ex Sprague Brazil: Pará In vicinibus Santarem R. Spruce [329] 1849-11
FH: 00313507 actobii Thaxter USA: Maine Kittery Point: Kittery Pt. R. Thaxter 1893-8-18
FH: 00940901 aculeata Taylor Ecuador: Galapagos Province Galapagos Islands C. R. Darwin
GH: 00029719 acuminata Rafinesque USA: Maine Orono: M. L. Fernald 85 1902-5-14
A: 00045672 acuminatissimum Quisumbing & Merrill Philippines: Quezon Casiguran, (Tayabas Province), Luzon Island M. Ramos & G. E. Edaño BS 45189 1925-5
AMES: 00043787 acuminatum Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Balboa, Canal Zone C. W. Powell 255
AMES: 00083150 acuminatum Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Balboa, Canal Zone C. W. Powell 255
AMES: 00085860 acuminatum Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Balboa, Canal Zone C. W. Powell 255
GH: 00091283 acuminatus Douglas ex Lindley USA: Nebraska Dismal River; 100 mi. W. of the 100th Merid... H. J. Webber 2 1891-7-12
GH: 00936333 acutangula (Roxburgh) Schultes Sudan: In regione Djur: Seriba Ghassas G. A. Schweinfurth 2326 1869-9-1
FH: 00258589 acutangulus Schiffner Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) In decliv. austral. montis Pangerango; V. F. Schiffner 1393 1894-5-2
A: 00018098 acutifolia Sargent USA: Missouri H. K. D. Eggert 1887-5-9
GH: 00263279 acutus (A. Gray) Dieck USA: California Lassen's Peak Mrs. R. M. Austin 1882-8
GH: 00055368 adenophora Fernald Mexico: Between Tlapancingo, Oaxaca and Tlalixtaquil... E. W. Nelson 2093 1894-12-9
GH: 00263701 adoneus A. Gray USA: Colorado From the head-waters of Clear Creek, and the... C. C. Parry 81 1861
A: 00038719 aemulans C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Near Wa-shan, alt. 9000-10000 feet E. H. Wilson 930 1908-9
GH: 00549373 aenea Fernald Canada: New Brunswick Kent County J. P. Fowler
GH: 00027128 aenea Fernald Canada: New Brunswick Kent County J. P. Fowler
FH: 00301939 aequatus (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Mitten Chile: Magallanes-Antártica Cape Horn. Davis J. D. Hooker 1844-6
GH: 00221767 aestivalis M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray USA: North Carolina Table Mountain M. A. Curtis
AMES: 00001026 affine Ames Philippines: Bataan Luzon Island, Lamao River, Mount Mariveles E. D. Merrill 3218 1903-10
GH: 00067985 affinis Engelmann USA: Texas Comanche Spring F. J. Lindheimer 174 1849-9
GH: 00038389 affinis R. Brown USA: Arizona Rucker val. [valley], Chiricahua Mts. J. G. Lemmon 585 1881-9-28
FH: 00304019 aggregata (Swartz) Müller Arg. Australia (Country): Macquairy's River [Macquarie river] W. R. Ball 1836
FH: 00304019 aggregata (Swartz) Acharius Australia (Country): Macquairy's River [Macquarie river] W. R. Ball 1836
FH: 00304021 aggregata (Swartz) Acharius Australia (Country): Macquairy's River [Macquarie river] W. R. Ball 1836
GH: 00368497 aglaosperma Alston Sri Lanka: Ceylon (received 1870) G. H. K. Thwaites C.P. 324
GH: 00045673 agusanense Elmer Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran (Mount Urdaneta), Island of Minda... A. D. E. Elmer 13549 1912-8
A: 00050330 agusanensis Elmer Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta), Province of Agusa... A. D. E. Elmer 14018 1912-10
A: 00050330 agusanensis (Elmer) Merrill Philippines: Agusan del Norte Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta), Province of Agusa... A. D. E. Elmer 14018 1912-10
GH: 00549612 ajanensis Regel USA: Utah N. Utah [protologue: “Peaks of the Uintas ... S. Watson 153 1869
FH: 00965525 akebiae Sawada Japan: Asagishi, Pref. Iwate G. Yamada 1906-10-21
FH: 00197670 akompsa Tuckerman USA: California Pescadero H. N. Bolander 336 1867
FH: 00197670 akompsa (Tuckerman) Perlmutter, LaGreca, Ertz & Tehler USA: California Pescadero H. N. Bolander 336 1867
GH: 00027497 alata Torrey USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Colora... C. Wright 719 1849-4-15
GH: 00054583 alatipes Hooker Venezuela: Between Biscaina and La Victoria A. Fendler 2084 1856-8-9
GH: 00054583 alatipes (Hooker) House Venezuela: Between Biscaina and La Victoria A. Fendler 2084 1856-8-9
AMES: 00070047 alberti Schlechter Costa Rica: Los Angeles de San Ramon, 1050 m. A. M. Brenes 49 1921-7
GH: 00001455 albescens Torrey & A. Gray USA: Louisiana J. Hale
FH: 00302680 albidula Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N. B. H. Willey 1884
FH: 00302680 albidula (Willey) R. C. Harris USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N. B. H. Willey 1884
GH: 00273040 albinoides (A. M. Ferguson) Croizat USA: Texas Corpus Christi, Neueces County A. A. Heller 1800 1894-5-28
FH: 00079607 albovirens J. D. Hooker & Taylor New Zealand: Auckland Islands: Lord Auckland's Group J. D. Hooker 1840-11
FH: 00079607 albovirens (Hooker & Taylor) E. A. Hodgson New Zealand: Auckland Islands: Lord Auckland's Group J. D. Hooker 1840-11
GH: 00065847 albus S. Watson USA: Oregon W. C. Cusick 1879
GH: 00058012 alcaeoides Michaux USA: Kentucky Barren oaks on this side of the Big Barren R... A. Michaux
GH: 00058012 alcaeoides (Michaux) A. Gray USA: Kentucky Barren oaks on this side of the Big Barren R... A. Michaux
FH: 01146768 algoides Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1847-8-8
GH: 00036911 allegheniensis Porter USA: New Hampshire Alstead: Dry thicket, covering several squar... M. L. Fernald 21 1899-8-7
GH: 00036912 allegheniensis Porter USA: New Hampshire Alstead: Dry thicket, covering several squar... M. L. Fernald 21 1899-8-7
GH: 00036913 allegheniensis Porter USA: New Hampshire Alstead: Dry thicket, covering several squar... M. L. Fernald 21 1899-8-7
FH: 00301536 allodontus (Hooker f. & Taylor) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schuster New Zealand: New Zealand Colenso 1844
FH: 00965525 alni (de Candolle) G. Winter Japan: Asagishi, Pref. Iwate G. Yamada 1906-10-21
FH: 00060388 alpestris (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schleicher Iraq: Kurdistania occidentalis, Taurus Cataonicus,... H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti 502/2422 1910-7-18
FH: 01093953 alpina Höhnel Austria: Niederösterreich Rax-Alpe F. Bucholtz 1905-5
FH: 01093953 alpina (Höhnel) Beenken, Andrin Gross & Queloz Austria: Niederösterreich Rax-Alpe F. Bucholtz 1905-5
GH: 00032384 alpinum Linnaeus USA: Alaska Cape Nome F. E. Blaisdell 1900
GH: 01116850 alternatopinnatum Steudel Paraguay: In viciniis Caaguazú E. Hassler 9365 1905
FH: 00220273 alternuatum Müller (of Halle) & Kindberg Canada: British Columbia On rocks along the C. P. R'y at the summit o... J. Macoun 524 1890-8-6
GH: 00019178 alyssoides A. Gray USA: New Mexico [From Santa Fe east to Rabbit Ear Creek] A. Fendler 46 [(27)] 1847-8-10
GH: 00028800 ambigua Beyrich ex Kunth Cuba: Pinar del Rio [protologue: "En pinales húmedos y al lado ... C. Wright 3735
A: 00038739 ambrozyana C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Northeast of Tachien lu, alt. 11000-13000 fe... E. H. Wilson 2866 1908-7-7
FH: 00259031 americana Motyka Canada: Nova Scotia near Digby J. Macoun 1910-5-20
GH: 00037198 americana S. Watson USA: Nevada Humboldt Mountains John Torrey 465 1865
FH: 00220642 americana B. de Lesdain USA: New Mexico Las Vegas: Kearny's Gap Fr. G. Arsène 19662 1929-5
GH: 00028029 americanus Persoon USA: Rhode Island Providence: [on the Seekonk River] S. T. Olney
GH: 00028029 americanus (Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: Rhode Island Providence: [on the Seekonk River] S. T. Olney
GH: 00022652 americanus Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Massachusetts Natick: E. Tuckerman
AMES: 00090974 amesiana Schlechter USA: Florida Coconut Grove, Rocky pinewoods A. A. Eaton 921 1904-5-21
GH: 00263701 amoenus Ledebour USA: Colorado From the head-waters of Clear Creek, and the... C. C. Parry 81 1861
GH: 00036733 amphibia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00267377 amphibia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright
GH: 00267378 amphibia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: New York Dundee: S. H. Wright 1858-8
GH: 00038547 amphibolum Greene USA: New Jersey Closter C. F. Austin
GH: 00058627 amphioxys A. Gray USA: New Mexico Rio Grande G. Thurber 295 1851-4
GH: 00063019 amplifolius Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: E. Tuckerman
GH: 01154800 amurense Ruprecht Japan: Kanagawa Yokohama: Japonia. Yokohama. fudzi-yama [Mou... C. J. Maximowicz 1862-11-20
GH: 00048916 anceps Fernald Canada: Quebec Province Gaspé County, "Lac des Americains", western... M. L. Fernald & J. F. Collins 234 1906-8-1
GH: 00011302 anceps Bentham USA: New Mexico N. Mex. [near the Coppermines] C. Wright 1845 1851-8-20
GH: 00038202 andersonii A. Gray USA: Nevada Carson City: Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 172 pp. 1865
GH: 00026832 andersonii A. Gray USA: Nevada Carson City: [Foothills of the eastern side ... C. L. Anderson 217 1866-3
GH: 00098044 andersonii (A. Gray) Jepson USA: Utah Salt Lake Valley, N. Utah [protologue: "Pilo... S. Watson 17 1869-6
GH: 00078720 androsacea (Curran ex Greene) N. S. Fraga USA: California Tehachapi M. K. Curran 1884-6
GH: 01104583 androsaceus (Bentham) Greene USA: California T. C. Bridges 178
GH: 01104583 androsaceus Bentham USA: California T. C. Bridges 178
GH: 00078720 androsaceus Curran ex Greene USA: California Tehachapi M. K. Curran 1884-6
GH: 00019328 angustifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas Rio Frio & Leona C. Wright 848 1851-5-14
GH: 00045077 angustifolia Bentham USA: Texas [banks of the Medina] C. Wright 93 1849-6-1
GH: 00045078 angustifolia Bentham USA: Texas [banks of the Medina] C. Wright 93 1849-6-1
GH: 00260645 angustifolium (Pursh) Kunth USA: Pennsylvania Sligo Furnace J. R. Lowrie 1859-8
GH: 00021897 angustum (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Mettenius : Puerto Rico: C. Schwanecke
GH: 00052920 angustum A. Gray USA: Missouri T. Drummond 1832
GH: 00037279 anisophylla A. Gray USA: Texas Near Uvalde-Kinney county line, Turkey Creek... C. Wright 1706 1851-5-16
FH: 00965659 anodon Bruch & Schimper Italy: Dolomiten, Palagruppe: Felsgallerein am Cimo... F. Kern 1896-7-29
FH: 00979245 antarctica C. W. Dodge : Melchior Islands: Melchior Archipelago, Omeg... P. A. Siple, R. G. Frazier & D. K.... 330 1941-3
GH: 00312933 antirrhina Linnaeus USA: Illinois Streets of Rockford, Ill. M. S. Bebb 1880-8
GH: 00058636 antiselli A. Gray USA: California Upper part of Santa Clara valley A. Gray 1885-5
GH: 00022597 antisyphilitica Berlandier ex C. A. Meyer USA: Nevada Smoky Valley S. Watson 1108 1868-7
GH: 00059406 antoninus S. Watson Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Madre, 40 miles south of Saltillo Edw. Palmer 239 1880-7
A: 00055437 apacheca Lemmon USA: Arizona Sawmill Canyon, Chiricahua Mountains J. G. Lemmon 1892-6
FH: 00302806 apalachense (Tuckerman) Nylander USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 4 1853
FH: 00302807 apalachense (Tuckerman) Nylander USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 4 1853
FH: 00302808 apalachense (Tuckerman) Nylander USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 4 1853
FH: 00302806 apalachense Tuckerman USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 4 1853
FH: 00302807 apalachense Tuckerman USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 4 1853
FH: 00302808 apalachense Tuckerman USA: Alabama Moulton: T. M. Peters 4 1853
A: 00018219 aperta Sargent USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 19A 1907-4-22
GH: 00549614 apetala Linnaeus USA: Colorado From the head-waters of Clear Creek, and the... C. C. Parry 132 1861
FH: 01093977 apiculata Thaxter USA: Tennessee Burbank: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1887-8
FH: 01093977 apiculata (Thaxter) Humber USA: Tennessee Burbank: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1887-8
FH: 00413586 apodocarpa Robbins USA: Massachusetts Wareham: [data not captured] C. A. Robbins 1924-3
GH: 00026358 apoensis Elmer Philippines: Davao Island of Mindanao, Todaya (Mount Apo) A. D. E. Elmer 11718 1909-9
A: 00306903 apoensis (Elmer) Merrill Philippines: Davao Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao, Island ... A. D. E. Elmer 10658 1909-5
A: 00306903 apoensis Elmer Philippines: Davao Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao, Island ... A. D. E. Elmer 10658 1909-5
FH: 00286663 applanata Höhnel Austria: Sonntagsberg P. P. Strasser 1919
FH: 00220955 appressifolia Mitten Brazil: Minas-Gero E. H. G. Ule
GH: 00024593 aquatica (Linnaeus) J. Presl & C. Presl Canada: Quebec Province [no additional data] W. Munro 1858-7
GH: 00042610 aquatica Linnaeus USA: Texas T. Drummond 95
GH: 00267469 arabisans Michaux USA: New York In St. Lawrence & Jefferson Counties N.Y A. Gray
AMES: 00106415 arachnites Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui C. W. Powell 210
A: 00076888 arborea Vieillard New Caledonia: Balade, bois des montagnes E. Vieillard 545 1855
A: 00105506 arborea Elmer Philippines: Palawan Puerto Princesa (Mount Pulgar) A. D. E. Elmer 13159 1911-5
GH: 00076440 arborescens Gilg Colombia: West Andies of Popayan, 1800-2500 m. F. C. Lehmann 5450
A: 00023454 arborescens Elliott USA: Texas Dallas: B. F. Bush 493 1900-4-15
A: 00005923 arbuscula Trelease Papua New Guinea: Central U-Uma river headwater L. J. Brass 1449 1926-5-18
GH: 00015911 arbuscula (A. Gray) Merriam USA: California Mrs. R. M. Austin 1876
GH: 00019269 arctica (Wormskjold ex Hornemann) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz Canada: Quebec Province Island of Anticosti F. T. Pursh
FH: 00220273 arcuatifolia Kindberg Canada: British Columbia On rocks along the C. P. R'y at the summit o... J. Macoun 524 1890-8-6
GH: 00048712 arenaria A. Gray USA: Texas On the Brazos River, near Seymour J. Reverchon 1879-9
GH: 00077260 arenicola Kearney USA: Florida A. W. Chapman
GH: 00077259 arenicola Kearney USA: Florida Vicinity of Eustis G. V. Nash 1170 1894-7-1
GH: 00053057 argentea Kunth Mexico: Morelos Near Jojutla, 3000 ft C. G. Pringle 8665 1902-8-30
GH: 00053057 argentea (Kunth) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Mexico: Morelos Near Jojutla, 3000 ft C. G. Pringle 8665 1902-8-30
GH: 00019255 argyraea A. Gray USA: Texas Green Lake near the Matagorda Bay F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.329 1845-2
GH: 00019255 argyraea (A. Gray) S. Watson USA: Texas Green Lake near the Matagorda Bay F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.329 1845-2
GH: 00019255 argyraea (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas Green Lake near the Matagorda Bay F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.329 1845-2
GH: 00053585 argyrea (A. Gray) A. Heller USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Devils... C. Wright 131 1849-7-30
GH: 00053585 argyrea A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Devils... C. Wright 131 1849-7-30
GH: 00443808 argyrocoma (Rydberg) Rydberg USA: California Bear Valley San Bernardino Mt S. B. Parish 151 1886-6
GH: 00443808 argyrocoma Rydberg USA: California Bear Valley San Bernardino Mt S. B. Parish 151 1886-6
GH: 02412727 aristata Nuttall USA: Texas [no additional data] Drummond & Craib
GH: 01092566 aristella A. Gray USA: California Yreka: Humbug Hills near Yreka E. L. Greene 907 1876-6-30
FH: 00220706 arizonae Renauld & Cardot USA: Arizona Patagonia Mountains. 5000 ft E. B. Bartram 618 1923-2-13
GH: 00019256 arizonica S. Watson USA: Arizona Juniper Mt. [Mountain], 30 m. [miles] from P... Edw. Palmer 16 1876-8-23
GH: 00019256 arizonica (S. Watson) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Arizona Juniper Mt. [Mountain], 30 m. [miles] from P... Edw. Palmer 16 1876-8-23
A: 00034033 arizonica Sargent USA: Arizona Fort Huachuca C. S. Sargent 1894-3-23
GH: 00026450 arizonica (A. Gray) G. Mansion USA: Utah St. George Edw. Palmer 1875
GH: 00443843 arizonica Greene USA: Arizona Flagstaff: near Flagstaff J. G. Lemmon 320 1884-9
GH: 00026450 arizonicum (A. Gray) A. Heller USA: Utah St. George Edw. Palmer 1875
GH: 00065446 arizonicus (S. Watson) S. Watson USA: Arizona Colorado River, N. Mex. [= W. Arizona] J. M. Bigelow 1853
GH: 00038389 arizonicus Lemmon ex A. Gray USA: Arizona Rucker val. [valley], Chiricahua Mts. J. G. Lemmon 585 1881-9-28
GH: 00053008 armata S. Watson USA: Arizona Western Arizona G. M. Wheeler Survey 1871
GH: 00053008 armata (S. Watson) Irwin & Barneby USA: Arizona Western Arizona G. M. Wheeler Survey 1871
GH: 00058656 arthu-schottii A. Gray USA: Collected between San Diego & the Colorado [... A. C. V. Schott 256 1855-3-12
A: 00045657 aruanum Pax & K. Hoffmann : O. Warburg 20640 1889
A: 00289493 asiatica Linnaeus Vietnam: Tourane and Vicinity. (Tourane is on the coa... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 3152 1927-5
A: 00018281 aspera Sargent USA: Missouri Webb City: C. S. Sargent 15 1901-10-2
GH: 00065067 asperata Linnaeus Mexico: Environs de Matamoros J. L. Berlandier 3146 1839
A: 00018287 asperifolia Sargent USA: Vermont Middlebury: E. Brainerd 16i 1900-9-28
GH: 00096228 astrolepis Liebmann Mexico: Oaxaca Trapiche de la Concepcion F. M. Liebmann 1841
GH: 00096228 astrolepis (Liebmann) E. Fournier Mexico: Oaxaca Trapiche de la Concepcion F. M. Liebmann 1841
A: 00969287 atalantioides (Hance) Stapf China: Hubei W. China. Patung. Hupeh E. H. Wilson 349 1900-4
GH: 00058205 ataxacantha de Candolle Mexico: Coahuila West of Patos Josiah Gregg 1847-4-10
GH: 00027146 athrostachya Olney USA: California Yosemite Valley W. H. Brewer 1650 1864
GH: 00348413 atra Hillebrand : Hawaii W. Maui W. B. Hillebrand 1870
FH: 00377125 atroalba (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: N. [North] Platte, Rocky Mountains F. V. Hayden
FH: 00377126 atroalba (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: N. [North] Platte, Rocky Mountains F. V. Hayden
FH: 00377125 atroalbum Tuckerman USA: N. [North] Platte, Rocky Mountains F. V. Hayden
FH: 00377126 atroalbum Tuckerman USA: N. [North] Platte, Rocky Mountains F. V. Hayden
A: 00038717 atrocarpa C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Mupin, alt. 4000-6000 feet E. H. Wilson 1284 1908-11
GH: 00969824 atrogrisea C. Christensen ex Ching Costa Rica: Costa Rica K. Wercklé 1903
FH: 00979244 aubertii C. W. Dodge : Kerguelen Island: Archipel de Kerguelen, Cot... A. de la Rue 1952-5-3
FH: 00259844 aurantiaca (Müller Argoviensis) Staiger & Kalb USA: Florida St. Augustin C. J. Sprague
GH: 00052921 aurantiaca Scheele USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Braunfels F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.350 1846-7
AMES: 00045377 aurantiacum Schlechter Costa Rica: Alajuela San Pedro de San Ramón A. M. Brenes 129 1921-11
GH: 00052933 aurantiacum (Scheele) Walpers USA: Texas C. Wright
GH: 00052921 aurantiacum (Scheele) Walpers USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Braunfels F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. III.350 1846-7
GH: 00518253 aurantiacum Engelmann USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Br. Texas F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. IV. 579 1946-8
GH: 00003216 aurantiacus Curtis Mexico: Baja California Norte Cedros Island J. A. Veatch
GH: 00518253 aurantiacus (Engelmann) Kiger USA: Texas New Braunfels: N. Br. Texas F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. IV. 579 1946-8
FH: 00965427 aurata Riddle Bahamas: New Providence Farrington Road E. G. Britton 221 1904-8
FH: 00213340 aureum (Spruce) H. Robinson USA: California H. N. Bolander 513
GH: 00064716 auriculata Spruce ex Bentham Brazil: Prope Barra, Prov. Rio Negro R. Spruce 1208 1851-5
GH: 00019601 auriculatum A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [10 mil... C. Wright 9 1849-9-3
GH: 00032384 auriculatum Eastwood USA: Alaska Cape Nome F. E. Blaisdell 1900
FH: 00301534 australis J. D. Hooker & Taylor New Zealand: Lord Auckland's Group J. D. Hooker 1840-11
FH: 00301534 australis Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees New Zealand: Lord Auckland's Group J. D. Hooker 1840-11
FH: 00301534 australis (Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees) R. M. Schuster New Zealand: Lord Auckland's Group J. D. Hooker 1840-11
FH: 00301535 australis J. D. Hooker & Taylor New Zealand: Campbell Island J. D. Hooker 1840-11
FH: 00301535 australis Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees New Zealand: Campbell Island J. D. Hooker 1840-11
FH: 00301535 australis (Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees) R. M. Schuster New Zealand: Campbell Island J. D. Hooker 1840-11
AMES: 00074070 avenacea Ames : 1905-2
AMES: 00085623 avenacea Ames : 1905-2
A: 00096029 axillariflora Merrill China: Hainan Yik Tsok Mau F. A. McClure 3143 1922-5-18
A: 00096029 axillariflora (Merrill) Bramley China: Hainan Yik Tsok Mau F. A. McClure 3143 1922-5-18
GH: 00255205 baccata Linnaeus China: Mandshuria. R. Maack s.n. 1855
GH: 00112824 bahamensis Urban Bahamas: Andros Red Bays J. I. Northrop & A. B. Northrop 488 1890-4-16
GH: 00443834 baileyi S. Watson USA: Nevada N. W. Nevada [protologue: "West Humboldt Mou... W. W. Bailey 346 1867-9
GH: 00062067 bakeri Greene USA: Utah Bear River Canyon, 11000 feet S. Watson 844 1869-8
GH: 00078821 bakeri H. Mason USA: California Ukiah, Russian River H. N. Bolander 3830 1864
GH: 00030900 bakeri Seemen USA: California Foothills near Stanford University C. F. Baker 274 1902-3-9
GH: 00001538 ballotiflora Bentham USA: Arizona San Francisco Mountains, back of Clifton E. L. Greene 300 1880-9-3
A: 00092111 barahonensis Urban Dominican Republic: Barahona An Felsen der Tha'ler von Pae-Mingo nach Bah... Miguel Fuertes 1049 1911-9
A: 00000690 barbata Sargent USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 26 1907-5-18
GH: 00063550 barbellata Engelmann USA: Texas Rio Grande [near Eagle Pass] C. Wright 1848
GH: 00038254 barbeyi (Huth) Huth USA: Colorado Rocky Mt. Alpine Flora, 39-41°N E. Hall & J. P. Harbour 25 1862
ECON: 00260800 barbosanum L. Ll. Phillips & Clement USA: North Carolina Raleigh: North Carolina State College L. Ll. Phillips & I. D. Clement 891 1963-5
A: 00000674 barrettiana Sargent USA: Missouri Barretts: J. H. Kellogg 1907-5-13
A: 00914918 bartlingii de Candolle Philippines: Philippines H. Cuming 833
A: 00068500 batitinan S. Vidal Philippines: Laguna San Antonio, Luzon Island S. Vidal y Soler 356 bis
GH: 00053010 bauhinioides A. Gray USA: Texas Rio Grande C. Wright 1848-8-24
GH: 00053010 bauhinioides (A. Gray) Irwin & Barneby USA: Texas Rio Grande C. Wright 1848-8-24
A: 00038730 beaniana C. K. Schneider United Kingdom: England: 1930 W. 52-13/Veitch, n. 30 ex Hort... [no data available] 1916-10
GH: 00023927 bella Piper USA: Oregon Upper Platte C. A. Geyer 11
A: 00105504 benguetensis Elmer Philippines: Baguio: Luzon Island A. D. E. Elmer 12476 1913-3
A: 00105504 benguetnesis (Elmer) T. G. Hartley Philippines: Baguio: Luzon Island A. D. E. Elmer 12476 1913-3
A: 00057548 bergmanniae C. K. Schneider China: Sichuan Wa-sen Country, Wen chuan Hsien, mountainsid... E. H. Wilson 2877 1908-8
GH: 00019345 berlandieri A. Gray Mexico: Tamaulipas Matamoros: J. L. Berlandier 3017 1836-4
GH: 00019338 berlandieri S. Watson Mexico: Tamaulipas Circa Matamoras urbem J. L. Berlandier 2314=884 1831-4
GH: 00019338 berlandieri (S. Watson) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz Mexico: Tamaulipas Circa Matamoras urbem J. L. Berlandier 2314=884 1831-4
GH: 00065067 berlandieri A. Gray Mexico: Environs de Matamoros J. L. Berlandier 3146 1839
GH: 00077135 berlandieri Dunal USA: Arizona N. Mex. [Valley from] Sauz de Ciénega [Will... C. Wright 1610 1851-9-3
GH: 00077159 berlandieri Dunal USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [hills ... C. Wright 540 1849-7-23
GH: 00267909 berlandieri A. de Candolle USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Elm Cr... C. Wright 419 1849-6-30
GH: 00037890 bernardina S. Watson USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 107 1865
GH: 00375573 bernardina Munz & I. M. Johnston USA: California Bear Valley, San Berdo [Bernardino] Mts. S. B. Parish 1838 1886-6
GH: 00072188 beyrichii (Torrey & A. Gray) B. L. Robinson USA: Arkansas ["On the Washita" Oklahoma - Texas] C. Beyrich
GH: 00072188 beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Arkansas ["On the Washita" Oklahoma - Texas] C. Beyrich
GH: 00026451 beyrichii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00072188 beyrichii (Torrey & A. Gray) G. Mansion USA: Arkansas ["On the Washita" Oklahoma - Texas] C. Beyrich
FH: 00301536 biciliata J. D. Hooker & Taylor New Zealand: New Zealand Colenso 1844
FH: 00301536 biciliatus (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) J. D. Hooker & Taylor New Zealand: New Zealand Colenso 1844
GH: 00053682 bicolor Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre B. C. Seemann s.n.
GH: 00368497 bicolor Moon ex Thwaites Sri Lanka: Ceylon (received 1870) G. H. K. Thwaites C.P. 324
A: 00135515 bicolor Craib Thailand: Chiang Mai Doi Sutep A. F. G. Kerr 651
GH: 00055281 bicolor S. Watson USA: Texas West Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Prairies ... C. Wright 106 1849-8-15
AMES: 00061173 bicornis Lindley Panama: Panama Hills east of the city, sea level up to 500 C. W. Powell 174 1918-12
GH: 00061616 bicornuta Hillebrand : Hawaii Lanai W. Hillebrand
GH: 00444606 bicupulatus Fernald USA: Tennessee Clear Fork R. [River] 1 m. [mile] no. [north... H. M. Jennison 33-139 1933-5-28
GH: 00053736 bigelovii A. Gray USA: Arizona N. Mex. [Valley on the San Pedro, Sonora] C. Wright 1012 1851-9
GH: 00078348 bigelovii A. Gray USA: California Mohave Creek J. M. Bigelow 1854-3-2
GH: 00078725 bigelovii A. Gray USA: Nevada Lake Washoe, Nevada John Torrey 372 1865
GH: 00078348 bigelovii (A. Gray) A. Gray USA: California Mohave Creek J. M. Bigelow 1854-3-2
GH: 00078348 bigelovii (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom USA: California Mohave Creek J. M. Bigelow 1854-3-2
AMES: 00098837 bilamellatum (H. G. Reichenbach) R. E. Schultes Panama: Panama East of Panama City, open woods, sea level C. W. Powell 67
GH: 00048722 bilocularis S. Watson Mexico: Sonora Northwestern mountains C. G. Pringle 1884-3-27
GH: 00048722 bilocularis (S. Watson) Pax Mexico: Sonora Northwestern mountains C. G. Pringle 1884-3-27
A: 00017607 biltmoreana Beadle USA: Missouri Swan: 30 feet due E [east] of 2, about halfw... B. F. Bush 2D 1907-5-19
GH: 00589421 bipinnatifida R. Brown Australia (Country): Western Australia Swan River C. Fraser
GH: 00348414 bishopii H. F. L. Rock : Hawaii West Maui, Sandwich Is E. F. Bishop 1871-1
FH: 00413598 blakei Robbins USA: Wyoming [data not captured] S. F. Blake 1927-9-6
GH: 00244258 blanda Aiton USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts. S. Watson 349 1868-7
GH: 00078821 bolanderi A. Gray USA: California Ukiah, Russian River H. N. Bolander 3830 1864
FH: 00302910 bolanderi (Tuckerman) Wetmore USA: California H. N. Bolander 242
FH: 00302910 bolanderi Tuckerman USA: California H. N. Bolander 242
FH: 00302911 bolanderi Tuckerman USA: California H. N. Bolander 242
FH: 00302912 bolanderi Tuckerman USA: California H. N. Bolander 242
GH: 00078821 bolanderi (A. Gray) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson USA: California Ukiah, Russian River H. N. Bolander 3830 1864
GH: 00032178 bolanderiana Rowlee USA: California Slough's Valley, Sierra Nevada H. N. Bolander 4958 1866
GH: 00040813 borealis A. Gray USA: Texas [On the Pierdenales] F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. IV.607 1847-5
GH: 00040797 borealis A. Gray USA: New Mexico A. Fendler 181 1847
GH: 00028734 borealis (Engelmann) Landolt & Wildi ex Gandhi, Wiersema & Brouillet USA: Illinois Inter Springfield [Sangemon Co.] et Athens [... E. Hall 1867-9
FH: 00079623 botryosa Tuckerman USA: Florida C. F. Austin 1878
FH: 00079623 botryosa (Tuckerman) Lendemer & R. C. Harris USA: Florida C. F. Austin 1878
GH: 00058917 bourgovii A. Gray USA: Oregon Trout Creek Blue Mts. T. J. Howell 377 1885-5-25
GH: 00254218 brachiata (Linnaeus) de Candolle Guatemala: Huehuetenango Pueblo viejo Quen Santo C. Seler & E. G. Seler 3092 1896-7-21
A: 00139449 brachyacantha Sargent & Engelmann USA: Texas Longview G. W. Letterman
GH: 00246167 brachycarpa (Torrey & A. Gray) Britton Canada: Lake Winipeg Valley E. Bourgeau 1857
GH: 00246167 brachycarpa (Torrey & A. Gray) Dorn Canada: Lake Winipeg Valley E. Bourgeau 1857
GH: 00003042 brachycarpa (A. Gray) B. B. Simpson USA: Texas N. Mex. [Turkey Cr. to Elm Cr.] C. Wright 1023 1851-5-16
GH: 00003042 brachycarpa (A. Gray) Fisher USA: Texas N. Mex. [Turkey Cr. to Elm Cr.] C. Wright 1023 1851-5-16
GH: 00003042 brachycarpa A. Gray USA: Texas N. Mex. [Turkey Cr. to Elm Cr.] C. Wright 1023 1851-5-16
GH: 00054166 brachycarpa A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico C. Wright 1849-5
GH: 00003483 brachychaeta C. Wright Cuba: Pinar del Rio En sabanas bajas y a arillas de lagunas, jur... C. Wright 3782
A: 00018139 brachypoda Sargent USA: Missouri Grandin: B. F. Bush 4 1905-5-6
GH: 00267909 brachypoda (A. Gray) Small USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Elm Cr... C. Wright 419 1849-6-30
GH: 00031629 bracteatum Rehder USA: Georgia Rome: A. W. Chapman
A: 00038872 bracteolata Takeda China: Yunnan In decliv. dumosis inter Yung peh sing et fl... C. K. Schneider 1723 1914-7-3
GH: 00045077 brasiliensis (Linnaeus) A. Jussieu USA: Texas [banks of the Medina] C. Wright 93 1849-6-1
GH: 00045078 brasiliensis (Linnaeus) A. Jussieu USA: Texas [banks of the Medina] C. Wright 93 1849-6-1
A: 00005925 brassii Trelease Papua New Guinea: Central Iawarere L. J. Brass 683 1925-11-24
AMES: 00070147 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: A. M. Brenes 118
AMES: 00062165 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: San José San José: Colinas de Piedades, entre San Ra... A. M. Brenes 14282 1901-5-19
AMES: 00102376 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: Alajuela San Ramón A. M. Brenes 240 1922-1
AMES: 00056720 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: San Pedro de San Ramón A. M. Brenes 173 1921-11
AMES: 00101612 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: Alajuela Santiago de San Ramón A. M. Brenes 73 1921-7
AMES: 00099091 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: A. M. Brenes
AMES: 00090902 brenesii Schlechter Costa Rica: Alajuela San Pedro de San Ramón A. M. Brenes 116 1921-9
GH: 00094679 brevicalyx S. Watson USA: Lower Colorado [probably Arizona] Edw. Palmer 1869
AMES: 00070148 brevicaule Schlechter Panama: Panama Hills east of the city. C. W. Powell 18 1915-11
FH: 00301052 brevicuspis M. Fleischer Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) pundjab 1899-3-25
GH: 00073685 brevifolia Urban Cuba: Road Baracoa-Saltadoro C. Wright 2913 1860-7-10
GH: 00001923 brevifolia A. Gray USA: Texas Dallas: E. Hall 458 1872-6-30
GH: 00069246 brevifolium Bentham Mexico: Nuevo León [Between Cerralvo and Monterey] F. A. Wislizenus
GH: 00549030 brevigluma C. Wright Cuba: C. Wright 1548 1860
GH: 00057182 brevipes Rydberg Mexico: San Luis Potosí In the region of San Luis Potosi C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 139 1878
GH: 00057181 brevipes Rydberg Mexico: San Luis Potosí In the region of San Luis Potosi C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 138 1878
AMES: 00074097 brevis Schlechter Costa Rica: Cartago A. M. Brenes 276 1922-4
GH: 00030293 breviscapa Kunth Mexico: Puebla Vicinity of Puebla, Hda. [Hacienda] Noria, A... Fr. G. Arsène 5203 1910-6-20
GH: 00274297 brevispica Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Texas West of the Brazos F. J. Lindheimer Fasc. II.307. 1844-5
GH: 00062045 brevistyla S. Watson USA: Utah Wasatch Mountains, 5000 feet S. Watson 845 1869-5
GH: 00036870 breweri S. Watson USA: California Santa Monica: Sta Monica W. H. Brewer 75 1863-12
GH: 00019526 breweri S. Watson USA: California Summit of Mono Pass W. H. Brewer 1720 1863
GH: 00549295 breweri Greene USA: California Wood;s Peak. Borders of Lake W. H. Brewer 2114 1863
GH: 00035331 breweri S. Watson USA: California Los Angeles: W. H. Brewer 95 1861
GH: 00549295 breweri (Greene) G. L. Nesom & N. S. Fraga USA: California Wood;s Peak. Borders of Lake W. H. Brewer 2114 1863
GH: 00065463 bridgesii A. Gray ex S. Watson USA: California T. C. Bridges 55
AMES: 00062204 brittonae Ames Cuba: Pinar del Rio Vicinity of Viñales N. L. Britton & E. G. Britton 7540 1910-9-17
GH: 00027497 brittoniana L. H. Bailey USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, Colora... C. Wright 719 1849-4-15
AMES: 00074105 broadwayi Ames Grenada: Annandale, St. George W. E. Broadway 1846 1906-3
AMES: 00083271 broadwayi Ames Grenada: Annandale, St. George W. E. Broadway 1846 1906-3
AMES: 00085083 broadwayi Ames Grenada: Annandale, St. George W. E. Broadway 1846 1906-3
FH: 01093438 broussonetiae Patouillard Algeria: Hrjitore [sp?], Alger [Algiers] L. C. Trabut 1880-7-15
FH: 00301146 bryoides Hedwig USA: Ohio Columbus: prope Columbus Ohionis
GH: 00057128 bryophora A. Gray USA: California Ebbetts Pass W. H. Brewer 1984 1863
GH: 00057128 bryophora (A. Gray) Brouillet & Gornall USA: California Ebbetts Pass W. H. Brewer 1984 1863
A: 00056396 buchii O. C. Schmidt Haiti: Massif du Nord, Gros Morne, Morne Bonpere E. L. Ekman 4591 1925-9-30
GH: 00001796 buchii Urban Haiti: Morne Bellance: Gonaïves (Haiti) Morne Ball... W. Buch 658 1901-7
FH: 00822178 buchsii Hennings Poland: Proskau, Schlesien M. Buchs 1903-9
GH: 00023927 bulbosa Geyer ex Porter & Coulter USA: Oregon Upper Platte C. A. Geyer 11
FH: 00302810 byssinum (Hoffmann) Zwackh ex Nylander USA: Illinois Athens: in neglected nursery E. Hall 1876-7-15
GH: 00072202 cachanlahuen (Molina) B. L. Robinson USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 29 1865
GH: 00053041 caeciliae Harms Guatemala: Huehuetenango Todos Santos C. Seler & E. G. Seler 3172 1896-6-19
GH: 00014701 caeciliana Loesener Mexico: Oaxaca Prope Huitzo. C. Seler & E. G. Seler 97 1888-6
GH: 00093218 caerulea Greene USA: New Mexico Bluffs of the Gila E. L. Greene 1881-4-23
A: 00038872 caesia C. K. Schneider China: Yunnan In decliv. dumosis inter Yung peh sing et fl... C. K. Schneider 1723 1914-7-3
FH: 00302810 caesiellum Tuckerman USA: Illinois Athens: in neglected nursery E. Hall 1876-7-15
FH: 00258642 caesius Schiffner Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) In faucibus dictis "Aneh" ad pedam montis Si... V. F. Schiffner 1428 1894-7-21
FH: 00060388 caespiticia (Bridel) Juratzka Iraq: Kurdistania occidentalis, Taurus Cataonicus,... H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti 502/2422 1910-7-18
FH: 00079455 caespitosa (Bruch ex Bridel) Blockeel & A. J. E. Smith Italy: Liguria zwischen Portofina v. S. Frattuoso an Nagelf... M. Fleischer 1892-4-12
NEBC: 00104543 caespitosa A. A. Eaton USA: New Hampshire Hampton: A. A. Eaton 501 1896-8-26
GH: 00022040 caffrorum (Milde) Hieronymus South Africa: J. F. Drège
AMES: 00074114 calerae Schlechter Costa Rica: Alajuela Alto de La Caldera de San Mateo A. M. Brenes 228 1922-1
GH: 00059863 californica Standley Mexico: Baja California Norte "Cape St. Lucas, &c., Lower California" J. Xantus de Vesey 29 1859-8
FH: 00995323 californica Tuckerman Mexico: Cerras [Cedros?] Island, Lower California E. L. Belding
GH: 00338658 californica (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Greene USA: Nevada Clover Mts. S. Watson 851 [pro parte] 1868-9
GH: 00033352 californica A. Gray USA: California Mojave Desert S. B. Parish & W. F. Parish 1328 1882-5
GH: 00037203 californica S. Watson USA: California Colton C. C. Parry 275 1881
GH: 00022596 californica S. Watson USA: California Jamul valley Edw. Palmer 364 1875
GH: 00019493 californica (Bolander ex Thurber) Kuntze USA: California Redwoods near San Francisco H. N. Bolander sn 1872
A: 00026189 californica W. B. Clarke ex C. Weber USA: Washington Cultivated at University of Washington Arbor... J. A. Witt 1961-4-22
GH: 00244258 californica Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts. S. Watson 349 1868-7
GH: 00042625 californica A. Gray USA: California Mariposa trail, Yosemite Valley H. N. Bolander 4898 1866-7-1
GH: 00033626 californica S. Watson USA: California Sierra Sa [Santa] Monica W. H. Brewer 65
FH: 00213644 californica H. Magnusson USA: [California] H. E. Hasse
GH: 00055221 californica Bolander USA: California Oakland: [Protologue: "On borders of cultiva... H. N. Bolander 10
FH: 01138656 californica Sullivant USA: California [no additional data] J. M. Bigelow 1 A 1854-5-9
FH: 00213644 californica (H. Magnusson) Zahlbruckner USA: [California] H. E. Hasse
GH: 00019493 californicum Bolander ex Thurber USA: California Redwoods near San Francisco H. N. Bolander sn 1872
GH: 00077141 californicum Nuttall ex A. Gray USA: California San Diego: T. Nuttall
GH: 00054104 californicum Durand USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 105 1865
GH: 00424557 californicum Prantl USA: California San Diego: [no additional data] D. Cleveland 1882-4
A: 00002582 calliantha Sargent USA: Missouri Pacific: J. H. Kellogg 100 1907-9-29
FH: 01146902 callibotrys Tuckerman USA: South Carolina Santee Canal: [no additional data] H. W. Ravenel 226
A: 00002586 callicarpa Sargent USA: Missouri Shrewsbury: C. W. Fullgraf 3 1907-9-30
A: 00002602 calophylla Sargent USA: Missouri Springfield: NE Springfield J. H. Kellogg 123 1908-5-3
A: 00017720 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Monteer B. F. Bush 7B 1905-10-1
A: 00017860 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Carthage: E. J. Palmer 36 1901-5-24
A: 00016970 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Montier: B. F. Bush 8 1905-10-6
A: 00016982 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 11B 1905-5-24
A: 00017977 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Carthage: E. J. Palmer 9h 1907-5-19
A: 00017039 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Webb City: E. J. Palmer 9b 1902-5-18
A: 00017335 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Swan: B. F. Bush 3A 1905-9-22
A: 00016245 calpodendron (Ehrhart) Medikus USA: Missouri Webb City: E. J. Palmer 9a 1901-5-20
GH: 00026450 calycosa Buckley USA: Utah St. George Edw. Palmer 1875
GH: 00026451 calycosa (Buckley) G. Mansion USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00026451 calycosum (Buckley) Fernald USA: Texas [at camp at big bend of the San Pedro (Devil... C. Wright 1662 1851-5-21
GH: 00093212 campanularia A. Gray USA: California C. C. Parry & J. G. Lemmon 263 1876
GH: 00019390 camporum (A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [at the... C. Wright 11 1849-7
GH: 00019390 camporum A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [at the... C. Wright 11 1849-7
GH: 00274945 campylopodum Engelmann USA: Oregon C. A. Geyer 577
FH: 00301547 canaliculatus Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Australia (Country): Van Diemen's Land Van Diemen's Land R. C. Gunn
A: 00069937 canbyi Trelease Mexico: Nuevo León Municipio de Villa Santiago, Cañon Guajuco C. H. Muller & M. T. Muller 1346 1934-8-15
A: 00018309 candens Sargent : B. F. Bush 6B 1905-5-14
GH: 00053667 canescens Bentham Mexico: Baja California Norte Topo; Lower California C. R. Orcutt 637 1882-10
GH: 00018628 canescens Nuttall USA: Nevada E. Humboldt Mts., N. Nevada S. Watson 70 1868-8
GH: 00078202 canescens A. Gray USA: Nevada Near Carson City C. L. Anderson 207 1865
GH: 00055281 canescens A. Gray USA: Texas West Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [Prairies ... C. Wright 106 1849-8-15
GH: 00001074 canescens Torrey & A. Gray ex Bentham USA: Florida A. W. Chapman
GH: 00001074 canescens (Torrey & A. Gray ex Bentham) A. Gray USA: Florida A. W. Chapman
GH: 00022040 capensis Hieronymus South Africa: J. F. Drège
GH: 00273039 capitatus Michaux Mexico: Nuevo León Near Monterey C. G. Pringle 2225 1888-7-11
GH: 00273040 capitatus Michaux USA: Texas Corpus Christi, Neueces County A. A. Heller 1800 1894-5-28
GH: 00027912 capitellata (Michaux) Vahl USA: Pennsylvania Frazer: E. B. Bartram 1129 1910-8-14
ECON: 00260800 capitis-viridis Mauer USA: North Carolina Raleigh: North Carolina State College L. Ll. Phillips & I. D. Clement 891 1963-5
GH: 00026904 capollin Zuccarini USA: Texas [between Rock Creek and the Limpio] C. Wright 1370 1852-6-25
GH: 00057138 capsicibaccatum Cárdenas Bolivia: Cochabamba Province of Zarata, between Huaira Pata and ... H. Gandarillas 60 1942-3
AMES: 00102775 cardenasii L. B. Smith & S. K. Harris Bolivia: Sailapata-Ayopaya M. Cárdenas H. 3289 1935-11
AMES: 00083156 cardenasii L. B. Smith & S. K. Harris Bolivia: Sailapata-Ayopaya M. Cárdenas H. 3289 1935-11
GH: 00052795 cardiophyllus A. Gray USA: Texas Western Texas to El Paso, New Mexico [near T... C. Wright 63 1849-6-26
GH: 00257864 caribaeus Krug & Urban : Puerto Rico: inder Serillo et Salinas I. Urban 1885-12-9
GH: 00091476 carneum A. Gray USA: California Near Yreka E. L. Greene 796 1876-6-5
FH: 00259601 carnulenta Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire White Mountains E. Tuckerman
GH: 00217072 caroliniana A. Gray USA: Louisiana J. Hale
GH: 00031046 caroliniana Michaux USA: Texas Neuces River C. Wright 1879 1851-5-15
A: 00306888 carrii Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Central Boridi Carr 14605 1935-10-17
AMES: 00090418 carthagenensis (Jacquin) Braem Panama: Margin of Pacific Ocean, northwest from Balb... C. W. Powell 1
A: 00045674 catanduanense Merrill Philippines: Catanduanes M. Ramos BS 30515 1917-11-14
FH: 00079537 catasema (Tuckerman) Marbach Cuba: C. Wright 242 1861
FH: 00079537 catasema Tuckerman Cuba: C. Wright 242 1861
GH: 00057585 caudata Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Monte Leon C. G. Pringle 8687 1902-8-21
GH: 00065574 caudatus Kellogg USA: Nevada Near Empire City John Torrey 88 1865
GH: 00056941 cephalotes A. Gray USA: Utah Valley of the Virgin River C. C. Parry 179 1874-5
FH: 00972549 cerasi Castagne France: Marseille
GH: 00026708 cerasiformis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Oregon T. Nuttall
GH: 00954997 cerasiformis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Oregon T. Nuttall
GH: 00026708 cerasiformis (Torrey & A. Gray) J. W. Landon USA: Oregon T. Nuttall
GH: 00954997 cerasiformis (Torrey & A. Gray) J. W. Landon USA: Oregon T. Nuttall
GH: 00061634 cervina Greenman Canada: British Columbia Lower Arrow Lake, dry ground G. M. Dawson 1889-6-17
A: 00244501 chaneti H. Léveillé China: Sichuan Tche-Ly: montagnes de Ping-chou L. Chanet 538 1910
A: 00067588 chapmanii P. B. Adams USA: Florida Apalachicola, shallow ponds near the coast Biltmore Herbarium 5735a 1893-9
GH: 00112435 chenopodioides A. Gray USA: C. Wright 1707 1851
GH: 00112435 chenopodioides (A. Gray) R. A. Levin USA: C. Wright 1707 1851
GH: 00001591 chiapensis Fernald Mexico: Chiapas San Cristobal: 7000-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3201 1895-9-18
A: 01154799 chinense C. K. Schneider China: Yunnan Liang-shan I'cho H. T. Tsai 51252 1932-8-12
A: 00050320 chingianus Handel-Mazzetti Vietnam: Tonkin, Chapa P. A. Pételot 6360 1938-4
FH: 00220892 chionostomum Nylander Cuba: C. Wright s. n. 3
AMES: 00100369 chiriquensis Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui 4000 feet C. W. Powell 98 1920-11
AMES: 00104091 chiriquensis Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui 4000-5000 ft C. W. Powell 227
AMES: 00100510 chiriquensis Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui 4500 feet C. W. Powell 254
FH: 00258887 chlorophylla J. D. Hooker & Taylor New Zealand: J. D. Hooker 1843
FH: 00258887 chlorophyllus (Hooker f. & Taylor) Schiffner New Zealand: J. D. Hooker 1843
GH: 00415933 chochoco Schlechtendal Mexico: Nuevo León in montibus San Carlos J. L. Berlandier [2357=] 927 1831-11
FH: 00259233 chrysops (Tuckerman) H. Magnusson USA: South Carolina Aiken H. W. Ravenel 424
FH: 00259233 chrysops Tuckerman USA: South Carolina Aiken H. W. Ravenel 424
GH: 00062046 ciliata (James) G. Don USA: Idaho Parker Mt. J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3272 1916-7-17
GH: 00936715 ciliata J. R. Johnston Venezuela: Nueva Esparta Island of Margarita, El Valle J. R. Johnston 75 1903-8-30
GH: 00001154 ciliatum Nuttall USA: New Mexico Santa Fe: W. Gambel
GH: 00077260 ciliosa Rydberg USA: Florida A. W. Chapman
FH: 00220598 cirrata (Hedwig) Lindberg Spain: Granada Spire des Muleyhacen, Sierra Nevada, Spanien F. X. R. Von Höhnel 52a 1892-9-29
FH: 00783510 citriformis Speare : Hawaii Oahu: [no additional data] Speare
GH: 00001595 cladodes Fernald Mexico: Nayarit Near Compostela, Tepic E. W. Nelson 4171 1896-4-7
FH: 00213645 clavus (de Candolle) Th. Fries USA: California Devil's Canyon, Santa Cruz Mountains A. W. C. T. Herre 948 1906-8-8
A: 00045641 clementis Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Lobang, Mount Kinabalu M. S. Clemens 10374 1915-11
GH: 00001329 clinopodioides A. Gray USA: Texas Dallas: Dallas, Texas. J. Reverchon 446 1874-6
GH: 00001463 clinopodioides Torrey ex A. Gray USA: New Jersey J. Carey 1841
GH: 00043759 clypeata Lindley Mexico: San Luis Potosí "Ex convalli San Luis Potosi", in montibus S... J. G. Schaffner 508 1876
GH: 00001596 coahiulensis Fernald Mexico: Coahuila Edw. Palmer 194 1898-5
FH: 00079537 coccinea (Fée) Aptroot Cuba: C. Wright 242 1861
GH: 00091673 coccinea A. Gray USA: New Mexico N. Mex., Santa [Rita] del Cobre [mts. at the... C. Wright 1470 1851-8-18
GH: 00342992 coccinea (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00058119 coccineum (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342991 coccineum (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342992 coccineum (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
GH: 00342993 coccineum (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Texas [valley of the Limpia] C. Wright 41 (66 to B.) [Bentham] 1849-8-22
A: 00002586 coccinioides Ashe USA: Missouri Shrewsbury: C. W. Fullgraf 3 1907-9-30
A: 00016311 coccinioides Ashe USA: Missouri Saint Louis (Missouri): Near Chemical works J. H. Kellogg 1906-9-9
A: 00016834 coccinioides Ashe USA: Missouri Barretts: J. H. Kellogg 9a 1907-4-14